MTL - Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System-Chapter 70 , declined to reprint

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Chapter 69—The most difficult skills to upgrade

Vivienne Alf looked at Yuanxi, a pair of beautiful eyes soft and soft, with a shallow smile on her lips. She asked well to Yuanxi.

Ye Heng introduced Wei Wei'an like Yuanxi: "This is a direct official of the National Assembly, Minister Vivienne Alf."

Yuan Xi also smiled and asked, Vivian is very beautiful, especially very gentle, people like it at first glance, even if Yuanxi does not like women, but does not hinder his extremely normal aesthetic.

If it is normal, Lu Xiao will certainly be very arrogant to talk about it, but I am very embarrassed, he now knows that he is in trouble, so the rules of the living back to the period of not yet developed, absolutely not squinting.

After a simple greeting, the two sides separated, and Ye Heng transferred the reception work to Mingyou, and then returned to Qinghe Farm with Yuanxi.

On the aircraft, Yuanxi couldn't help but joke him: "The generals, are you really willing to take such a beautiful girl?"

Ye Heng said with a face: "She looks good?"

"Of course," Yuanxi recalled, shouting. "The hair is just like gold. I have never seen such a beautiful color. The skin is also very good, my face is beautiful, and my body is really good, just... ..."

Ye Shao will be cloudy and cloudy, and it will be thundering and raining.

Yuanxi sneaked at him, smiled in his heart, and finally finished a sentence: "Just... no, you look good."

Lei didn't hit it, but it didn't turn so fast. Ye Shaojian was steady and reserved. He snorted: "Oh, you just stared at her and laughed so happy."

Yuanxi couldn't help it anymore. He smiled and bent his eyes and quietly grasped Ye Heng's hand and said, "I don't like women."

Ye Shaojian clenched the hand of Yuanxi automatically to the door, but a handsome face is still very positive: "If she is a man, do you like it?"

Yuanxi looked at the hand that he was holding, and then looked at the man who was eating dry vinegar and exuding the breath of coming and licking me. He suddenly felt a little dumbfounding.

At the end of his heart, he whispered, "I only like you."

Ye Heng turned his head and looked at him. He waited for this sentence. After hearing it, he was satisfied. Then he smiled slowly. This smile is like the clear snow lotus blooming on the ice sheet. Yuan Xi’s heart slammed, saying that Lu Xiao’s face was very beautiful, but at this time, Yuan Xi felt that Ye Heng’s face was a real enchanting, and Lu Xiao and Wei Wei’an couldn’t compare him.

However, Ye Heng looks like this, others can't see it, only he can see it, it is exclusive to him.

Yuanxi was slightly breezy, Ye Heng was close to him, bowed his head on the light-colored lips, as always, the obsessive touch, just a kiss can make his heart beat faster, shortness of breath, unconsciously began to crave More.

Yuanxi began to respond, and his hands were unconsciously ringing on the leaf, and he looked up slightly, making him kiss more easily and deeper. This subtle gesture made Ye Heng hold him tighter, like to get into the flesh. , integrated, fierce, hot, people forget.

When the lips were separated, Yuanxi took in a cold breath, and the hot air burned was slightly reduced. But at the next moment, Ye Heng gently kissed down his chin, squatting, throat knot, all the way extended. The clavicle, this gentle kiss **** like a little bit of a spark, but wherever it goes, it ignites a raging fire.

Yuanxi endured with impatience, and stopped to say: "Ye Heng... No, we are in the aircraft..."

In a word, the intermittent, clearly is to stop but the tone is like 呻 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 他 他 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟

Ye Hengtou did not lift. When the voice of Yuanxi was just falling, he slammed his jacket up, and the reddish two points were exposed to the air. Because of the coolness and trepidation, his scorpion deepened. The bow was concealed, and the tongue was gently teased, in exchange for the rapid breathing of Yuanxi, and the strength of rejection was getting smaller and smaller...

Ye Heng’s kiss made the reddish blushing, he watched with satisfaction, then attacked the next one, and his left hand stroked down the smooth belly of Yuanxi, untied the belt, slipped in, and took it. The thing that has hardened.

Suddenly in contact with the hot palm, Yuanxi couldn't help but shudder. He was like a current, and his brain began to be less audible, but he also knew that the current place was not suitable for this kind of activity, so he interrupted the opening again. : "We...we..."

"Don't be afraid, no one can see."

After saying this, he actually bowed his head and contained the hard cover of the quilt. The reason of Yuanxi was completely flew away. The warm mouth and flexible tongue almost let him disarm on the spot.

