MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 154 I am a dead bird (10)

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The pedestrians on the street saw a handsome man taking out a paper towel and rubbing it in front of him. They were very curious and rubbed what? Rubbing so seriously, still frowning, did not see anything that can be rubbed?

Chang Qin put the black bird's fart|| wipe clean, thin lips fretting, "The hair on the tail is to be cut."

Chen brushed his body and turned his body to the man. You look at the idea of ​​hitting my tail. I am fighting with you. "It’s big and big."

"Do not cut," Chang Qin raised his eyebrows and refused to refuse. "From tomorrow, you can eat feed honestly, and you can't eat the same food as me."

Chen is dead again.

Chang Qin got up from the bench and threw paper towels into the trash. "If you lose hair too much, don't want to become a bald bird, just lick it."

Chen was so weak that he was on the man's shoulder, pulling his small head, and there was nothing to lick his windbreaker. Autumn is the season of fallen leaves. Why is it that the winter is still small and the hair is not normal?

A cold breeze blew from the street, swaying through the street, screaming at the girl's skirts, blowing the hairs that men had painstakingly combed, and stunned the men, women and children.

The wind passed by the **** bird and took away a few bird feathers.

In the restaurant, Cheng Xing was holding his hair, and the youth had not appeared in the past few months. It is reasonable to say that the two were separated, but she repeatedly explored and did not find a trace of depression from the boss’s face. Lost.

Is it not deep?

No, Cheng Xing self-denial, the boss’s gaze when looking at that person is no longer a word that can be summed up. It is a kind of occupation of private goods, and it is announced to the whole world - this is mine.

The coffee at hand fell over, and Cheng Xing returned in the shouts of the employees. She frowned and said that she was going to clean up.

There have been more and more absent-mindedness recently.

Cheng Xing packed up the bar and wiped all the coffee off. When she passed the corridor, she heard the whispers in the staff lounge.

"The good-looking youth hasn't appeared for a long time. You said that the boss doesn't seem to be in love?"

"It’s not like, to say, a talent is, all the people owe her money all day long, have you made a mistake, when she talks with the guests, she still has an ugly face and laughs well. False, too, there is no professionalism, isn’t it a loss of love? Who has not lost this year.”

"Small, don't let her hear."

"When I was afraid of something, when she called her boss, she wouldn’t want us to make a big noise. If you are not ashamed, you really want to be your own boss."

"The condition of the star sister is very good and the ability is strong. After I came to the restaurant, I saw many people who pursued her. I don't understand how she has been single, and she is slowly left."

"Oh, her eyes are high, I want to meet the boss, how is it possible?"

"Also, there are worth, long, no, long, and worthless. Both are fine. It’s a lot of people’s minds. If you squeeze your head, you can’t squeeze it. It’s not your own, it’s not.”

"Tell me something, the boss didn't know what happened because of this. When I saw this old river and lake, I was scared. Anyway, I grew up so big that I have never seen it bigger than him."

"Hurry up, tell your story!"

The whispers in the lounge turned into laughter, and Cheng Xing did not push the door in, but turned and left.

When she came home from work, Cheng Xing received a phone call from her home. She unconsciously gave off her feelings of resentment. She wanted to get rid of it, but she was connected. It was the voice of Cheng’s mother. "Is it off work?"

Cheng Xing drove the car. "Well, I just left the restaurant."

Mother Cheng is watching TV there, and the background is noisy. "Star, Mom, it’s almost nine o'clock. You always go home so late. Did your boss mention raising your salary?"

Cheng Xing did not answer the question, and there was already a conflict in his tone. "Mom, are you calling me something?"

"You kid, can't you call me if you have nothing to do?"

After the gaslessness, Cheng’s next sentence is, “What, this Friday night, you got off work early, a student of your aunt’s aunt just returned to China, the second generation is rich, the model is good, the family is good, Still single, no bad hobbies, Mom has discussed with your aunt, I have already made an appointment for you, just in xxx, you go to eat with people, have a chat."

A sudden brake, Cheng Chong dangerous with a face-to-face truck passing by, her heartbeat accelerated, half body squatting on the steering wheel, a layer of cold sweat in the palm of his hand, breathing disorder is not the same.

At that moment, Cheng Ming’s pupils were enlarged. She seemed to see the door of the ghost gate open to herself and closed again.

For the first time, she found that death can be so close to her, and the distance she will encounter in the next second.

Cheng Xing shook his hand to take the bag, turned out the cigarette case and the lighter, and took out a cigarette bite. | In the mouth, she pressed the lighter and pressed it several times before she slammed.

A cluster of orange flames leaped into the eyes of a glamorous woman, exposing her panic.

The mother on the other end of the phone also heard the brakes. She stood up from the sofa. "How come, star, are you all right?"

