MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 446 thin bones

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There is no one in the East Buddha Palace. Except for the Buddha statues in the clay sculptures, there is only one left, and it has been idle for seven years, from the body that nobody has asked.

Long Xuan did not let people enter the mortuary room of the mortuary. When he pushed the door into the house, he was immediately stunned by the dust picked up in the house.

"Your Majesty?" Fu went to the door and listened to the wrong voice. He asked when he was busy.

"Wait outside," Long Xuan said with a mouth and nose.

There was no sound outside the door.

After waiting for the dust to land again, Long Xuan took a light footstep and walked to the front of the thin pot that was parked in the middle of the house. The house was damp, and the thin scorpion actually had moss on it, mixed with thick dust, and could not see the original color, but it was also pitiful. Long Xuan did not smell the stench of the corpse fǔ\'bài. It has been seven years since the Queen Mother’s body should be exhausted. Long Xuan held the lantern in his hand and looked at it on the thin enamel. There was no nail at all, and Long Xuan only pushed it with his hand, and the cover was split into two halves.

"Your Majesty?" After the blessing outside the door heard the unusual voice in the house again, he shouted.

Long Xuan’s eyes looked at the coffin that had been split into two halves and fell into the coffin. The coffin was immediately broken into two pieces from the middle. “哗啦” sounded, and a white bone followed the pieces of wood. Dropped on the ground.

"Your Majesty!" The blessing outside the door could no longer be tolerated, and rushed in with people.

As someone entered the house, the dust in the house flew again, making it difficult for people to breathe.

Long Xuan did not catch the nose and mouth this time, he stood in the dust of the monks, watching the ground fell on the ground, he lost the human bones and stayed.

Fu Fu and others also saw the white bones on the ground. Long Xuan still made a stay, and they were even more shocked.

This is the bone of the Empress Dowager. If not, see who can see it?

Long Xuan saw only a little piece of cloth between the white bone and the wood piece. It seems that Luo Wei’s thoughts of replacing the Queen’s Queen’s Queen’s Queen are not there. It’s just that the body of the Queen’s Queen’s Empress has been put into this for seven years. The rotten shackles.

"Your Majesty, slave, slave," the voice of Fu was trembled. He should not come in and see what should not be seen by him.

"Get out!" Long Xuan did not look back, and said angrily.

Fu went to the attendants who came in with the house, and even rolled out and climbed out.

Long Xuan slowly crouched down, reached out to touch the cheekbone, and finally took back the hand that stretched out and said to the scattered white bone: "It turns out that he hates you so much, wants you to die and die. Emperor grandmother, mysterious After winning the battle, I will take care of you. After seven years, his anger will also disappear. Emperor grandmother, he hates me more than hate you, seeing you like this, I suddenly found out, maybe Luo Victoria can never forgive me, what should I do?"

There was no sound in the house, only a glimmer of light from the palace lantern.

Long Xuan got up and walked out of the ear room, and saw the squatting outside. "Life is coming to the bones," Long Xuan said to Fu.

Can also be told to do things, then his life will not be lost, and when he is busy, he will take the lead.

"Your Majesty," the guard who stayed outside ran in at this time and said to Long Xuan: "The letter lord is looking outside."

Long Xuan did not let the letter king come in, but he walked out of the East Buddha Palace to see the king.

"Chen Chen sees His Majesty," Xinwang saw Long Xuan, and he was going to bow down.

"In private, the emperor does not have to pay more," Long Xuan did not let the letter Wang Hao, said: "The uncle is not in Fangfei, how come here?"

Xinwangdao: "The funeral of the Empress Dowager Empress, Jin Wang has been waiting for her to come back and make a decision, so the great mourning of the Empress Dowager is dragged to today." Xin Wang heard that Long Xuan went to the Eastern Buddha Palace. After coming here, I was shocked by the sweat. After the death of the Empress Dowager, Luo Wei did not ask, if Long Xuan had an attack on Luo Wei in this matter, Luo Wei was not able to stand on his feet. Xinwang was rushing to the East Buddha Palace just to say a word for Luo Wei.

"He did it right," Long Xuan also easily heard that Xinwang was talking about Luo Wei, and he said: "The great mourning of the emperor's grandmother, you will choose a day to come out."

Xinwang said: "Let’s let the minister come?"

Long Xuandao: "After returning to the DPRK, many things have to be handled urgently. The emperor has waited for seven years. She used to hurt me so much. She should not mind waiting for a while."

"Chen the decree," Xin Wang did not expect Long Xuan actually did not want to control the great mourning of the Empress Dowager, believe the king thought, it seems that this Duanmu's life, really no one is worried about.

"Uncle Huang," Long Xuan stepped forward and asked the letter king to follow him.

Xinwang looked at Longxuan and took the rain to go forward. He took the umbrella from the hands of Fu, and followed the dragon's body, holding an umbrella for Longxuan.

On the side of the dragon, Xuan Xuan whispered and asked: "I just want to ask the uncle in person today. In the same year, the battle report about Yu Wang’s illness and seeking medicine was really found out from the Chronicle of the Year?"

"Yes," Xin Wang only said this word.

"What about Gao's sister?" Long Xuan asked again.

"That brothers and sisters have been detained in the prison for the prison," said Wang Dadao: "just wait for the pro-trial."

"What about the fetus in Gao's belly?"

"After Yu Yujun learned that Yu Wang died, it seems that he had been sentenced to Gao, and the fetus in Gao's belly could not be saved."

Long Xuan’s footsteps paused, and then he said to the king of the letter: “I don’t judge, Gao’s sister asked me after the fall.”

"Yes," Xin Wang took the initiative to look at the road he and Long Xuan walked, and asked Long Xuan: "Where is this going? Do you not go back to Changming Hall?"

"He always wants to meet the mother," Long Xuan smiled and took the umbrella from the hands of the letter king. He said to the king of the letter: "The uncle went to Fangfei, and he looked at some of them, so I didn't have to accompany them." ”

Xinwang hesitated for a moment, or to Long Xuandao: "Your Majesty, after all, is your mother, you still let go."

Long Xuan Chongxin Wang waved his hand and walked to the Temple of the Nation with his umbrella.

Xinwang stood in the rain for a while, and Long Xuan tonight was a bit lonely, and the letter king was not used to it.

The Hall of Chance is sealed by Luo Wei, the palace gate is closed, and no human voice can be heard.

Long Xuan looked at the big lock on the door and said: "Open."

When busy, the **** came forward and took the key to unlock it.

"Where did you come from?" Long Xuan asked, he did not tell anyone beforehand that the **** would carry the key to the door of the temple.

The **** who unlocked the squad was squatting down to Long Xuandao: "This is sent by the lord of the king, and the general manager of the Fu let the slaves carry it with him."

Long Xuan lifted his leg and kicked open the locked palace door. After entering the door, the vines and grass in front of him made Long Xuan stand up again. Here and the East Buddha Palace, where there is no living person, what is the difference?