MTL - Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers-Chapter 70 Urban Power 2

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After Tang Nian started the car, he asked Wen Qing, "Where are we going?"

"You send me back, I have something."

"What can you do? Didn't you say you want to accompany me today?" Tang Nian was dissatisfied. He felt that Bai Wenqing was weird today. He always flattered him gently in the past. Yi fussed.

Wen Qing thought for a while and thought, "I'm with you just to get rid of Li Haotian, and now I've talked to him, let's just do that." Her task has nothing to do with Tang Nian, so it's better to take this opportunity to talk to him separated. Anyway, in the original book, Bai Wenqing didn't talk to him for a long time. How could these dudes be rich? However, just playing around, when the freshness is over, they will quickly change people, after all, they do not lack women.

However, Tang Nian's reaction surprised her a little. He looked at her with a grudge expression, "You still think I'm short?"

Wen Qing: "..." It really isn't.

"Then why did you suddenly break up? I bought you the bag you asked for yesterday, and I bought the necklace the day before yesterday. What did you want? I bought you. Wasn't you happy? Today you met that Li Haotian and you broke up with me, isn't it because of what he said? "

"Don't tell me just to use me as a shield, you weren't like that before!"

Isn't Wen Qing helping the amount? Why did you suddenly become smart?

"Well then, don't bother." Wen Qing thought he was probably fresh at the moment, after all, Bai Wenqing's face was really pretty, and he couldn't bear to understand it for a while. It is estimated that after a while, she does not need to tell her, he will dump her.

Tang Nian still muttered in dissatisfaction, "What does it mean not to distinguish? Is it right?" Tang Nian didn't care much about Bai Wenqing before, about how much he liked her face, how much she liked his money, He has been getting along this way, and he probably got bored soon. But now suddenly the other party broke up first, he felt uncomfortable immediately, and couldn't say what the psychology was.

What's more, he was ashamed of being thrown away just after the first woman! Will be laughed to death by buddies! No, he must coax her, he can only dump her, he must not let her dump himself!

Wen Qing did not know his psychological activity. She was planning how to complete the task in her mind. This time, the protagonist is different from those in the past. It is completely unreasonable and totally unreasonable. It is impractical in many places, even There are a lot of loopholes, just for the sake of refreshing. And all supporting actors have IQs that are worrying, and exist solely to set off the protagonist.

For such a distorted world, she doesn't know if she can solve the problem with normal thinking.

Forget it, the very world will use extraordinary means!

The next day was the last class meeting of Wen Qing's class. After this class meeting, the students really had to go their separate ways.

Wen Qing lived late outside the school. When she arrived, most of her classmates arrived. In the busy class, she calmed down as soon as she entered. Then whispered:

"Have you heard? She caught a rich second generation and dumped Li Haotian!"

"Don't you say it's been raised?"

"Ah? That's shameless. You can do everything you can to sell your body for money. What's the difference from those who sell?"

"Poor Li Haotian, anyway, it's our class!"


The original owner's popularity in the class is not very good. He looks beautiful and does not become a person. Naturally, he is the enemy in the eyes of girls. As for boys? Their class is a liberal arts major, with a total of three boys, one of which is Stallion male Li Haotian.

Wen Qing turned a deaf ear to other people's eyes that looked or were jealous or disdainful, and walked straight to a position in the corner, but just shook her hand slightly as she passed by Li Haotian.

Li Haotian was talking to a boy next to him, turning her a blind eye, as if she hadn't noticed her at all. This regrets those students who are looking forward to a spark between them.

Wen Qing watched Li Haotian drank that bottle of beverage, and a silent smile was raised in the corner of her mouth. That ’s a good thing. It ’s made of medicine in the space. She went back to study for a day yesterday and succeeded. It was cheaper for him!

After a while, Murong Yanyun, their class guide, came in. In Bai Wenqing's memory, Murong Yanyun is a stereotyped, meticulous image of old antiques, in fact, in the eyes of all the students in their class. Li Haotian, who can get perspective power, saw the turbulent waves under the conservative clothing ... In other words, Murong Yanyun is also one of his harems.

At this moment, Li Haotian was staring at Murong Yanyun without blinking, a pig statue, Wen Qing was very appetite, just don't look away, not seeing upset.

It's not that Wen Qing didn't want to save these beauties who were scourged by Li Haotian, mainly because these people have fallen in love with them. When they met the male lead, they were in a rush of heart, as if they met a real life emperor. They thought that destroying their good marriage would simply leave them alone.

After all, she has helped them solve the problem from the root! In the original book, Li Haotian can sit in the harem, not because of his unique talents, good equipment, and once used to make people remember it? But what if he doesn't work?

