MTL - Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System-Chapter 358 Heart Attack 17

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Chu Yanxi lay on her shoulders, her scent was mingled with wine, and Su Xin had a headache.

Eat eat ... eat you a big head!

Su Xin told herself to be calm and to control herself not to throw this person to the ground.

Whether it is really drunk or fake drunk remains to be seen.

So on this good night, Su Xin took drunk Chu Yanxi to the bathroom and made an amazing move.

The towel soaked in cold water rubbed on his face, so that Chu Yanxi was awake.

"are you OK?"


Chu Yanxi rubbed her forehead. It was a bit unconscious just now, but now she was soaked in cold water, and she felt a little rational.

As for what she said just now, she certainly knew it.

I also thought that this was a good time. It would be better to pretend that the girl was drunk while drunk and get some welfare.

But never expected that Susin would do the same.

In fact, this is also expected, but Chu Yanxi originally thought that things would not develop this way, it was not expected that Su Xin's attitude was so firm.

Su Xin does not intend to have any relationship with Chu Yanxi. Although she has a good opinion of Chu Yanxi, they are also in an ambiguous relationship, but she has not forgotten her task. What is her purpose, and what will she greet after the task is completed.

Anyway, one hour after the task is completed, "Lin Xiaohuan" will definitely die.

Su Xin thought that she would face all such clients in the future, and her head hurt again.

Later clients were found by the system in the form of suicide ending their lives.

There are thousands of ways to commit suicide, but the reasons are nothing more than those categories.

Most girls commit suicide because of love or physical problems.

And their degree must be light or heavy. In Su Xin's view, Lin Xiaohuan is indeed very light. She would choose to commit suicide, only because the external stimulus was too large, causing her psychological breakdown Impulsive behavior.

If she didn't die this time, but was rescued, she would never choose to commit suicide in the future.

Lin Xiaohuan has very serious psychological problems, but if she can go through this obstacle in her heart, life will not be so bleak and hopeless, it is only her own psychological factors.

If she can look at the outside world more and make more friends, the situation may be completely different from now.

Su Xin didn't understand what happened to these people's love, why some people in this world can play with other people's feelings at will, and some people are stupid enough to give everything for others.

Su Xin is absolutely impossible. No matter how much she likes it, she will not do anything to hurt herself for others. Of course, it is not the kind of injury that matters, but she does not respect herself.

As a human being, you must first take yourself seriously, and others will take you seriously.

Suicide is simply one of the stupidest things in the world.

If it is not necessary, such as Lin Xiaohuan, it would be stupid.

In addition to escaping and leaving harm to relatives and friends, what else can suicide do?

People who don't care about you will only think that your death is irrelevant.

Lin Xiaohuan and Chu Muyu are just a scum and a scum. Abusing Chu Muyu is Su Xin's task, Su Xin can be soft.

Lin Xiaohuan's family, Su Xin would feel sighing and not worth it, but after all, it is just an insignificant stranger, and she will not have too much emotion.

But Chu Yanxi cannot be mistaken.

Occasionally develop, for the task, and for a little selfishness, this level is sufficient at present, and no further steps are needed.

The bond between them need not be too deep, and it is not worth it for Chu Yanxi.

"Then you can wash it yourself, I'll go back to the room."

Su Xin shoved the towel into Chu Yanxi's clothes, took two steps to the bathroom door, suddenly thought of something, and then returned.

"what happened?"

Chu Yanxi is indeed a little uncomfortable now. She was just embarrassed and rejected, and now she plans to take a bath to sleep.

"One thing needs your help."

"Say, what's the matter, I can't afford to define it."

"I hope you leave some marks here."

Susin pointed to his neck.


Chu Yanxi had some accidents, after all, she just failed awkwardly.

"Chu Muyu asked me out for dinner, so ... you know what I mean?"

Su Xin had nothing to hide, in fact she knew that the man had been following her.

Obviously they have lived together as Chu Yanxi would like, but the people whom Chu Yanxi sent to see her still exist.

It's just a peeping metamorphosis.

Anyway, Chu Yanxi should know that she and Chu Muyu will go out to eat together tomorrow, it would be better to tell her about it today and ask her to help.

"If you don't want to go out for dinner with her, you don't have to force yourself, just reject it."

Chu Yanxi washed her face with cold water again, so that she was awake.

