MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 741 Intimidating Analysis, Accurate Capture

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  Chapter 741 Frightened Analysis, Accurate Capture

   "Speak clearly!" The boss looked at the two staff officers who looked a little wrong, and his tone was not good.

   The two staff officers looked at each other, and one of them said, "This kind of destructive power can only be a high-power microwave weapon."

Another added: "In the three types of land-based, sea-based, and space-based, considering that the attack was encountered at the same time on the sea surface and high altitude, it can only be launched by the same equipment. Either the flint island or some location deployed it. Something like this comes from the air."

The former person continued: "There was nothing unusual about the radar before, unless they had invisible ships or aircraft. Considering that they have fifth-generation aircraft and aerospace planes, then the possibility of still being aerospace planes is higher. Exactly, their air The sky plane took off on a mission the day before yesterday."

   The big guy frowned and asked, "What about their space station, isn't it possible?"

   "Space-based HPMW... It's impossible for technology to advance to this level at once, right?"

   Another staff officer made a phone call and said, "It's not Flint Space City. When it happened, its orbital position was on the other side of the earth. It shouldn't be... It's not that aerospace plane, it's facing Flint Space City."

   "It seems that everyone's guess is correct, and there are other special models..." The boss was terrified. In the previous ESG camp, the conclusion that aerospace planes are used in this way is almost one-sided.

   Having mastered this kind of technology, it’s no wonder that the Chinese officials are not secretly hiding a few.

The problem now is... The boss said loudly: "Immediately arrange an investigation, collect relevant evidence, and find the source of the attack at the time of the incident based on various traces. If it is confirmed that they are doing it, then ESG will face them directly. Reason for action."

  The two staff officers were hesitant to say anything.

   "If you have any doubts, speak up! When is it now, and what are you hesitating about?"

   "I suggest... be cautious." The staff officer was a little afraid, "This must be just the tip of the iceberg. The question now is not whether there is a reason, but why do we find an excuse to provoke an opponent whose level of strength is completely higher than ours?"

   The anger in the eyes of the boss was obvious, and he stared at him: "Do you know what this kind of remark means at this moment?"

   The talking staff smiled bitterly, then closed his mouth and lowered his head.

   Arranged to pick up the ships of the returning fleet, which were approaching them on the radar.

   Fortunately, the speed and direction of the three returning fleets have not changed, and the communication capabilities of the corresponding ships have not been lost. Under the command of this side, they went straight.

  We also found a strange situation here.

   "What are these blips?" The boss pointed to the radar screen, "This area was hit by high-power microwaves, and no other ships were spared. Why are they pointing at our port?"

   That was the abnormality detected by the radar carried by the ship that was going to pick up from here.

   "Call them immediately and identify yourself!"

   This could only be someone else's ship, otherwise, how could their route be so accurate after all the electronic equipment failed?

   After a while, the silence here became somewhat depressing.

   The other party's words were still echoing in everyone's mind.

   "Dear Your Excellency, we are a freighter heading to Brisbane... We often go on this route, you can quickly check our records... Accident? No, the journey went smoothly..."

   Every boat has been confirmed.

  Interesting Cairns, some going to Brisbane, some just passing by, going to other countries…

   But they all have one feature in common: everything works.

   The two staff officers exchanged glances with each other again, and one of them said, "Would you like to... ask the civil aviation system... At the time just now, there should be some flights passing through the airspace where the incident occurred..."

   The boss nodded.

   The answer was clearly heard in everyone's ears, and only the two staff officers were shocked.

Although the    boss knows that he is not that professional, he also knows how wrong the situation is.

Facing the eyes of the boss, the staff officer who just shut up and smiled bitterly began to sort out: "It may be a land-based HPMW deployed on Flint Island or some other location, or a space-based HPMW based on other aerospace planes or even secret satellites that they have hidden. , can capture the precise three-dimensional positioning coordinates of our aircraft and ships in real time, and at the same time accurately destroy multiple targets within a range of hundreds of nautical miles without affecting other targets. Fatal injury...this...this high power microwave..."

The boss was silent, and after a long while he said: "I don't know the real situation yet, maybe it's not as exaggerated as you said, maybe it was some kind of small drone of theirs, which was detonated in a close direction. Anyway... Direct participation in the plan will be suspended first, and a full investigation will be carried out!"


  The pilot is also preparing to use gliding to circle the plane to a relatively remote place, and let the SASR team members parachute to the ground first, and then make a forced landing.

  Unexpectedly, there were two PNG planes on the head, one from the left and one from the right.

   I don't know if they have shouted, but I can't hear it here.

  SASR is not a superman, not to mention that they are now on a plane with all the electronic equipment hanging up, and the other plane next to them is fully alerting them?

   Come on, let’s make a forced landing.

  Since it was a forced landing, to be on the safe side, these SASR members, who are very precious, must parachute out in advance.

   "Remember, don't shoot! It looks like they were prepared."

   It can be seen that these players have humiliated expressions on their faces.

   Such a proud team, surrendering as a prisoner without any action?

   "Don't make senseless sacrifices! We were not planning a full-scale attack, but a deterrent operation! We didn't go into full-scale war! Remember, this is a training session!"

  …training…this training accident can be big enough…

   "The question is...will they attack us when they see us jumping...we are not the pilots of the skydiving."

   "How is that possible, unless they are crazy and want to go to war with us, don't worry..."

   "OK. If that's the case, don't scatter anymore, just follow me and dance!" Facing the current situation, the captain didn't want to just explain the fate of his brothers here.

  Three planes whizzed through the air, and the SASR members began to jump down one by one.

  The two PNG planes seemed unmoved and flew away quickly with the transport plane.

  In the sky, a string of parachutes opened.

   After all, they are the elites among the elites, and they do jump and fall in sequence, maintaining the formation and direction, and they must land in a concentrated manner.

  The captain looked around to see if other planes were staring at them.

   But there were no other planes in the sky.

   The speed of the real descent was not slow, and when they reached the ground, they finally saw that they were ready.

   An encirclement is approaching.

The captain    was very puzzled: how did they know when and where they would start skydiving?

   Or are they so well prepared that they spread their power to all possible positions and maneuver at any time?

   So, the attack on the plane was done by Papua New Guinea?

how can that be?

   The captain looked at the crooked melons and cracked dates that formed the encirclement, and had a very absurd feeling.

  Look at their nervousness, excitement, deformed movements, and greedy eyes, and you know it's not easy.

   These guys know the identity of their squad!

   (end of this chapter)