MTL - President Daddy Super Awesome-Chapter 1953 His pursuer

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Ling Sibai's car drove to the parking lot in the unit. At this moment, it was only five minutes before he started the class. Ling Sibai and Zhan Sijin got off the bus and walked toward the designated meeting room.

War Sijin walked a little faster. When he was on the steps, he was accidentally a shackle. Ling Sibai’s eyes were quick and quick, and he reached out and grabbed her waist and took her to her arms to protect.

The whole face of Zhan Sijin was buried in his chest, and his face was red and bright, and there were people watching it around! Ling Sibai whispered, "Slow down, don't worry."

"No, we are all going to be late, and it is always bad to be late."

After the war thoughts finished, he took his arm and walked with him.

Ling Sibai smiled and looked at her natural hand, and the satisfaction of her heart surged.

After asking the direction of the conference room, the two people rushed over. Finally, only one minute after leaving the class, Ling Sibai and Zhan Sijin arrived.

Ling Sibai finely adjusted his breath and glanced at the girl around him. He knocked on the door and pushed in, and the battle thoughts followed him.

I saw at least twenty people sitting here in the conference hall. There are young and old people here, all of whom come to class.

At the same time, young girls have already accounted for half, some are young people in the forensic science department, and some are attracted by the name, who are forced to squeeze in to attend classes.

Warsi Jin has a designated back row position, and she quickly sat down to the position where her name was placed.

Ling Sibai's position is in the front row. At this moment, the middle-aged man who is speaking on the stage immediately applauds. "Welcome to the Lingda forensic doctor who came to teach! We have been waiting for a long time."

"Let everyone wait."

Ling Sibai’s low voice rang, and he stood up and slammed his head toward the person behind him.

I saw the crowd, the girl of the dozens immediately gave a loud breath, and the photo was already faint. I didn’t expect to see a real person, but I felt a charming style. Ling Shibai is Forensic doctor, but he raised his hand, but filled with the elegant temperament of your son.

War Sijin looked around and watched the girls snickering and snickering, while staring at Ling Shi’s white hair, in the eyes, revealing some kind of expectation and joy.

Obviously, it is like a dark loved one seeing an idol.

Among them, a girl named Lin Jing who is sitting in the second row is looking forward to it for a long time. She loves Ling Sibai’s love for the water, and she has never seen it. How many days and nights, I look forward to seeing one day and seeing real people.

Now, Ling Sibai is sitting in the row in front of her, the long and beautiful back, she is going to make her crazy.

However, everyone was attracted by Ling Sibai. Only a few boys found that Ling Sibai followed the assistant forensic doctor who came in. He was very pure and beautiful.

However, for the girls, the war thinkers can be neglected, she is too beautiful, there is still a sense of threat to them! Zhan Sijin looked at Ling Sibai as an object of love for the girls. Although she lamented, she did not have a worry, because she knew that Ling Sibai would not be affectionate.

Because she did not think about this problem, like her, in the face of the big temptation, she will not shake his love.

"Below, please let us know the lectures of the forensic doctors! Take time, we have a class of forensic medicine, but a class is worth a thousand dollars!"

When the middle-aged man on the stage finished speaking, he immediately stepped down and Ling Sibai got up and took the stage.

The pace was calm and self-contained. There was no tension in the lectures. Although he brought an ipad, he did not take it.

"Everyone here, everyone, I am Ling Sibai!"

After that, Ling Sibai’s girl who fell on the chair behind him, he sneered a little. “That’s my apprentice and assistant warfare.

. ”

Zhan Sijin did not expect that he had time to introduce himself. She immediately smiled and faced the attention of others.

This finally made other women feel her existence, because Ling Shibai's introduction identity, there is the word apprentice.

Ling Sibai's apprentice, how lucky it is! With this identity, you can approach him unconditionally! Of course, there is still an identity, Ling Sibai is not convenient to introduce here.

Ling Sibai smiled a bit, holding a black pen and began to write the course he was going to talk about on the white board.

The writing is just as strong, and the clouds are flowing and looking good. The war thinks about holding the chin and admiring the handsomeness of his boyfriend.

Ling Sibai’s class, Zhan Sijin also listened very well, and she took notes with her pen.

I bite the cap for a while, listen to it for a while, and at the same time, I will be ecstatic.

For example, if he thinks about what he said in the car, if he does not take notes carefully, he will punish him or punish her.

War Sijin had a sweet little smile, and the corner of her mouth couldn’t hide her smile, and she didn’t know that the man on the stage was already staring at her.

This girl seems to have decided to be punished at night! The important content he is talking about now, she did not even write down.

Ling Sibai thought, when you test her at night, you must seize this focus.

For other girls, Ling Sibai’s eyes are just a lecturer, the knowledge content conveyed, and no other extra feelings.

However, one of his eyes gaze has already made the girls here happy.

Lin Jing dressed up in fashion, she deliberately did not wear a work clothes, but chose a very nice dress, here, more charming than other tooling girls.

She hopes that her dress today will attract this young and handsome forensic doctor! She already imagined that if she could get his phone number, she would have a way to get close to him.

War Sijin has paid special attention to this girl. Her eyes have been staring at Ling Sibai, not taking notes, holding her chin, just like a real flower idiot.

Finally, after a class was finished, the time also reached eleven from nine.

Ling Sibai unscrewed a bottle of water and took a sip back to the position. The middle-aged man came to power and announced that today's class is over.

The people in the audience still feel the benefits, and some feelings are still unfinished.

"Ling Ling, I don't understand a question. Can you ask me?"

Lin Jing immediately seized the opportunity to take a copy of her problem in front of Ling Sibai, and seriously consult.

Watching the battle, the eyebrows wrinkled, she didn't like the woman who was too tempted. At this moment, she didn't like this Lin Jing very much. She didn't look at the serious students at first sight, just wanted to be close to Ling Sibai, especially her. Staring at the eyes of Ling Sibai, with a sultry atmosphere.