Ye Heng felt his pulsation, the tip of his tongue swept over the top, and the finger touched the small hole at the back of him. A finger slipped easily into it, and it was forced to push it somewhere, and it was replaced by Yuanxi.呻|吟.

The soft and small | hole actually automatically secreted in addition to the lubricating liquid, which is more convenient for the finger to enter, under the attack of both sides, Yuanxi can not endure for less than a minute, venting out, arrived at the situation | The top of the desire.

He is immersed in the high tide of the tide, Ye Heng has already retired all his clothes, the seat leveled, separated his legs, the movement is gentle but powerful push.

This huge hard object came in. It had just been soft and small. The hole began to shrink sharply. Although it has been done many times, it still hurts. Yuanxi’s face is pale, his eyes are slightly red, and his eyes are moist. I used to be much weaker. He made a smashing squeaking noise until Ye Heng went in and made a short but high scream, like a painful but inexhaustible sensation. The human bones are crisp.

This vocal 呻 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好 最好And the words that are forgotten, played a singular **** | love symphony.

Yuanxi slightly squinted, he knew that his body was red-naked, but Ye Heng still wore a dark shirt, but the neckline was sharply pulled apart, revealing the **** collarbone and the charming chest muscles and the sturdy belly. However, the slim trousers of the lower body did not retreat at all, but the hard-hot guy who was comparable to steel was already buried in him. A precise and powerful collision made him lose his voice. The hard material rubs against the delicate skin, which brings a shudder of silence.

The tight and narrow space, the hot atmosphere and the hustle and bustle of the room, but the blue sky is out of the window. This sharp contrast, the sharp contrast stimulates the senses and spirit, brings a burst of pleasure, let the body The cells are all sensitive to the extreme, rubbing the sparks of the grinding people with a single touch.

In the narrow spacecraft, on the blue sky, they embraced each other, demanded, and lingered, until they finally reached the beautiful and intoxicating paradise...

I was happy during the day, and at night... Ye Heng was depressed.

You can only do it once a day, and you have to do more with the proficiency. What is the setting of this pothole!

In the big night, I can only sleep with my wife. Is there anything that is more troublesome than this?

Ye Heng is depressed, Yuanxi is very happy, he felt for the first time that this system is too scientific, too humane, and can't be more understanding!

His old **** was lying on the bedside and looking at the information of the asteroid, and his heart was not good.

Ye Heng sat on one side, a pair of black eyes staring at him, I don't know if it was his illusion. I always felt that Yuanxi was getting better and better. The original appearance was very comfortable, and the skin and body were also very good. Ye Heng’s line of sight fell on the neckline of his exposed neckline. The skin was so delicate that it could hold the human hand, and it felt like a good hand.

And when the big eyes were slightly picked up, the inadvertent expression of the eyes was simply in the hook... just like this...

The leaves were fixed for a while, and Huo stood up and touched his hands.

Yuanxi was shocked. Looking back at the black scorpion and seeing the burning heat inside, he quickly said, "Hey, don't mess, it will be deductive..."

Ye Heng kissed this charming lip, opened his slender and **** long legs, and forced him to refuse to let him go. If he wanted to call for an unbearable low-pitched, Ye Heng bowed his head and gently covered the blush. , low and hoarse said: "Deduction will be deducted, make up tomorrow."

The technique in the room: Let you yell at me! Laozi is the most difficult skill to upgrade!

Nebula guest lounge.

Vivienne Alf had just finished eating and returned to the lounge. She was about to sort out the materials she took over. Her university majored in economics, working in the federal government's Finance and Taxation Department. Every three years, there will be an assignment. The inauguration, like her position, is generally the minister of finance and taxation of a certain general.

Such federal direct officials in key departments are one of the means by which Congress controls the fiefdom. The commanders of each seal must accept the arrangements. Although the direct officials are ordered by the commander, their true direct supervisors are still In Congress.

Their usual job is to assist the commander in the management of the land, but he holds the lifeline of the economy and resources. On the one hand, he immediately and objectively pays attention to the development of the land. On the other hand, he can ensure that there is no omission in the tax paid by the land every year.

Therefore, the commander of each of the fiefdoms attaches great importance to these direct officials, not to mention the supply, but it is definitely to be opposite to Yan and treat each other with courtesy.

It is precisely because of this that Sally Alf, who regards his granddaughter as a heart and soul, will allow Vivienne to be sent out. According to Vivienne’s family history and qualifications, he will be appointed to a very prosperous and important star field, but Vivienne made such a request to Sali.

