MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-Chapter 33 Turning point of fate

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   Wang Shouzhe made a drop of cold sweat. He thought of those hungry civilians. What would they do to survive when they could not buy food for money? Selling children and girls? Selling houses and properties?

"This means that the more food the family holds this time, the more they can control the situation. They can make up for the loss through other means and make the family stronger." Qian Xuean is indeed an excellent businessman, few In a few words, the follow-up of this disaster will be clearly stated.

   "The chief officials and the Zifu Academy will transport grain from other states and counties, right?" After all, Wang Shouzhe was an earthling crossing over, or he couldn't bear to see civilians suffer.

"Yes. But food needs to go to the counties to raise, transport, and sell at a fair price." Qian Xuean said sternly, "In fact, starting today, the Zifu Academy and the government have started disaster relief, but they want to do so in a short time. It is almost impossible to rescue the entire Longzuo County. Especially our Changningwei is located in a remote area..."

When he saw Wang Shouzhe frowning, he persuaded him: "Brother, brother knows that you are kind, in fact, brother can't bear to see this scene. But we have thin arms and legs, so we can take care of ourselves at this juncture. Not bad."

   "Brother Qian was right, I was a little hypocritical." Wang Shouzhe naturally knew the truth, and he was relieved, "Then according to my brother, should I let the firm pay me three times the contract price?"

"Brother, you have to understand. Even if the compensation is tripled, it is Qian's firm that has breached the contract. If it is not necessary, the firm is absolutely unwilling to ruin the reputation of breach of contract." Qian Xuean blinked and said, "I will give you a number and a mouthful. Only after insisting on 10,000 dry gold and 3,000 dry gold worth of food can we revoke the contract."


  Wang Shouzhe's eyelids twitched, Qian Xuean is more ruthless than him. Based on his initial estimate, the other party was satisfied that he could reclaim the contract at twice the price.

   The price has exceeded three times the indemnity. Among them, three thousand dry gold grains are more valuable.

"Anyway, you have offended the current treasurer of Qian's firm. It's better to just step on the line and offend a little bit more." Qian Xuean laughed, "Furthermore, Qian will not lose money even at this price. Can make a fortune."

   This Qian Xuean made a good point, but is it really good to kill his family like this?

As if seeing through Wang Shouzhe's mind, Qian Xuean explained seriously: "First, the Qian family is too big, and the indemnity of 10,000 to 20,000 dry gold is just a small amount. Second, I am a bastard, if you weren't there. It’s difficult to help me climb up in this life, even if it’s a little bit of kindness in return. Third, I very much hope that Shouzhe, brother, will become stronger, and your strength will be more beneficial to the covenant."

   "Okay, let's do it." Such a huge benefit cannot tolerate Wang Shouzhe's rejection. The Wang family is too poor now, and if there is such a huge capital injection, it will be an opportunity to rise.

"In that case, let Qian take care of this for my brother." Qian Xuean seemed to have a plan. "When I told the shopkeeper, we raised the price by 30%, and then bargained the price to give him some comfort. In addition. Brother Shouzhe also needs to swear not to publicize it. Qian's firm can't afford to lose this person."

   Of course, I don’t promote it, and making a fortune is the best choice.

Wang Shouzhe stood up and said, "So, then there will be Brother Lao. There is also a condition that the exterminator cannot be sold to the two families of Ping An Zhao and Ping Liu." For Wang Shouzhe, it is a good thing to grow himself. , But it can weaken the enemy at the same time, that would be great.

"Even if this condition is not mentioned, I will take it into consideration." Qian Xuean replied with a smile, "What's more, there are more and less insects and monks under this disaster. The Zhao family of Ping An and the Liu family of Ping An are only the last aristocratic families. It’s hard to get the share of the insecticide. Brother, congratulations!"

   In the eyes of the Ping An Wang family, both the Liu family and the Zhao family are very difficult and powerful. But in the eyes of Qian's firm, they were just two ordinary small families.

   "The same joy, the same joy."

   Both of them laughed, and the negotiation was settled.

   Immediately, Qian Xuean slammed the cup to the ground and snarled and left the scene: "Wang Shouzhe, you are too much. Really think that our Qian's firm is a vegetarian? You wait for me..."

   Then, he furiously took the two chilling guards outside the door and strode away.

   Wang Shouzhe was also quite satisfied with Qian Xuean's reaction and methods. It seemed that this ally did not make a wrong choice.

   At this moment, the second brother Wang Shouyi walked in anxiously: "Shouzhe, the Lord Qian has come to you several times in the past few days. Could it be, what happened?"