Since the little girl does not want to have any relationship with Chu Muyu, then it is very easy to delete Chu Muyu's contact information directly, pull her, and let her never contact her again, so why not Do, but promise Chu Muyu's invitation to eat out together?

"It's not unwilling. You say you can help me. If you don't want to, then I'll go back and try it myself. If I can't do it, I can find someone else. "

It's a big problem to poke around your neck a few times to see if you can make a print. If you can't, then find a way.

"No one is allowed."

Chu Yanxi subconsciously rejected other possibilities that Su Xin said.

As long as the thought of someone else lying on Su Xin's body and leaving a mark on her neck, Chu Yanxi had a very dissatisfied feeling, even a violent thought.

Even if it ’s just a scene or someone else helps.

"I come."

"Let's go to my room after you shower, thank you."

"Do you want to make her angry or have some other relationship?"

"Those that lose money always have to make it back."

"Little badass."

"Are you sorry for your daughter? Then I'll go find someone else to do it."

Su Xin felt afterward that she felt a little bit brazen. Although she felt that Chu Yanxi didn't care, maybe there was something in case?

The next second, Su Xin felt her pinch pinched.

"Go to the room and wait for me, I will definitely satisfy you."

How can this always be confusing.

Su Xin was lying in bed waiting for Chu Yanxi obediently. When Chu Yanxi pushed in the door and came in, she saw Su Xin lying in bed and couldn't help breathing.

The girl's skin is very white, her clavicle looks beautiful and delicate, and with her careless expression, she can't help but pour her gaze on her body. Those eyes seem to be intriguing. When I look in, I can see the bottom, but When I pondered carefully, I found nothing.

A little liar with a different mind.

But Chu Yanxi just likes her deceptive look. She doesn't need to talk. She stands there as if she is weak and deceived, but when her expression first ignites, she will feel that this person is so powerful and she should be high above him. Let people admire.

Everyone loved her infinite addiction, she loved her disdain and indifference hidden under the light.

"It's good to just pick a few, the location is whatever you want, anyway, it's more conspicuous, she can see where it can be, from the neck to the collarbone, I will wear a shirt tomorrow. Don't be too heavy, After all, I'm going to meet others, and finally ... thank you. "

"We are happy to serve you."

Chu Yanxi leaned down and kissed Su Xin's cheek first.

Su Xin closed her eyes and looked like Ren Jun picked, sinking into her own thinking.

This is actually not an excessively **** scene, it can even be said to be very pure.

Chu Yanxi gave out an inaudible sigh. The little girl's attitude was obviously official and she didn't take other thoughts.

There were still some feelings before, she blushed when she said that, but now she is very calm.

But even so, Chu Yanxi couldn't hold back her throbbing.

She decided to treat it secretly as a sweet treat.

Every time her lips touched the skin, Chu Yanxi heard the sound of cheering in her heart.

When leaving a few marks on the neck, Chu Yanxi was satisfied and touched with her fingers in those places.

In order to deepen this situation and make people who see tomorrow more angry, Chu Yanxi made a few more down.

Su Xin had been closing her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

It definitely feels like it, but it's not too drastic. As long as she thinks about what the consequences will be, she immediately rests her thoughts. In short, you can't go beyond the rules now, so that it will be good for everyone in the future.

"I definitely feel it, but why don't you open your eyes? Just rest assured, won't I do something else?"

"You will not."

"Really believe me."

Chu Yanxi rubbed Su Xin's cheek, and her eyelashes swept across Su Xin's face, bringing a tingling sensation.

"I just trust my judgment."

"Do I need to do anything else?"

"Tomorrow that person is your daughter, and you don't feel bad at all?"

"Adopt a daughter."

Chu Yanxi corrected.

"I raised her already in love, but now it's time for her to learn something."

"Really cruel mother."

"What? Do you mind?"

"No, I like it."

Some things that are missed are missed.

"Just like it, so can I sleep here today?"


The room was quiet, and when Chu Yanxi was about to fall asleep, Su Xin's voice was heard.

"Chu Yanxi, why do you like me?"

"Just like it."

I know the world is imperfect, my music is imperfect, and my people are imperfect, but with you, who needs perfection. ——Lu Kaitong

The author has something to say: When Lu Kaitong came out of the closet, probably a lot of people knew it. After listening to it, he kept thinking about it. Sister Xin is imperfect and sister Qing is imperfect, but they need each other to have perfection.