MTL - Pursuit of the Truth-Chapter 9 Quenching

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This small hole is very strange, the size of it is the same, after climbing out about ten feet, Su Ming saw the end of the front, the action slowed down.

Gradually, he gradually approached the exit. At first glance, he took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

Here is a fire-melting cave. There are countless conical stones hanging upside down. The epidermis is cracked. It seems to be able to break away from the broken form. The ground is dark, but there is a strip of red rock scattered, which is reflected in the brown. In the heat, the heat is several times stronger than the outside.

Not far away, there is a dark skeleton, the skeleton is about eight or nine feet long, so that Su Ming recognizes it at a glance, this should be the bone of a python.

On the skull of the python, there is also a bone corner of the arm, and the color of the corner is also dark.

Such a long python was never seen by Su Ming, but he had heard faintly heard from the Agong. Very early on, there was a beast on the Wulong Mountain, which was extremely ferocious. This python had a horn on its head and was called For the horns, the sharpness of the corner can often become a treasure in the tribe.

In the Wushan section, there is a horn of the horned horn, which is the inheritance of the patriarchs of the past.

"Is it a horn?" He glanced at the python's cheekbones and looked at his little hole, faintly having an answer.

In the sinking, Su Ming took a leaf of the herb from the compilation behind him and threw it down.

The herb drifted and fell, and when it touched the ground, it made a sizzling sound, and after about a quarter of an hour, it slowly dried up. Then he tried several times and finally determined the ground heat of the place. Although it was not weak, he could withstand some time, provided that he did not touch the red rocks.

At this moment, Xiaohong has already been intolerant. If he is aware of the danger here, he is afraid that he will jump out and jump.

Su Ming climbed out cautiously, leaping down to the bottom, stepping on the ground, and immediately heard a sigh of relief from his feet, a heat spread throughout his body, but he would not burn his feet for a short time.

After Xiaohong entered the fire-melting cave, he immediately sweated hotly. After thinking for a long time, he returned to the small hole and said that he did not come in, but flicked away, not only where he went to play.

Su Ming did not persuade, but walked forward with the codification, he could guess that this should be with the inside of this black Yanfeng, perhaps there is a place suitable for quenching.

Not far away, the front is empty, I don't know where to go, there are some potholes on the ground, the heat is more concentrated here, and even Su Ming has felt the burning under his feet.

He hesitated a little, his foot lifted the moment he was about to fall, and suddenly a heat wave broke out, causing Su Ming to scream and retreat again and again, his eyes narrowed and he saw a thick arm of flame from the front ground. A pothole land popped up, and the cave was instantly reflected in the fire.

Su Ming took a deep breath and retreated. It was only after the hole was pushed. It was only a half hour, and the flame gradually dissipated. It didn’t take long before another pithole broke out again. flame.

Repeatedly and continuously, each other continues.

"Fire..." Su Ming stared at the potholes, his eyes slowly revealing bright awns, and more surprises.

"There is a fire here! However, it is intermittent, not the kind of stable eruption..." After Su Ming’s surprise, he was indulged for a moment, and it was a pity that it was a pity.

"But it is better to find a better place from the top of the mountain directly into the interior of the mountain, but it is better than concealment, and if it is dangerous, I can leave quickly.

So for the time being, here is the first hole in my life! Su Ming looked excited and muttered and looked around again.

"There is a fire, and there is still a shortage of wasteland... I can do it myself!" Su Ming's eyes fell on the scattered stones on the ground.

"These rocks have not been incinerated into ash for so many years here. It is obviously extremely heat-resistant. It should be able to be quenched..." Su Ming scratched his head and changed the herbs under his feet. He jumped again and chose a piece. The big stone that looks more suitable, hesitated after touching it, but it was not too hot, just warm.

I decided to use this big stone as a material. Su Ming took out his own knife. This knife was very sharp. He was often used to polish it. With this knife, Su Ming used all his strength and cut it toward the stone. .

This is a boring process, but Su Ming has long been used to it, not the slightest intolerance, just in the slashing, he suddenly flashed in the brain, looked at the bones of the python that could not be seen in the distance, especially on its skull. Black corner.

Slightly sinking, Su Ming walked quickly, saw a half ring near the skull, and knocked on the bone of the python. Under this knock, he only heard the sound of snoring, and the skeletal bone immediately became broken. At the end, it fell to the ground.

In that shard, there is only a black bone horn that is not smashed.

"This corner is really extraordinary. I was just wondering how the python came in." Su Ming picked up the bone corner and made a stroke on the wall next to it. He immediately made a missing mark. This scene did not let Su Ming accident.

