MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 440 wise men win thousands of miles away

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The wise man decided to win thousands of miles away. Luo Wei never thought that he was a wise man. So when a country’s political affairs were pressed against him, the world’s war situation was under his plan. When he changed, he only felt that the more The more tired you are.

After the night, Yijinyuan did not have the silence of the past, and the officials of the same size were still in the same day.

Wei Tai doctor went to the door of the study more than once. Every time there was a voice in the study room, Wei Tai doctor was so sad, but there was no way.

"Wang Ye has to stay up all night," Long Shi saw Ning Fei hurried into the Yi Jin Garden, and he was on the side of the eleventh.

Dragon eleven shakes his head.

Shortly after Ning Fei entered the study room, the people in Yijinyuan saw Luo Wei sent Ningfei out of the study room, and everyone responded. The general of the boat was afraid to leave Beijing to go to Yunguan. I have been staying in Yijinyuan. The people in this garden now have a little understanding of the world’s events. Ningfei went to Yunguan, which means that their princes finally got together a two-way army. With the Second Road Army, I went to the North Yanxi Creek Beach to save the car.

"You go back to the house," the cold wind blew on the body, and Ning Fei urged Luo Wei to go back to the house.

"I will send you out of the island," Rovi said. "I haven’t walked for many days, and I want to leave."

Ning Fei took over the thick fox from Zhao Fu's hand and personally draped it on Luo Wei's body. Now the snow is stopped, but this winter in Shangdu is not as cold as it was in previous years.

"Let's go," Rowe stepped down the steps.

"You are a little farther away," Ning Fei knew that Luo Wei had something to say to him. He took a lantern from the small **** who held the lamp and ordered Zhao Fu to make a sound. Ning Fei took a few steps. , caught up with Rowe.

"This time there are only 100,000 soldiers," Luo Wei and Ning Fei walked side by side on the way out of the island. Luo Wei until then, his face was revealed with melancholy, "Ik, I know you are brave, just 100,000 soldiers enough?" ”

"Enough," Ning Fei said: "When your arrangement is there, I don't believe it. After I took the troops to the Tunxi Beach, there are so many Yanshang coalition forces waiting for me."

"Where can everything be as good as it is?" Rovi smiled. "There is only so much I can do. I still have to count on you."

"We all do our best," Ning Fei saw Luo Wei's footsteps vain, and he supported Luo Wei.

The two men spoke and unwittingly went to the North Bridge Bridge on the outlying island.

"Take care!" Rowe snorted in Ning Fei's chest.

"Hey and Shiyi Big Brother will not have anything to do," Ning Fei finally said to Luo Weidao: "You take care of yourself, you are not good, so tired, I am really afraid that we will win before you go, you are tired."

"Where can you," Rowe sneaked Ning Fei forward. "I still have that sentence, go early and go back early."

Ning Fei turned and strode away, waiting for him to go to the shore, looking back, Luo Wei was still standing at the bridge head, Ning Fei rushed a wave and screamed, "Go back! We will be fine!"

Luo Wei looked at Ning Fei on the horse, took his subordinates, and quickly left, only to reach the palace lantern that was hanged by Ning Fei in the bridgehead, followed by Zhao Fu, who ran around and picked up. This palace lantern, to Luo Weidao: "Wang Ye, let's go back."

Luo Wei said: "Let them lift the soft car, I can't walk."

"Go to the car," Zhao Fu held Luo Wei while rushing to the back of the road.

Rowe licked his heart and coughed.

Zhao Fu was busy with Rovi's pat on his back and anxiously asked Luo Weidao: "Wang Ye is this heart is not comfortable?"

Luo Wei coughed his hand and he could feel that he was getting tired. Now he can only ask for his own body to compete for it, at least let him hold the dragon to the day.

Wei Taiyi walked along with the little **** who lifted the soft car. He saw that Luo Wei had a red face because he couldn’t stop the cough. He came forward and handed two pills to Luo Wei, saying: "Wang Ye fast I used this medicine, water?" Asked Zhao Fu with Wei Tai.

Luo Wei just came out and sent a message to Ning Fei, Zhao Fu did not let people carry water with him.

"You can really wait for people," Wei Taiji listened to Zhao Fu and said that he did not bring water, and immediately rushed to Zhao Fu's eyes.

"Okay," Rowe swallowed the two pills, and after a while, the cough was pressed.

"Come back," Wei Taiyi said as he greeted the little eunuchs and carried the soft sedan to Luo Wei's approach. On the other hand, Fu Luowei got up and said: "This time the wind blows, you can get some warmth when you go back. Now, it’s not when you can fall ill!"

Luo Wei sat on the soft sedan. He just wanted to say that he wanted to sleep tonight, let Zhao Fu go back and let the ministers who are still waiting for him in Yijinyuan go back. The military department Wang Shangshu was riding the horse at this time. On the north shore of Yuxin Lake, "Wang Ye!" After seeing Luo Wei at the bridge, Wang Shangshu shouted Luo Wei.

"It's Wang Shangshu," Zhao Fu looked at Luo Wei's eyes and looked at the shore. He was busy with Luo Weidao.

"Wait a minute," Rowe was busy with the little **** who was about to lift the soft car.

Wang Shangshuren has not yet reached the front of Luo Wei, he has already shouted to Luo Wei: "Wang Ye, Nan Yan's battle report is back, the army has entered the Lone Wolf Valley!"

When Luo Wei heard the news, he was so tired that he was swept away from the soft car and stood on the ground. "Really?"

At this time, Wang Shangshu came to Luo Wei's front, took a war report from his sleeves and put it in Luo Wei's hand and said, "This is written by the letter lord, and you can see it."

Zhao Fu was busy holding the lanterns in his hands in front of Luo Wei. The army had won in Nanxun, and these minions were happy too!

Luo Wei hurriedly read the war report again, and then looked up and said to Wang Shangshu: "I didn't think that my second brother marched so fast. When this battle was reported to the capital, he might have taken the army to the Lone Wolf River and entered the East Merchants. The border is over."

"Yeah, the lower officials think so too." Wang Shangshu was laughing all the way. Finally, good news came back. Luo Wei’s plan seems to be realized step by step.

"Let's go back and say," Luo Wei turned and asked Wang Shangshu to go to Yijinyuan for a detailed discussion.

"Wang Ye," Wei Tai doctor stopped Luo Wei and said: "You go back to the sedan, so you can save some strength."

"Forget it," Luo Wei was happy at the moment, and his feet had strength. He walked quickly toward the direction of Yijinyuan.

Wang Shangshu followed Bao Wei and walked behind him. He couldn’t see it. After Wei Wei went away, he turned his eyes to the sky.

Luo Wei walked on the road, and Wang Shangshu said: "The uncle said that the king of Kaizhe has already ascended the throne. I think the kings of Nanzhao will not stop fighting."

"What does the lord mean?" asked Wang Shangshu.

"You still have to hurry to recruit," Rowe said. "I know that you have tried your best. I can raise the army. If there is no way, I will force it."

"The lower official knows," Wang Shangshu nodded. The strong levy will inspire people's grievances, but they have no choice now.