MTL - Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System-Chapter 137

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Chapter 137, the first full-time apprentice

Yuanxi is wondering what the care point is. Dongxun is careful to ask: "Master, what does this mean?"

Yuanxi was silent, and his heart was pondering. The gangsters couldn’t easily ask him something. He couldn’t say one or two, it seemed a bit shameful... but he really didn’t know what it meant, and he didn’t rely on it. Spectrum, had to euphemistically explain: "Hey, upgrade first, and you will know when the level is high."

Zhang Xun does not think that Yuanxi does not know. He only thinks that he is not enough to do his own work. It is not suitable for knowing... and then work harder.

Yuanxi thought about it and asked Zhang Xun: "Do you still need me to arrange a teacher's task?" The reason why he asked is because Zhang Xun collected such materials, but only rewarded 500 proficiency, not Too much, almost the same efficiency as his own brush.

Whoever thinks, Zhang Xun is actually very happy, quickly responded: "Good, trouble Master!"

What Yuanxi didn't know was that he released the task of the division. Zhang Xun not only had the reward after the event, but more importantly, it was extremely simple to collect and the proficiency was quite high. With the improvement of the collection level, some low-level collections have been unable to accumulate proficiency, and the task released by Yuanxi has just given him a way to let him know what to collect at this stage, which is very easy to upgrade.

Zhang Xun and Yuanxi said the benefits. Yuanxi understood that since he was easy to upgrade, he was more willing to support the disciples. He released the task to Zhang Xun, and remembered the other apprentices. He simply released a task for everyone to speed up the upgrade.

As for the task of releasing, Yuanxi is not indiscriminate. Ma Ying’s wife’s skill is similar to Zhang Xun in some way, so Yuanxi found bones, meat or internal organs from the material column. The fur and the horns let her collect. Tarar, on the other hand, limits how many animals he cares for at the same time.

Even Lu Yiran and Sun Daqian of sewing, Yuan Xi also released the task, their task is much simpler, making military uniforms!

In line with the principle of mission rewards, Yuanxi issued a fixed amount to them at a time, so that they can complete the task early, get the reward of the task and continue to make the production. This cycle is faster and the upgrade is faster.

The apprentices are busy, Yuanxi is not idle, Yuan Yucheng is studying the undeveloped functions of weapons, and Yuanxi is focusing on mass production of weapons.

He wants to brush up the casting as soon as possible, and then progresses down to the full level before he can widen the apprenticeship, and then accumulate a lot of merits, thus purchasing extraordinary formulas, creating a powerful warship, making the federal army unbeaten. place!

Yuanxi took a ambition and rushed to the laboratory. The formula was already set in the furnace and processing center, and then the materials could be mass-produced by following the steps.

Thanks to the materials contributed by Zhang Xun, Yuanxi made 340 new weapons in one breath. He was all loaded into a small parcel and sent it to Yuan Yucheng for the first time. Yuan Yucheng will conduct a final inspection on it, and then Then transport to the front line.

Although there are not many 340 weapons, but it is already possible to form a raid squad. At the moment of the unpredictable war, this powerful force is enough to reverse the victory and defeat!

Each weapon has five proficiency, and three hundred and forty weapons make Yuanxi's casting process rise to the eighth level. The full level is already in sight!

The seven-level reward is a crit ruby, the eight-level reward is a silver metal block, and the identification is made. The appraisal instrument explains: "The stone is refined, but its essence."

Yuanxi put it in his hand, but he was still not sure what to do. He had to close it first, and he would naturally know the effect when the time came.

At this time, the tasks he released to several apprentices were completed, and the system sound of the bell ringing in the ear, Yuanxi unceremoniously received the quest items, and at the same time, the rewards were issued, and then several tasks were continued.

As the mission ended, several apprentices were upgraded. He gained a lot of merits. After a closer look, he actually accumulated more than 4,000 points.

Yuanxi wanted to continue to buy weapons formulas, but he temporarily changed his mind. If one of the weapons formulas is enough for the time being, it is better to find the following others.

Nowadays, it is impossible to do a warship, but it can be used as a protective center for a starship. If the attack power is raised, why not mention the power of the shield?

Yuanxi said this idea to Ye Heng, and Ye Heng expressed his full support.

So Yuanxi was assured to buy it.

The formula of the protective center requires a full level of sewing and eight grades of casting. It happens to be the current state of Yuanxi. He quickly put the formula on the silver panel of the machining center, but he didn't want to see the general formula. Half of it is foggy.

When Yuanxi had a chance, he quickly moved the sewing master's workbench and put the recipe on it. As a result, the other half of the formula also appeared.

Careful review of the required materials, some can be sent to the gold found in the Federation, some need the system store, Yuanxi will send the task to Zhang Xun and Ma Yingnu.

