MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 49 Paper Crane Disciple

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Du Yu took out the plastic jar in the bag, put the little white flower in it, and screwed the lid.

"Don't run! Our battle is not over yet!" Fan Changhong shouted angrily, perhaps because there were soldiers present, his words and deeds were very normal.

"But I don't want to fight anymore."

Fan Changhong looked annoyed: "You said you won't fight if you don't? You just shot me from behind with an arrow!"

Du Yu: "Don't make trouble, it's you who stopped me first and moved first."

Fan Changhong's face was ashen: "You!"

Du Yu laughed. Because there were soldiers present, the man didn't dare to curse, so he didn't even speak? Are you starting to jump out?

Du Yu: "Why don't you take your mother with you, maybe you can speak more smoothly?"

Fan Changhong trembled with anger and his face was blood red: "If I lose, I will give you this demon soldier in my hand!"

Du Yu was very surprised. When they were fighting each other like this, the other party suddenly said such a sentence.

Is it all for profit?

Du Yu seemed to want to understand the reason. No matter what the appearance of the man in front of him was, his purpose was very pure.

Du Yu put the plastic jar with the little white flowers in his backpack and zipped it directly: "No betting, I don't like your demon soldier."

The surroundings have returned to tranquility, and the soldiers don't wait any longer. Although the young female soldier likes to watch the fun at close range, but the veteran next to her leaves, she can only helplessly keep up.

Fan Changhong lowered his voice and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "Boy, what's your name?"

Du Yu put on his tactical backpack and shrugged his shoulders as he stepped back: "I told you not to run, I told you to run over there, I told you not to run towards me."

Burning with anger, blood poured into the pupils!

Fan Changhong's eyes seemed to be able to kill people, and he suddenly pulled the bow and arrow, pointing at Du Yu: "You! Step! Horse! It's!"


Two gray birds suddenly flew out from Fan Changhong's forehead, attached to the wind arrow and carrying two large-scale small wind blades, approaching Du Yu's face!

"Hey!" Xiaoyan let out a fox cry, and a large fireball quickly gathered in front of her face!

Du Yu dodged abruptly to the left: "Sparks splash!"

The two sides are indeed in the process of fighting, but just now there were soldiers present, and the man calmed down a little. Or, the man's ultimate goal is to gamble on the "twin flower", hidden under his angry face, a mercenary heart.


The fireball was precisely cut by two small wind blades. Driven by the wind demon breath, the fireball exploded extremely violently.

The heat was roaring and sparks were flying.

Xiao Fenyang suddenly said: "If you want to win, you'd better make a quick decision and win with one blow."

Du Yu hid behind a big tree and nodded secretly in his heart. At his age, he must be at the peak of the Demon Fighter, two small rank from Du Yu.

Du Yu can't break the opponent's defense, it doesn't matter, Hu Xiaoyan can!

The output scale of her demon skills is already at the level of earth-level demon skills.

"Ambush here, prepare for sparks." Du Yu put Xiaoyan under the tree, and in just a few words, he had already decided his strategy.

The layers of flames that pervaded the previous explosion had not yet dissipated, and with a little bit of protection, he hurriedly ran to the mountains behind.

Xiaoyan hid behind the big tree, her golden brown fox eyes looked at Du Yu's back running away, there was no sadness in her eyes, but full of trust.

And in front of her face, a fireball quickly gathered.

Xiao Fenyang's approval voice came from his mind: "Okay, let's continue to provoke him and make him lose his mind."

Du Yu leaned his back against the tree, and without thinking, raised his head and shouted loudly, "That's right! I also told you to want to die, and I told you to wait for me."

While speaking, with the continuous blessing of the fire demon breath, the flame groove at the handle of the demon soldier's silver fire bow was faintly lit.

"Little Fengying, attack him from both sides, surround him!" Fan Changhong was furious, trying to keep his voice down, extremely hoarse.

The two little wind eagles couldn't hear the master's order at all, but under the contract, they flew around quickly.

In Fan Changhong's eyes, Du Yu is just an arrogant and ignorant brat. He doesn't stand upright when he is beaten, and he doesn't even know how much he weighs!

The little wind eagle flew fast, and Fan Changhong, who was full of anger, went even faster. He searched for the source of Du Yu's voice and quickly approached.

And just as his figure passed by the tree where Du Yu was hiding before, Yu Guang suddenly noticed something.

Fan Changhong turned his head sharply to look, and Xiao Yan, who was shadowed behind the big tree, had already exploded on the ground with a fireball!

The full of spirituality, Xiao Yan, at this moment, turned into Yan Laoliu!

She didn't try to bomb the man's body in vain, because the picture of the two-leaf clover snake dodging is still vivid in her mind. Xiaoyan made her own choice, she wanted to enter the second stage of the Spark Splash attack as soon as possible!


The fireball hit the ground and exploded!

"Woooo~woo..." Xiaoyan screamed in a low voice, even though the fireball exploded closer to the enemy and farther away from herself, but she was strong in attacking and defending the weak, and her demon breath robe was still broken. He was also blown back again and again.

"Grass... ah ah!" Fan Changhong screamed, subconsciously covering his head with one hand, curled up his body, and his whole body was blown out.

The Demon Breath battle robe shattered and was vulnerable to a single blow!

Brave Bronze Spark Splash!

At the moment when the fireball exploded, Du Yu suddenly appeared, and the silver fire of the demon soldier filled up instantly.

