MTL - Rebirth God of War Lu Bu-Chapter 6496 : King Anxi is also an incompetent person

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Doing business is beneficial to the development of both parties. Although the benefits obtained by the Jin State are huge, they can also benefit from it. Although the benefits obtained by the Jin State are much less than those obtained by the Jin State, it is very important for the development of the empire. big benefit.

The terrorist business efficiency of Jin merchants has brought greater help to the development of Peshawar. Just because of business, the population of Peshawar has increased, because business can bring them more Many possibilities.

Peshawar's specialty products can be turned into goods through workshops, and transported from the hands of Jin merchants to Anxi and the Roman Empire in exchange for benefits.

Under this model, the people of Guishuang can benefit much more than before, and their sense of belonging to Jin has also been rapidly improved in the process.

In fact, sometimes, the people are realistic and can bring stability to their lives and make their lives better, and they will give them greater respect, which is inevitable.

In the past, the Guishuang Empire was powerful, and the people of the empire had their pride. But now, the empire has been destroyed in the war. Even if they have more actions in resisting the governance of Jin officials, What kind of changes can it bring to Guishuang?

On the contrary, the arrival of officials from the state of Jin has brought about great changes in the lives of the people of Guishuang, and such a change has made the people of Guishuang extremely excited. There will be more belonging.

This is also an important way for the development of Jin State, especially for an important city like Peshawar with favorable geographical location, under the governance of Jin State officials, it is relatively easy to achieve rapid development, and when Peshawar can completely If it stabilizes, even if there is turmoil in other places in Guishuang, how useful they can be.

If you know more about the way of doing business in Jin State, you will see that behind this way of doing business is the foundation for the growth of Jin State, and what you can get as a businessman is more amazing benefits, and what you can get from doing business as a businessman If there are greater benefits, the battle after Jin will have a better foundation

It should be noted that the consumption in a war is very large. If the consumption in the war cannot be viewed correctly, it is very likely that the price of failure will not be borne on the battlefield.

The Jin army is powerful and numerous. When the war is going on, it shows terrifying strength. After all, it is relatively far away in terms of material transportation. If the original Guishuang land can be fundamentally developed, This is of great significance to the long-term stability of the Jin Kingdom.

Capturing the enemy's city is a means of war, and the ability to truly develop the captured city and make it more prosperous will allow the enemy to see the means of the empire, and it will be a bigger attack on the enemy. Deterrence.

Compared with Peshawar a few months ago, Peshawar at this time is bustling with people. Even the people in the city did not expect such a change. What they want in the war is a stable life. However, in the state of Jin Under the rule, what they get is a better life. In such a living environment, what reason do they have to oppose the emperor of Jin?

They will pay more respect to the emperor of the state of Jin, and they will be able to make such a big change in their lives. Such a change is surprising, and it will also give them more support for the development of the state of Jin. .

Sometimes the development after capturing the enemy's city is so simple, and the key is to choose the method more properly.

The development of the Jin State after the conquest is undoubtedly very powerful. It is precisely because of such means, and precisely because of the many victories in the war, that the Jin army will be more calm in the face of the war.

The strict military discipline of the Jin army also ensures the stability of the people in the city. The soldiers in the army are responsible for daily stability. As long as they are not violators of the law, their safety can be guaranteed.

And the laws and regulations of Jin, the people of Peshawar, are already familiar with it.

Compared with the Guishuang Empire in the past, Peshawar under the rule of Jin appeared to be more vibrant.

Of course, this is also the most terrifying place in Jin.

Such a state of Jin, whether it is in terms of the background of development or the possibility of development, will give the other party more shocks, let them see how amazing the ability of Jin to govern the local area, let them See what kind of changes the emperor of Jin will bring when he rules these places.

As for saying that they want to be unfavorable to the emperor of Jin, it depends on whether they have such means.

The emperor of the state of Jin is an emperor who came out of the war, and his methods have brought great help to the development of the state of Jin. However, after seeing more of the methods of the emperor of the state of Jin, there will be more awe.

It is the same when it comes to the governance of the Guishuang Empire.

At present, Guishuang is developing in an orderly manner, and what makes Guishuang's people even more excited is that they can get a lot of benefits when they develop rapidly.

Benefits touch people's hearts, and it is no exception to put them on ordinary people.

The emperor of the state of Jin wanted to use this method to make the plans of those with ulterior motives have no room to display them.

The changes in Peshawar and the number of businessmen are still increasing, which not only drives the development of Peshawar, but the entire land of the three states has also been greatly mobilized under such a development method.

Originally, Guishuang had a lot of special products, and the merchants of Guishuang were able to obtain a lot of benefits when doing business with the state of Jin. Now the land of Guishuang has been owned by the state of Jin, so the merchants of the state of Jin are doing business In the process of buying, Guishuang's goods will naturally not be missing.

In the hinterland of Jin State, there is also a demand for Guishuang's goods.

Under such a circular way of doing business, the development and wealth accumulation of the Tri-State Land is quite fast.

The most important thing is that in the face of the rebellion in the Three States, the Jin army's actions were extremely fierce, and there would be no mercy, and these people who launched the rebellion gradually became less pitiful. They want to destroy the current stable life, not to mention the Jin army, the people of the three states will not agree.

Under the subtle influence, it is only a matter of time before the land of the three states completely becomes under the rule of the Jin State. Fundamentally changed, and such changes, sometimes even they themselves are not aware of.

Such a state of Jin is the most terrifying in itself, and after more changes, the people who were originally ruled by the enemy state have completed the transformation of the people of the Jin state.

