MTL - Rebirth 2002: Nano Life-v4 Chapter 27 two hundred and seventy

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In addition to donating money, Chen Yizhe, the biggest boss of Xia Meng, personally went to the front line this time.

Originally, Chen Yizhe didn't plan to go. After all, Xia Meng's size is too large. If he, the person in charge, is not in the company and doesn't handle company affairs, but instead goes to the disaster relief scene, it will give people the feeling of being a show. , but also put the cart before the horse. Chen Yizhe doesn't care about other people's opinions.

But on the night of the earthquake, when watching TV with Xia Yi at home, and seeing the general situation of the disaster area, Chen Yizhe couldn't take it anymore, so he said to Xia Yi, who was already in tears, "I still have to go this time!"

Xia Yi was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said to Chen Yizhe, "Well, then you have to pay attention."

Since Chen Yizhe showed some secrets to Xia Yi last time, she believes that Chen Yizhe can better protect himself and help others in this environment.

Chen Yizhe entered the front line of the disaster area in Sichuan in a low-key manner. However, for people like Chen Yizhe, whether it is the search work or the rescue after the search, Chen Yizhe's performance far surpasses others.

In Sichuan for half a month, Chen Yizhe led the team to search and rescue a total of 127 people. In fact, nearly 100 people were rescued within the first 48 hours, and most of them were only excavated. corpse.

During this trip to Sichuan, almost no one recognized Chen Yizhe in disguise.

After the disaster relief is over, the reconstruction of the disaster area has to start. For the reconstruction of the disaster area, Chen Yizhe sent a team from Xia Meng Medical.

Post-disaster reconstruction is not only about building reconstruction, but psychological reconstruction may be more important, and Xia Meng Medical's team is mainly to reconstruct the psychology of the victims.

After all, even with Chen Yizhe's intervention, many people in this earthquake lost their loved ones, lost their loved ones, and lost their spiritual and material wealth for survival.

People tend to be brave when disaster strikes. However, such a sudden disaster, witnessing death and destruction without any mental preparation, will actually leave a bed in the heart more or less, and even cannot make up for long-term psychological damage. Many people will unknowingly suffer from depression and finally decide to end their lives.

For example, in Chen Yizhe's previous life, the reconstruction speed of the post-disaster earthquake area was indeed very fast, but at the same time, there were more and more incidents of victims committing suicide due to psychological pressure.

Moreover, after Chen Yizhe returned to Pengcheng from Wenchuan, Xiameng Group announced another news and decided to build a large-scale smart hospital in Wenchuan.

Banks and hospitals, both the most specialized sectors, are also seen as the hardest to change.

Hospitals are also one of the nightmares of many ordinary people. Many people are afraid of going to the hospital, not only because of their physical pain, but also because they are afraid of being unable to afford expensive medicines.

Therefore, when he founded Xiameng Medical, Chen Yizhe proposed a corporate culture to Xiameng Medical: "Let there be no patients in the world who look down on the disease."

And Chen Yizhe often emphasized when talking with technicians at Xiameng Medical, "If the hospital does not change, we will change the hospital. In the future, Xiameng Medical has only one goal, which is to be a healthy industry and make people healthier!"

In the past few years, Xiameng Medical has initially perfected the cdss system. At present, cdss has covered more than 200 common diseases, including 90% of the diseases diagnosed daily by ordinary community hospitals, and the accuracy rate has increased to more than 90%, reaching the intermediate level or above. Physician professional level. The hospital to be established in Wenchuan will fully adopt the cdss system.

Of course, Xiameng Medical has not only researched the cdss project in the past few years. The projects it has cooperated with other subsidiaries of Xiameng include: the introduction of the cdss intelligent guidance robot, the artificial intelligence medical imaging auxiliary diagnosis system, the outpatient service Voice electronic medical records, oral/ultrasound voice assistants, cloud medical sound mobile medical care workstations, etc. The results of these projects will be used in smart hospitals.

In this disaster in Wenchuan, all the old ones were destroyed, but the new ones will be established and grown here, and this also gave Xia Meng an opportunity to vigorously establish and promote the smart hospital.

Of course, the step is too large, and it is easy to pull the egg.

In the early stage, hospitals still needed a large number of doctors and nurses, and they also had to have top-level experts. Only by learning from top-level experts can AI be able to reach the level of first-class experts. At the same time, further optimized artificial intelligence can in turn help ordinary nurses and hospitals to do more things within their power, reducing the workload of doctors.

Of course, Xia Meng's ultimate goal is to let AI replace doctors, but this slogan is not openly released for the time being.

Originally, Chen Yizhe wanted to set up the AI ​​terminal server on Dabai, but due to the limitations of the current communication network, he finally gave up this plan temporarily.

Of course, when conditions are ripe in the future, it is necessary to import all data into super AI such as buses to truly realize comprehensive intelligence and dataization.

And in the near future, smart hospitals will be combined with the coming era of mobile Internet to further optimize the process structure of seeing and treating patients.

The reconstruction of the disaster area is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the time has quietly come to August.

On August 3, Chen Yizhe came to the capital.

Five days later, it will usher in the biggest event in China this year: the Olympic Games.

This time, Chen Yizhe was honored to be invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

However, there is a reason why Chen Yizhe came so early. In addition to attending the opening ceremony this time, he was actually invited by a friend he just met, so he brought Xia Yi and his child to the capital for a banquet.

