MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 737 the water is more muddy

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   Chapter 737 The water is even more muddy

   "Joseph." Sitting on a chair in the room, Somare called out calmly.

   His son replied with a complex expression: "Father..."

"After making this decision, who are our real enemies will definitely jump out one after another." Somare paused, and then said, "I called you here because you have to prepare both hands. If the situation is better than mine If you imagine it is worse, it will be troublesome. So, take Yaketo first and go to Yanjing, China. I will ask Gu Song to take care of your life in Yanjing. "

  Joseph was silent and did not answer.

"When you go to China, you must be humble, especially pay attention to observe Gu Song, learn from Gu Song, and think about the direction of the future situation. If I succeed, I hope you can continue to contribute to the country in the future. If I fail, maybe one day. , you can also rely on Gu Song to come back here."

   The young master Somare, who used to be arrogant and arrogant in the past, looked at his father and asked, "Why get involved in this vortex? Can't it be the same as before?"

Somare looked at him and said, "Joseph, you have to learn not to regret or assume what happened in the past, but to learn to face the present and consider the future. Since Gu Song chose Flint Island, the right to choose is not there. I am here, because sooner or later he will attract the attention of the highest level of power on this planet. Besides, you also need to understand that if you want enough benefits, you must also be prepared to deal with risks. If you want the country to develop, it is necessary to have some opportunities. Fight hard."

   Somare said more than usual, and Joseph felt something ominous in it.


"Okay!" Somare seemed to know what he wanted to say, his soft eyes fell on his face, and he said softly: "Things don't have to be bad, you leave here with Yakto, so I can have no worries. Focus on the situation in front of you, do you understand?"

   Joseph was silent for a long time before he said: "I understand, Father, if anything happens, you don't have to miss these things. I...I'm still young..."

   Somare's eyes softened: "Get ready and leave as soon as possible."

  Joseph didn't continue like before, nodded earnestly, turned and walked away.

  Outside the window, I could vaguely hear gunshots coming from all over Port Moresby.


  Somare chose to deal with the storm with the toughest stance.

   He didn't have to, because he was about to end his term.

   Now the sound of gunshots seems to further confirm what those people instigated, Somare has greater ambitions for the country.

   He wants to control this place for a long time!

  If he is thinking for the country, why should he let armored vehicles face his own people now?

   Are the voices of so many people not justice? Not public opinion?

   This is the accusation that has been pouring out from the outside.

  Gu Song saw the news report and made a special call to Somare.

   "I didn't expect you to do this." Gu Song said calmly.

   "I'm more optimistic about China and you." Somare said succinctly.

  Gu Song sighed: "Now, you have given them an excuse to shoot directly."

   "That should be exactly what you want, right? If I don't do it, you will do it. If you do, I'm also very passive. Why don't I clarify my position now and let some centrists make a choice in advance."

   "And then can you judge the next step more accurately?" Gu Song couldn't help but admire, who can sit firmly in this position, how can it be simple.

   "It doesn't matter whether my next judgment is accurate or not. After all, the pressure I can bear is limited."

  Gu Song said: "From the time the people were provoked, I realized that it would eventually come to this point. Don't worry, I have already talked to the elders, and I won't let them act recklessly."

   "What worries me most comes from the south. Whether it is Port Moresby or Bougainville, it is inextricably linked with the south. And the south has never given up."

  Gu Song asked him directly: "Now which step do you decide to take?"

   "Your description in the material is terrible. Even if I will be accused by many people, I will try to continue to control the direction of the country's development until the day when the international pattern is stabilized again."

  Gu Song smiled: "Then don't you just take the accusation against you now?"

   "I think, I don't need to bear this kind of accusation for too long, and new changes will come. At that time, I will retire."

   "Then what do you need now?"

   "I have to prepare for battle."

  Gu Song thought for a while, then said, "You fulfilled your promise and protected the safety of my factory. I will thank you publicly for donating funds and materials."

