MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 735 Final warning (add more for the little girl)

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  Chapter 735 Final Warning

   The situation in Port Moresby changed faster than Gu Song imagined, and naturally faster than Somare imagined.

Not long after    and Gu Song finished talking, Soma Lei discovered that the spear had indeed been pointed directly at him.

   Some dissenting voices broke out because of Schuster's collection of money, because the life of Joseph, the master of Somare, seemed to be completely intensified.

  In the frenzy of the crowd, under the less powerful repression of the official, people abandoned the fear of Somare in the past and began to plunge into the emotions of hatred, jealousy, and overthrow.

   After all, such a topic is too easy to mobilize the hearts of ordinary people.

   Beside Somare, there was a hint of regret on Joseph's face.

   And Somare didn't expect Gu Song's judgment to be so accurate.

   He finally made up his mind to let this frenzy calm down first.

   Standing by the window, he had already seen the convoy appearing in the distance.

   In an instant, a trace of confusion appeared in his heart.

  In the future, where will it go?


  What Gu Song is worried about now is how to ensure the progress of the flint project.

   Of course, he has a lot of methods, but these methods, in the eyes of the other party, are all tied to China.

   He can find out the evidence of these black hands behind him, but if he makes the other party promise not to mess with his property in some way, then he will let the other party directly ask Gu Tao and the others to talk.

  Gu Tao already knows that he has a quantum supercomputing center, and some abilities can also be explained, this is not the point.

   The point is, even if the other party admits to the fact that there is "encouraging" Papua New Guinea to establish a "better" system under the evidence, even if the other party does not continue to shoot directly under Gu Song's deterrence, it is not so easy to stop things.

   The truth is, in the original time and space, didn’t things get out of control and finally hit their own feet?

   Desire has been instigated, how can it be so easily suppressed?

   Besides, the communication in the direction of the great interests has been completed, and there are many ways to support them. The countless younger brothers of the other party, and the countless powers possessed by countless younger brothers, can all be brought out for support.

   Could it be that Gu Song wants to deter the world?

  While thinking about it, Gu Song realized that, due to the need for core manufacturing capabilities to ensure confidentiality, he chose a private island near the equator to build the real manufacturing and launch base of Flint Aerospace. The biggest crisis turned out to be this storm.

  The security threat does not come from the direct suppression of the hegemons, but from the wave of opposition provoked by their ideas.

   In the past few years, facing Flint Island, Ami has never made Gu Song feel the real pressure.

   Now, ordinary people in PNG and Solomon Islands make Gu Song feel the real pressure.

   Flint Island is still safe, but the nearby construction of raw material supply bases is at risk.

   The construction of Flint Space City will not stop, but the supply of materials may be slowed down.

   For Gu Song, time is of the essence.

  The storm created by Gu Song's butterfly mixed with the storm that would have erupted at this time, and finally brewed a point that Gu Song didn't notice.

   This point is difficult to have a direct connection with Gu Song, ordinary people in other countries.

  Papua New Guinea is one of the last unexplored places on the planet.

  Only a few hundred kilometers of roads are basically distributed in coastal metropolises, around Port Moresby as the center.

   Including the Solomon Islands next to it as well.

  Choose this place because it is the area closest to China and has private islands for sale, and it is also an area rich in various raw material resources needed in the future.

   Being backward is not a problem. Gu Song doesn’t need people here to have profound knowledge, diligent work attitude or anything, as long as shipping is convenient.

The more backward   , the more welcome he is to a big buyer like Gu Song who has been giving away money for a long time.

The more backward   , the easier it is for Gu Song to plan the next stage of the layout after receiving the Flint.

   But the more backward, it means that at this stage, the destructive power that ordinary people may break out is stronger.

   This is a threshold that Gu Song must face and cross.

   Fortunately, there may be greater opportunities in the chaos.


   Somare really felt the pressure.

   In addition to the wave of opposition on the island, Bougainville is also restless.

  The armistice ended a 12-year-long dispute, and now only ten years have passed, and the dispute has started again.

   And this time, it was more troublesome.

   In the past, they were not recognized not only by PNG, but also by Turkey and Australia.

   And now, Ami is publicly encouraging them.

   The reason is too simple, Bougainville Island is closer to Flint Island than Port Moresby.

  They originally wanted to be North Solomon.

   The situation in Papua New Guinea is on the verge of breaking out, and the Peace Observation Mission ten years ago seems to be sending out again.