Eye of the Burning Sun: Hunting Moment!

Between heaven and earth, it seems to have stopped in an instant...


"Hey!" Xiaofengying's chirping should have been beautiful and pleasant, but in Du Yu's world, their voices slowed down infinitely and were very deep.

The little wind eagles just started to fly around, not far apart yet, their wings flapped extremely slowly, and the two small wind blades also slowly converged and formed.

Du Yu's fiery eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the two small wind eagles, and also saw two small wind blades gradually appearing. Finally, he looked at the defensive posture of the man leaning his body and protecting his head and body with his hands.

Lao Tzu is also called Zhihe Disciple! ! !


The bowstring was stretched and trembled wildly!

The whole world returned to its original speed.

The arrow that was covered in silver fire shot out rapidly, approaching the man who was overturned!

Fan Changhong covered his head, turned his body sideways, and curled his legs to protect as many vital parts as possible. But this arrow passed through his armpit and pierced into his right liver!

"Uh...ahah! Ahahah!" The shrill screams could not be heard, Fan Changhong fell heavily to the ground.

However, the silver flame is burning fiercely, from the inside out, it ignites frantically!

It's hard to imagine what it's like to have your internal organs burned. Tens of thousands of ants eat? Maybe more than...

"Bah! Bah!"

Du Yu, who shot the silver rocket arrow, jumped, and the place where he was before was immediately slashed by two small wind blades, leaving a deep dent on the ground, forming an "X" shape.

"Stop! Stop!!!" An exclamation came from the woods.

The young female soldier came with the wind, and a burst of green light spots on her forehead quickly put together a large wooden stake. She also broke the silver rocket arrow with one hand.

"Ahhh! Ahhhh!" Fan Changhong was still screaming, his voice was terrifying and horrifying to hear.

The silver rocket arrow was torn to pieces, but the front end of the arrow was still nailed to the man's liver, and it was burnt violently, unrelenting...

The silver fire of the demon soldier, the name of the demon arrow formation ignited!

"Stop screaming, get your demon breath and protect your internal organs!" The female soldier's voice was extremely stern.

"Uh ah... woo woo..." Fan Changhong's face was pale, and he rolled on the ground in pain, and there was even a cry in his screams.

The female soldier held his head with one hand, and after fixing his figure, she hurriedly waved it down.

A muffled sound of "Boom"!

The wooden stake that had been prepared early smashed heavily on the man who was screaming in pain, and even buried him shallowly in the ground.

For a time, countless branches spread out, wrapping the man into a cocoon, and green light spots filled the air, rippling.


The female soldiers here were rescuing the wounded, and on Du Yu's side, a strong wind had already blown.

The two little wind eagles were immediately overturned, and they flapped their wings vigorously, trying to stop in the air.

"The battle is over, go back to your master." The old soldier said. After he stepped out of the tree, he stared at Du Yu silently.

After Fan Changhong was wrapped into a cocoon by the leaves of the vine, the young female soldier also looked shocked and turned to look for Du Yu.

In my impression, this child should have just woken up not long ago. Although he had seduced the two-leaf clover snake before and showed good quality and potential, now...

Continued anger → Ambush → One-shot kill!

What happened in just a few seconds was far beyond the soldiers' expectations.

Fan Changhong was devoured by anger, underestimated the enemy and conceited, and stepped on all the thunder that a soldier should not step on, it is not wrong to lose!

The female soldier is willing to believe that Du Yu can use such tactics, and also believes that the little Firefox is the biggest hero, able to break through the enemy's defense.

But the real question is, is Du Yu's arrow just now really good or just a stroke of luck?

Not only did the arrow precisely hit the moving target, but the moment when the shirt shattered and the silver arrow pierced it was simply a seamless connection!

"Hey!" The little fox chirped The female soldier looked around and saw the little fire fox running crookedly towards Du Yu.

Du Yu, who was lying on the ground, had a very blurry vision. He didn't dare to get up and walk rashly.

Du Yu opened his eyes, only to feel a fiery red figure rushing towards him. He hugged Xiaoyan tightly with both hands, and his lips were lightly imprinted on her head: "Thank you, you have been wronged."

"嘤~" Xiaoyan coquettishly murmured in a low voice, and then raised her hairy little head, her pink tongue gently licking Du Yu's face.

She seemed a little aggrieved, but also a little happy.

The veteran picked up the stake in one hand and said, "Let's go, take it to the hospital."

The female soldier looked at Du Yu: "He..."

The veteran said softly: "We are present, so naturally we avoid the link of him making phone calls after the war and asking for help to the wounded. This is a normal competition."

"Yes." The female soldier got up and quickly followed, and said in a low voice, "This kid is quite spiritual, and the little Firefox has been cultivated very well. He has a deep emotional bond and trusts his master very much."

"Indeed." The veteran sighed, then shook his head and smiled, "Haha."

The young female soldier asked curiously, "What's the matter, Master?"

Veteran: "I've been stationed here for so many years. This is the first time I've seen someone make a mistake and crack the only way to get the twin tree flowers. Maybe this kid can really make a difference?"

Female soldier: "I can't blame the previous practitioners. It is difficult for them to find the monsters that are completely swallowed by the cold air, and they don't have the conditions at all.

Recently, we have been getting more and more cold here. I heard that the coldness of other foreign realms is getting more and more..."

Veteran: "Shh!"