MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-Chapter 41 See you! Longyan ancestor

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  ***【Family Industry】***

  【Fishing Brigade】

  【Changning Fish Stall】

  【Fenggu Farm】

  【Xingsheng Farm】

  【Xinmao Silkworm Village】

There are five items in total, and each item is followed by (click to view details). Naturally, Wang Shouzhe clicked behind the fishing brigade.

   page "jump" to the details page of the fishing brigade.

  ***【Fishing Team】***

  Small fishing boats: 9

   Medium-sized fishing boat: 1

  Shipman and fisherman: 46

   Family person in charge: Wang Dinghai

  The average annual income in the first five years: 606 dry gold

   Average annual expenditure for the first five years: 385 dry gold

   The average annual net profit for the first five years: 221 dry gold

   The average annual catch of spirit fish in the first five years: 400 catties


  Improvement direction: develop a variety of fishing gear mixed fishing operations


   Goals for this year:

  Net profit target: 1000 dry gold

  Spirit fish target: 1000 catties

   This is the simple panel of the Fishing Brigade, which records the financial data of Wang Shouzhe before taking office, as well as the direction for improvement and the profit target for this year.

   According to Wang Shouzhe's estimation, this goal is easy to achieve. After all, it is now in the peak season, and this year due to the insufficiency of food caused by the infestation of insects, as a partial substitute for the staple food, the price of fish will inevitably rise.

   For the fishing brigade and fish stalls, Wang Shouzhe's total profit target is 2000 dry gold.

   However, the only problem is that after the fishing brigade increases its catch, it is very likely that it will gradually destroy the ecological balance, although there will be no major problems within a few years.

   But this is not a long-term solution after all.

   For a basalt family, a long-term and stable source of income is the true pillar industry. The huge profits in the short term can only be used as a supplement to the family industry.

   Just like [Fenggu Farm] this kind of industry is a true century-old foundation, and it can even provide a steady stream of resources for a Xuanwu family for hundreds of years.

this point is very important.

There is no shortage of huge profits in the world of Xuanwu. You can pick up a baby with shit, or encounter the legacy of a certain predecessor, or encounter two high-level fierce beasts, etc. miracles, etc., these will make you violent overnight. rich.

   But what about after getting rich? No amount of resources will be used up, and only the foundation can last forever.

   Take Wang Shouzhe as an example. Now he is eighteen years old, at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Realm, and now consumes nearly 200 dry gold every year. According to family estimates, he could reach the ninth-level peak of the Qi Refining Realm in about 20 years. At that time, he was only thirty-eight years old, and he belonged to the age of the fight.

   Even if the resources of the 200 dry gold remain unchanged, it will cost 4000 dry gold for a full 20 years.

  Of course, it is impossible to remain unchanged. When he reaches the seventh and eighth levels of the refining realm, the resources consumed each year will increase rapidly. He also cultivated to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm at his current level, at least consuming more than 8,000 dry gold resources.

   Where do these resources come from? They are all squeezed out bit by bit in the annual output of the major industries of the family. Those family properties that can continuously produce benefits for a long time are the real family business.

   It is also because of this that with the current situation of the Wang family, there is no power to train the second Wang Shouzhe. Otherwise, even if the qualifications are slightly worse, as long as you are willing to invest resources, you can also create a young master.

   In fact, if Wang Shouzhe doubled or doubled, the investment of resources would not even be considered cost. It would not take him twenty years to reach the peak of the Qi Refining Realm at all, maybe fifteen years, or even ten years or less.

   This is the reason why it is so difficult for casual cultivators to achieve success. Casual cultivators have no roots and no traces. Maybe you can get a certain amount of resources if you are lucky.

   The casual cultivator who can cultivate to the Lingtai realm is either because of his aptitude and luck, or his luck is bursting to the extreme.

   Therefore, don't look at Wang Shouzhe's resources of more than 10,000 money, but it is only the total expenditure for several years under the current situation of tight family life. If you don't plan, at best, Wang will burn a fire, but the stamina is lacking.

  Wang Shouzhe watched the "simple system panel" he made, and his mind was also running fast. How to spend money on the blade is something he has been thinking about in the past few days.

   What is most lacking in the family today? Of course, there is a lack of a spiritual stage realm powerhouse. In this way, it can replace the position of Longyan's ancestor and become a family umbrella for a long time. After all, the ancestor of Longyan has never recovered from his injuries, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

   But are more than 10,000 gold resources enough to support a spiritual stage? That is naturally far from being possible. If it were so cheap for the powerful in the Lingtai realm, the problem would have been easily solved with the overall financial resources of the Ping An Wang family.

  Even, all the ancestors of the spiritual stage realm of the Xuanwu family will be flooded. Therefore, this option can be crossed out, no need to consider.

  All this money is used to develop the family property...

   Wang Shouzhe also pondered this question carefully, but how many ethnic properties can be developed with more than 10,000 gold? You should know that some industries that are called pillars are known for their large scale, long development cycle, and relatively low input and output.

   Just like Wang's Fenggu Farm, how much predecessors’ efforts and capital invested? But what is his normal annual interest? If the year is better, a net profit of seven or eight hundred dry gold is already pretty good.

