MTL - Prehistoric: A Stable Life, Starting From the Journey To the West-Chapter 14

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From this fact alone, we know that none of the jinshi in the field is a simple person.

After half a stick of incense, everyone stopped writing, and then a maid from Tianyin Pavilion carefully put away the poems and songs written by everyone and handed them over to Concubine Shi Yu on the stage for appreciation.

And all the scholars in the audience also showed their expectations, hoping that the poems they made would be a blockbuster.

Of course, it would be even better if the fairy could be attracted to her.

It's a pity that this is impossible, because tonight's protagonist is Chen Guangrui.

Chen Guangrui invited all the jinshi again and again, not really to enhance friendship with everyone, but to make a name for himself.

As the champion, the best and fastest way to become famous is undoubtedly to write poems and lyrics.

Once a masterpiece is circulated at the banquet, Chen Guangrui's fame will not only be limited to Chang'an, but will be passed down to the entire Tang Dynasty, and even the surrounding countries, becoming a real celebrity.

Thinking back to the past, every time Chen Guangrui invited everyone to a banquet, he would find various reasons to express his literary talent and be publicized. Such a means of making a name for himself was too obvious.

However, everyone sees it without saying it, and still be good friends.

Chen Qi did not believe that among the other thirty or so jinshi, he was the only one who was smart.

Since no one spoke, it meant that no one was willing to hate Chen Guangrui for this name.

Chen Qi's thoughts were long, and he kept trying to figure out the twists and turns in this place, and was amazed at the methods of the aristocratic family in this era.

However, the fact that the scholars gave Chen Guangrui face and was willing to be a green leaf did not mean that other people were also willing to give him face.

While everyone in the field was waiting for Shi Xianzi to appreciate his poems, an angry shout suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Go away, a little servant, dare to stop me?"

Afterwards, everyone only heard a "bang", and saw a figure dressed as a servant of Tianyin Pavilion smashed the hall door, flew in, and smashed the two Jinshi who could not dodge to the ground.

The sudden change made everyone in the field stunned and at a loss.

The champion, Chen Guangrui, who was sitting on the main seat, stood up abruptly and looked out of the hall with a gloomy face.

He wanted to see who was coming.

This is not to give him the face of Chen Da Zhuangyuan, but to beat him in the face of Chen Da Zhuangyuan! .

Chapter 25 The cause of death of the predecessor, inexplicable anger and pity! (for collections, for flowers)

"Where is the madman, dare to be wild in Tianyin Pavilion!"

Chen Guangrui stood up abruptly, looked at the person who was making trouble in the courtyard, and couldn't help shouting angrily.

He was angry, he was really angry.

God knows how much he paid for tonight's banquet, and how much gold, silver and favors he put in.

Now it's good, and I'm preparing to show up in front of people and take the title of "poetry immortal down to the world".

Who would have guessed that a drunk man came to disrupt the situation, and his carefully prepared Vanity Fair turned into a joke.

What's so special, he finally invited these jinshi in the field. If he was beaten here, where would he put Chen Guangrui's face?

Will he be able to raise his head in front of a group of scholars in the future?

This is hitting Chen Guangrui in the face!


In just an instant, Chen Guangrui wanted to understand the pros and cons, and made up his mind to make the **** in front of him look good.

Although he also knows that those who dare to come to Tianyin Pavilion to make trouble are definitely not ordinary people.

But how can this be?

Not to mention that behind him there are Nantang Chen family, Chen Tang Yin family, and Buddhist support.

Among the new scholars present alone, there is not a simple one, seven clans and five surnames, large and small families, all kinds of in-laws are implicated in the interests of all kinds of in-laws, these forces are integrated, even if they are the Li Tang royal family, they have to eat. Can't walk around.

"Ha ha!"

The person who came was a strong man with a strong physique, and his burly body held up the turquoise brocade clothes on his body.

After he entered the hall, he ignored everyone in the field, just glanced at Chen Guangrui who was angry in the main seat, and then looked directly at Concubine Shi Yu who was sitting on the piano platform, and said indifferently: "Fang Yi'ai wants to ask a teacher. Fairy played the qin for His Royal Highness King Wei, and asked the fairy to move it!"

Fang Yi'ai, His Royal Highness King Wei!

After Chen Guangrui heard Fang Yi's love words, there was a hint of hesitation on her face.

