MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8191 : magic brain

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The Eternal Sea is not only bordered by the Zhenhai Demon Realm, but also the Daoji Adapter Port to the Blood Coagulation Demon Realm.

Since the three thousand years of Daotian Dacheng, the Dao foundations of all parties have been connected together with a degree of fitness. At the end of the eternal sea, there is a boundless and boundless land of magic land.

Although it is called blood coagulation, it is not a piece of blood-red land.

The purple vegetation occupies most of it, and the occasional embellishments are mainly orange-red. The freshness of breathing the air is no less than that of any God's Domain.

Or after staying at the bottom of the sea for a long time, standing on land can make me feel smooth and relaxed.

I came here alone, and I am also changing my Daoji law along the way, which has become a habit.

After all, my root is the congenital luck itself, so in the several months since the ancient universe of Mingtian, I have sensed the Daoji law when flying, and changed the attributes of the body law, and I have long had the instinct of self-regulation.

So wherever I go, I will adapt to the Taoist foundation there.

At the moment I stood in the blood coagulation demon domain, I was no different from the Taoist demon.

At this moment, I have two extra horns on my head. If Su Tian sees me, she will probably think that I am of the same race as her.

The clothes on his body were changed to black, both red and black.

Although the fog blue beads were sent out, the laws of the Dao Dao have the same effect. Although it is not as good as the heavenly crafted ghost axe, which can condense the magical and unique laws, it is still possible to change your appearance slightly. .

So when I stand here, I look like myself except for three points, and I look more heroic and domineering when I am seven points.

After a few steps, I picked up a leaf and found that the vegetation here was purple, and the sap was the same color.

And the Daoji law here seems to be able to easily crystallize the liquid.

So in addition to most of the purple vegetation, there are many purple crystals around, and they have a faint magic attribute.

This should be the main law of the Coagulation Demon Realm, and Yan'er should use the same law.

I quickly flew towards the fairyland that Li Duanyue gave me, towards the Demon Palace of the Coagulation Demon Realm.

In addition to the magnificent landscape plants on the way, there are also many strange beasts on the land, in other words, they are no different from birds and beasts in other fairylands.

So don't look at the grotesque appearance of the cosmic demons in the ancient universe of Mingtian. In fact, the difference between the demon realm and the fairy realm is at most due to the difference in laws.

According to the map, I soon came to the first Demon Sect adjacent to the border.

The buildings here are rather distinctive, the roofs are tall and sharp, with edges and corners, because some windows similar to Mingwa are inlaid, it looks colorful and spectacular.

At the huge stone in the gate, a boy with a strange appearance and a tumor on his head was sitting there. When he saw me flying, he immediately became vigilant.

"Demon friend, you Blood Sect, have you seen a female fairy recently? Basically, it looks like this." I landed in front of the boy and drew the appearance of Liulisha with purple blood mist.

The boy looked at me suspiciously, seeing that I handed over a magic token, his eyes lit up, and said in an old voice: "I have never seen it before, brother, why don't you ask something else so that I can earn this magic token?" How did you get it?"

The Dao Demon of Demon Realm is not like a **** who is polite and polite, and will not hide his greed.

"Alright, I'm the Demon Lord from another Demon Realm. I'm new here. If a demon friend can give me a copy of the experience and records and legends of this Demon Realm, not to mention a magic order, naturally the more the better, isn't it?"

"Haha, it's easy to say!" The boy hesitated for a few seconds, and then took out a volume from his sleeve: "Although this is not a secret, it contains many ancient legends. Of course, it may not be true, but you It takes a lot of effort to find it, three magic tokens, pay with one hand, and deliver with the other.”

I threw three magic tokens to him, took the scroll, and after I spread it out, a violent magic energy sprayed towards me immediately!

At the same time, the boy's head exploded, and a monster shaped like a spider immediately rushed to my face, and its eight claws tightly hugged my head!

"Oh, it's interesting." I smiled.

Although I was a little wary of these demons, I didn't expect a gatekeeper to be so insidious and cunning, so I was pleasantly surprised.

"Dare to underestimate the old man!?" The boy snorted coldly, and then immediately cast a spell to control the spider that exploded from his head and go all out!

"Although I underestimated you, it's not much." I stretched out my hand and grabbed the spider's butt, squeezed it hard, and with a bang, purple liquid and crystals exploded out!

Shocked, the boy immediately flew into the air, and then dozens of purple gold threads flew out of his head, rushing towards me extremely fast!


bang bang bang!

The moment I got out of the way, dozens of small pits were blasted out on the ground, and after hearing the movement, Dao demons flew out of the demon sect one after another, and all of them looked at me!

The boy saw a fellow Taoist from his sect coming out, and quickly shouted: "This beast is a demon from outside the realm! Maybe it's a spy from my Blood Congealing Demon Realm! Brothers, don't be merciful!"

"Hey, do you need to say that?"

"It's not a demon in my demon realm, of course I can't let it go."

A group of Daoist demons are vicious and fierce, and they take out phantom soldiers one after another, and all kinds of attacks come one after another!

I thought to myself that I was deceived by this beautiful world just now, thinking that I could communicate with them as well as Xianyu, but I didn't expect you to talk well, but it doesn't mean that others will treat you equally.

Because the golden pagoda is a treasure condensed by the laws of the gods, it was destroyed by me before entering the blood coagulation realm.

In order to be able to integrate into the Demon Realm, it's not that I haven't created the phantom soldiers belonging to the Demon Realm.

A blood-red fan appeared in my hand, and after I waved it casually, sixteen fan bones flew out from the fan, turning into small swords and rushing straight at the little boy!

The boy also knew that I held a grudge against it, and at the same time he immediately retreated, he spit out a cloud of blood from his mouth!

Immediately, the boy's body fell into a haze, thinking that he could avoid my pursuit!


As a result, after a scream, the boy was nailed to death on the boulder by my fan bone, and his whole body was covered with purple crystals!

Several dao demons of the demon sect were shocked, but they surrounded me with great difficulty, how could they let go so easily?

"Let's go together, be careful! The other party is the Demon Lord of Outland!"

They dared to surround me even though they knew that I was a Demon Lord of Outland. This group of Taoist demons were indeed crazy, but who didn't know that the goal was important, which meant that the loot was also rich?

They think they can fight it out!

"Stop all of them!"

Just when I thought this matter was going to be a big mess, the woman's voice quickly came from the Demon Sect. There are many mountains here, and the voice echoed all over the field.

But compared to the entire huge Demon Sect, in fact, even the scope of Yifeng has not been conveyed!