MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1276 】 Alternative and crying

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[Half a yard, fell asleep, and opened his eyes, dawn. . . Sorry. . 】

"Actually, Brother Nan, you think too much ..." Wang Xiaomeng lowered his head, carried his hands, did not bend his knees, and kicked the air stones on the road while optimistic and difficult to hide his slightly lost tone. Lightly said: "I am confused, but I am not stupid, I know that you cannot like me, and I also know that girls like me are not worthy of you, so no matter what reason and what you use It ’s okay to refuse me by the way, because when I gave you the handkerchief, I was already prepared to be rejected by you. When you invited me and Xiao Meng to dinner at night, I already had I guess you will reply to me like this, but I really did not expect that the person who appeared in your house was not your real girlfriend Cheng Liusu, nor was he a sympathetic Xiao Yike, but a genuine Miss Three ... "

"Since you guessed it, why are you still ..." I was a little foolish, half-talked, and then suddenly realized that it was not the same as admitting my motive of "thank you as a guise, but refuse to be true"?

"Since you guessed that you would reject me, why do you want to come over?" Wang Xiaomeng looked at me with a tilted head and smiled: "Isn't everyone like this? I know it's impossible, but I still have a little expectation and fantasy I succeeded, encountered an unbelievable happiness fairy tale, and at the same time rationally comforted myself, but failed, it is just a normal reality, but even so, in the face of reality, I still can't help losing, after all, this means With the disillusionment of a wish ... Hee hee, it is also a pity to wake up to a dream, isn't it? "

I couldn't answer, "Sorry, I ... have hurt you?"

Rather than being full of apologies, I would be more ashamed of my stupid self. Wang Xiaomeng had long guessed that I would reject her, and even guessed that I wanted to decline her and the way to decline her, but before that, I was proud of it. How thoughtful I think about it ... am I a pig? It's not as good as a pig, at least a stupid pig won't be smart on its own!

"No, don't think so," Wang Xiaomeng said busyly. "If I feel hurt, the person who hurt me can only be myself. Whoever keeps me bullying Xiao Yike, who Let us meet you for the first time and I have left a bad impression on you? Today I also confessed to you because of my dreams, but also because of my unrealistic illusions. .. eh? Is n’t it a bit of a suspicion to pretend to be saying this? But do n’t you sympathize with me, Xiao Yico should have told you? The queen of Xiao Meng is extremely proud and extremely strong. What people hate most is pity. "

Xiao Yao accurately said Wang Xiaomeng's “awful horror”. She worked hard to not lose to her, and made rapid progress. She chased her all the way through the key high school, entered Beitian University, and even gave up Tsinghua Peking University. Moe ’s motivation to work so hard is based on creating a bully who can bully Xiao Fairy, but he can barely make sense, but the problem is, since the high school era, the fairies have turned over, and Wang Xiaomeng was bullied. that one...

Although it is hard to say what is the advantage to compare with Xiao Xiao Fairy, she is extremely arrogant and very strong, but it is also because of this, I can't bear the old face's hotness, and I am ashamed to hold the lamppost and hit it to death-Wang Xiao Of course, Meng knows that there is nothing to show off for this 'merit'. She even made me unhappy because she emphasized her relationship with Xiao Fairy, but she bragged a little, unless I was too slow or really stupid. Already, otherwise how could she not understand that she was trying to solve me by mocking herself?

"You are indeed a stronger girl than I thought." I reached out my hand and touched Wang Xiaomeng's head.

Wang Xiaomeng laughed and said, "I also want to thank brother Nan, you, my parents, my uncle, and even Wang Jie and Xiaomeng, don't quite believe that my current change is because I was preached by you in the hospital. I thought I was wrong and thought that I was too scared to get out of the shadow of being attacked by the sand boat, so my behavior was abnormal. Recently I was still discussing whether to get me a psychologist. Hee hee, I ca n’t blame them for being suspicious. It ’s messy to care, and I ’m really too stubborn and stubborn in the past. I ca n’t hear anyone who tells me the truth. Suddenly they become good girls. They must not be able to adapt ... but I still I think it's not hard to understand what I'm listening to you, because I saved your life, so you have the right to 'hand-paint' my life. "

"I didn't save you for pointing at your life, or even being noble," I shook my head and smiled. "The sand boat came to me. I just don't want you to be implicated by innocent people. You can be thankful. I am very happy, but you really do n’t need to feel that you owe me anything. People are creatures with self-will. Everyone has everyone ’s understanding and pursuit of happiness, so your life belongs only to you. I say What is it is an opinion and a reference, but it may not be the truth, nor is it an order. Oh, I have neither the interest to enslave others, nor the courage to carry the lives of others on my shoulders. The hero is compelled to smash into helplessness. The title on the head, in essence, I am still a hard-working grassroots man who earns a lot of money every day in order to live nine to five, and it is no different from most people in this city. "

"It doesn't matter that the truth is commanded," Wang Xiaomeng blushed, timidly: "I reflect and change, just want to be like you like Xiao Yike, not like I hate you before Girl ... "

Uh ...

It has become the topic and atmosphere that I am least adept at dealing with. I used to be quite anxious, but now I can only clumsyly pretend that my ears are not sensitive enough, and ask stupidly: "What do you say?"

