MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1226 ] Play with you, I laugh

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[No change yesterday, sorry ...]

No one spoke.

"Joke-" Zhang Li looked around at everyone except me, and laughed, "You are definitely joking! Xiao Chu, you are too humorous.".

Although everyone looks at my eyes, it is tantamount to seeing fools go abroad. It seems that I am a Mr. Nan Guo who is mixed in the band and is full of gangsters. 'Humor' excuses me.

They all understand that even if everyone thinks this is a joke, only me who made this joke is serious.

I picked up the menu on the table, flipped it over, and put it down again, and said, "I'm not afraid of jokes, I ’m a poor boy entering this kind of high-consumption place. I do n’t know English, I only know that word in Chinese, I do n’t know that thing, I do n’t even know what I like or do n’t like, I do n’t even know you, I ’ve only heard that seafood ca n’t be messy It ’s not only a bad thing to eat, but it ’s easy to get angry if you eat too much. I ’m going to be realistic. I ’m not going to do what I do n’t know, and only pick the most expensive face, let alone a few pounds or two. Do n’t know? Yeah, huh, Vice President Zhang, this is your oldest person. I'm bothering you to order. You and your wife are decades-old friends, and you want to know her taste. "

I made him not ignite things, and it was easier for him to get angry than I directly gave him something that was easy to get angry, but after all, Lao Zhang was Lao Zhang. Anyway, I had eaten for decades more than me and hid the knife in my smile It's impossible to lose to my hairy guy with his intriguing effort. He didn't quit, raised the menu, but asked with a smile: "Xiao Chu, how long have you been here with our company? The company will pay around the 15th. It's early July. If I remember correctly, even if you count the three-month probation period, you haven't received your salary for the twelfth month? "

I calculated with my fingers and said, "You remember correctly. I remember better than myself. I came to the interview in mid-June last year. I received an offer in the second half of the year and took a one-week training course in early July. Formally going to work really does receive a salary of only eleven months. "

Zhang Li's head, ignored my irony, and said, "How much is your eleven-month salary together? I'll help you calculate it. The monthly salary for the probation period is 2,050 yuan. Five thousand eight hundred yuan, because of good relationship and diligence, and often help your team leader Liu Xinlei overtime to bring children, won the love of their orphans and widows, causing Xiao Mo's suspicion, worried that you will be drawn to Xuedong side, so you do it At the end of six months, excuses for rewards, an exception for your salary increase of 15%, to 6,670 yuan, for you who continue to make big mistakes and not make mistakes, fixed bonus floating bonus can be ignored .. .Even if you have n’t eaten, drunk, or spent, how much can you save? I can order a table or a bottle of wine in this book. Is your salary for 11 months enough to pay for it? ”

"So?" I asked dumbfounded, but I was smiling hard, and dared to raise my salary once. There are such complicated stories in it. I'll just say, Sister Liu wants to subscribe to me, neither It may be that there is no movement for half a year after the salary increase, which caused my buddies to look forward to that expectation ... For Grandmother Zhang and Aunt Cheng, I know all about my monthly income, but I do n’t care much about it. I dare say that this side of me Ms. Zheng, who was reluctant to come in when I heard that I was paying for it, was equally clear about this. Perhaps they had the same channel for this detailed order-from the undercover Mrs. Duanmu who owned the sister Liu in the investment department. .

"The invitation to pay for dinner is a joke. The person who actually pays is surnamed Mo, so why do n’t you want my seven percent share to be given to Cheng ’s little girl, like a bigger joke?” Zhang Li laughed even more. Happy, said: "Do you think anyone here will believe it? The Mo family paid you for this meal in order to let you cut a piece of meat from me to feed Cheng's little girl?"

Lao Zhang laughed because he was flustered, but I still can't understand it. Even if I admit that I am for the Mo family, and for Xiao Mo to kill him, how is it different from him? Why would he want to prove it? I think that the meat that fell off his body did not let the surname Mo eat it, but fed a surname Cheng, and he should be lucky-compared to the worst result, I let him see that there was a second Bad results are selectable ... 'bad' and 'worst', how much is there to be different?

