MTL - Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me-v14 Chapter 312 The pet forgotten by the cute king?

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"Limuru-sama." x2

At this moment, someone outside the command post shouted for the maids Haruna and Priscilla who were waiting for Rimuru whenever they needed it.

"What's the matter?" Rimuru asked, thinking that it wasn't time to add tea or eat, "Did someone sneak in?"

Priscilla said, "No, it's a little bit about the recent addition of pets..."

Rimuru couldn't remember when she bought a pet, but maybe it was some ambiguous words, maybe it was like a new person or monster. Rimuru is used to increasing his family at will, but this should be a step back from the current war.

"Is there a problem with life and health?"

"No, it's not..."

"Then you take care of it first, there is still a war here."

"...Understood. I'm very sorry for disturbing Master Rimuru."

After they left, Rimuru asked Benimaru, "Okay, how is the enemy with the Resurrection Bracelet now?"

After confirming with the [Grand Marshal], Benimaru replied: "In order to prevent him from committing suicide and returning to the outside to reveal our army's intelligence, he deliberately recovered the bracelet and surrendered, but they refused to surrender, because their strength is quite good, so they showed no mercy. ."

"...Hey, forget it. Find some of the dead who were defeated by our overwhelming strength, resurrect them and let them go back to pass on our strength. Then send someone to recruit, um, let Damrard who has surrendered also join Go ahead. It’s okay to talk for a while, I’ll give you time to send troops to surround you. It’s best to surrender, not surrender, and we have to be prepared. I don’t want to see a comrade die now.”

"Limuru-sama is wise."

"Then, let me prepare to fight, too." Limuru stood up and said.

"Limuru-sama is the king, why did the king personally participate in the war?"

"That's right, shouldn't I be the 'final line of defense' to fight first?" Veldora interjected.

Limuru: "Uncle, shut up. The 'final line of defense' focuses on defense. Now it's turned from defense to offense, isn't it?"


Limuru said: "In short, the number of enemies is still overwhelming, and almost all the troublesome aircraft and tanks are still alive, which represents the most elite part of their army except for a few masters. I think the enemy is from my country. , In addition to thinking that that kind of ray can deal with Veldora, I also think that I am a new demon king, so I am easy to bully. Otherwise, why don't they attack from Milim's side, and only block the country of King Gazel? So I also need to show some strength to the world. This way, the pressure on you to fight will be reduced a lot."

At the same time, he also wanted to give himself a chance to make up his mind—although it seemed a little late to say so, Rimuru was prone to show mercy because of the appearance and identity of the enemy during battle.

The last time I had a decisive battle with the Luozo family, I felt a little bit. With his strength and the ability to be immune to Marianne Bell's skills, Marianne Bell's body is only a child, and her strength depends entirely on skills. Those who can kill Marianne Bell immediately will not give them the chance to summon the Primordial Green Misari, merge with Guram Bell and Maria, and further summon "visitors from other worlds" as hostages.

If Misali happened to be Guy's subordinate, he and Guy had reached a better relationship temporarily; if it hadn't been for Klauenpis to suddenly attack the team, he would have made corresponding arrangements in China - although Limuru I feel that I still have a good chance of winning, but maybe there will be major losses and worse future situations.

He wanted to give himself a chance in this war.

However, if the enemy were willing to surrender, that would be all the better.


Unfortunately, Rimuru's wish could not come true.

He underestimated the loyalty of the imperial soldiers to the emperor, or the powerful ability of Emperor Rudra to dominate - not only in skills.

Damrade was denounced as a traitor, and they seemed to be talking patiently, but they began to mobilize the army to prepare to break through.

Although the losses were huge, two-thirds of the personnel were reduced, and only 300,000 people remained, but in other words, they still had an army of 300,000 people that was enough to crush most countries.

There are still more troops in the country than the current number, and there is still room to recruit troops. Of course, since they fail, they may report to the emperor that they are not suitable to be enemies of the Demon Kingdom, but they will never surrender.

It failed to buy time. Although the army under the command of Benimaru succeeded in encircling it, the number of troops was at a disadvantage, and the preparations for the attack of aircraft and tanks were not ready. Even if they were victorious, there would be casualties.

Even if it is to be resurrected, the corpse will be smashed to pieces by the powerful firepower, or the magic element that is the basis of life will be decomposed when it is subjected to [Magic Disrupting Emission], and the magic element that is the basis of life will be decomposed, but it will really die.

Limuru stretched out demon-like bat wings behind his back, standing higher than their flying fleet, looking at the scene below, and said to himself, "Yes, this is your choice."

I don't know if it has something to do with the massacres on various battlefields that I have seen through the images. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that my heart has become a monster. I don't know if it has something to do with the regret if I don't do it. Limuru feels that his heart is a little calm now, and he is about to win. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost, but there was no depression like the last war.

It may also be that no face can be seen from this perspective.

Don't look for the reason, UU reading www.uukanshu. Since the enemy suffered such losses, he still chose to fight, and even a deserter could not be identified. Even if he made sacrifices, he would still be loyal to the emperor.

That's as you wish.

In a large area around Rimuru, there are about 30,000 water lenses constructed by water elemental spirits. Use them to focus the sunlight and irradiate the target. With Ciel's computing power, even if the quality and distance of different targets are different, they can all be adjusted to focus to maximize the damage.

The spot where it shines is as thin as a pencil lead. The energy is derived from sunlight, which consumes less mana, but the temperature is more than twice as high as the surface of the sun.

The killing efficiency is not a problem, because the attack itself is not magic, although it is a physical attack, it has no substance, the enemy's defensive barrier is useless, and it is also very simple to penetrate the airship that reduces the weight for flying, and quickly burn through the thick tank. The armor part is a bit difficult, but the tank has many weaknesses. It is not a solid metal lump. Ciel's computing power is enough to lock the weak points.

If there is any disadvantage, it can only be used during the day. If the weather is not good, you have to consume extra magic power to blow away the clouds. One wave will completely destroy the water lens. Each wave has a time interval. .

This is a new type of magic technique developed by Rimuru - [God's Wrath].

(to be continued)