MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 196 Mensao

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After Cheng Huainan said this, Wen Qiyun stopped talking, just closed his eyes, and leaned on the soft leather seat.

"Qiyun, you don't have to bear this with me." Halfway through the car, Cheng Huainan finally spoke again. "A while ago, I saw the information you put on the table."

At that time, the situation of the company was not so bad. Wen Qiyun once again put the divorce plan on the agenda. No one expected that the company would encounter such a big setback, and Wen Qiyun also put the divorce matter on hold.

"Company..." Cheng Huainan said.

Before Cheng Huainan could finish speaking, Wen Qiyun spoke, his eyes still closed. "The company is not your company alone."

Wen Qiyun's words made Cheng Huainan's nose tingle. Working together these days gave Cheng Huainan the feeling that he shared weal and woe back then. His wife's words made him quite emotional. These days, Yingying and Yanyan around him seem to know about his situation. Cheng Huainan knew what they didn't show. It's not uncommon for people to leave their tea cold. It just makes Cheng Huainan unavoidably disappointed, his personal charm has already left money. "Then I..."

Come on, let's start over. Cheng Huainan wanted to say this, but felt that he was not qualified to say it. Now that the debts are high, saying this sentence is a bit of a suspicion of dragging people into trouble. "Qiyun, the company still has some money. Why don't you take this money with Jinzhi..."

"What did you say?" Wen Qiyun finally opened his eyes. "You don't want a career anymore, and you won't let Jin Zhi want it?"

"Don't think about it." Wen Qiyun said: "I just don't want to make Jinzhi's career worse. She is an international star now, so many eyes are looking at her and our group. The reason why the group's profits soared was also because of Jinzhi. The exposure brought by it. Now that the company has this situation, it has also dragged down Jinzhi. Are you still thinking about running? How? Where are you going?"

The accumulated fatigue these days made Wen Qiyun's tone a little aggressive. Under Wen Qiyun's powerful aura, Cheng Huainan seemed a bit submissive. "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully."

"I just wish you well." Cheng Huainan said. Although Cheng Huainan spends his days and nights outside, he always has a "sense of responsibility" to protect his wife and daughter in his heart.

"If you really want us well, just take care of the women around you. Don't make any more frills, don't you think things are messy enough?" Wen Qiyun obviously didn't like Cheng Huainan's tricks. She closed her eyes. Now her mind is full of things in the group. On Jinzhi's side, she also paid attention. Entertaining gossip, choreographed many bankruptcy details. At first glance, these details were revealed by her husband's lovers. It has always been that the wall is overthrown and everyone is pushing. Over the years, Jinzhi's entry into the international market has also caused counterattacks in the domestic market. With Rong Si around, she felt both at ease and worried. It's like taking a bomb to stop another bomb.

"Fire of War 6" has already entered post-production and promotion. Cheng Jinzhi couldn't delay any longer. At the end of the month, she can only go abroad to run promotions with the leading actors. It was the first time for Cheng Jinzhi to experience such a big battle at a movie meeting on a global tour. Although I have also run "Girls Besieged City", "Jinyiwei", "Alien" and "Watch" before, but it is always in the form of a domestic meeting. Purely Hollywood movie promotion, it also has a little edge on Case's "Watch".

These leading actors are really tempered by the film industry. Twenty-four hours a day, can turn twenty hours. Seven days a week can be turned five days. Before the promotion, the crew of "Fire of War 6" still had some entertainment activities. There is no entertainment now. "Fire of War 6" will be released next year, and it is the fastest film in the "Fire of War" series. It can be said that the popularity of "Fire of War" has continued. There are also a small number of people on the Internet who doubt the quality of "Fire of War" this time. "Director, please come out slowly. We are not in a hurry [to shed tears] and don't ruin it."

"When I saw Cheng Jinzhi, I knew it. It must be a real commercial movie."

"Is the Cheng family really bankrupt? Why can Cheng Jinzhi join such a luxurious team?"

Cheng Jinzhi has a lot of roles, some of which are relatively important. Cheng Jinzhi's own exposure rate also quickly opened up the amount of discussion. "I was just talking about why there was a rumor of 'Cheng's bankruptcy' a while ago. It turned out to be a promotion for my daughter's new film."

"The Cheng family is too rich. It's better not to compare with the domestic Xiaohua, they won at the starting line."

"No. I heard from my uncle that something happened to the Cheng family. Look at the recent financial reports [attached]." The attached picture is a screenshot of a netizen. It is said that the financial industry has been hit hard by the policy recently.

Whether it is discussing Cheng Jinzhi himself, or discussing Cheng Jinzhi's new play. Anyway, Cheng Jinzhi's enthusiasm came up again. After it came up, many domestic dramas also started to contact Cheng Jinzhi. This time, without saying anything else, I sent an invitation letter with a high salary to Cheng Jinzhi. The entertainment industry and the financial industry are interlinked, and these producers probably know something about the Cheng family.

"Boss, have you read the script of 'Borderless Ink'?"

Ink is boundless, a bit familiar.

"It's the author of "Benevolence", and I asked Sister Jiahe to hand you the book last time." DC said.