Wen Qing smiled badly, looking forward to Li Haotian's self-improvement when he thought he had a peep at the sharp weapon but could not harden it. It must be wonderful.

For this wretched stallion male, he should be neatly eunuch! Without tools, see how he can harm others!

At the end of the class meeting, Wen Qing carried the bag out, Tang Xiaonian was holding a large bunch of red roses, and stood at the door waiting for her. The girls passing by were peeking at him with bright eyes. After all, Tang Xiaonian's skin was still pretty. Coupled with the exuberance of tyrants, it was really eye-catching.

Tang Nian saw her, her eyes lit up, and she took a step forward and shoved the flower into her arms. "Send it to you!"

The envy of envy and hatred around the girls made Tang Nian proud, and the girls all had vanity. He must be so happy to give Bai Wenqing such a long face.

Wen Qing frowned. "Why are you here? Didn't you say you didn't need to pick me up?"

Tang Nian suddenly broke his face and said that good surprises intersect? Why are you still abandoning it?

"Don't I want to surprise you?"

Wen Qing said nothing, and threw the flowers into his arms again, "Let's go, don't be embarrassed." It's not a junior high school student, holding a bunch of roses silly!

Tang Nian was immediately dissatisfied, "Will I not be able to do this? Where is the shame for you?" Even so, I rushed to catch up with Wen Qing in two steps, reached out and held her hand, "What is that today?" Didn't Li Ritian haunt you? If he haunts you again, tell me, I'll find someone to kill him! "

"He didn't bother me, just stop and see him later and pretend to be invisible. Don't be fooled with him. The more he treats him, the more vigorous he is, just ignore it."


After they left, they left behind a pile of whispering students,

"Don't you say she's been kept in captivity? It doesn't look like it? The man's obedience to her seems to like her very much."

"What's this? Rich people are like this, playing like real, you see, people now like her face and are willing to coax her, when she is crying after being dumped!"

"Also, but the man is pretty handsome?"

"Yo? You fancy it? People despise you! At least you have to grow up like Bai Wenqing so you have a chance!"

"Who fancy you? I'll just say it casually? I don't want this kind of playboy!"

A boy hit his elbow with Li Haotian, "You are really dumped by her? What is the new one she was looking for? The car he drove was more than 10 million yuan! Hey, the rich are just different, just drive a car It ’s all money we ca n’t make in a lifetime. Brother, look at it, people go higher ... ”

Li Haotian's complexion is blue, why is Bai Wenqing so sick? Going to his dormitory yesterday was not awesome. Today he embarrassed him in front of his classmates, how dare to humiliate him so! This shame does not report him as a seven-foot man!

Wen Qing: excuseme? Which spring onion are you? Also, you seem to be more than 5 feet, it's really not a 7-foot man.

Wen Qing left the school gate and went straight to a Fucai shop. In the original book, today, Li Haotian bought a scratching music with his seeing eye and hit 5 million.

Wen Qing swept with a sense of God, found the five million scratches, and paid for it.

Tang Xiaonian came over and asked, "What are you buying this for? You tell me you ’re short of money, I'll give it to you. It's all deceptive. The chance of winning is small ... hey? Hey? You won five million ?!"

Wen Qing threw five million to him. "Help me, donate it to poor mountainous areas, or to the elderly alone. In short, donate it to those who need it."

"Ah? Good." Tang Nian agreed subconsciously.

The owner is still dumbfounded, he even opened a small store of five million! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and hit the banner! Whenever there is a big award, it will definitely stimulate a large wave of consumers! He can already see the rising sales!

By the time he returned to God, the Lord had left, leaving Tang Nian holding the lottery ticket. "What are you doing? Hurry up and change the prize!" His family Qingqing really wasn't the glamorous bargains outside. Money is with him! Five million donated, donated, and must be donated to those who need it. Before such a high-flying festival, he had misunderstood that she was with him for money. What a pity!

Wen Qing didn't know that she had made a move and washed away Bai Wenqing's money-giving behavior before, making Tang Nian look at her.

The five-million-dollar prize opened at the school ’s Fucai store, and the entire school was shocked, especially Li Haotian. Yeah, since he can see through, he should buy a lottery ticket! Those scratching music are not invisible in his eyes?

As a result, Li Hao went to the Fucai shop in a hurry, and there were already so many people there that he couldn't squeeze in. Li Haotian squeezed for a long time, and finally squeezed to the forefront. He looked at the scratches with perspective eyes, but disappointed him. There was no good prize at all.

Forget it, Scratch Music originally had a low chance of winning, just opened 5 million, it is estimated that the chance of winning a big prize is not great, he still think about other ways to make money.