MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-Chapter 13 Lor'themar is on vacation

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This is a very official, very cautious, textbook-style standard answer. Cirvanas couldn't say anything either, but it wasn't the answer she needed.

She then asked, "So do you think Quel'Thalas owes humans anything? Or, does Quel'Thalas owe humans anything during the last troll war?"

"Owing to humans, what is owed to humans?" Lor'themar didn't understand why Cirvanas asked this, he frowned: "How could Quel'Thalas owe humans something?"

Although humans helped Quel'Thalas defeat the troll's attack in that war, it was also the help that Quel'Thalas used magic to exchange with them.

Otherwise, humans still don't know what magic is, let alone Quel'Thalas helped them establish Dalaran, the city of magic. Isn't all of this enough?

"Is this your personal opinion?" Sylvanas asked. In fact, she thought so too.

"Yes! This is my personal opinion, and I believe it is the opinion of most high elves," said Lor'themar.

"How do you know that this is the view of most high elves? Did you guess it yourself?" Cirvanas asked.

"I guessed it, but I can prove it to you right away." Lor'themar stood up, went to the door and asked the guards to call 10 people, lined up and asked the question one by one, and the answers they got were surprisingly consistent.

Lor'themar drove out a group of inexplicable soldiers, turned to Sylvanas and asked, "How is it? Am I right?"

"What you said makes sense," Cirvanas nodded and said, "But the number of people is still too small to represent the general public opinion of Quel'Thalas. I will give you a task to investigate the people of Quel'Thalas The perception of this matter, and the human perception of this matter."

Cirvanas suddenly sneered and said, "Maybe we don't think we owe humans anything, but humans think we owe them a debt that will never be repaid."

"Humans think we owe them?" Lor'themar wondered.

I thought it was impossible! If this is true, human beings are too greedy. After all, they should have known about the troll threat that time, and it wasn't just for Quel'Thalas, it was their turn when Quel'Thalas collapsed.

"Then why don't we investigate now?" Cirvanas laughed.

"What do humans think is important to us?" Lor'themar asked.

"It's better to know than not to know." Cirvanas said, "What if all the stubborn people in Silvermoon City have the same thoughts as you, making decisions in a muddle. Once there is a war and the agreement needs to be fulfilled , we might suffer a loss.”

"A large-scale war is going to happen again?" Lor'themar frowned.

The war that allows the elves and humans to form a coalition is undoubtedly a huge war, and it may even be a war to destroy the country. However, nothing major has happened recently! Could it be the trolls in Zul'Aman? He thought carefully about what Cirvanas said, and realized that what she was talking about was definitely not the trolls in Zul'Aman, but the humans.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. But preparation is still necessary," Cirvanas said, "At least I want to let those old guys in Silvermoon City know that humans are not that reliable."

"Okay, I'll do it later!" Lor'themar agreed after thinking for a while.

"I heard that the king of the human Kingdom of Lordaeron, His Majesty Terenas seems to have no children yet!" Cirvanas said casually.

"I'm not sure about this," Lor'themar said, "It seems that I just married the queen last year. According to the fertility of human beings, it is estimated that it will take two years to have children. Admiral Daelin Proudmoore also I got married last year, and I invited a lot of people to watch the ceremony, which was very grand."

"A moment of silence for our Majesty the King," Cirvanas said, "If they really have a baby, then our Majesty the King will give you two generous gifts."

Lor'themar laughed and said, "That's true."

"Do you want to take the opportunity to go there to play? You can also take the opportunity to investigate. Don't keep asking ordinary people, the views of nobles among human beings can better reflect the authenticity of this matter. Secret investigations are fine, don't Let people find out there and give you a wrong answer. There are not many good opportunities like this."

"Then let me thank you sir, I haven't had a long vacation for a long time." Lor'themar said happily.

"You can investigate our people in Silvermoon City first, and pay attention to the news in this area. I will take care of the next thing. I believe that our Windchaser family still has the ability to put you in the envoy. .” Sylvanas said.

"I really hope those two guys will work harder and give birth to the child as soon as possible." Lor'themar laughed.

Cirvanas continued with a smile, "What do you think of our shipbuilding capabilities in Quel'Thalas?"

"Shipbuilding? Not too good and not too bad!" Lor'themar said.