  After all, in the world today, ESG has the greatest energy.

   For a while, it seemed that all the contradictions were focused on Somare.

   He holds the most power, shares the greatest interests, his sons and relatives live the most luxurious life, and he seems to be in control of PNG’s future.

  The coal-fired power plant that was newly built in the past two years and supplied a large share of the electricity near Port Moresby, has also been shaken out.

   There are also South Pacific Bank, and Huaguo’s cooperation and investment in various major projects in recent years…

   It seems that there are various signs that Somare has used various means to let PNG's future follow his control.

   Port Moresby, which has a very poor public security environment, seems to be out of control.

   Except the gun didn't go off.

  No… already ringing, in Bougainville.

   And Somare became the one responsible for it, because it showed his unpopularity and brought the country to the brink of division…


  In the Port Moresby factory, Zhao Ye is in charge of security.

   He is reporting to Jian Yushu.

   "There have already been demonstrations outside the factory." Zhao Ye stood on the outpost at the entrance of the factory.

   At the gate of the factory, his subordinates are on guard, and the steel refusal is in front of them.

   And further ahead, is the defense force arranged by Somare, blocking the crowd.

   Zhao Ye asked: "What if they really rushed over?"

   Jian Yushu was on Flint Island, and he replied in a deep voice, "Wait a minute, be on guard first, and pay attention to safety. I'll tell you later."

   Zhao Ye knew he needed to ask the boss.

   hung up the phone, he picked up the walkie-talkie: "Remove to the sentry in the door, reject the horse and make two more announcements, don't do it first, wait for my order."


   In the underground laboratory of Xiangshan Courtyard, Gu Song was also watching the situation simultaneously. On the screen, Jian Yushu asked: "There must be a decision. If there is a real shock, how will Zhao Ye and the others deal with it?"

  Gu Song knew that their firepower was enough to guard, but the question was the nature and impact of the action.

   In the past two days, after things have evolved further, the Flint Group can have its own defense force and become a new attack point.

   This kind of cooperation is directly interpreted as another kind of betrayal of national assets and dignity, with a big hat on Soma Lei’s head.

  Gu Song said: "It seems that Somare is about to lose control of Papua New Guinea."

   Jian Yushu agrees with this judgment: "There are too many hands behind."

  Gu Song asked him: "Do you think they would prefer to use this as a condition to discuss future technical cooperation with us and retain a complete factory area, or would they prefer to directly cause damage and delay our progress."

   Jian Yushu looked at him with a complicated expression: "Does your attitude make them have such extravagant expectations?"

   "So, do you think they are likely to incite the crowd to destroy us?"

   "I am very worried about this situation."

  Gu Song nodded, and then said: "Then don't worry about it anymore. Tell Zhao Ye to use the non-lethal ones first. As long as you rush into the factory area, you can start."

   "...Aren't you afraid of being affected?"

  Gu Song waved his hand, let's talk to him first.

   Jian Yushu nodded and started to contact Zhao Ye.

  Gu Song dialed Howard's number without any hesitation.

   "I'm Gu Song."

  Howard was taken aback.

   The two never met directly, but Gu Song actually made a direct call to his mobile phone number for life.

   "Mr. Gu...I've looked up to him for a long time..." He was still greeting him subconsciously.

   "A question for Mr. Howard. In your country, if someone violently breaks into the owner's private house without the owner's consent, what can the owner do?"

  Howard's mind turned quickly: "It depends on the situation..."

Gu Song interrupted him: "You understand what I'm talking about. Please tell the students of the Great Master that someone is gathering at the gate of my factory. If something regrettable happens and hinders my spaceflight dream, then you will You will meet the impulse that a young person should have. I am serious, the recording of this call, I will publish it on the Internet immediately.”

   As soon as the voice fell, the phone hung up.

  Howard quickly looked at the Internet, and sure enough, this recording had already appeared on his Weibo.

  [@Gu Song: Don't say anything about the call with Mr. Howard of the Aramco Bureau of Investigation! 】

  Howard's face was contorted in exasperation, and he gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "Damn it! Damn it!"

   He was busy calling the chief commander. As soon as the phone got through, he quickly said, "Sir, we are in trouble!"

  Port Moresby, Zhao Ye felt that the crowd outside was getting more and more manic.

   He couldn't help clenching the handle of the gun in his hand.

   Thank you Elder Xiaoniang for the reward!



   (end of this chapter)