In the driver's seat, Cheng Xing smoked a cigarette in a sip, and it took a while to speak. The voice was still shaking. "Mom, I will be forced to die by you sooner or later."

The phone was quiet for a few moments, and Cheng’s mother said, “What do you say, hey, crow’s mouth, isn’t it just for you to get along with each other? How big is it, you have to die, you’re almost thirty years old. Is it still a child?"

Cheng Xing closed his eyes and his horrified expression was still on his face. He couldn't get rid of it. She lowered the window on the left hand side and pulled the cigarette out of the window and flicked out the smoke. She looked down at the ash and was blown away by the wind.

"Mom, you know that I am almost thirty years old. Can you not always take care of me? You can have a good life with my dad."

"Which line of action, if your lifelong event has not been resolved, and if I go with your dad first, I will not go well."

Probably knowing that my words are heavy, Cheng’s mother’s tone eased and sighed. “Star, you are a girl, you should be a family, you don’t have to invest too much energy in your career, you can understand your mother’s. Do you mean?"

Cheng Xing leaned back against the back of the chair, and the smoke lingered around her face. "Mom, I don't want to argue with you."

Ms. Cheng was smashing over there, saying that you thought that I was going to make a phone call with you at night. I am not worried about you, not only me, but your dad can't sleep well for this.

Cheng Xing smoked and looked at the night outside the car window, silent.

"The last time your nephew received your boss, indicating that people like to eat. After two days, Mom will pack some more. You take it." Cheng said, "I have a good relationship with my boss. You usually have something to ask for leave. It’s easier.”

Cheng Ming’s face is still white, and the figure of the man appears in his mind. She licks her lips and says, “Forget it.”

"Well, you are not happy, the mother will be less packaged, and the family will keep eating," said Cheng. "Yes, your brother is fighting with people, and he is half dead in the hospital. You take the time to see."

Cheng Xing Emei, "What time?"

Cheng Mama said that today, "It was his roommate who sent him to the hospital. I don't know what it is, what hurts specifically, and asks your uncle not to say."

Cheng Xing did not ask more, "I know, then it is."

Before hanging up the phone, Ms. Cheng did not forget to remind, "Don't forget to eat with people this Friday night!"

Cheng Xing sat in the car and took the last bite of the cigarettes|| stocks, smothered the car and threw it into the nearby trash can. She copied her hands into the pocket of the red jacket and suddenly felt tired and worried about the city. I don’t know when the degree of love fades, only a little tail, where I am stubborn, maybe the next moment will be broken.

It is not your own, and waiting for more than ten years is the same result.

The next day, Cheng Xin drove to the hospital.

Asked the nurse, Cheng Xing found the ward. She wanted to push the door in. She heard a slight sound coming from inside. After she suspected what it was, her face changed.

A door separated, Cheng will be held in his arms by Zhang Zhiqiang.

Yesterday, I met a foreign man at the bar tomorrow. My body shape is a bit like Chang Qin. He met the mouth||Dry||tongue||Dry, take the initiative to stick it up||, and soon I will go halfway. Open the room, I know that Zhang Zhi will be hit.

When the foreign man kicked half-dead, Zhang Zhi took Cheng Cheng to his back and forced him to take a small house he rented. When he entered, the two of them would be beaten together.

Cheng Tomorrow was carried out by Zhang Zhi on the ground, and did not clean up. He went back to the dormitory and had a fever. He was taken back to the hospital by his roommates. He struggled to see the wounds, but he hanged the water and returned to the hospital.


Cheng will vigorously push Zhang Zhi and scream, "Take Laozi--"

"What is rolling, I am here today || Fuck||Your," Zhang Zhi sneered, rough big hand pinching the chin of the young white, "Do not feed you, let you go to the hook|| I can't see the things."

Cheng Tomorrow scared his eyes, "We are early ||Mama|| is over!"

"End? Who said? What did you say?" Zhang Zhi patted the face of tomorrow, smiled, "I want to be beautiful."

Cheng Ming’s weather shivered, and now he can see the true face of this person. He||Mom|| is a mad||dog, catching him biting, he can’t open it, “What do you want?”

Zhang Zhi leaned over and smiled and said something in the ear of the teenager.

Cheng will have a low voice and anger, "Zhang Zhi, I |||Fuck|||You||大||Yes, why don't you die?!"

"Baby, I am dead, who else can take your || fart||share||| engage||bad||ah."

Zhang Zhi bent his back and held the boy between the hospital bed and his chest. He ran over the lips of the teenager who always spit out bad words. He took the thumb and rubbed it. He smirked, "Looking at the little things." ”

There were no other people in the entire corridor. Cheng Xing did not say anything, standing still, the voice in the ward was more clear, and I heard that Cheng was crying tomorrow. She suddenly pushed the door.