In fact, Quel'Thalas' shipbuilding technology is good, even more advanced than humans in terms of power. Because Quel'Thalas is driven by mana, and the warships of human countries are mainly driven by sails. Who is Quel'Thalas, who has an inexhaustible source of magic power, the Sunwell?

However, the shipbuilding industry in Quel'Thalas is not very large, mainly because the population of Quel'Thalas is too small to keep up with the number of humans. It may also be because Quel'Thalas doesn't pay much attention to the development of the navy. After all, the main enemy of Quel'Thalas is the trolls in Zul'Aman, and the navy is useless.

"So how much gold and time do you need to build a large warship?" Cirvanas asked.

"That's quite a lot," Lor'themar said, "I don't know the exact number, but the armed training of four or five ranger troops is definitely enough, maybe more. Time, it may take half a year to complete the construction Bar."

"Will so many gold coins be needed? It will take so long to build?" Cirvanas was surprised.

She has always been leading the ranger unit, and she doesn't know much about the navy. Because the navy of Quel'Thalas is too small. There are only three troops of 600 people, which can't even compare with the smallest marine auxiliary army. up.

They are only responsible for taking turns to pick up and drop off, and the troops guarding Rikui Island, and even the warships do not have too many bed guards. Because Rikui Island is not very far from the mainland, the Dragon Eagle Flying Force is fully capable of guarding the route. The Council of Silvermoon sees no need to spend too much money there. After all, the navy is notoriously a big spender. To build a huge navy, the stack of gold coins is like a mountain.

"Of course! I'm going to keep it low," Lor'themar said affirmatively, "I know someone in Sunsail Port. I don't dare to say the specifics, but I generally know."

"Are human warships also so expensive?" Cirvanas asked, "I remember that they have quite a few fleets."

"Human battleships are more expensive." Lor'themar said: "Human battleships are smaller than ours, but their battleships have three floors and are equipped with dozens of cannons, so they are at least twice as expensive as our battleships. more than that, and more.”

"The difference is so big?" Cirvanas couldn't believe it.

"Because their warships are mainly used for combat, while our warships are mainly used for transportation. They have different functions. Although our ships are bigger and longer than others, they are really no match for others in a fight. If it is not because of us If all the battleships are powered by mana, the price comparison will be even worse." Lor'themar said.

In fact, it's not that Quel'Thalas can't build those powerful warships, but that Quel'Thalas doesn't need to build them. The elves don't go around like humans, they just need to guard Quel'Thalas, and Quel'Thalas has a magic shield covering the entire kingdom, and there are dragon eagle air troops, so Silvermoon City will not spend a lot of money to build. What's more, the main enemy of the high elves is the troll in Zul'Aman, and the battleship has no effect at all.

"Collect me some information about ships if you have time, I want to learn some knowledge about this." Cirvanas said.

But secretly decided in his heart, if it was true what he said. UU Reading When war breaks out, if humans request Quel'Thalas to send troops through an agreement, they must become negotiators and get back a few warships. We have to find a way to get that Habayashi Blood Eagle into the regiment.

However, he is now just a small squadron leader and a baron, his status is too low. It may be difficult to handle at that time, so we have to find a way to let him make more military achievements! It's not easy to mention titles, but with military merits, it shouldn't be difficult to raise them.

It's just that he is obviously not cooperative now, and it's not easy to handle. Hmph, little man, if he hadn't said those things, I would have really regarded him as a little man. But why did he tell me? There are so many people who are stronger and more powerful than me, why did he only tell me? This was a question that Cirvanas couldn't figure out.

Lor'themar saw Sylvanas brooding again. I wanted to make a sound to remind, but after thinking about it, I gave up, and was about to go out, but Silvana made a sound again.

"Lor'themar, start investigating this matter first, and treat it as a long vacation for you," Cirvanas said: "Humans wait for the opportunity, and do the domestic part well first. Write a Detailed report, how long do you think it will take?"

"That depends on how long the Captain is willing to give me, but at least a week!" Lor'themar said. He hasn't had a vacation for a long time.

"I'll give you one month!" Cirvanas said.

"One month!" Lor'themar asked in surprise. But he was thinking in his heart, when did Cirvanas become so generous?

"Why is it too much? I can reduce it!" Sylvanas said.

"Not much! Not much!" Lor'themar nodded hurriedly and went out, joking, who would think that there are too many holidays?

Lor'themar quickly disappeared through the door.

Cirvanas fell into long thoughts again.

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