The change in lifestyle, even the gradual change in language, is the result of the gradual efforts of the officials of the Jin State, and such efforts can bring the most obvious results.

At present, there are too few rebellions in the three states. Occasionally there are rebellions, and they are greeted by the elite Jin army. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to stand up against the rule of the Jin army and succeed. too big.

The state of Jin is a powerful empire that emerged from many wars. Not to mention other things, the number of wars experienced by the state of Jin is beyond imagination. In terms of governance, the officials of the state of Jin naturally have extraordinary skills. In terms of means, these means can bring greater help to the development of the Jin State, and can allow the emperor of the Jin State to obtain greater convenience from it.

From many developments, more practical benefits will be gained, and what Jin will gain in such a war will be more advantages. Under such development, the prosperity of Jin is inevitable.

And only by knowing more about the unique development mode of Jin State, can we see what kind of support there will be behind the rapid development of Jin State, and what kind of actual benefits such support can bring to Jin State. .c0m

Perhaps there are not small difficulties in the development of the Jin State, but when these problems are gradually resolved, the influence of the Jin State will increase accordingly.

The strength of the Jin state and the strength of the Jin army allow the Jin state to avoid more threats during its development, and the people living under the rule of the Jin state can get more stable lives.

Sometimes, it is not that the people of Guishuang have no courage to stand up against Jin, but that their opposition has no effect, not to mention that after such resistance, they were ruthlessly suppressed by the Jin army.

Let's live a good life, but how meaningful is it to resist the Jin army? Even Queen Guishuang became the concubine of the Jin emperor after the war. Their queens have given up resistance. They have What kind of reasons continue to insist on the revival of the Guishuang Empire?

From the war against the Jin army, there is no hope of victory at all. Such a war will only make them suffer more consumption.

When the rebellion is gradually cleared up, and the officials of the Jin State will show extraordinary means when governing, these cities that originally belonged to Guishuang will be completely owned by the Jin State.

Zhao Yun and Chen Gong knew about the alliance between the Jin State and the Prince of Anxi, and the taking over of the three cities was after Altaban achieved success or gained an absolute advantage. For such things, Chen Gong and Zhao Yun must have decided to Careful planning and deployment.

The three cities are also very important to the Anxi Empire. They will certainly not willingly hand over the three cities. As the civil servants and military generals of the Jin Kingdom, the two people need to consider is to let the empire in this transaction. In the process, you can get greater benefits, rather than giving up the benefits you got because the other party violated.

The state of Jin has never suffered a loss in exchanges. This is not only because of the strength of the state of Jin, but also has a lot to do with the planning of the people of the state of Jin.

Especially in the face of such important matters, planning is indispensable, and the help that good planning will bring to the subsequent development of the situation is also obvious.

What Jin's army will get in the war is continuous victory, and the Jin army's strategists are amazing in terms of planning.

Chen Gong used to be an excellent strategist under Lv Bu's tent, and he naturally had an outstanding performance in planning the sovereignty of the three cities. The most critical thing now is what Prince Aldaban's actions are in the Parthian Empire.

At present, the situation in the land of the three states has gradually stabilized. Although the guarding Jin army has not recruited, but after the situation is completely stabilized, Zhao Yun will definitely not refuse to recruit soldiers.

The people of Guishuang are tough, and in the army of the Guishuang Empire in the past, there were even elite teams. They caused a lot of trouble for the Jin army's attack on the battlefield.

Recruiting in the local area is helpful for the stability of the army, and it can also make these people who have taken refuge in Jin more at ease.

It's just that because the Guishuang Empire is special, such things did not unfold quickly.

As a powerful empire in the past, it also had an outstanding performance in the confrontation with the Jin State. It must be quite difficult to make the Guishuang Empire completely succumb.

Although the people of the Guishuang Empire will not give in easily, the officials of the Jin State will gradually gain their approval in the way of governance, and even the governance strategy of the Jin State can be obtained in the land of the three states. support.

"General Zhao, according to the news from Anxi, Prince Artaban has already started to act. It is said that half of the high-level officials in Anxi support Artaban. From this point of view, Artaban has become the new Anxi The king's time is very likely to be shortened." Chen Gong said.

Zhao Yun nodded, "If the Ardaban goes too smoothly, it will not be of much benefit to us."

"King Anxi is also an incompetent person, and he was forced into such a situation by Altaban."

Chen Gongdao: "Although King Anxi is honorable, UUReading Book But when it comes to noble matters, it is more about cooperation. Now Artaban has the support of the Holy One, and he has the method of making the three-eyed gun and the bed crossbow in his hand. , there will be a higher right to speak among the high-level officials in Anxi."

"It is reasonable for those high-level officials to turn to support Aldaban, but what makes me a little puzzled is that there is no large-scale war breaking out inside Anxi."

The longer the turmoil in the Anxi Empire lasts and the larger the scale of the turmoil, the more beneficial it will be to the Jin State. Even the merchants of the Jin State will be able to obtain more benefits after they arrive in the Anxi Empire. Doing business is risky.

However, the merchants of the Jin State have a strong pioneering spirit. Not to mention the internal turmoil in Anxi, even if a large-scale war breaks out, they still cannot stop the footsteps of the Jin State merchants. This is the uniqueness of the Jin State merchants. It is precisely because of this that the merchants of Jin State can obtain more benefits in the process of doing business.

Behind the benefit is the contribution for the benefit. The businessmen of the Jin State are crazy about doing business. When they can do business for the merchants of the Jin State, they can get a greater advantage, which can make the actions of the Jin State merchants have greater impact. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site