  In the long run, it is inevitable to increase investment in pillar industries. But far away can't quench the near thirst, so Wang Shouzhe temporarily drew a circle on this point, waiting to be determined.

   Or, buy a lot of cultivation resources to supply yourself and supply potential tribesmen?

   Wang Shouzhe naturally considered this point.

   But there is still an increasingly tighter marginal effect in it. You let him Wang Shouzhe take [Xiao Pei Yuan Dan] every day, can he cultivate to the Lingtai realm for several years?

   Obviously not...not to mention the Lingtai Realm, even the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm is not necessarily.

   Even if he can spend resources viciously and cultivate to the 9th level of the Qi Refining Realm in just a few years, what can he do? Can the fundamental problem of family survival be solved?

   Even the young man with the best aptitude in his family can't do it, let alone other tribesmen?

   Sixth Grandfather Wang Xiaohan had failed to attack the Lingtai Realm back then. Although he is currently declining as he ages, he only stays on the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm, but he is no longer at his peak state back then. If he was given plenty of resources and confidence, he would also have the opportunity to return to the peak of Qi refining and once again hit the spirit stage. This was the fastest way Wang Shouzhe could think of adding the spirit stage ancestors to the family.

   But this resource is still far from enough compared to the resources for the assault on the Lingtai Realm. What's more, the mental state and physical state of Grandpa Sixth, Wang Xiaohan, can't be achieved overnight if he wants to adjust to a state that can impact the spirit stage realm.

  Wang Shouzhe thought about it, if the money could find a way to heal Longyan's ancestor's injury, save his life or something, it should be the most urgent thing.

   But it is very obvious that it is absolutely impossible to completely cure Longyan's ancestor with this money. If she could be cured by spending more than 10,000 dry gold, the family would have done so long ago.

   So even if she can really be cured, the cost of curing her will inevitably far exceed the cost of supporting one or more spiritual stage realm powerhouses.

   Maybe investing a lot of money is to relieve her injury and extend her life.

   Let's list it as a backup option first, Wang Shouzhe frowned and thought.

   I really envy those who have a real cheat system. Any difficulty can be solved by cheats. All you need to do is to laugh and play, and you can block the killing of the Buddha, and you can splurge at will.

  Which is like him, I have two money and I have to think about using it on the blade. It takes months to slowly cultivate and polish from the sixth level of the Qi Refining Realm to the seventh level of the Qi Refining Realm. At a certain stage in such a small realm, it is because of his rich resources and speed. Far surpassing others.

   But when I think about it, I feel that this world is quite real. The road to the strong has always been a step-by-step approach.

   Just as he was thinking about it, the grandmother Gongsun Hui sent the maid Xia He next to him, saying that the ancestor of Longyan had summoned him to meet.

  Longyan ancestor summoned?

  Wang Shouzhe was taken aback for a moment, and immediately mentioned his spirit. My ancestors have often closed the door in recent years, and I don't often summon the children of the family. Even Wang Dingyue did not show up at the funeral, which shows that her physical condition is not very good.

   Even the most favored Wang Shouzhe in the seventh generation has not seen his ancestors for more than a year. On weekdays, it is the grandmother and grandson Hui to take care of the ancestors.

   "Lao Xiahe girl." Wang Shouzhe was quite polite to Xiahe.

   Xia He hurriedly grabbed a gift: "Patriarch is If the Patriarch is not important, please let me see the ancestor."

   She is a person close to Gongsun Hui, she was trained since the age of nine and is now nineteen. Although he doesn't have the qualifications for cultivation, he is quite smart, literate, and proficient in nine chapters of arithmetic.

   Many of the accounts of the auntie are calculated and summarized by her.


   Wang Shouzhe followed Xia He all the way to the courtyard. The courtyard where Longyan Old Ancestor lived in seclusion is closer to Zhuwei Lake. In a short while, Wang Shouzhe arrived at the side courtyard named [Long Yanju].

   In order to prevent disturbing Longyan’s ancestor’s cleansing, the area around this area is forbidden by the family, and no one can trespass without the ancestor’s summons.

   Gongsun Hui was already waiting at the door of Longyanju. After the two met, she said in a crisp voice: "Ancestor, Shouzhe is here."

   "Shouzhe, come in."

   A calm and waveless voice sounded softly at the door.

   "Yes, ancestor." Wang Shouzhe took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and opened the door and stepped into Longyanju.

   This is a quaint courtyard with simple decoration without luxury. In the courtyard, some ordinary flowers and plants that can be seen everywhere are simply planted, swaying slightly with the breeze.

   In the pavilion, a thin woman leaned on a railing and watched the garden scenery. She turned her back to Wang Shouzhe, with long white hair casually draped over her shoulders.

  Wang Shouzhe's heart hurts inexplicably when he sees this long white hair. It was a deep memory from his predecessor. When Wang Shouzhe was young, he clearly remembered that Longyan's hair was only half white.

   It's only been a decade or so, and it's all white.

   Wang Shouzhe choked slightly in his throat, and walked forward to salute: "Shouzhe pays homage to the ancestor."
