MTL - Qizi-Chapter 22 Point

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Ling Hao rushed back to the classroom, and the instructor who was in charge of the field internship was already explaining the precautions. Seeing Ling Xiao appear at the door, thinking that he was only late for sleep.

"How come? Go back to your seat."

Ling Xiao immediately got into his seat and just heard the instructor grouping.

"In order to train everyone's wild ability to survive, we will camp for three days and two nights in this internship. The tents prepared by the school are two people, so we divide everyone into two groups, eight teams for one team, and finally the whole team. Performance settlement results, this is the second teaching purpose of this internship - to cultivate the teamwork ability of the students."

The instructor took out a form, "To show fairness, we grouped according to the comprehensive results of the weekdays, the first and last ones are grouped, and so on. The following list is published: the first group, the hurricane, the hurricane; the second Group, Ling Xiao..."

Grab the fists underneath, and splitting into a group means that the next three days will be tied to the hurricane, and at night it will be alone. Recently, I don’t know why the hurricane is particularly alienated from myself. It’s very close to Ling Xiao, which reminds him of what he had said.

Those who don’t believe in the blood of the past will be attracted to each other, but after seeing the abnormal performance on the day of the hurricane, he should not be taken lightly. It must be completely cut off before the two people still know the truth. Everything is possible.

This internship was divided into the same group as the hurricane. It was simply a chance given to him. I thought that there was already an idea in the dark.

After returning to the dormitory, I couldn’t wait to access Tianyuan. During this time, he saved money and saved money, so that he could come in handy one day.

The signboard that sells everything is still there. No one has taken it away. Probably the locker really has the means to get all sorts of weird things. This time, only he can help him.

"Welcome," said the bear crane, who was swearing, and said, "I was a repeat customer. Is the information given to you last satisfactory?"

He did not talk nonsense with him, and he took the card straight to the counter. "I want to buy something."

“The people who come to me are all wanting to buy things,” the cockerel crane often seems to be very sloppy to the regular customers. “Is it difficult to come to see me?”

"You must have such a thing. If not, I will really dismantle your signboard."

"I'm afraid," said the crane, raising his hand in exaggeration. "Talk about it."

"Do you know that if you are already awakened, you must inject an inhibitor if you want to participate in a field internship."

The pillow is happy. "I have been awakened for thirteen years. Do you know if I know?"

"Very well, I want a drug that can make this inhibitor ineffective. No, it is better to make drugs that increase the secretion of human **** hormones."

"What you said is a principle, because the secretion of **** hormones rises, so the inhibitors fail, but if you want a medicine that is enough to make the hormone secretion out of control... I can understand that what you need is actually spring. | medicine?"

"What is that?" I have never heard of this vocabulary.

"This is a foreign language. Its purpose is the one you describe, but there is no such thing as spring medicine. The spring of aliens | medicine does not work for Tianshang."

He gradually thought that what he meant by saying this was no, his face suddenly darkened.

"However," the pillow crane turned a corner. "There is a catalytic extract that is very similar to it."


“There was a talented researcher who developed a drug that could provoke people’s fighting potential, called burning, which is a by-product of burning.”

"Ignite?" This time, I heard about it. "I have heard of this."

"The burning of sputum has very serious side effects. After the injection, the human **** hormone will exceed the standard. Later, the study found that there is a catalytic substance in the burning that will cause **** hormones to be excited in a short time, so the researchers put This kind of catalyst is extracted, and this has a mature burning."

"What about the extracted things?" asked nervously.

"That kind of thing is of little value to Tiansu people. It is generally treated as chemical waste. No one will use it. It doesn't make sense to use it. Even if it is an adult, it doesn't use such inferior methods to arouse feelings. Not up."

Push the card forward one by one. "You can brush away the money on the card. I want this kind of thing, I have to get it before the day after tomorrow."

The pillow crane picks up the card quickly. "One day, tomorrow, come to me to get the goods."

"You don't ask me what I want to do?" The squatting is very alert.

"I do business, I always take money, don't ask why, as long as you can afford it, I will sell it to you. As for what you do with it, even if it is illegal, it has nothing to do with me, and it will not leak out. Of course, my exchange condition is that you can't ask me how I got it, and I can't tell anyone that it was obtained from me. Is this exchange agreement, are you willing to abide by it?"


At the same time, Ling Xiao also carefully looked at a small glass bottle in his hand, which contained a bright orange potion, which he found while packing his luggage.

Just in case, just like this... Ling Xiao thinks like this, pulling out a small portable syringe from the drawer.


The annual field internship has finally arrived. The four classes of the tenth class are divided into two roads. Two classes travel to the coast, and the class where Ling Xiao is located draws inland.

Every bite is so excited that on the way to the flight tool, I will talk non-stop on the way until the excitement of the destination has not cooled down. The instructor has to spend a lot of energy to maintain In order.

"Quiet! Quiet! We are a militarized internship, not a picnic outing, noisy like it!"

He repeated it several times and the team gradually calmed down.

"Now start to name, class a classmates..."

The classmates of the four teams finally got their name. Hurricane and Ling Xiao were respectively assigned to team a and b. The members of team a were excited because of the strong hurricane, but they also expressed their existence. Dissatisfied.

"Although the penultimate combat power is not strong, but at least it is still positive. It is like a person, it is simply a negative value. I hope that I will not drag the whole team's hind legs." The classmates of the a team do not name the authenticity, others listen. I know everything.

"If you have self-knowledge, don't get involved, wait aside, or you have to take care of it. It's just tiring," the second person said more straightforwardly.

He listened to his ears and silently endured it. Now, when he is not concerned with anyone, he risked not to use inhibitors to participate in the internship. The purpose is not to quarrel with others here.

