MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-Chapter 44 In-law factions

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   But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. If Jiaolong Trading Company is not strong enough, how can it take the entire business along the Anjiang River?

   Such annual income must be an astronomical figure.

   With huge benefits, whether it is recruiting or cultivating talents, it is a matter of course.

   This is the so-called more powerful, richer, and richer, stronger. This truth is a universal law in any world.

   The boat traveled along the river very fast. After chatting with Wang Shouzhe and his sixth uncle Wang Dinghai, they soon left Wang’s exclusive water area. The left side of the river was a large rocky beach, and the right side was a steep cliff.

   The next section of water is the site of the Zhao clan in Pingan Town. To understand with Wang Shouzhe's thinking, it is the economic exclusive zone divided by various forces under long-term struggle.

   After more than ten miles of waterway, on the right bank is the Shanyang area, where the Gongsun clan's old nest is located. Compared with the small Ping'an Town area, there are three aristocratic families. There are only two aristocratic families in Shanyang Town. Among them, the comprehensive strength of Shanyang Gongsun is much stronger than that of Shanyang Cao.

   The marriage of the Xuanwu family is very particular, that is, to ensure that each other's blood can be reproduced, and at the same time it has the means of alliance and diplomacy. Generally speaking, families in the same area do not marry each other.

   Just like the Wang family, Liu family and Zhao family in Pingan Town, they are not married to each other. This represents a tacit metaphor, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and sooner or later they will annex each other.

   The same applies to foreign marriages, and it is not possible to choose two families to marry in the same area. Just like Wang's and Shanyang Gongsun's marriage relationship, they absolutely can't marry Shanyang, that is a big taboo. In return, Shanyang Gongsun would naturally not marry Ping An Zhao or Liu.

   Therefore, there are dozens of families in Changningwei, large and small, which looks complicated, but in fact they are divided into five or six in-law factions.

  Wang Shouzhe admired the looming scenery along the way, while sorting out some thoughts. The future development of the family, in-laws and factions is a factor that must be taken into consideration.

   Take the Xu clan of Changning as an example, now the Xu clan of Changning has a three-spiritual platform, and the most powerful ancestor has reached the late stage of the spiritual platform, which is not much better than that of the Wang clan during his strongest period.

   But as in-laws, the two sides still maintain a straight-line marriage. The main business of Xinmao Silkworm Farm is to breed mulberry and sericulture, which also depends on the Xu family. If you don’t talk about it, you can say that the purchase price of Cocoon is 20% higher than that of others. It can be seen that the Xu clan in Changning still cherishes incense towards the Wang clan.

   If one day Wang Shouzhe achieves the spiritual stage realm, how can he not recite the incense sentiment of Gongsun family, Lu family, etc.? Everyone may be in a state of despair. If you want the Wang family to become like that at the beginning, isn't it also a moment of despair?

   "Shouzhe, look at it, that is Zhao's fishing fleet." Wang Dinghai suddenly said.

   Wang Shouzhe swept his eyes on the surface of the river and found a fishing fleet several miles away, two of which were still medium-sized fishing vessels. More than a dozen fishing boats were laid out, but they looked mighty and mighty. It can be seen that they are better than Wang in terms of the size of the fishing boat.

   It’s no wonder that the three families in Xiaoping’an Town are currently the weakest of the Wangs. On the one hand, Wang's fate was ill-fated, and on the other hand, he would also "owe credit" to Zhao's and Liu's joint squeeze strategy.

   But as everyone knows, the Zhao family and the Liu family, once the Wang family collapses and perishes, Ping An Town will be the battlefield between them. From the fact that Zhao and Liu did not marry each other, it can be seen that they are tacitly aware.

   "Hehe, they still use the backward fishing technique of the fleet cast nets." Wang Ding was at the helm at the seaside, his mouth was mocking, and the superiority in his heart rose spontaneously.

   is no wonder, since Wang Shouzhe taught the fixed net moving technology. Wang Dinghai has surreptitiously set up 30 fixed kites in various hidden locations on both sides of the strait. Those hidden spots not far away from the kites have also built a particularly simple thatched hut for two fishermen to work and rest in turn.

   And those who use the seesaw principle to move the kite, fishing is extremely simple and light, even an ordinary minor can easily master it, and it doesn't take much effort.

   Fishing boats fishing on the surface of the river at night are more dangerous. Unless there is a special need, they usually leave the boat in the dark and will return to the port before dark. The flying kite can be used for non-flare fishing at night, and the shore is much safer than the river.

   The regularity of fish activities is that they will gradually come to shore after the evening, because there are more food opportunities on the shore, and the night will also bring them a sense of security.

   During the fishing season, just moving the kite with one bite overnight, if luck is very good, you can catch one or two thousand catties, even if you have bad luck, you can get four or five hundred catties.

