MTL - Qizi-Chapter 34 Ground prisoner

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The prison guard looked at the people who had just been sent in and was picked up. He also shouted "Happy New Year" to their backs. The expected "thank you" did not appear. No one turned back.

Until they disappeared into the field of vision, he didn't figure it out. Shouldn't the knot be a happy thing?

Sitting on the back to the college's aircraft, the headmaster looked at the hurricane and the squadron in the opposite direction. They sat at the window from the left and right, and their sights fell on the distant sky. Just like a mirror symmetrical two people, look and act, the attitude is exactly the same.

After they came out of the care center, there was no dialogue, no physical contact, no eye contact, and the other side was there, but it seemed that there was only a transparent person sitting there. The friendship that should be there is gone.

Outside the window at this time, it was the first light of the Hua Deng and the star of the moon. The aircraft was silently shuttled in the night sky. It was the same quiet inside and outside, and even the power device was able to hide the mechanical sound as much as possible.

Ling Xiao has just passed the longest day of his life. There have been too many accidents on this day, even if it is meticulous enough to write a long story every second.

His appearance still looks calm and calm, unlike a deed that has just been completed, and this state makes the principal most worried. Although he does not lose himself like a beggar, the more calm the person on the surface, the more likely he is to use restraint to restrain his instinct, and this kind of forced restraint is likely to collapse when he reaches a certain limit.

This strong and stubborn teenager, the vows that were said in tears and words in the past, are still in the ear. Who can think of today, less than half a month later, the original vows between the day Was ruthlessly smashed.

The aircraft sneaked down on the apron of the Hollow College. It only took three days to leave the air, but it seemed to have left for three years. It changed not only the color of the eyes, but also the weight of the mood.

Three people walked off the aircraft one after another, and the two men who were preparing to leave were stopped by the principal.

"I know that you have already conducted a detailed inspection at the medical station of the military department, but it is still necessary to report it to the school doctor. This is the custom."

The two did not have any opinions to go, the hurricane was in the front, Ling Xiao was in the back, the principal looked at their backs, and this year's hollowing out has a tragedy, is it necessary to add another one?

Yaotai was originally preparing to get off work. When he opened the door, he slammed into the hurricane outside. When he saw the appearance of the person in front of him, this experienced school doctor took a breath.

"Oh, Scorpio," although I have heard such rumors, I still feel unbelievable after witnessing it.

She subconsciously looked for him. When Ling Xiao’s existence proved this fact once again, her mood was complicated to the extreme.

The hurricane ignored her shock and lifted her foot to go inside. The person behind me just wanted to keep up, but he was stopped by a word.

"You stay here." The tone of the hurricane was almost an order.

Ling Xiao’s footsteps were stagnation and he stayed at the door.

Hurricane once again red | naked upper body lying on the physical examination table, Yaotai made a complete inspection for him, compared with the health report of the medical station, his body has a significant recovery, has completely not seen the trace of injury . Although Tiansu people generally have a strong healing ability, it is rare to achieve this level.

Yao Yao took the report in his hand, but he always looked uneasy.

"Is there a problem?" The hurricane sat up and asked.

"Can you tell me what is going on?" The rumors have spread throughout the campus, but no two versions are identical.

The hurricane knew that she would know sooner or later, and she briefly rehearsed the confession at the trial.

"... When the alarm sounded, I rushed back to meet the big forces, but because of the unfamiliarity of the scene environment, Ling Xiao has been following me."

"We accidentally discovered the lab, because the door was written to study the forbidden land, and the idlers were exempted, so they were curious to go in and see."

"We didn't wait long in it. You and the doctor went. For fear that we hid, we overheard your conversation and know what is in the bottle."

"Ling Wei will steal it because of curiosity. It is not wrong to stop him. This matter is also implicated in you and the doctor. It is estimated that there will be military personnel who will find you for evidence and will even pursue the responsibility of improper supervision. I apologize for this and I am willing to accept any punishment."

The more the Yaotai is more annoyed, the two behaviors are not enough to describe, and they dare to steal things at the base, stealing such important items. She is even more arrogant as the chief executive of the base, and she did not even discover it afterwards.

"You two are really..." When she finished these words, she didn't know what adjectives to use to fill this sentence.