He slid his hand into his pocket and slammed the bottle in his lower pocket. When my purpose was reached, I didn't care what you guys said.

The instructor led everyone to the designated campsite, and the students selected their own places. Two or two groups set up tents.

The tent of the Hurricane Group was basically built by him. In order not to make himself seem too useless, he voluntarily arranged the interior.

The baggage of the hurricane was set aside, and the mouth of the bag was wide open, but I looked at it casually, and unexpectedly found something familiar in it.

He saw that the hurricane was not there, secretly took the spray bottle out and looked at it carefully, and compared it with his own pocket, confirming that the text above was exactly the same.

However, he quickly remembered that the locker gave him a special camouflage when he gave him medicine, saying that it was not easy to be discovered. It seems that the hurricane is true, and it is only the same bottle that has nothing to do with it.

"what are you doing?"

The sound of the hurricane came from behind, and the cockerel crane shook hands, and both bottles fell. He panicked and picked it up and threw it back into the hurricane bag. The other hid behind him and nervously turned. In the past, "No, nothing..."

The hurricane felt that his appearance was a bit suspicious. "Why did you touch me?"

"I..." quickly searched for an excuse. "I just accidentally saw that something in your bag is very similar to mine, so I was curious... I didn't mean to peek," he added quickly. .

The hurricane hurriedly walked over and bent down to remove the anti-bacterial spray from Yaotai from his bag. "What do you mean by this?"

Actually, I didn’t know what was in the real bottle, so I had to slap my scalp.

The hurricane thought of the next thought, and then with the guilty conscience, suddenly understood the seven or eight points.

"You have officially entered the awakening period, are you?"

"Ah? Um..." I know you, but I have to tell honestly.

"If you don't have an injection inhibitor, you dare to come to the internship?" The hurricane pointed out with a sharp eye. "This spray can only be used as an emergency, so you have to take it just in case?"

"I am playing!" Lie subconsciously.

The hurricane didn't want to entangle with him any more. "Whether you played or didn't play, I hope you keep a distance with me. I don't want to lose the opportunity of this internship for your sake. If you can't do it, I will go with it now. The team doctor will apply for a medical examination, and they will know if you are telling the truth or a lie."

Stepping back and timidly, I stepped back, and the head did not dare to lift, and the eyes flickered, which was the default guess of the hurricane.

The hurricane plunged the spray into his pocket and went straight out.

From the tent of Ling Xiao, you can see every move of the hurricane, so he saw it in the eyes. After a while, the hurricane also went in. The two people did not know what to do in it, but fortunately. The hurricane is coming out again...

When he realized that his move was like a perverted voyeur, the hurricane had already discovered him, and Ling Xiao had to pretend to look at the scenery immediately.

"Look at what," a slap in the shoulder of Ling Xiao, shocked him.

Ling Xiao turned his head and saw that the person who shot him was a thunder. "You scared me."

"The instructor is calling the collection, what are you doing?"

Ling Xiaoguang was distracted, did not hear the whistle, and then he went to the meeting point with the Lei, the four teams have arrived, the instructor began to introduce the training content of the first day.

“Today is the first day of the internship. We are warm-up training and adapting to the wild terrain. We have marked the boundaries here, marking the scope, and everyone can move freely.”

The instructor walked in front of the crowd. "As everyone knows, every creature has weaknesses. Different biological weaknesses are different, but one weakness is common, and that is the heart."

“Tiansu people are more resilience than other races. When necessary, they can even abandon some body parts to protect themselves. Even if an arm is broken, advanced medical equipment can help us regenerate. But the heart does not Similarly, our heart is as fragile as other races. Once attacked, it can temporarily lose its combat power and be fatal."

"Therefore, the heart is the part that everyone needs to protect, and it is also the part of the enemy's attack. Learn to protect yourself, and spend the least effort to kill the enemy at the fastest speed. This is what we are training today."

The instructor pointed to a pile of equipment on the ground. "This is a scoring device. Each person is equipped with a chest button. The red button on the top is the stop button of the device."

“Everyone’s initial score is 1 point. When you press the stop button on the chest of others, you will get all the points from the other party. The person who is pressed the stop button will only be out. The same is true for those who cross the prescribed limit. Points will be distributed equally to the remaining three teams."

"We have sixty-four people, the fighting time is three hours, or there is one person left on the field. As long as you have the strength, you can beat everyone on the field, get all the points, you can also choose to hide, for the team Keep your point and think about it, just look at yourself."

"Is there any problem?"

"No!" Everyone has the same voice.

"Now each team takes one direction, and when the lights on the scoring device light up, they can start fighting, everyone!"

Under one command, the members of the four teams immediately advanced in four different directions. The team led the team to a hurricane until he chose a relatively safe area to stop, and his teammates arrived in succession.

“Do we have any tactics?” The classmates subconsciously regarded the hurricane as a team leader.

As a lone ranger, the so-called tactics of Hurricane students are always only one.

"Protect yourself and kill the enemy."

The light on each person's chest is lit, and the number on the LCD screen jumps from 0 to 1.

"Started," the hurricane took a step and rushed to the hurried.

For his speed, the hurricane did not want to evaluate it. From the beginning, he did not hope to stay from the beginning, but he did not know which team was the first to succeed.

He just wanted to get around and walk away, and he listened to his mouth.

"I, I will try to protect myself, not dragging your hind legs."

The hurricane had already gone a few steps. After hearing this sentence, it was folded back.

"You really don't want to drag your legs?"

I gradually thought that I was valued, and I was brave enough to stand up.


"Want to contribute to the team?"


The hurricane raised his hand and pressed the stop button on his chest. The number on the screen of the scorer immediately became 0, while the hurricane jumped to 2.

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