   Today's Wang family can no longer withstand too much storms.

   "Second brother, don't worry, it is a good thing for the family." Wang Shouzhe replied with a smile, and then changed the subject, "Right, how has the live fish equipment research been done in the past two days?"

When this question was mentioned, Wang Shouyi's spirit came immediately: "Don't say, Shouzhe, your idea is really unique and wonderful. Just spraying to increase vitality, pumping water and air and other methods are enough to change the storage and transportation of aquatic products. The industry is ready, and the initial results I tried are very good. The next step is to transform the carriage bucket and the breeding pond in the shop."

   "The second brother, you must hurry up and build more stilt ponds in this backyard." Wang Shouzhe smiled, "Otherwise Uncle Six will definitely come and beat you."

   "Yes, there are more and more live fish on the sixth uncle's side in the past two days..." Wang Shouyi said, "Fourth brother, I'll be out of company first." After that, Wang Shouyi ran out violently.

   Hehe, Wang Shouyi's initiative is getting stronger and stronger. This is a good thing. It is no wonder that the better the momentum of the family will arouse the morale of the tribe.

   Wang Shouzhe attaches great importance to the two clan properties, the fishing brigade and the fish stall. Originally, when the two were combined, the net profit on the book was only four or five hundred dry gold each year. But after his suggestions and adjustments, it was easy for the net profit to exceed a thousand.

   He is even confident that by next year, the fishing brigade and fish stalls will exceed the combined profits of the three major farms.

   To seize the opportunity to make a fortune by hyping pest control is certainly something to be happy about. However, the development of the family industry is the truly powerful foundation of a family.

   In addition, the three thousand dry gold deposits mentioned by Qian Xuean made Wang Shouzhe a little bit headache. Grasping food in a disaster year means grasping the first opportunity.

   But what is the concept of 3,000 dry gold? Calculated according to the current food prices, there are about 50,000 to 60,000 quintals, enough for a population of 20,000 to eat for a year!

   You know, the total population of the entire Pingan Township is still less than 30,000.

  With such a huge amount of food, transportation and hoarding alone are a big problem. In the major farms of Ping An Wang's family, there are naturally granaries. However, those granaries have stocked up some old-year-old grains, plus the reserved space produced this time, they are already seven or eighty-eight, and they will be packed with 10,000 or 20,000 tens of thousands.

   But the way is all people come up with.

   When the ancestor Zhou Xuan established the main house, he considered the future development of the family. There were only 50 yards for important tribesmen, and the rest of the houses totaled no less than hundreds.

   Most of them are empty, and it’s easy to pack up tens of thousands of tons of grain. In a disaster year, the safest place is the family home.

  The main house of every family is built in a place where the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the defensive force is the The food is put there to make people feel at ease.

   In addition, it was mentioned earlier that the main house of the Wang family was built on the hillside and the river.

The mountain is naturally the branch of Liuping Mountain, and next to the water is a small lake called Zhuwei Lake. This lake was named by the ancestor Zhou Xuan himself, and it was named after the ancestor Zhou Xuan’s most beloved prostitute Zhuwei. .

   Zhuwei Lake is not very large, covering an area of ​​less than 10,000 acres of water, but it is the natural barrier and back garden of Wang's main house.

   The most important thing is that she also has a river that was originally natural and later repaired artificially. There is a branch within a few miles of the river, which can lead to two other farms besides the silkworm farm.

   Among them, the main river of Fenggu Farm is meandering and connecting with Zhuwei Lake, and the total distance of twists and turns is about more than 20 miles.

   The upstream of the Fenggu Farm’s river course is the tributary gate that Zhou Xuan ancestor repaired, named Fenggu Gate. This gate is a water conservancy facility, mainly used to adjust the water level of the inland river, but because it uses a winch-type single gate mode, there is no way for ships to pass.

   But it doesn’t matter much. In order to keep the Fenggu gate open, it needs regular dredging and maintenance, so the water level is very deep...

   Wang Shouzhe quickly smoothed his thoughts, and immediately after writing two letters, he called Wang Zhong and Wang Yong in.

   "Patriarch." Both family members have good morale. Obviously they are optimistic about the future development of the family.

  Wang Shouzhe handed the letter to the two generals of Wang Zhong and Wang Yong to pass it on, and said: "After you send the letter, you don't need to come back for the time being. Stay there to help."

   After the generals left, Wang Shouzhe slowly drank the tea alone, his eyes surging, it seemed that his heart was not peaceful, if everything went well, this insect plague would be the turning point of Wang's deteriorating fate.