Now that Cheng Jinzhi remembered, Ink Color Wujiang asked Jiahe to hand her two notebooks, which were very in line with the current aesthetic requirements. At the beginning, Cheng Jinzhi thought about the international market, so he put the matter of the book on hold. She thought that Moshi Wujiang had found someone else. I didn't expect to be waiting for her. Moshi Wujiang is now a relatively well-known blockbuster writer and screenwriter in China. After "Benevolence" became popular, he still insists on writing, unlike other writers who have transformed into directors or established their own film and television studios. Anyway, film and television are more popular than writing.

"Hello, are you Ms. Cheng?" After answering the call from Mose Wujiang, Cheng Jinzhi had also read Mose Wujiang's information, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and looked quite serious. I thought it would be a person with a strong aura. Unexpectedly, Mo Se Wu Jiang's voice was trembling.

"Hi, I'm Cheng Jinzhi. I called you so late, didn't I disturb you, did I?" Polite cliché, who is going to sleep at this hour. It is the point where young people let go.

"No, no. Miss Cheng, are you interested in participating in "No Overtime at Night"?" Mo Se Wu Jiang asked.

"Do not work overtime at night?" Is this the book? I have no impression at all. When Cheng Jinzhi called this time, he was about to decline Mo Se Wu Jiang politely. The filming cycle of the series is too long, which will squeeze her a lot of time. And Moshi Wujiang has always been a supportive old fan of hers, and she always feels that she should be more formal.

Moshi Wujiang then succinctly talked about the situation of this book, and when it came to his major, Moshi Wujiang's voice was finally not so timid. Moshi Wujiang seems to know that Cheng Jinzhi's schedule is very tight, this time he just invites Cheng Jinzhi to participate in a workplace movie. Show your face once inside. "Miss Cheng, it doesn't matter if you are really busy. Anyway, I will always support you."

"Hmm, I'll think about it again. Thank you so much for supporting me over the years."

I really don't go back to China to act, I don't know that my salary is already so high. Two days ago I was still sad, but now that I think about it, what is it like to be depressed, it is much better than the previous life. In her last life, she couldn't get rid of the blame. How could there be so many people looking for her to act.

The mentality is a little better, and the mood is also a lot better.

"What happened? Are you so happy?" After Cheng Jin got on the passenger seat, Rong Si, who was sitting in the driver's seat, leaned over and helped Cheng Jinzhi buckle up his seat belt.

"It's nothing. I suddenly feel that the future is bright."

"It was already bright." Rong Si smiled and turned on the lamp.

"Okay. Little brother, drive out of our broad road." Cheng Jinzhi said.

"New lines?"

"I made it up myself."

"No wonder."

"No wonder what?" Looking at Rong Si's expression, she always felt that Rong Si was laughing at her for being uneducated.

"Like your style." Looking at the suddenly cheerful Cheng Jinzhi, Rong Si raised the corners of her lips. Cheng Jinzhi was always like this, suddenly depressed and suddenly happy. Of course, there are always more happy times than unhappy ones.

After taking a shower, Cheng Jinzhi sat cross-legged on the sofa again. "Starting today, I will make good money."

"Yeah." Rong Si knelt in front of Cheng Jinzhi and helped Cheng Jinzhi brush his long hair.

"Go to bed at night, I have to work." Cheng Jinzhi's skin was very delicate, even though Rong Si's movements were light, her cheeks were shaved red by the towel. Flush cheeks, watery eyes. Thirty-two years old, he still has the cuteness of a little girl.

"Let me watch it with you."

"Need not."

But an hour later, Cheng Jinzhi died. "Rong Si, are you asleep? There is a place I don't know."

Of course Rong Si didn't sleep, she just waited for her little girl to call her. While Rong Si was making the report, Cheng Jinzhi also helped Rong Si answer the phone. It was Rong Zhan's call. Rong Zhan reminded Rong Si to go to bed early. As soon as he heard Cheng Jinzhi's voice, Rong Zhan thought of something messy again. "You...can't let my sister take a break?"

The last time Rong Si stretched her ligament, she got a call from Rong Zhan. The two people's voices made Rong Zhan not call for two days, probably because he was irritated. It wasn't intentional for Rong Zhan to meet him, it's just that Rong Zhan called too often. Like a child who has not been weaned, it is uncomfortable not to hear her sister's voice.

After hanging up Rong Zhan's phone, Cheng Jinzhi saw the four frequently used apps on Rong Si's phone. Take photos, record audio, beauties, photo albums. Cheng Jinzhi was also relying on Rong Si's presence, so she was so free that she checked Rong Si's cell phone. As if thinking of something, Cheng Jinzhi opened Rong Si's notebook. She had an impression of a file folder before, and quickly found it. The folder is named c. c? what is c?

Rong Si, a sullen maniac, actually saved a few gigabytes of information about her in this folder named c. News, gossip, photos, you name it. So c is an abbreviation of her name? Procedure? Cheng Jinzhi raised his head and glanced at Rong Si. Rong Si looked very serious, and had been flipping through the report, with one hand on the notebook, as if calculating something. The mind is spinning, and the typing of the fingers is not delayed. Such a person really couldn't figure out why he was so obsessed with himself. Cheng Jinzhi supported his cheek and looked at Rong Si beside him.

Rong Si was so serious that it took a while to notice Cheng Jinzhi's gaze.

"What's wrong?" Rong Si asked.