   Thirty zither fishing spots, an average of 20,000 catties were caught every day for these two days! Two hundred catties of all kinds of catches...

   Therefore, for the sake of confidentiality, Wang Dinghai has stopped the daytime operation of moving the Zheng, the nets are removed, and the supports are flattened and covered with grass. When it gets dark in the evening, speed up the assembly and catch the fish overnight.

   Anyway, the catch during the day is much worse than that at night, so it's better to increase the confidentiality factor.

   As for the daytime, in order to cover people's eyes and ears. If nothing else, the fishing fleet should go out. It's just that during the fish flood season, the catch that lasted dozens of tons a day really made Wang Dinghai gradually lose sight of him, and he was thinking about getting more kites.

   When Wang Dinghai whispered to Wang Shouzhe to report this, Wang Shouzhe was also filled with emotion. The natural resources of this world are indeed too rich. On the earth, even those European and American countries that are known for their abundant natural water resources are far inferior to this world.

   "Uncle Six, we must pay attention to maintaining resources as much as possible." Wang Shouzhe was relieved and worried, "In the future, the small fish of the same species will be released."

"Well? These are all money, and there are more than ten burdens every day." Wang Dinghai's eyes widened, "Besides, if we don't fish, other families will also fish." After a pause, he felt a little uncomfortable. Without the look in Wang Shouzhe’s eyes, he had to say, “Shouzhe, if you really want to have an opinion, the one who asked the boatman to gather the small fish and throw them all into the Fengshui River, it’s our own stock. Raise the kite and catch more big fish back."

   "Alright." Wang Shouzhe knew the thoughts of the older generation of the family. They were too poor, and it was a lot of money to make more money. As for the advanced thinking of protecting natural resources, it cannot be reversed for a while.

   Under the condition of a faster boat, he quickly passed by two miles from the fishing boats of the Zhao family, and moved away from them.

   Departing from Fenggu Gate to Donggang, there is about 120 miles of waterway, and under the circumstances of smooth wind, it will arrive in only two and a half hours.

   Here, the river surface is more open, in the form of a large bell mouth, and the water pressure is slowed down. On the left side of the mouth of the Dajiang Bell is the endless stretch of Liuping Mountain.

   Liuping Mountain Range and the area behind it is a very dangerous zone, which is one of the dangers outside the uncultivated land. The deeper the deeper, the more powerful the various fierce beasts, even if the ancestors of the Lingtai realm rushed randomly, they may fall.

   On the right side of the river, there is a vast plain. According to Wang Shouzhe's observations on the map and the scene, it was judged that this should be a large alluvial plain.

   This large tract of rich land is the area where the famous Donghaiwei in Longzuo County is located.

   And Donggang Town is the farthest plate extending eastward from the Changningwei area, which is adjacent to the Donghaiwei area.

   Donggang has a very advantageous geographical location, with a natural deep-water wind shelter. Over time, this place has become a rich port with developed freight transport and concentrated commercial trade.

   And Wang’s in-laws, Donggang Chen, are one of the aristocratic families here.

   The Chen family has been mainly engaged in shipping business for It is less than a hundred years since its establishment, and it is considered a relatively young family. Moreover, its pioneering and entrepreneurial ancestors have long since passed away. It sounds as if the foundation is not strong, but in fact this family now has two ancestors of the spiritual stage.

   The older ancestor was in his early 100s, and the younger ancestor was only in his seventies.

   In addition, Chen Dewei, the contemporary patriarch of the Chen clan, has reached the peak of Qi refining at the age of 42. He is doing the final polishing work and preparations for raising resources. As soon as it is half a year, he will try to attack the Lingtai Realm within two years.

   Once the patriarch Chen Dewei advances successfully, the Chen clan of Donggang will leap into a three-spirited platform, and the foundation of the family will be more stable.

   A Lingtai Realm comes out every thirty years!

   It can be seen that the Donggang Chen family is quite good both in terms of financial resources and luck.

  Wang Shouzhe looked at the vibrant Donggang complex from a distance, and he was a little bit emotional. Compared with Ping An Wang's previous luck, he was a bit too bad.

   Fortunately, I now have him Wang Shouzhe.


   A ship sailed out of the inner-curved port. What is more unique is that it raised a huge clan flag, which is a golden flag bird flying above the sea.

   On the observation deck, there is also a semaphore waving a flag.

   "Shouzhe." Wang Dinghai said happily, "That is the ship of the Chen family in Donggang. We are asking whether we are the Wang family guests in semaphore. The other party should have sent someone to greet us."

   "Yeah." Wang Shouzhe nodded. The family had been dispatched to Chen to announce the itinerary. It was the etiquette for the two parties to go out to meet him.

  Wang Shouzhe guessed to be the young patriarch Chen Fangjie, because that guy is about to become Wang Shouzhe’s brother-in-law...


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