Fang Yi'ai, the second son of Fang Xuanling, the current prime minister, is also the fiancé of the current Princess Gaoyang.

Of course, if it was only Fang Yi's love, Chen Guangrui would never be afraid and would go back without hesitation.

But adding another king of Wei made him hesitant.

Li Tai, the king of Wei, is the fourth son of the current Emperor Zhenguan, and his mother is the late Empress Wende, Changsun.

Talented, intelligent, and a good man who loves literature, he is the most favored son of Li Shimin, the king of Tang.

How much does Li Shimin dote on Li Tai?

Let's put it this way, it is customary for princes to go to fiefs when they reach adulthood, and not to stay in Gyeonggi for long, but Li Tai, because of Taizong's preference, was granted "no official".

In addition, Li Shimin also allowed Li Tai to set up a literature hall in the mansion, allowing him to recruit bachelors on his own.

This also made Li Tai gradually have ideas for the throne, and began to fight openly and secretly with the prince Li Chengqian, and was favored by many people, thinking that he was more likely to inherit the throne than Li Chengqian and become the future ruler of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, Chen Guangrui couldn't help but hesitate when Fang Yi'ai raised the name of King Li Tai of Wei.

Fang Yi'ai saw that Chen Guangrui was silent, and immediately curled her lips in disdain, made a please gesture towards Concubine Shi Yu on the piano platform, and said softly, "Fairy Shi, please!"

Such an attitude means that he does not take the new champion and all the scholars in the field in the eye at all.

The other jinshi, facing the scene in front of them, were also extremely unaccustomed to Fang Yi's arrogance, and they all cast an angry look at him.

It's just that although everyone was very angry at Fang Yi's love's arrogance, no one spoke, only looking at Chen Guangrui.

With wearing a crown, it must bear its weight!

Since Chen Guangrui wants to become the leader among the scholars of the Tang Dynasty, he must carry this banner.

You can't be bullied to the top of your head, don't you dare to fight back?

There is no need to doubt, as long as Chen Guangrui confesses to Fang Yi'ai and King Wei tonight, the jinshi in the field will probably break up with him on the spot, causing him to fall directly into a scene of betrayal and separation.

After all, a scholar, not only has a good literary style, but also has a scholar who is arrogant, how can he admit it.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on Chen Guangrui and Fang Yi'ai, the champion, no one noticed that in a corner of the hall, there was also a pair of eyes, looking at Fang Yi'ai with a look of anger and pity.

The owner of this gaze is Chen Qi!

For some reason, Chen Qi had never seen Fang Yi'ai, but when he saw Fang Yi'ai's appearance, a surge of anger appeared in his heart involuntarily.

This is the anger that comes from the depths of the body, and the obsession after the death of the predecessor.

At the same time, pictures appeared in Chen Qi's mind. This is a memory that was branded deep in his mind by his predecessor, but not inherited by Chen Qi.

In the picture, it is the backyard of a temple with strong incense, and the predecessor somehow came to the backyard of the temple, and then saw a scene that should not be seen.

I saw a young and handsome monk kissing me and me with a woman. The scene was a bit nasty.

As an upright and disciplined scholar, his predecessor was about to leave quietly after rubbing the scene of see no evil.

As a result, who would have thought that as soon as he turned around, he saw a man in a green robe with a gloomy face appearing in front of him.

Then, the consciousness of the predecessor fell into darkness, and Chen Qi, who had come through, woke up in the dense forest outside the Huichang Temple and was discovered by the book boy Chen An.

Well, in this way, the cause of death of the predecessor is clear at a glance.

Undoubtedly, I saw something I shouldn't have seen, and then I was silenced.

And the person who did it was the right guard Zhonglang general Fang Yiai, who was still wearing a green robe in front of him.

Knowing that the man in the green robe is Fang Yi'ai, then it's natural to say who the monk and girl the predecessor saw.

This made Chen Qi's gaze towards Fang Yi'ai become strange, both angry and speechless.

Of course, more is mercy!

It can only be said that this guy deserves to be the number one green man in the Tang Dynasty. .

Chapter 26 The champion and the concubine collided, sacrificing themselves for the love of others! (for collections, for flowers)

"Hmph, Mr. Fang is so courageous. As a court official, he can't help it. He knows the law and violates the law without breaking the law. He also uses the name of His Royal Highness King Wei to force the people. Believe it or not, this official will directly participate in your book."

