MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 134 Women's Big Brother's Plane Trader 2

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What will happen to the women who are in the United States or the women who have been pro-booked? He lost his name and his family was destroyed. Gong believes that her presence has tarnished her pure feelings for the subject and is as disgusting as rat feces, so Su Wenqing is tragedy.

"... Gu's men have always been infatuated and loyal to their feelings. I didn't dare to expect you to marry Gu's family, but wasn't this mentioned by Mr. Gu? My mother thinks this marriage is 10,000 good and can't wait to replace it You promised. But after all, it was you who got married, and your mother didn't dare to be the master for you. He only asked for your opinion, so Qingqing, what do you think? "

Unlimited good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Su Wenqing's mother looked at her with anticipation, and Wen Qing knew that she wished she had agreed to it. After all, it was really a good relationship for everyone. Unlimited good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Mom, you probably don't know ..." Wen Qing thoughtfully worded, "Gu Qingcheng, he doesn't like women." It was said in the original book that Gu Qingcheng was born homosexual, but he didn't notice it at first.

Mother Su was shocked. "Doing not like women means ... he likes men!"

Wen Qing nodded. "I didn't know it by accident. Mom, don't tell me, or you'll be in trouble."

"Oh, okay." Mother Su is still stunned, stunned by the sudden news. Gu Qingcheng actually likes men? !!

Unlimited good text, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Suddenly, she thought of something like, "Does the Gu family know this?"

"Should not know." Not even Gu Qingcheng himself, of course, the Gu family did not know.

"Just don't know, otherwise Father Gu knows that he is homosexual and proposes to our family, but I want to ask him what is safe!"

Wen Qing sighed in the heart, this is a mother who loves her child wholeheartedly, no wonder Su Wenqing will be so angry after the victim's home was destroyed.

The car drove to Su's old house. Su's mother quickly went to Su's study, and discussed with him the refusal of Gu's marriage. Wen Qing went straight back to the room. Anyway, she believed that Su's parents were human and would never push her into the fire pit without knowing that the other party was gay.

She returned to the room and checked Jiang Xiaoman's information. In the eyes of Wen Qing, Jiang Xiaoman was actually quite innocent. From the reader's point of view, the original book is a domineering dog-blood drama by the overbearing president and "Cinderella". But from the perspective of God, most of the reasons Jiang Xiaoman was able to stay with Gu Qingcheng were forced by Gu Qingcheng.

When Gu Qingcheng found himself gay, he did not want to admit it, and the Gu family would not accept a **** heir. So when he saw Jiang Xiaoman in women's clothing, he had the perfect solution. He used Jiang Xiaoman as his lover to help Jiang Xiaoman treat his mother as a lover, which not only satisfied his mentality of being with a man, but also blocked everyone's mouth. Although the Gu family is conservative, it is not pedantic. An innocent ordinary girl who is a granddaughter of the sun can still be accepted by the Gu family. However, men are definitely unacceptable.

However, in getting along, Gu Qingcheng found that he fell in love with this gentle and harmless, shy and blushing boy, and really wanted to be with him. However, Jiang Xiaoman has always remembered that he married him to cope with his family and to use the plane trading device in his hand, so he did not dare to accept his sincerity. During this period, all kinds of dog blood and misunderstandings flew together, and eventually hurt each other. The two of them finally resolved their misunderstandings successfully.

Gu Qingcheng has always been the dominant player in this relationship, and Jiang Xiaoman's character is so soft that he didn't reach the pinnacle of his life while holding a plane trading device, but was controlled by another man's life. However, the domineering wolf president and soft cute little white rabbit, this extremely contrasting cute property, is also very popular with readers.

However, in Wen Qing's opinion, Gu Qingcheng is no different from those overbearing presidents who are forced to take the robbery. They are all fighters in the **** boy. Gu Qingcheng is even more abominable. He forcibly bends a man and then destroys another girl. Both of them are extremely disgusting, but he is the male lead. The author always has a way to make him white. In a word, he had a hard time, and then he was hurt and abused, and everything he did was taken for granted.

Wen Qing, a novel whose views on the three perspectives are crooked to the horizon, has always disliked it, but now she is doing tasks and cannot help it.

She came a little late, and Jiang Xiaoman has started live broadcasting for women's clothing, and has also obtained a plane trader, just today.