MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 748 Storm on the doorstep

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   Chapter 748 The storm that hits the door

The delivery of   Dongliao, the sudden emergence of HPMW, and this amazing space simulation training system have successfully created a great controversy among Ami's core executives.

  These debates are unknown to Gu Tao and Bao Jiaqi, but on the eve of the rover conference, several things happened one after another.

   Bougainville announced its independence and established official relations with Ami and Tuao for the first time.

The trend of public opinion on   wan Island is getting more and more crooked, and Xiong Yingjiu seems to have become more and more defeated and cannot be re-elected.

   On the Fragrant Island, he learned from Atobo and began to engage in wind and rain.

   At home and abroad, there are also various scholars and public figures who have begun to take the rhythm.

  The space simulation training experience course of HSDA participating countries is coming to an end. Jian Yushu asked worriedly: "If you don't face it, are you going to create chaos for us?"

  Gu Song said in a complicated mood: "Such a rhythm is a bit like turning next year into that doomsday year."

   " kidding."

Gu Song said with a smile: "Don't worry, Papua New Guinea, this rhythm shows that they want to support the opposition, anyway, the more chaotic the local situation is, the better. But for us, the sea is safe, No one wants to risk losing planes or ships. As long as Port Moresby holds up, the other is PNG's own timber supply."

This Jian Yushu is not worried: "When preparing the raw materials, I have already negotiated some contracts in other surrounding timber exporting countries. If there are no problems with the sea transportation line, it will not have much impact, but the cost will be higher. But Port Moresby ...Can Somare stand it?"

Gu Song chuckled: "If he can't stand it with the support of my information, it's too bad. It's not that he is crushed by equipment that is obviously a few generations old. They are all agents with backing support. I can tell him every move of the opponent, and if he can't stand it, how can he cooperate with me?"

  Jian Yushu calmed down for a while, and then said, "Then the country..."

  Gu Song did not speak for a while.

   Jian Yushu saw him thinking there and did not disturb him.

After a long time, Gu Songcai said: "This round of testing, it is difficult to say where it will go. Now, the situation is indeed a little nervous because of our stimulation. Decision makers are also human, and the probability of impulsiveness is very small but not impossible, and it may also be wrong. Sentencing... black swans... more and more..."


   Gu Song never expected that another black swan would pop up, and it was Commander Tang who liked to hear about it.

   Four years in advance, Commander Tang decided to make Ami great again.

   Of course, at this moment, everyone is just making fun of this as an entertainment event.

   Even Gu Song didn't know whether Commander Tang jumped out so early, whether he would win or lose.

   But Gu Song didn't care about this. After his vacation, he went to the rover's conference to walk around and officially introduced the quantum supercomputing center and the quantum computing services of the Flint Group to the public.

   By the way, I set up a flag, saying that the qubit level of the third generation of Shenwei Infinite will exceed 10,000, and I will try to meet you next year.

The real effect of    is that the capabilities of the quantum supercomputing center can already reflect what a truly practical general-purpose quantum computer can do in the future.

  Because now based on the immeasurable architecture of Shenwei, people with a heart can already start to enrich the ecology of quantum computing architecture.

  Language and system, Flint Group has done it. But the cake of quantum computer software application is still there.

   The scientific breakthroughs announced by the Flint Group seem to be less and slower.

  The Astronaut Training Center is just a comprehensive application of various technologies that have been broken through.

   But the more this happens, the more it worries other sensitive parties.

  There is no reason. With the quantum supercomputing center, scientific breakthroughs cannot be slowed down.

  According to the predictions of all the bigwigs, there should be frequent breakthroughs in the Little Holy Grail of various disciplines.

   Therefore, China must be carrying out technical reserves.

   Definitely yes!


   Xie Yinran fell in love with the spherical hut on Nanhai Island.

   After all, it is fascinating to explore all corners of space and see the magical scenery.

   A supercomputing center was set up in Changwen, and Gu Song simply stayed here.

   Flint Space City is now starting the internal construction of the first key part of the core cabin, and Gu Song needs to pay close attention to the trends.

  Gu Song has been looking forward to Changwen for a long time, and Jian Yushu really had the opportunity to communicate with him more.

   This afternoon, the two chatted together again.

"Although this construction speed is much faster than I thought, can it really catch up? Can't we do something simpler? For example, in this state, it is already the largest spacecraft in history." Jian Yushu Looking at the Flint Space City, which is now temporarily silent on the outside, and is only busy on the inside, I can't help but wonder.

Gu Song lay on the reclining chair and looked at the sea and said, "It's been ten years since I knew about the existence of the Flint. I've been researching this aspect. Actually, if you really want to take a gamble, it's not impossible. But there are just too many risks.”

   "You talk about it, and I also learn to learn."

"For example. If the Dragon King is built, can it pass? Yes, but it will take a lot of time. Even if it uses a very powerful fourth-generation nuclear power reactor, it has a strong enough electromagnetic propulsion engine now. , the time it will take for it to reach the edge of the solar system will still take many years. If you only need to send a robot there, and you don’t need to eat or drink for a few years on the way, that’s fine. However, I need to go there myself.”

   "...Is it necessary to build the Flint Space City that big?"

"I know what you mean, so it is a risk issue. Under the current technological conditions, there are some thresholds that cannot be crossed, such as some technologies related to life support. If it is possible to put technologies such as hibernation at the moment Once the equipment is realized, the risks of using the Yinglong will be greatly reduced. But if not, if people need to survive and stay awake during the journey, they need a space that is self-sustaining enough to support a crowd of sufficient size ."

   "No matter how big it is... it doesn't need to be that big. The scale of the Flint Space City is enough for thousands of people to survive in it? Are we going to take so many people?"

Gu Song said: "Trust me, it is needed. Under the existing technical conditions and manufacturing tools, we want to sail safely and reliably in the solar system, we need enough materials and enough technical maintenance personnel. When we finally set off Of course, there will not be as many as thousands of people, but it is not something that dozens of people can handle."

   Jian Yushu sighed: "The task is really heavy."

  Gu Song also sighed: "So it must be linked to the country's big plan."

   "But it's a space station after all. I want to turn it into a spacecraft. What about the thrusters? What thrusters can push such a large spacecraft out of Earth's orbit?"

   "Isn't this the beginning of the use of fourth-generation nuclear power. Don't worry, I have prepared the groundwork."

   Jian Yushu does not know the full picture of the foreshadowing and all the ways in which the future will unfold. But he knew that as Huayu Heavy Industry officially entered the rhythm, and as the plans for the next phase of the construction of the Flint Space City began to be prepared, many companies were benefiting.

   Such as the metal smelting industry.

   Such as precision equipment and instrument manufacturing.

   Cutting-edge products often bring prosperity to a long industrial chain, especially when the production capacity demand of cutting-edge products is so large.

In the last few months of 2011, the three major space stations, mass-produced fifth-generation aircraft, dumplings under new ships, defense drones, sixth-generation aircraft and nuclear power ships that have begun to develop projects... So many cutting-edge products, let China China's related industries are welcoming the prosperous age.

   In other areas, Xinghai City is in full swing.

   At the 3rd HSDA Summit at the end of the year, Hua Guo officially sacrificed the big killer in his hand.

   Fourth generation nuclear power solutions.

   In addition to the project demonstration reactor located in the south of Yanjing and on the outskirts of Xinghai in the future, there are also plans for miniaturization and modular construction.

   A small thing that makes people unable to sit still.

   The great commander roared in his heart: Sure enough, it is indeed a technical reserve!

   (end of this chapter)