Wang Xiaomeng didn't let me down, but it wasn't shy, just understanding, don't want to embarrass me and embarrass me, said with a gentle smile, "Nothing, that is, your words, I will definitely listen, of course, no All, but I think I will listen to what I think is right, I think it is wrong ... I may not listen. "

I nodded, and I wasn't sure whether I was agreeing or grateful. "It's right to think so."

"So you might be disappointed ..."

"Huh?" I froze, not knowing what to say.

Wang Xiaomeng reached out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned up a number, raised his arm high, facing Mingyue, leaned towards the beautiful face, and asked me with a sweet smile: "Brother Nan, you said that Miss Three invited me Why did I go to her company for a part-time job internship during the holidays? This number is not ordinary. Even if it's not Miss Three herself, it must be her closest person ... "

"How do you know?" I was surprised by the snack, and Gein Zheng Yuqiu's phone also has the strong style of driving a sports car but living in a farmhouse. The mobile phone diamond is very rich, but the number is ordinary. Pretty number, so when Miss Three asked Wang Xiaomeng to remember the phone, Rao was me with good memory. After thinking about it for a long time, she remembered that it was her mobile phone number, "Is this number average?"

"Because it is so ordinary, it is not normal to report it from Miss Three," Wang Xiaomeng said. "A person like Miss Three is not bored enough to deliberately remember a small person so ordinary mobile phone number Right? Since she can blurt out, it proves that she is very familiar with this number, not her own, or someone she often contacts, and someone who can often contact Miss Three, so she must be her closest person? "

Although Wang Xiaomeng's reasoning is not very reliable, but I still secretly sighed that the father of a tiger has no dog girl ...

"Long summer vacation, she not only arranged for me to work, but also arranged for me to work under the eyelids of myself or my dear ones. Is this intention too obvious?" Wang Xiaomeng raised her mouth, resentful, but smiled Yi, said: "Brother Nan, you encourage me and agree with her, don't you really know what she means?"

I sent the problem girl Wang Xiaomeng to the problem woman Zheng Yuqiu, I really do n’t know her intention ...

Without waiting for me to speak, Wang Xiaomeng asked and answered, "It's to find something for me to do so that I can stay away from you and monitor me by the way."

"Watch you?" I don't have enough brains.

Wang Xiaomeng didn't answer, and continued, "If she really can't cook, she won't show me the knife on purpose? Is it so obvious that she obviously doesn't welcome me, the fox spirit who has a bad heart for you, In her capacity, she is too young. "

Now that I have given up explaining the fact that Miss Three does not cook, I'm more curious, can't you think of an IQ of 160? After showing such a sturdy knife, it is hard to believe that she does not understand cooking ...

But for Wang Xiaomeng's feelings, I still have to say, "Well, no matter what you do, there are always times when you can't function properly ..."

"So I'm very happy, and I'm very happy to eat." We have reached the intersection of the main road of the community during the talk. The street lights here are on. Wang Xiaomeng stopped, under the lights, smiled like a flower, with an accented tone. Said: "Is she sending, waving, losing, and acting because of me."

"Ah?" I didn't understand at all.

At this moment, a brighter light was dazzling, but it was Wang Xiaomeng who took the car. I was shaken a little and couldn't open my eyes. Then I heard Wang Xiaomeng beside me saying, "I saw a powerful opponent like Miss Three, I was very discouraged, but after this dinner, I unexpectedly found some confidence. "

"What do you mean?"

By the time I opened my eyes, Wang Xiaomeng had entered the car like a happy and dexterous bunny, lowered half the window, and grinned, "How many people in Beitian are qualified to be Miss Three's opponents? Maybe I have been valued, maybe I have been despised, but at least, I have not been ignored by Miss Three. In her opinion, I still have some threats? Brother Nan, you say, what kind of confidence is better than the opponent's Is identity more convincing? "

Self-defeating-these four big words popped up in my mind!

"No, Xiaomeng, listen to me ..."

"Brother Nan, you don't have to say anything," Wang Xiaomeng interrupted, and said, "You don't like me, I know."

I didn't care about the words, "So ..."

"So I will try to make you like me," Wang Xiaomeng said, "People always have a goal before they pursue it, don't they? You don't see Cheng Liusu and Xiao I love them at first sight, right? There is always a process before everything comes to fruition. I have n’t tried hard yet. How do you know that I ca n’t? With what you know about me now, do you even connect with me? You ca n’t say what kind of girls you like, so how can you guarantee that you wo n’t like Wang Xiaomeng who turned you around in the future? ”

I was so overwhelmed by her that I didn't think I would like her, but I was too clear that the unfounded denial would hurt her.

"You know, I have a girlfriend ..."

"I know, so Miss Three can only be a Primary Three, as well as Xiao Yike, so is your boss, Murphy?" Is this girl iron-hearted to jump into the fire pit?

The man's excuse is so weak ...

"If you do, your family will be sad ..."

"It doesn't matter if the subject is you. Without you, I would have been buried in the graveyard by them now, under the stele."

How unique is this girl?

As a last resort, I sacrifice a big kill. "Your dad said, don't allow me to soak you, or try hard with me."

"It's okay," Wang Xiaomeng smiled confidently, "I originally wanted to bubble you."

Okay, you are really different ...

I want to cry without tears.