   “…what types of supplies?”

Gu Song said firmly: "You take the initiative to express your position to Hua Guo and me, and I also take the initiative to express my position to you and ESG. Mingli's donation will not be much, but after the attitude is expressed, you can openly purchase. Green light and discount, I will come. Responsible for helping."

   "Okay!" Somare was very straightforward and hung up the phone to make arrangements.

  Gu Song sighed with emotion: Heroes.

  How can this young country have such profound Western institutional genes?

   Somare is so decisive, I am afraid there is some other meaning. Just at the end of the term of office, I encountered a special situation, first disturbed the water, first directly transformed the influence accumulated in the past few years into the strength that I could control, and controlled it steadily during the special period, wouldn’t it be beautiful?

  Wait until the day when the international situation stabilizes again... Will he really retire?

  Gu Song had a question mark in his heart.

   But... If Somare has so clearly stated his attitude that he wants to cooperate with Hua Guo and the Flint Group, then the arrangement for Xi Ya can be done earlier...


  The streets of Port Moresby have regained their calm.

   Not so much peace, but silence, dead silence.

  The traces of the storm are still there, and the reason for the silence now is also the iron armor that occasionally drives on the street.

   But under the calm, a more extreme counterattack is naturally brewing.

   Now, the main battlefield of the battle is not on the land of this country, but between the swords and the swords.

   With deliberate promotion and exaggeration, Somare has become a well-known negative leader.

   But Gu Song, as the person that Ami has already dealt with mainly, had old grudges, and he was not soft at all when he slapped his face.

  No one rushed into his factory, and he did not directly confront Ami with evidence related to the storm.

   But a special person came out to speak.

   It turns out that on social media, a beauty, a top beauty with rich experience, really brings her own traffic.

  Xiya, who disappeared for a long time, appeared and said that Ami’s layout in PNG has nothing to hide.

"People call me the beautiful legend of Port Moresby, but who knew there was a strong and powerful hand behind it? I fought hard to be as free as I am now. Facing everything that happened in my home country , I am extremely distressed. After so many years, I have personally understood that the rules of the world are like this, and the growth of a young country is so rough. But I hope my compatriots will calm down and think about it. What you are doing is really Can it help you have a better life? Is it really good for the country?”

   The only effect of these sincere words is not to touch many PNG people, but to the boring melon eaters of these big countries in the ESG base camp.

   "OMG! Her story could be made into a movie! Where is she now? I think I'm in love with her."

   "A charming face, a wise mind, a painful experience, a compassionate heart. My goddess!"

   "Hahaha, the goddess and I are following each other!"


   At this time, Gu Song came out and revealed the past that Ami used Xi Ya to steal the secret of Flint Island.

"Before posting on Weibo, it was because innocent people were incited to attack my factory and hinder the progress of the construction of the Flint Space City. I think this method is despicable and inferior. The Flint Group in Moresby The factories in Hong Kong create a lot of tax revenue, export trade and employment in supporting industries for Papua New Guinea every year. Mr. Somare is also actively improving Papua New Guinea’s infrastructure and promoting economic development.”

"All I can say is, as Seaa described it, the rules of the world are like that, and I have nothing to blame. But I just feel rude, disgusting, and when things are directly related to me, as long as I have the strength to do so , I will definitely defend my position!"

   He didn't directly throw away all kinds of evidence, Ami was relieved, and now he's just talking and pretending that he didn't see it.

   But Hua Guo also made a clear statement.

  Because of the hundreds of billions of investment and cooperation with Papua New Guinea, the movement in Papua New Guinea has seriously damaged the interests of all parties.

   Moreover, because of this type of big storm that many countries have set off at the same time, China strongly opposes this kind of finger-pointing or even direct interference with other countries.

  As China's investment in Papua New Guinea is under serious threat, Huaguo will urgently deliver necessary supplies to Papua New Guinea, and arrange **** at the same time.

  The big commander is big.

   (end of this chapter)