The tone of the hurricane is still cold, just like the other people's things have nothing to do with him. "In the internship, we had an accident and met Kui in the mine. The critical moment was injected with smoldering and saved us. life."

"But because of the landslide, we were trapped in the hole, and Ling Xiao was mad because of the side effects. The next thing is what you see."

Yaotai heard the mood here and turned from anger to contradiction. While hating the bold stealing behavior of two people, he was afraid of the situation of the two at the time. If they were not burning at the time, I am afraid that they will only wait for two. The news that the soul is dying in the internship.

I don’t know if they did it right or wrong.

"The military people arrived in time to save us, and the whole process was roughly the same," the hurricane explained.

Yaotai was so shocked that he couldn’t speak for a long time.

“The reason why Tiansu people become stronger in adult rituals depends on a special substance secreted by the body. This substance not only strengthens the fighting power of the human body, but also stimulates the physiology* and devouring the human reason. The cause of the love between the two sides in the adult ceremony."

"The burning developer, my teacher, extracted this substance from the human body to create a burning smoldering, which can cause a level of combat power equivalent to an adult ritual to erupt within a short time after the injection. It has also eliminated the negative effects it has brought, and it can be said to be the greatest innovation of that era."

"But my teacher didn't stop there. In the near future, he extracted this substance to a concentration of twenty times the essence, and made it into the second generation, but did not have the opportunity to completely perfect it."

"This means that although the second generation will raise the combat power of a person to an unattainable height, it will completely retain its drawbacks. The negative effects attached to this substance will also be doubled. Give it to its users."

"That is, after the injection, * will swallow the senses, and the state of awakening will directly enter the awakening, or even lose control, which is what we call automatic triggering adult rituals."

"But if the second generation is injected, but there is no injection of purifying agent, even the adult can't resist the side effects of it." Yaotai can't figure out, "According to what you said, even if the military personnel arrive in time, it is impossible. Carrying this special purifying agent with you, why is it that he will be fine?"

The hurricane shook his head, and he did not know about it. It seems that Yaotai can only find the reason in Ling Xiao.

She raised the paper in her hand. "There is no problem with your medical report, but there are many things I need to explain to you, but before that, I need to check for Ling Xiao."

She opened the door of the nursing room, and Ling Xiao sat alone on the bench outside.

"Ling Xiao," she just screamed, thinking of his experience, the tone was softened unconsciously, "Come in, it's up to you."

When Ling Xiao came in, the clothes of the hurricane were halfway through, and Ling Xiao’s eyes rushed in the chest of the other side, and immediately did not open his face.

The hurricane was unhurriedly tied with a button, and when he walked out of Lingxiao, he was emphasized by Yaotai.

"Remember not to go, I have to say something to say."

The location of Ling Xiao and the hurricane exchanged. The instrument that had just been taken from the hurricane was received by Ling Xiao, but there was no body temperature of the previous person.

"How do you feel?" Yaotai's attitude toward Ling Xiao has never been mild.

"Nothing to feel," Ling Xiao tells the truth, if you have to use two words to describe it, it is numb.

There is no heartbreak, no anger and anger. Another appearance after the defeat of adult rituals is too calm, but it is also a harbinger of extreme danger.

Seeing the shape and color of the color-colored adult's deeds, Yaotai suddenly couldn't bear to look at it. He just turned his head and said, "Get up."

Ling Xiao silently put on his clothes. During this period, his inspection results were printed. Yaotai looked at the data displayed above without saying a word, his face was dignified.

"Dr. Yao, you said, I can accept it."

Yaotai discretion, "Your psychological condition is not very optimistic."

“Do you need to be picked up like a donkey?”

Yaotai’s eyes flickered. “That’s not used, it’s not that way.”

She put her hands on each other's shoulders and tried to pass him some strength in this way. "Ling, I know that your mood is very low now, very sad, but this is caused by hormonal disorders, you should not think that This is the real thought in your heart."

"Do you still remember it? He didn't really want to jump, but he didn't accept the wisdom of the time. He was closed in the world of his own. He couldn't listen to anyone's words, but that was not his intention. ""

Ling Xiao silently took Yaotai’s hand down. “I can get it.”