This sudden sudden, Cheng tomorrow and Zhang Zhi are a little bit forced, the former cheeks red, the latter retreat, the head turned to one side, and back, if nothing happened.

Cheng Ming looked at a strange man.

Zhang Zhi’s lips are hooked, and an understatement throws a heavy weight||fried||bomb, "star sister is, I am Zhang Zhi, tomorrow’s boyfriend."

There was a dead in the ward.

Cheng Tomorrow's face was distorted for a second. "Follow your sly, what nonsense, sister, I am not like Zhang Zhi? We are just..."

Interrupted him, Cheng Ming said to the man, "Mr. Zhang, I want to talk to my brother alone."

Zhang Zhifu did not change his color. He lifted his chin toward the young boy and said, "You will take good care of you and come back to see you next time."

After the outsiders left, the brothers and sisters did not speak.

Cheng Xing’s cigarette addiction is not big. She bought a lot of cigarettes in these years, but she took a bag last night. Now she wants to take one more. She puts the bag on the table. “Tomorrow, my sister seems to understand it now. one thing."

Cheng Tomorrow’s face changed slightly and he had an incomprehensible expression. “What?”

"You temporarily change your mind, don't go to the city with your classmates, but come to the restaurant, not because of the family, but the boss."

Cheng Xing opened the chair and sat down. He said, "Tomorrow, the sister never doubted your sex.|| Take||Yes, the sister is not paying enough attention to you."

She waited for the younger sophistry and said, "You just hugged the man, and the sister saw it."

"So?" At this time, Cheng will break the cans and break the corner. He pulled up the corner of his mouth. "Sister, you are a graduate of a famous school, a restaurant manager, and you are very knowledgeable, with my parents and their generation. Different, you are not so pedantic?"

Cheng Ming calmly said, "Tomorrow, do I think your sister is ridiculous?"

The smile of Cheng’s fake model is solidified.

"In the office that day, you said to me, like a person, you have to take the initiative to say something, do something." Cheng Xing said, "Tomorrow, my sister must let you down."

“It’s normal for children to enjoy the fun, but it’s not good to see your sister’s head on the show. What do you say?”

Cheng will bite his teeth tomorrow, a handsome face will be white and white.

Cheng Xing said, "I just said that I will not mention to your parents that you are an adult and can be responsible for your actions, but I hope that you will finish the final year of the university and you will be smart from an early age. The road to life is long, don't be confused."


Cheng will laugh at tomorrow. "Sister, it’s hard to run for you, thank you."

Cheng Xing's eyebrows, she will stay unable to control her emotions, so she stood up and took the bag and said, "Let's do it yourself."

"Sister, do you know? My mom calls me every day. I will mention you nine times in ten times. I say that you are very good. I am a restaurant manager, how much is the annual salary, what kind of car is driving, and what kind of house is there."

Cheng said tomorrow, "She wants me to use you as an example."

"But sister, you have nothing more than these, you have a crush on a person, secretly for more than ten years, even confession does not dare to say, I will not be like that, I like who, will not stand in the corner In the voyeur, I will go straight up and get it by any means."

He smiled and said, "Sister, it is better for us to make a bet."

Cheng Xing guessed what the teenager was going to say, she wanted to stop, but because of a voice coming out of her heart, wrapped in a distorted mentality, she chose silence.

"Now there are no other people around Chang Qin, we will bet, who can get him."

Cheng Xing looks at the teenager. "You are still too young."

"What's wrong with young people," Cheng said with a smile. "Sister, I am sorry, I forgot. Chang Qin doesn't like women. He likes men and prefers young people in your mouth."

The implication is that you have no qualifications for the competition. It is really pitiful.

Cheng Ming’s look is ugly.

Cheng will scream for a moment, it seems to be remembered. "I haven't told you something. I first met Chang Qin at the **** restaurant. When he saw me, he grabbed my arm eagerly. The force is great, the print on my arm is still missing."

Cheng Xing’s tightly wrapped belt calmed his mood. “Is it?”

"At the time, my dad and my mother, and my uncle were present." Cheng will shrugged and said, "I was meeting Chang Qin for the first time. My sister has been with him for more than ten years. I know better than you. You know him. What does it mean?"

Cheng Xing said, "I don't know."

Cheng said that it’s a pity, he blinked his eyes. "Sister, Chang Qin will give it to me. I will try to turn him into a Cheng family. When I call you, everyone will have dinner together to celebrate."

Cheng Xing smiled and said, "The sister waited to see."

As soon as the door closed, Cheng will take out the cup on the cupboard tomorrow, and he took a violent breath, "Mom||."

Today's things are not expected, and now even the fake | | can not be used.