"I just don't know why this corner had to be drilled in from outside." Su Ming did not understand, took the bone corner and walked to the big stone, and cut it.

With this corner help, after a few hours, a quenching stone furnace similar to Wu Xian’s memory in Su Ming’s memory, formed in this way, even Su Ming made a cover, so that this can be maintained The heat is not scattered.

"Try it first." Su Ming looked excited, pushing the wild Ding to the places where they were pitted, pressing their hearts and waiting slowly.

After a few more hours, after a flame eruption, I finally got close to my own pothole in front of Su Ming, and a flame broke out.

It was almost the moment when the flame broke out, and Su Ming fiercely pushed the quenching stone furnace, which made the wilderness cover the flames that broke out.

Su Ming looks nervous, can quench, it depends on whether this waste can withstand high temperatures.

Soon, the stone stove was red, the heat wave was scattered, and the sound of the sound echoed, but there were a lot of cracks on the surface. Su Ming snorted, but after waiting for half a ring, he did not see the stone cracking. Only slowly let go of my heart.

"An hour... There is only one hour of time for each quenching, it should not be enough..." Su Ming confessed, he could say that he was trying hard to quench.

"You can do this!" Su Ming stepped back a few steps. Although he had an idea in his mind, he did not act rashly, but stood in a place where the ground was not so hot and hot. He looked at the potholes. It is a whole day.

During that time, the little monkey came and felt that it was too hot and left some wild fruits to run out again.

As for the stone stagnation, it also withstood the test. In the flame shocks of several times, there was no break.

"The flames of these small holes on the ground have some rules, but there are no rules..." One day later, Su Ming took the bones and swayed out to the potholes and quickly opened a gully on the ground. , connect one of the pitted holes with the bottom of the barn.

His movements did not stop, and he quickly retreated after six strokes. In a short time, when a flame broke out in one of the holes, it was obviously shunted and poured into the stone furnace along the gully.

"It became!" Su Ming watched the half-sound again, looking for the gap and then drawing out the five gullies. Continue to observe the whole day and determine his own method. It is a wide-ranging extension of the fire, which is to let go of his heart.

In fact, he also hesitated. The lines and connections of these gullies are not free to draw. It is necessary to keep the place where the stagnation is located. The flames should not be too big or too small, otherwise it is easy to have anomalies.

After all, in his observations, there are several times when there are several potholes and the flames burst at the same time. Once the connection is wrong, it is afraid that it will be dangerous.

After solving these two basic problems, Su Ming calmed down and followed the scene in the memory, in this black Yanfeng, began his life, the first quenching.

Eat the food, there is a monkey to solve, or Su Ming went out to play some small beasts, dragged here directly to have a fire, cooked and eaten. There is also something about the Agong of the Ministry of Montenegro. When Su Ming went out to hunt during this period, he met the hunting team in his own tribe and told the matter.

Time passed by, this is his quenching place, and sometimes there will be annoying voices. For half a month, Su Ming has already turned red. In the past two months, he has refining countless times. No success!

He is now the first layer of the blood coagulation on the practice, and has four blood lines, as long as he can get two more, he can step into the second layer of the blood.

Once on the second floor, in the imagery inheritance that Su Ming obtained, he can display the first mandarin!

For Su Ming, this is a dream, and it is also the source of power for him to continue to refine the pharmaceutical stone.

But the failure of quenching this month is to make Su Ming almost disheartened, but his stubbornness in his bones makes him reluctant to give up.

"I don't believe it! Xiaohong, help me to collect medicine again!" Su Mingzhong threw the compilation to the little monkey who licked his mouth at the hole and continued to refine it.

The monkey caught the compilation, grinned and turned and ran out.

One day, one day, one day...

Failure, failure, failure...

Until another half-month passed, this afternoon, Su Ming's head was distributed, standing in front of the barren, holding two herbs in his hand, all in red, one for six petals and one for five petals.

"Which one should be used..." Su Ming knew that there was not much time to think about it, and he slammed his teeth.


Seeking the devil should be a slow-heating book. The chapter is very big. If you can't do it, you will be passionate. The opening of Xianrui is even plain. This may be the style, it can't change.

Looking patiently, it will not disappoint the Taoist friends. This is the guarantee of the ear.

Carefully sample the volume of the first volume of the product, and then think about the title of the book. You will find that if life is only as first seen, sometimes it is not just emotions...

It was a kind of emotion, a moment after a few years, looking back, the inner complex... As we go back and look at ourselves many years ago, what will be the feeling...

The name of the first volume, perhaps not the text of the novel, but the Su Ming in your eyes.

Slowly, look slowly... and I slowly write...