"Mo Dong is definitely unwilling, but being unwilling does not mean that he is unacceptable. To him, it is not the most important thing to whom this meat is fed. The most important thing is who this meat comes from. Cut off. "

Zhang Li was surprised, his eyes were panicky, and there was nothing to say, but he heard Mrs. Duanmu say, "Xiao Nan, not to mention whether Miss Cheng is willing to accept your wishful breakup fee. Indeed, you did these things for her. If you do these things, many people will not dare to offend her easily because they are afraid of you, but ... What about Mayfair? If Miss Cheng accepts what you have done for her, you can guarantee that Mayfair will not do this. Are you jealous of her? Or do you not know Phil at all? Did you forget it? Her mother is Wu Xueqing, a woman who loves money and loves her money, and can do whatever she can to achieve her purpose. You give things that could have been given to Phil Giving Xiao Cheng is like robbing Wu Wuqing of things that originally belonged to her and giving it to others. She has blown and brainwashed Mayfair. With her mind and ability, she wants to deal with Miss Cheng. I am afraid there are ten Miss Cheng. Can't fight it together ... "

"Just because I knew her, I was sure I could do it," I smiled complexly, and pretended to say easily: "Compared with the words" breakup fee ", Xiao Mo classmates care more, it must be The word 'break up', she doesn't like tassel now, the reason is me. When this reason disappeared and she was gone, she naturally has no reason not to like tassel-she has this kindness, and tassel also has that It ’s a charm. If I do n’t even have such confidence in them, what face do I have to make excuses for my care? Oh, and ... abandoned by such a rotten man like me, they must be the most understandable and capable. People who understand the mood of each other, so they are less likely to turn their heads at resentment. You are right, tassel is a silly girl who sees more things than wealth and future, and is not as ambitious and ambitious as Fifi. She I definitely don't like my breakup fee, but she will definitely accept it, because she can't leave Fangchang and must stay in Fangchang, so she needs such a reason. Like Fifi, she will feel that the reason why I leave , He is the reason, the other is the victim, they can not leave each other no matter, let the other side think they feel a resentment, perhaps they are the lips a lifetime rival, but they can definitely do a good friend of a lifetime ... "

Mrs. Duanmu did not speak for a long time, her emotions were inexplicably calm, but her round head was like a big watermelon just picked out from the bucket. She didn't say the water was dripping, it was black in the green, "Ink And if you do n’t want to, he wo n’t agree with you! ”

"He agrees and agrees, and disagrees and agrees, because this is what I deserve. Does n’t people die for their own sake or does he teach me? It is reasonable and reasonable for him to take me as a chess piece and ask him to pay. Besides, he only has 35 percent of the shares. You, his wife, Fifi, 22, 17, and 16 add up to 55 percent. He opposes having a fart. " Let myself be so great and shining, a lady who accidentally turned Miss Zheng next to her into a idiot. I hurriedly changed roles and tried to show my vulgar side, but the effect did not seem to be so significant.

Lao Zhang pretended to be calm and said, "Why do you think we must agree?" After that, he glanced at Mrs. Duanmu, both as a temptation and as a reminder to pour cold water on me.

"If you don't agree, your son has to go to jail. As for the wife, I don't think she will agree, but I can't think of why she doesn't agree. The wife is neutral and only cares about the smooth development and balance of power, if possible , Weakening any one of you and Mo Dong, her right to speak in a smooth way is increasing, not to mention, as long as tassel stands with his wife, it is equivalent to winning the support of Fifi on many issues To a certain extent, reducing the probability that family ideas and affective factors influence her choice will at least allow her to maintain a notarized and objective attitude on many issues. I think this is also the result that the wife would like to see, right? Zhang, but was also really puzzled by Mrs. Duanmu's overnight change, and said, she looked at her.

Madam Duanmu did not dare to look at me with a guilty conscience, and her eyes turned subconsciously to Zheng Yuqiu. Ms. Zheng, who was committing an idiot, just looked at her coldly, and her eyes were paired. The lady hurriedly lowered her head. Elementary school girl, um, about fifth grade ...

This is a good sign and it gives me more confidence in the showdown.

I need to emphasize to Zhang: I'm not kidding you, I'm kidding you, I laugh ...