This friend was met by Chen Yizhe in Deyang during the disaster relief work in Sichuan. At that time, the other party was the captain in charge of the local disease prevention and control and disinfection work. His name was Zhang Xinyu.

Maybe the name Zhang Xinyu sounds very unfamiliar, but if you talk about the title of 270, it is estimated that many netizens in later generations should know it, because he and his wife Liang Hong created the show "The Journey of Love", which is very impressive. profound.

According to Chen Yizhe's understanding, 270 participated in flood relief in 1998; he has participated in racer training and obtained a racing driver's license, and even participated in racing many times; Survival, extreme survival and other related skills.

His personal abilities are quite powerful!

Although Chen Yizhe had psychological admiration for 270 in later generations, he did not expect that the two of them would become close friends after just ten days in Sichuan, which is something Chen Yizhe did not expect at all.

Maybe the fate of people is always so peculiar, some people you have known for a lifetime, it is difficult for you to get into each other's hearts, while some people can get to know each other in just a few days of contact. Chen Yizhe and 270 are exactly the latter. They are nearly 10 years apart in age, but their hobbies and topics are similar.

270 This person has liked dogs since he was a child, played with model airplanes, made small planes, made machines, etc. Chen Yizhe liked them very much. Otherwise, there would not be so many strange things at home.

At first, Chen Yizhe didn't tell 270 his real name. When the two separated, Chen Yizhe told each other his real name and contact number.

270 reacted immediately and said in surprise, "Are you the big boss of Xia Meng?"

Chen Yizhe punched the opponent's chest at that time, "When you have time, come to Pengcheng to find me!"

"Okay, wait until I find a time to go to Pengcheng to slaughter you, the big boss!" 270 did not complain that Chen Yizhe had concealed him for so long, and smiled heartily.

"That won't work. I can't afford your size. I'll wait until August to find your boss!" Chen Yizhe said with a smile.

At this time, the net worth of 270 is not cheap, and he also has assets of over 100 million.

"You are welcome in the capital!" 270 laughed.

In a few words, the two agreed to meet in August.

Several years later, 270 and his wife appeared on a show on Phoenix TV, and 270 said something like this, "Actually, there are not many people in this world that I truly admire in my heart, but such a person does exist. I met him during the Wenchuan earthquake, to be honest, he didn't tell me his real name at the beginning, but when I heard his name, I was suddenly shocked."

The host asked him, "Why are you shocked?"

270 said solemnly, "A pampered corporate boss who controlled tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of assets at the time, put down all his work and personally went to the front line to carry out search and rescue work for more than half a month. Does it sound very strange? Incredible?"

"It's really incredible." The host cooperated.

"And what's even more incredible is that this person was not there for a show. He led his team to search and rescue more than 100 people in just a few days! Moreover, after he left Sichuan, there was no media report about him coming. Sichuan!"

"Listening to you, I'm really curious now who this billionaire is!" the host exclaimed.

"Hehe, he actually appeared on my show once, and now he is not only a tens of billionaires, but a hundred billionaires!" 270 said with a smile.

"President Chen of Xiameng Group?" the host said.

"Haha, it was only after so many years that he was exposed. It is estimated that he would definitely want to beat me when he found out!" 270 said.

"With your size, can't you beat President Chen?" the host smiled.

270 shook his head, "I seem to be omnipotent in the eyes of many people, and Chen Yizhe is actually such an existence in my heart!"

After arriving in the capital, Chen Yizhe first took Xia Yi and two children to see Fu Weiqiang and his wife, and the next day, he arrived at the courtyard house in 270.

270 was shocked when he saw Chen Yizhe with Xia Yi and his two children. He didn't expect Chen Yizhe's children to be so old. After all, as far as he knew, Chen Yizhe was only 22 years old.

And when he heard that Xia Yi was one year older than him, 270 was even more stupid.

Fortunately, Xia Yi was about the same age as Liang Hong, so the two women sat aside and chatted about a lot of topics after contact, especially about the siblings Zishan and Zilong.

And Chen Yizhe and 270 are still recalling things in Sichuan.

270 sighed, "I am deeply impressed that at the time of the first-line rescue, an elder brother in his forties suddenly walked up to me and said, Captain, can you help me pick up my daughter, my daughter is already dead. UU reading I went there and took a look. Actually, I didn't dare to look at the girl's face. She was lying on the side, buried in the prefabricated board. Then I covered her face with a piece of cloth and started chiseling. Rock. Suddenly the machine slipped and fell into his daughter's body. I'm the tough guy type, I never cry, but I did that day. And what surprised me the most was that his father didn't complain, He began to comfort me, telling me that she graduated from vocational high school, went to work in Dongqi, and then turned into a regular, assigned to a house, and the house collapsed."

Hearing the story 270 told, Xia Yi and Liang Hong, who were alone with a child, suddenly fell silent.

270 turned his head to look at Liang Hong, and then said, "I asked her after I came back, and I said, is the life we ​​live now interesting? Are we living the life we ​​want? Remember all kinds of things when we were young? dream?"

270 looked at Chen Yizhe and said with a wry smile, "But Liang Hong and I really didn't answer this question at the time. So we took three days to make a decision, and we don't know if this decision is correct: we want to change the current situation. Life. We decided to spend ten years exploring the way of life that Liang Hong and I really want by means of adventure travel!”

"Hehe, you are not a safe person. I believe that even if there is no Wenchuan incident, there will definitely be other things that will drive you to make such changes in the future!" Chen Yizhe laughed.