When I talked about that, Cheng Cheng had some regrets. He was completely swollen and fat, and Chang Qin was not interested in himself. He even refused to be close to a range. How could he easily get it?

Thinking of Zhang Zhi, Cheng Tomor's fart|| shares hurt, he has to go to pick up things, pick up a watch, remember what the price is, just put back the pain.

The young man who Chang Qin took to the restaurant was gone. This is a good thing. Cheng will lie back on the bed tomorrow and count what he is counting.

The weather is changing, from sunny to cloudy, to windy and rainy, the process is often unpredictable.

Outside the thunder burst, one person and one bird are preparing to eat hot pot.

Chen did not dare to fly, so that the bird's hair fell into the pot, ruined a pot of soup, he was even more afraid of accidentally, he fell into the pot, it is not a pot of soup.

Chang Qin washes the mushroom in the kitchen. He likes to eat the stuff. As long as he eats hot pot, it will be necessary and has a fascinating fascination.

Standing on the table, Chen smelled the scent in the pot and asked the man if he was better. "Great?"

Chang Qin licks the water on the mushroom, and comes over with a plate. "You can't eat."

Chen does not care, he will eat.

Chang Qin put the black bird in the air. "Let it open, be careful to be splashed with hot soup."

Chen flew to his shoulder and shouted "Great."

"There is a layer of red and spicy oil on the top of this stuff. It tastes heavy and eats up." Chang Qin divided the mushroom into three parts and put it in one. "You have been angry recently, but the stocks are red." Eat this, your fart||Do you want to stock?"

Chen turned his eyes again, did his brother not play like this? Eat hot pot, say what fart | | stocks, affecting appetite.

Chang Qin holds a dead bird every day, sleeps in the stench, wakes up in the stench, cleans up the feces, combs the dead bird, and the gyro-like bird hair that fell behind the dead bird, now there is no What can affect him.

The soup in the pot boiled, and Chang Qin picked up a piece of lamb and took it to his mouth.

Chen opened his mouth unconsciously.

Chang Qin glanced at the black bird and threw the lamb into his mouth.

Chen Zai, "..."

He flew to the man's lap and grabbed his claws. I want to break up with you for a hot pot.

Chang Qin said that he shouldn’t make a fuss, and he said ridiculously, "I’ll really stop, I can’t control what I want to do with a bird.”

Chen continued to catch, come, who is afraid of who, I am abolished, do you think you can retreat? dream! By then you will see a white light, which is a sign of the end of the world.

In the end, I still couldn't bear it. Chang Qin blew a piece of dried bean curd and put it in a small bowl. "Come up and eat."

Chen was immediately happy, and flew to the table with excitement. He kept licking the dried beans in the bowl, and ate a bit of a man who was willing to give him dried beans.

Flammulina velutipes soon became cooked. I often fished it and cooked it in a soup pot. The taste was very good. He ate his appetite and went to get the wine. When he turned his head, his figure was stagnant. "You... ”

Chen is stealing a man's bowl and eating the rest of the mutton. He replied unconsciously, "Well?"

It’s not a bird language, it’s a human voice. When Chen slammed it, he looked down and looked down. He was lying in the trough. Chang Qin, you look at it, I became a human again!

Chang Qin decided to set the **** and turned to open the air conditioner.

It’s not a black bird. The furry bird’s hair is gone. Chen almost went to the hot pot. He shook his arms and shook his neck. “Clothes, Chang Qin, you give me clothes first. Ah, the temperature of the air conditioner will only come to my side for a while!"

Chang Qin's footsteps were fast, the air conditioner was turned on, the clothes were not taken, and the blanket was taken directly, and the person was wrapped up and hugged into the bedroom.

Chen also revealed a black head from the blanket, and extended two lights||Sliding arm to hook the man, and put it on and play||啵, time is tight, waste is shameful.

Chang Qin kicked the door, he looked down, heavy air spray, the next second will bully, eagerly and violently kiss the person in his arms.

Chen Youyi's mouth, the taste of Flammulina velutipes, and the taste of mutton, delicious, he grabbed the man's short hair, fast, promised me, don't grind||蹭好, hurry.

Chang Qin is not a grind||蹭, is enjoy||Chen Chen is incompetent in his arms, very hooked||人, this time the other side has been scratching his claws, he is still slow.

Chen kicked the man's foot and didn't use any strength. When he kicked again, his foot was stunned and he was dizzy.

After a while, the two stayed in the room, the hot pot did not eat, and changed to eat grapefruit.

The nutritional value of grapefruit is high. It won't get angry when it is eaten, but it will lower the fire. However, the grapefruit that Changqin eats is different. The more he eats, the more he gets the fire. He peels the thick and thick grapefruit ||pi, splits in half, and enjoys it. .