MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2295 Barracks

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A man is amazing!

The sword eyebrows flew obliquely, the nose was thin, the closed eyes, the eyelashes were long and warped, like a pair of saucer wings, cast two clusters of shadows at the eyes of the man, making the man look more and more beautiful.

Although, now the man, Wufa is messy, his robe is broken and his body is dirty, but it is difficult to hide the man's natural beauty.

Seeing that the man had restored his original appearance, the man in Zongyi standing aside was instantly delighted.

"General, general ..."

The man in Zongyi spoke, calling softly, with a little worry and anxiety in his tone.

After all, this man is not an ordinary person. He is the general of the God of War in Xiangling, Huang Xuan!

This time, the general led them to besiege the small vassal states that were innocent. Unexpectedly, he was impulsive and almost killed the enemy's blade. It was the general's trap to save him. The enemy was also returned by the enemy. On the hillside ...

These days, he keeps searching, thinking that he ...

Fortunately, he finally found the general. Otherwise, even if he dies, it is hard to blame ...

Just as the Zongyi man was worried about guilt, the originally unconscious man seemed to hear the call of the Zongyi man. Then, the closed eyelashes trembled a little, and then woke up slowly.

The eyes of the man were narrow and deep, a little bit narrow and hazy.

When the man woke up slowly, he didn't seem to return immediately, but just lay there quietly.

Even so, the man in Zongyi squatting aside was happy and excited after seeing the man wake up.

"General! You finally woke up !? Great, really great!"

Hearing the words of the Zong Yi man full of excitement, the eyes of the man who had no focus initially slowly turned around and fell on the Zong Yi man squatting aside.

When he saw that the man in Zongyi was full of joy and excitement, the thin lips of the man first opened slightly, and the slightly weak voice was slightly overflowing from the man's mouth—

"Qing Yue ..."

"Yes, it's a subordinate!"

Qing Yue said, rejoicing.

However, Qing Yue only said this, but saw the man who had been sober, calling him, his eyes were closed, and he fell into a coma again ...

Seeing this, Qing Yue died suddenly.

"General! General!"

Qing Yue spoke and shouted loudly.

But the man had fallen into a coma again. Seeing this, Qingyue frowned, and then saw the soldiers running around. Seeing this, Qing Yue's lips froze and he said immediately.

"Come here! Hurry back to the generals!"



"Small six, this is the military camp! Tired !? I will take you to rest in the camp first !?"

When the sunset goes down, the night has come.

After walking half a day, Ye Mengmeng finally came to the barracks.

At this moment, Ye Mengmeng only felt that his legs were no longer his own.

After all, she had just woke up, was hungry and tired, and her physical strength was long gone.

Moreover, Ye Mengmeng also knows that if Qingyu's pace was not for her, they would have returned to the barracks long ago.

Ye Mengmeng thought so in her heart. When she heard Bai Wu's words, the beautiful eyes were swept gently in front of her.

With that, the beautiful eyes could not help but stare.

"Wow, it turns out that this is the barracks ..."

Ye Mengmeng spoke, a little surprised in his tone.

After all, they are now standing on a small hill in front of the barracks, so that they can see far away by standing tall.

Therefore, standing in this position is enough to bring all the face of the military barracks into full view.

Although it is night, the surroundings are dark.

But now, the bright moon is hanging, and the cold moonlight is softly sprinkled and gently covers the entire earth, making the whole earth a little ripple and mysterious color.

The size of the barracks was huge, and many torches were raised all around.

The torch was exuberant, and it was clear that the entire barracks photos were like daylight.

I saw that the barracks were large in size and surrounded by large and small camps.

Around, there were one person in five steps, one post in ten steps, and not far away, there were still many sentries guarding the entire barracks.

Not far away, there is a huge open space. On the open space, a team of soldiers is training there ...

Ye Mengmeng, though, has always lived in the splendid palace, and has rarely been out of the palace, let alone visited the military camp.

It's just that although the barracks is not as brilliant as the palace, it is just majesty and grandeur!

Looking at this heavily guarded barracks, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help it.

Moreover, I was convinced that her brother Xuan was definitely here!

After all, that year, her brother Xuan went to study abroad, but she had to go through her own experience.

There is no place here, it is better experienced than military barracks.

So Brother Xuan, Mengmeng is here!

I do n’t know, when you see Meng Meng, you still remember Meng Meng! ?

Just when Ye Mengmeng was ecstatic in his heart, his heart was even more difficult to hide.

Bringing his eyes together, his eyebrows relaxed, his cheeks twitched, and the joy on his face was agitated, hard to hide.

I never noticed that the look on his face fell quietly into the young man's eyes.

"Six, what are you laughing at ?!"

Qingyu opened her mouth, and her eyes fell on Ye Mengmeng with a little doubt.

After hearing the words, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first, and then goodbye Qingyu fell on her body, and her eyes were full of doubt. Ye Mengmeng first shook her head gently, and her red lips opened.

"It's nothing. I was the first time I saw the barracks. It was hard to conceal the joy. And, thinking that I could soon find my loved ones, I felt so happy!"

"Haha, just be happy, Primary Six, rest assured, as long as your loved ones are in the barracks, we can naturally help you find it soon!"

Bai Wu opened his mouth and grinned.

Wen Yan, Ye Mengmeng just nodded slightly.

"Ok, I know."

"Well, don't say more, you must be tired of Primary Six, let's go back first, and I'll get you something delicious!"

Qingyu said, thoughtfully.

Although, this boy is about the same age as them, but this boy is thin and has been washed down by the river before. He is soaked in water, and now he is very weak.

Although the boy's face stretched, his face rejoiced, but he still saw the dark blue and tiredness under the boy's eyes.

Seeing this, in Qing Yu's eyes, I could not help but feel the pain and pity that I didn't know.

Relative to Qing Yu with pity on his face, Bai Wu, who was standing aside, heard the words and then said.

"Yeah, we've been on the road for the past few days and haven't tasted anything good. Now that we're back, let's eat well!"