MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 1948 Mutual protection

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"The war dean."

Ling Sibai greeted Xi Yang and greeted him. In his eyes, he was a respect for the elders.

Xiyang smiled and daggered, "Xiaoling! I heard that you are on a business trip, I will come over and send it."

"You can give me the thoughts and I will take care of her."

Ling Sibai's eyes are seriously guaranteed.

Zhan Sijin stood in the middle of his father and Ling Sibai. A pretty face was red for a moment. She felt that her father had deliberately sent off. She thought to herself that her father would not be warning Ling Sibai! She immediately looked at her father secretly.

"Well, I will give you the thoughts, I am also relieved! Her child, sometimes a temper, naughty, you have to bear more."

Xi Xiyang laughed.

War thinks that I can't help but think about where she is?

Where is the naughty?

How can a father say this in front of Ling Sibai?

In fact, this is the war Xi Yang is protecting her! Let Ling Sibai know that even if his daughter is stubborn and does something wrong, he hopes that Ling Sibai will be tolerant.

Ling Sibai naturally heard the words of the war, and his eyes fell on the side of the battle, "Dachang Dean, you can rest assured! I will take care of her."

War Xi Yang looked at her daughter and said to her, "You are too, outside, less trouble."

"I know, Dad, go back! Don't send it."

After the battle thoughts were finished, some shy hands reached out and pushed his father. "Dad, go back!"

The war Xi Yang immediately sighed, is this helping Ling Sibai's kid?

His majesty has not been enough! Of course, Zhan Sijin is helping Bai Ling, and his father is clearly aware that Ling Sibai is under pressure.

"Good, I am going home, you are going down the road."

The war Xi Yang had to listen to the daughter of the bush, walked in the direction of the home, took a few steps, and turned back and waved.

Ling Sijin's gift box, Ling Sibai has been placed behind the car, war thoughts finished sending his father to leave, she was happy to open the door and sit on the passenger seat.

There are more than 400 kilometers from here to neighboring provinces! On this road, she was looking forward to getting along with them.

"Let's go!"

Zhan Sijin smiled at his eyes.

Ling Sibai reached out and gratefully touched her back. He could feel the maintenance of her in front of her father.

The war thinks like a well-behaved cat, squatting in the palm of his hand.

Ling Sibai smiled and took back his hand, elegantly turning the steering wheel. This time, the business trip, the task is not heavy, more is the travel time of the two of them.

The white off-road vehicle, calmly heading for the highway, went straight to the nearby high-speed intersection.

"You are tired, change me."

War Si Jin said to him.

"If we are tired, we will rest and we will not hurry."

Ling Sibai did not have the heart to let her drive.

Driving is still a very tiring thing.

"it is good!"

War Si Jin looked forward and said, "As long as you are with you, you can do anything."

Ling Sibai’s heart is warm, and this sentence is what he wants to say. It’s meaningful to be with her.

Along the way, listening to the light songs, enjoying the scenery outside the window, the time is wonderful.

War Sijin began to entangle him to listen to the royal case in foreign countries, as the first hero to solve the case in the past, listen to him personally explain, then there is something exciting.

Ling Sibai did not conceal, just as he needed to teach her forensic experience, and it was very detailed. The war thinks carefully and remembers the main points in his words.

Along the way, Ling Sibai told her about the case. For Warsijin, who is also interested in the case, there is nothing more interesting than the two.

Arrived at a service station, two people parked and rested, as a pair of high-value couples, wherever they go, they will be the eyes.

Ling Sibai Junmei's figure is superficial, with a jade carving-like facial features, high cold temperament, people dare not talk freely, but the girl around him, sweet and beautiful, it is exciting.

Sitting in the lounge of the service station, two people became the focus of attention.

War Sijin went to buy water, and the girl who asked for the cash couldn't help but ask her, "That is your boyfriend! Really handsome! Is it a star!"

War thinks that she can't help but laugh. She looks back at the man who is sitting in the crowd and looks extraordinarily extravagant. It is like the noble young master in the novel. It is also a mistake to think that the star looks good and beautiful.

"He is not, we are just ordinary people."

"What is your boyfriend doing!"

The girl is full of eyes, as if she is inquiring, she is happy.

"We both are practicing medicine."

The battle of Jin Jin naturally answered.

This time, the girl's eyes are full of shock, such a beautiful couple, turned out to be a forensic doctor?

Unexpected career! "Bad boy, dare to block my way?

Long without long eyes. ”

In the direction of the door, I only heard a very loud voice.

I saw a seven-year-old boy being kicked on the ground and scared to cry.

After seeing the war, I immediately put down the things and walked over to help the little boy. "Children, what about your family?"

The little boy was obviously kicked and hurt, crying with tears, and the thoughts of Jin Jin picked up his chest and saw a clear redness.

"So a small child, you all have to go to the feet?"

The war thinks that the angry voice is screaming.

The three people who came in, all the tattoos were tattoos. At first glance, they were bad people in society. Their eyes lit up, and the girls who looked at them talked straight, their eyes were beautiful, pure and pure girls! The eyes of the three of them looked at the body of the battle, and looked at the child who was still crying, crying that they were upset and immediately wanted to come over and push the mind to immediately reach out. "No more touching him."

"Hey! Chick, what do you mean, don't touch him, let us touch you?"

After that, one hand will touch the face of Si Jin.

However, this dirty hand had not touched the face of Zhan Sijin, and was buckled by the palm of a man's hand. The backhand twisted and only heard the bones squeaking.

The smack immediately screamed, "Oh... let go, let go... it broke!"

"Dare to touch my woman, you also match."

Just smell a cold! The mix was sore and his face was twisted. When he turned back, he saw the person holding him, the man who was gloomy like water, and his anger was obvious.

At this time, the child's parents came over and watched their son hurt, but when they saw that the group was not irritated, they left the child with their children.

When Zhan Sijin saw the child being picked up by her parents, she breathed a sigh of relief and went to Ling Sibai. "Forget it, let him go!"

Ling Sibai let go, the man's hand has been twisted and dislocated, and he is so angry.

Ling Sibai turned and took the battle to think about it. I saw that the man suddenly made a fuss, and took a knife from his pocket and squatted behind Ling Sibai.

Ling Sibai did not seem to be inspected, but he turned his back on a man's hand holding a knife. He turned back and looked at the knife in the man's hand. He was angry and angry, and she slammed into the gang. Chest, "You dare to hurt him to try!"

This foot, until the smashing out of the two meters, stunned! Ling Sibai also took his knife in his hand and stared at the man coldly. "Want to eat a rice?"

The three gangsters immediately rolled off from the side, obviously, the two young people are not irritated.