Sally did not reverse the granddaughter's wish, and said a little, this book came to the 9871 star field.

And Vivian also got Ye Heng, and of course... also met Yuanxi...

Her beautiful nephew groaned slightly and sighed softly.

At this time, the doorbell was heard.

Vivian looked at the image and was Li Taixi. When she thought about it, she let her in.

Li Taixi is the beautiful woman who was behind her. She changed her clothes. It is still a delicate and expensive one-piece dress. The style is trendy, just this color...

Vivian only looked at it and didn't look at it any more. The skin was not very white. If you challenged the pink clothes, it would take a lot of courage, but Li Taixi was unaware.

Li Taixi's family history in Beijing Star can only be regarded as ordinary, but it is some money, and then entered the Congress through the relationship, she tried very hard to climb up, but it always encountered thousands of obstacles, toss for three years, The final political score is just passing.

The low number of political scores means that the place of expatriation is very poor. Such an assignment is simply a crime, and there is no future. She was very dissatisfied. I want to spend my money to make a living. Relationship, transferred to a wealthy place.

She also had Zhang Luo in the future. A big good news fell from the sky. She was sent out to the star field of Major General Ye Hengye, and together with the aunt's Miss Vivian!

This is simply a falling pie, Li Taixi is very excited, she made up her mind, this time must seize the opportunity.

She used her mind to know that this time she must grasp Wei Wei'an's preferences. As long as she can climb this big lady, the future is not bright!

Then she also did her homework. The background of Wei Wei's family history would actually come to the 9871 star field. The intention, the discerning person can see it, and it is clear that it is directed at Ye Heng.

Along the way, Li Taixi tried his best to please Wei Wei'an, Wei Wei Anben was a good personality, Li Taixi's efforts were not in vain, and the two were actually familiar with each other. During this time, Li Taixi was against Wei Wei'an. The initial use of Ba Jie’s mind slowly changed.

Vivian is indeed a good girl, gentle and quiet. This kind of identity is not arrogant, and she is safe and patient. Everywhere she thinks about it, she does not look down on Li Taixi. The two meet each other equally and talk about each other. Let Li Taixi have I have encountered the feeling of confidant in life.

Unconsciously, the two became secret friends who had nothing to say.

Vivian has no shelf, and people are gentle. Li Taixi is a strong one. Seeing her soft **** is inevitably anxious for her.

"Wei Wei, you are a good temper, don't fight for it. If you look at that Yuanxi, what is better than you? Isn't it a chance to take advantage of the pioneers? See what you are like."

Vivian knew Li Taixi's temper and said softly: "Don't say that, I look at him very well, very handsome and clean boy."

"Clean? Where is it clean! You didn't see it. When Ye Major did not pass, he was pulling with another man and didn't know what to do! How could such a person be clean, you are too Innocent!"

Vivien frowned slightly and said: "Tai Xi, you don't like this, we don't know him, we haven't touched it, don't talk about others behind the scenes."

Seeing Vivienne’s face and smoothness, Li Taixi’s more hateful iron is not steel: “You don’t understand! I really don’t understand, the comrades are very chaotic, you have never touched it, those men who like to be crushed are fundamental. There is no such thing as a clean word. It’s a man. One night is a commonplace.”

Vivienne's face changed slightly and severely stopped: "Tai Xi! Don't talk anymore!"

When Li Taixi saw that she was really angry, she closed her mouth. She knew Vivian's temper. She quickly said a few good words and calmed her down, but her heart was more and more indignant. Where is Vivian? No matter whether it is a family character or a temperament, it is thousands of times better than that of Yuanxi, but it can only secretly secretly succumb to it, and dare not say his own thoughts...

When Wei Wei’an saw Li Taixi open the subject, she let out a sigh of relief. She carefully read the information on her hand and looked back at Li Taixi. She remembered that she had been too vocal to her. After all, Taixi was also good for her. Some embarrassed, then said: "Tai Xi, I have a Rosah earring here, just to line up your clothes, if you don't give up, take it."

Li Taixi's eyes lit up, Rosa's earrings! My God, all the accessories of this house are unique and tailor-made, and the materials are the top, the value is not measured by money, it represents the real power and status!

However, Vivienne actually gave it to herself, and Li Taixi was more and more determined at the same time, she must help this weak girl!

The author has something to say: The technique in the room: I have a little more drama recently, and I have not heard applause since I played so many times! Do you also want to be deducted proficiency! [angry

Thanks to Li Songru for throwing a grenade

The prince threw a grenade

Yue Xianer threw a mine

Fei Yu threw a mine

What? Oh, love you!