Facing the gazes of all the scholars, Chen Guangrui was also a little difficult to ride a tiger, and in the end, he simply turned his heart away and threw a large hat on Fang Yi Ai's head.

In the end, he didn't give Fang Yi'ai a chance to refute his speech at all, and directly bowed his hands in the direction of Prince Wei's mansion: "What kind of identity does His Royal Highness Prince Wei have to come to this place of fireworks? Could it be that he was coaxed by your Fang Yi'ai? ?"

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, as princes and princes, they are not allowed to enter the brothel and other places unless absolutely necessary, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Of course, the law is the law, as long as it is not discovered and reported.

No one would foolishly report a prince, or a prince who is deeply favored by today's saints.

Just like everyone knows that many princes and ministers will come to Changlefang to work hard at night after they are busy during the day.

However, it's fine if no one reports it. If someone does report it, then the punishment should still be punished, otherwise, what is the purpose of the Tang Law?

Then how can the Tang law be used to restrain the people?

Of course Chen Guangrui would not offend King Wei foolishly. After all, he was a powerful prince who was very likely to sit on the dragon chair.

But that doesn't mean he can't do anything about it.

It's not enough to just put the hat on Fang Yi's head.

Even if things got bigger and the matter of King Wei's visit to the brothel was discovered, it was also coaxed by Fang Yi'ai, and King Wei Li Tai was still innocent.

In this way, you said that after the incident, should King Wei resent Chen Guangrui for not giving face, or should he blame Fang Yi'ai for not being able to do things?

Fang Yi'ai couldn't help but change her face when she heard the words.

Although he was born with no education, he was not a fool. Even if he was drunk and his head was not sober, he could hear the potential threat of Chen Guangrui.

If you hear Chen Guangrui's threat at ordinary times and see things unfavorable, that's fine.

The key is that he was once again subjected to some unbearable stimulation today, and then received an invitation from the King of Wei and others to have a small gathering, which made him dull and troubled, and he was drunk to relieve his sorrows.

When the wine was in full swing, the King of Wei wanted to invite Concubine Shi Yu to play the qin but failed, and his face was worried.

Fang Yi Ai, who was in a drunken state, volunteered to invite Concubine Shi Yu over with a package ticket.

If he went back like this, he might be ridiculed by his companions.

Could it be that his wife's love could not offend the princess, the Buddhist monk, or even a small champion?

Therefore, after Fang Yi'ai heard Chen Guangrui's words, her face instantly sank, and she sneered: "I heard that the first-ever champion is very eloquent, but I don't know if there is any eloquence in the kung fu at hand, Fang Yi'ai is not talented, and I want to ask for advice. I would like to ask Zhuangyuan Lang to give me some advice on the methods of the champion."

Fang Yi'ai is not stupid, she knows that you can't use your mouth to reason with scholars, you must use your fists.

So he directly skipped the invitation to Shi Yufei without mentioning it, and turned to Chen Guangrui to invite him to the battle, asking for advice on the skills at hand.

"Master Fang is deceiving people too much, right?"

"Hmph, Master Fang is really good at calculus, why don't you say that you will compete with Brother Chen on poetry and poetry?"

"Yes, it's really shameless, it's just a face of shame..."

"I'm just a vulgar martial artist who doesn't know anything. What qualifications do I have to deal with the champion, I don't know what it means..."

"Hehe, Master Fang did this, does Fang Xiang know?"

"Why do you need Brother Chen to take action? Wang has also briefly learned two-handed martial arts, and it is not weak to let Wang learn the skills of Lord Xiafang......"


Fang Yi's love words came out, and all the Jinshi in the field suddenly became angry, and they shouted angrily to fight for Chen Guangrui.

Since Chen Guangrui did not admit to counseling, he is still the leader of this new class of Jinshi, and he is also an example of scholars in the world today, and is recognized by the Jinshi in the field.

If these people sit and watch Zhuangyuan Lang be humiliated and oppressed by an ignorant and vulgar warrior, then afterward, they will be discredited and despised by scholars all over the world.

Therefore, there was no need for Chen Guangrui to speak, and all the scholars in the field defended it, and each and everyone was full of indignation and scolded Chaofang's love. Only the second place and Tanhua looked a little ugly, and looked at the room with a murderous look. Love.

There were even scholars who stood up directly, planning to meet the court consort, the right guard, for a while.