This short four words can contain a lot of meanings, because the points are clear, so it is clear that the idea at the moment stems from psychology rather than physiology. It is even worse to have such an idea.

"I know that you are strong, you don't want to bow down with people, but you are already with the hurricane, and only he can help you through this. His character I think you know better than me, if you don't Actively asking for help, the relationship between the two of you will always be a deadlock."

"I don't want you to show weakness, just hope that you can be a little bit, even if it is softened, I believe that the hurricane will not refuse you."

This time, Ling Xiao didn't even talk, but just shook his head and said that it was impossible. Yaotai could not help but hold his face.

"Listen, the hurricane is still here, he is outside the door, he has not gone, if he really does not want to face you, he can go."

"But when he stayed now, he said that he is willing to take up this responsibility, and he should rush to this point. You should not give up on yourself. But he also has his side of death, and he treats everyone with a cold attitude. This is also a character defect. You approach him proactively, not only to help him but also to help yourself."

"Your conclusion is an accident. This result is difficult for anyone to accept for a time, and the attitude will be cold. It is also true. But no matter what attitude is at the moment, as long as he is willing to stay, you will have Opportunities really eliminate the barriers and come together."

Ling Xiao shook his head. "There will be no such opportunity. The hurricane has someone he likes. It is the opportunity that I ruined him. He must hate me now."

“People who like it?” Yaotai is puzzled. “But he recently said that he did not find a suitable object.”

"I didn't find it. The person he likes is his former lover. I know he has been looking for it."

Yaotai slammed the anger of his heart, "The lover of the past life?" She nodded. "Do you know how many babies have ever dreamed of being with the lover of the past? This kind of beautiful 憧憬, almost everyone is There will be a nascent period, and the life and the world are with the same person, how romantic? Even I have done such an unrealistic dream."

"But now? Even let me know that it is my enemy to go to the last life, I am still willing to be with him, because this person I love is him. The past life is past life, this life is this life, these two There is no connection."

"I can't imagine that even people like the hurricane will have such an idea, but you believe me, no one will make this dream for a lifetime. Everyone will finally find the person who loves this life. The lover of the past life will Like a wish that is innocent and ignorant, sooner or later, one day will be replaced by true love."

Ling Xiao knows that the hurricane's obsession with past life is not as vulnerable as Yaotai said. Even the intelligence that cannot confirm the authenticity is willing to spend a lot of money to buy, and the peach core that is always placed in the chest pocket, and It is better to squander the smoke and smoke, but also to abandon the adult ritual, and to believe in the death of Kui--in life and freedom, he has already made a choice, but this can not be said with Yaotai.

Yao Yao is still trying to persuade him. "You have to have confidence in the future. Even if you want to be a former lover, this is a shameful thing. He will tell you that this means that you are not in a position in his heart. You still have Infinitely possible, let alone, you like him..."

One hand reached over and grabbed her mouth, blocking the sentence behind.

"No, it's not the case," Ling Xiao pulled his hand back. "I didn't like him."

"You have, the report says this. When it comes to the hurricane, your psychological curve has obvious fluctuations."

"I admit that I care about him very much," Ling Xiao interrupted her. "But that is not like it, it may be appreciation, hate, jealousy, or something else, but it is definitely not out of love."

Yaotai sighed. "The waveforms that you like and hate are not the same. Unlike any emotion, you can deceive yourself, but you can't fool the instrument."

"Your instrument is broken," he said quietly.

"My instrument has never been broken," Yaotai said helplessly. "Perhaps you don't even notice yourself. Your care for him, and your magnified words trying to cause him to care, all kinds of behaviors, have only one explanation. You like him, Ling Xiao, only this, you are undeniable."

There was a long silence in the medical room.

"My medical report, will the hurricane see it?" He asked with a low head.

"Yes, he is your lord, he has the right to know."

"Can you please tell him not to do this?"

Yaotai is in a dilemma. "This is his right, anyone..."


Yaotai seems to hear such a voice, she stopped to confirm that this is not her illusion.


"Please," Ling Xiao looked up and his eyes were faintly visible. Yaotai was shocked. Anyone who saw such a proud teenager would not be moved by the words of tears.

"I have lost enough face, please keep the last bit of self-esteem for me."