He first purchased a small amount in the system store with merits, which happened to be a quantity. He had to make one and hand it to Yuan Yucheng in advance, so that when it was produced in large quantities, it would be straightforward. Shipped to the front line, no longer has to delay time.

After more than an hour of tossing, Yuanxi looked at the sleek things in front of him. It was really impossible to see why. He was not prepared to murder his brain cells. He took a small parcel and arranged for his hand. The person sent it to Yuan Yucheng.

At this time, Zhang Xun and Ma Yingnuo had completed the task of the division, and Yuanxi could not help but feel that his two apprentices were serious and hard.

Just after he issued the quest reward, his ear slammed and it sounded a long-lost full-scale sound.

Yuanxi smashed and did not respond. What is the situation? What is the full level? He has no skills at all levels?

He hurriedly looked at the system panel. This is what he saw. It turned out that Zhang Xun’s collection was full!

Yuanxi wants to give him a compliment, it is too powerful, the first full-class apprentice!

Yuanxi is still in the YY collection of the full-scale gift package, what good things, but then he saw the reward he received: "Your apprentice Zhang Xun, the collection reaches 10, successfully graduated, reward you 50000 points Merit value."

Five...five...five thousand! Yuanxi chin is about to land.

"Your apprentice Zhang Xun, the point of care has reached two thousand, the skill is full, can open the teaching assistant function, is it appointed?"

Help...teaching assistant? Yuanxi has not yet awake from the ecstasy of 50,000 merits, and he has heard new terms.

What does the teaching assistant mean? Is it difficult for Zhang Xun to accept an apprentice?

Yuanxi thought for a moment and decided to make a decisive decision. Then the system prompts again: "It has been successfully appointed, the first assistant of the collection: Zhang Xun; the upper limit of the apprentice: ten people."

Actually, it is really possible to accept the apprentice. Yuanxi is overjoyed. It is even easier to expand the threshold. It is only... Yuanxi has been entangled. I wonder if Zhang Xun’s apprenticeship upgrade can reward him with merit.

However, Yuanxi is not so selfish. Collecting is a troublesome skill. If you can collect a small team supply, then it is much simpler to make things, so the more people you learn, the better.

Zhang Xun also received a notice of appointment. He thought that the full level was the apex, but he did not expect to open the door of the new world. His system was upgraded and he had the assistant's interface. He can't accept his own disciples, but he can teach the apprentices on behalf of Yuanxi. After the apprentice upgrades, he will also give the assistants the appropriate love points, but the care points can be exchanged for many wonderful things...

Zhang Xun did not dare to make his own claim. He said his changes here to Yuanxi. Yuanxi was only a few in his heart. He also discovered the changes on his own side. Zhang Xun has already graduated from his position and his status has changed from a disciple to a teaching assistant. The apprentices taught by Zhang Xun will also reward Yuanxi merits, but they will be less than half of the merits of Yuanxi’s personal teaching. Although they are half lost, they are great for Yuanxi, but it’s all effortless. , white, people can not be too greedy.

And his system store also has a sales interface, he can choose the system store's 'sell' to Zhang Xun, and Zhang Xun needs to care for the point to buy, cares that when you go to Yuanxi, it will be converted into the corresponding merits. !

Yuanxi just wants to clap his hands. He told Ye Heng these new discoveries. Ye Heng picked up his eyebrows. Some accidents were also very gratifying. He thought more, so that he could put Zhang Xunma. The British female Talal and others pushed to the front, and they came out to accept the apprentices, which greatly reduced the exposure of Yuanxi, and concealed it to the last side, with a higher safety factor.

Yuanxi excitedly looked at the value of 50,000 points of merit given to him by Zhang Xun's full-level system. He thought a lot of things in his heart, and he thought that he must hurry to let other apprentices upgrade quickly!

With a finger on it, an apprentice has 50,000 merits, and ten apprentices have a total of 500,000 yuan... Yuanxi said that the saliva should be HOLD, don't flow down!

The weapons and shields produced by Yuanxi have been quickly applied to the battleships of the EFF. This firepower has doubled and the attack power is extremely fierce.

The recent situation is so good, Ye Tian is very happy. He knows that Ye Heng has made great efforts. Whether it is tactical thinking, command mode, and these extraordinary weapons and equipment, Ye Tian is extremely shocked.

He has always admired his own scorpion. If Ye Heng is not qualified enough and he is too young, he will not push Su Mingxi to the table.

However, after this battle with the Waya people, Ye Heng’s outstanding performance has already stirred up the storm in the hearts of the federal people.

Ye Tian looked at this young and talented young general, and couldn’t help but sigh, and he was really old.

Compared with Ye Tianxin’s thoughts, Ye Heng put all his attention in the recent battle with the Vaya people. He looked at the battle report carefully, and there was always a bad feeling in his heart. .

Although their strength has increased a lot, but in recent combat, it is really too easy to win.