MTL - Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith (Don't Mess with the Dark Princess)-Chapter 4857 This ... Is this all right?

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"What? What An Anyu?"

Liu Buyan not only did not understand it, but even more aggressive.

Li Moying sneered coldly: "Let ’s have a good luck with your boy. When we went to An Yuyu to redeem you, we saw an alchemy furnace that had been blown up by him. Your teacher recognized this as an ancient one. The weapon was just badly damaged and it was never repaired. But An Yiyu obviously didn't know it, so she used some means to get the stove in her hands. "

"I go ... Shimei, you ... Are you too god? Is this ... OK?" Liu Buyan really admired Huang Huangli, "the baby that even the Baize people don't recognize, you I knew it at a glance! "

Feng Huang Li said with a smile: "That also happened to happen. This alchemy furnace happened to be cast by one of our predecessors of the Holy Phoenix family. I have seen it in books and even saw the method of refining, so I barely tried it. I do n’t know if it succeeded. Brother, this shows that God is helping you and Girl Xuan, how can you shrink back? ”

It just so happened.

At the first glance of seeing this alchemy furnace, Huang Yanli felt familiar, as if she had seen it in the classics of the alchemy left by King Xiang.

Later, she took a chance to take a closer look and found the emblem of King Xiang.

This alchemy-level alchemy furnace was originally made by King Xiang for an ancient Ming Xuanjing Divine Doctor. It is said that it can improve the efficacy of Dan medicine by more than 10%. It is a miraculous existence. It is King Xiang ’s Prideful work.

In order for the heirs who have inherited his heritage to understand, he listed in detail the materials and techniques used in the refining, as well as the formations he used.

Because of this, Huang Lili had the idea of ​​taking the wreckage of the alchemy furnace back to try it.

As a result, things went more smoothly than she imagined.

Although the alchemy furnace was severely damaged, the core structure was not damaged. Therefore, the trouble of searching for the lost materials in ancient times was eliminated. As long as the shell was re-refined and the formation was patiently redrawn, it could be repaired. Mostly.

"However, my ability is still limited. The effectiveness of this alchemy furnace can only reach 80% of its peak. Brother, please make use of it, and wait until I think of a suitable method, and then rebuild it for you."

Liu Buyan just wanted to be crazy, "What's wrong with Bacheng? Bacheng is enough! Don't talk about it, but if there is a Chinese-style treasure-making alchemy furnace, I am confident that I can win An Yiyu. He is not Supported by family resources? Really, the understanding of elixir may not be comparable to me. "

This is what Huang Yan wants to hear.

She had no doubts about her brother's ability, and was even more worried that he was worn away by self-confidence in the cruel competition of the divine realm.

"My brother said so, I'm assured that I will wait for your good news."

In the face of such a big surprise, Liu Buyan had long ago left behind those feelings of self-blame and self-esteem. Not only did his confidence swell instantly, but he couldn't help but be proud.

"I was still thinking about it, Shimei, you wasted a top-quality treasure. It was such a waste for An Yiyu. Unexpectedly, Shimei, you did not give away, but you used the top-grade treasure to return the magic weapon! Really ... if An Yuyu knew, I didn't know what would happen to me. "Liu Buyan became more and more funny the more he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)