MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 476 This teammate is not good

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At this time, Conan has also dressed up as Haibara Ai with the help of Kudo Yukiko.

Then ask the doctor to install ECG monitors, tape recorders, rangefinders and other equipment on him.

After pretending for a while, Conan felt that his weight was increasing, and worried that it would affect his future actions, so he looked at the black cat who was overseeing the work next to him: "You must have the contact information of the boss of the organization. Is it necessary to pretend so much."

"Do the whole show. This time you have to pretend that I don't exist. This is a test between you and Belmod." The black cat explained patiently. I don't know if it was an illusion. Conan felt that he was in a very good mood.

After finally finishing the installation, Conan put on a loose shirt, touched a pile of heavy instruments on his belly, and sighed.

He is obviously a detective, why did he switch careers as an actor?

And from the black cat's point of view, the plan this time is to use Belmode's goodwill towards herself to get her to give up entanglement with Shirley.

Thinking like this: "...I always feel like I'm a scumbag who takes advantage of other people's kindness and love." Is there any black cat who teaches children like this?

Seeing that there is no problem here, Shiraishi plans to leave. Before leaving, he reminded Conan not to lose the chain because of sympathy for others: "She may have killed more people than you have killed."

"..." Conan looked at him faintly, not daring to refute, but dared to slander - open his eyes and talk nonsense, those people were obviously killed by Shiraishi...

After packing, Conan put on a mask to cover the voice changer. It happens that Haibara Ai has a cold now, and an extra mask will not be suspicious.

After getting dressed up, he and the doctor returned from Kudo's house to the doctor's house next door.

At this time, there was a tape recorder on the table in the living room, which played the daily conversation between Conan and the Doctor, which was used to confuse Belmod, who was monitoring here.

It didn't take long for Belmod to receive news that Kudo Shinichi had boarded and the ship had set sail, but the overheard conversation made her unsure.

Belmod pondered for a moment with her knuckles against her forehead, and suddenly had a conjecture. She changed into a new doctor's disguise and called Dr. A Li's house.

Ai Haibara's voice quickly came from the receiver: "Hello, this is Dr. Agasa's house."

Belmod asked where the Doctor was, and was told that he had gone out with Conan, and the voice in the background was a tape recorder.

"Haihara Ai" complained sincerely: "I don't know what they are playing, they have been playing the recording since just now."

As she said that, she pressed the tape recorder in the past, and the conversation stopped abruptly.

Belmod was relieved a lot. It was normal for Conan to respond. If there was no movement, she would worry about whether something went wrong.

So she thought that her baby coolguy really went to the boat, and she was ready to carry out her plan and start abducting the child:

"That's it, haven't your cold been bad all the time, so I want to take you to a big hospital for a diagnosis. I asked the doctor I know, and he happens to be free tonight. It's a bit sudden, but I can pick you up now. Is it? I'll contact the doctor, if it's inconvenient..."

It's inconvenient, so I can only break in and grab people. Anyway, there is only Xue Li there, which means opening an extra lock.

Fortunately, Hai Yuanai on the opposite side didn't know how to praise her.

The little girl replied sullenly: "It's convenient, come here. It just so happens that I'm bored at home alone..."

Belmod made a few polite words and hung up the phone contentedly.

After a while, the doorbell rang, Conan put on Haibara Ai's down jacket and opened the door.

However, it was not the "new doctor" standing outside the door, but Judy.

She greeted with a smile: "Hello~ I'm a colleague of the new doctor. His car broke down on the road, so I'll pick you up for him."

Conan looked at her with complicated eyes, but it wasn't because he was surprised that Judy appeared here, but because the black cat said that FBI might pick up people one step ahead - and FBI actually appeared.

This accuracy... Conan doubts whether the black cat is an undercover agent of the organization or an undercover agent of the FBI.

Either way, the secrecy of the information of this group of FBI tracking Belmod... is completely unreliable.

Conan pretended to be tangled, opened the door, and got into the car with Judy holding hands.

More than a dozen meters behind, Belmod, who had just arrived at the corner, watched this scene silently.

She heard Judy's abduction of the child just now with a bug, and at this time she also guessed what the fbi wanted to do, smiled mysteriously, and drove to keep up.

Conan looked at the car of "Shinichi Chiming" from the mirror, and his heart was very tangled.

In fact, after hearing about the black cat's plan, Conan has been thinking about whether to take the opportunity to be bold and get more information for his side. For example, Belmod seems to be a treasure trove of information.

- In the event of arresting Shirley, Jinjiu didn't show up the whole time. And according to the character of Gin that I heard from Haibara Ai before, and the movement of that organization to set bombs to demolish buildings... This is very strange.

Therefore, Conan speculates that these things that Belmod did may be done without the knowledge of the organization.

As for the reason... Maybe it's like what the black cat said, she cares more about Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan, and if Gin is summoned, this block might be bombed to the sky.

In other words, those in the organization who knew where Shirley was hiding were not undercover, only Belmod.

In that case...why can't Belmod just be sent to prison?

Previously, after this idea came up, Conan asked the black cat in a side-by-side manner why he didn't catch Belmod directly.

The answer was that keeping Belmod active in the organization can effectively protect Conan and Maurilan, and she is very useful.

On the one hand, Conan was a little moved that the black cat would worry about their comfort, but on the other hand, he felt that it was too passive. Human emotions are not forever, and they don't know Belmode at all, which is dangerous.

So I got into Judy's car, and when UU coaxed him into a kid who had been kidnapped in this fbi, Conan asked Judy, "Do you want to catch Belmod?"

Judy was startled.

After a few minutes, she finally sorted out part of the situation.

Although there are still many other things that I don't understand, I can finally answer Conan's previous question: "Of course, kid, we have already ambush."

"..." Conan was not optimistic.

Although I want FBI to catch Belmod and ask her for information about APTX4869... But after thinking about it, FBI's actions have been figured out by the black cat, and Judy's ambush may not be reliable.

Judging from the fact that the black cat didn't mention it, the group of people in ambush may have had a problem.

In the end, Conan still felt that he should take a look at the situation first and act according to the circumstances.