MTL - Rebirth in a Perfect Era-Chapter 1745 Crocodile Crocodile

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Google ’s skyrocketing on the first day of listing, later on, became the front page headline of major US media reports.

Almost all media have evaluated the performance of Google's stock price as the Internet revival and the rise of science and technology stocks;

Wall Street media gave a higher evaluation. They believed that the performance of Google on the first day of listing, announced that the current Internet industry has completely shaken off the era of bubble collapse in 2000-2001;

There is also a related stock review that Google ’s perfect performance will give the market great confidence that it will drive the rise of the entire Internet stock.

However, with regard to the warnings mentioned by Li Mu, almost all mainstream media have started filtering.

Li Mu can't figure it out. Even if the Wall Street media is attracting more capitalists behind the Nasdaq, why is the mainstream media in the United States all this urine?

This is a deviation from those who have always been "just to the end" for the American media!

Li Mu picked up the phone and called Larry Page, asking directly: "Larry, why haven't I seen a reminder from a mainstream media report?"

Larry Page said awkwardly: "General Manager Li, I also looked at it just now, the mainstream media did not mention it ..."

Immediately afterwards, Larry Page explained: "General President Li, in fact, you can think about it carefully. Behind Wall Street, basically, are Jewish chaebols. The entire US media empire is also Jewish chaebols. It penetrated the media and capital circles, making them a community of interests. "

Li Mu suddenly realized.

That's it!

Now that the media community and the capital circle in the United States have become a community of interests, it is understandable that the media automatically filters out their own tips about risks.

Li Mu smiled helplessly, and said that it really was a strong dragon who did not suppress the ground.

Fortunately, Li Mu himself is a new media tycoon. If you don't report, I will report it myself.

The so-called do-it-yourself, plenty of food and clothing.

Immediately, Li Mu immediately opened the laptop and logged in to his Weibo twitter directly.

As the man with the most twitter followers on Weibo, Li Mu's influence is not a joke.

He was about to post a tweet, and at this time found that the topic of # Google's stock price soared 210% on the first day of listing # turned out to be the number one on the hot list!

The second place is # 李牧 personally attended Google ringing bell ceremony #;

Third place is #Internet will usher in spring! #;

The fourth place is #Li Mu believes that Google is the magic arbitrary gate! #

Netizens' discussions are also very lively, and almost everyone is extremely optimistic about the future trend.

Investment experts have even begun to give suggestions. They think that in the next long time, the Internet industry will advance by leaps and bounds. Google just fired the first shot, followed by giants such as Makino. Once Makino is listed, the Internet will be completely Into the midsummer!

Therefore, they advise investors to allocate more invested assets to Internet concept stocks.

It seems that the whole United States now thinks that Google can really pull Internet companies and take a wave of quotations.

Li Mu looked dignified, and things seemed to be more serious than he thought.

And it is a hundred times worse!

They have greatly underestimated the appetite of the Wall Street capital giants. They are now whitewashing the coming of the Internet spring, not just thinking about borrowing Google for a big meal.

They want to use Google's performance and use their capital and influence to push the entire industry to rise rapidly.

Just like before polar bears hibernated, they tried hard to find food and hoarded the thickest fat for themselves.

Not surprisingly, all Internet concept stocks will usher in a wave of tomorrow.

And I believe that behind each stock, there will be different levels of behind-the-scenes pushers. They will perform their respective duties and push each stock of Internet concepts to make the Internet market advance rapidly. This outbreak will be even more turbulent.

Once this momentum begins, the market value of Internet companies will rise, and it is likely that the Nasdaq will follow a surge.

They fry the whole industry and make the companies in this industry more valuable. This seems like a good thing, but in Li Mu's eyes, this is simply killing chickens to get eggs.

Because Li Mu knows very well that the Internet is not at the moment.

Whether the spring of the Internet really comes is not determined by capital, but by industry conditions.

When the number of Internet users skyrocketed and the entire industry's market expanded, the Internet will usher in spring;

When Internet bandwidth breaks through and online video on the Internet flourishes, the Internet will usher in spring;

When giants like World of Warcraft appear in Internet games, the Internet will usher in spring;

When the Internet turns to mobile, the Internet will usher in spring.

However, the spring of the Internet cannot be created by means of capital use of money and capital operations.

At present, the number of Internet users has not made a major breakthrough, the Internet transmission technology has not been improved on a large scale, the overall bandwidth volume and the use cost have not been reduced. Even online video sites such as YouTube have not yet been born, and wifi, 3G, and smartphones are even more Needless to say, in this case, the spring of the Internet industry has not really arrived.

If the capital does not really come up in the spring when the capital goes high and launches a spring, the vitality of this "spring" will be very weak!

Wall Street Capital wanted to push the illusion of a spring coming, to attract investors who were cramped in the room, to go out the door boldly, and to start farming on the land with ease.

But as soon as their patience to whitewash Taiping is exhausted, the so-called spring will immediately turn into a snowstorm, which will wipe out the investors who have left the house and the seeds they cultivated in the land.

If this is to happen, it will be another Internet bubble. At that time, the Internet will inevitably suffer another setback.

It is equivalent to relying on a fake spring in the capital circle to rob the Internet's profits in the next few years in advance.

This is a typical operation of the American capital circle. They are like a group of crocodiles entangled in a lake. They only need to feed themselves, regardless of the life and death of pigs, cows, and sheep, and they don't care about the safety of their populations.

Numerous times in the US capital circle looted Asia, using this group of crocodile tactics, rushing into other animal populations madly, biting madly, devouring madly, and then retreating.

And the group they hurt may take years and decades of rest and recuperation before they can recover their original vitality.

During the Asian financial crisis, the economies of Southeast Asian countries, led by Thailand, suffered heavy losses. International speculators led by Soros took the opportunity to make the situation worse for Southeast Asia, which was already troubled by the financial crisis. Finally, international speculators left the market with meat. Life and death.

What they want to do on the Internet is the same as what they did to Southeast Asia.

They just want to use the Internet market to make a fortune and earn money. As for the future of the Internet, it has nothing to do with them, and they don't care.

Li Mu must not allow this to happen!

So he immediately tweeted in English, saying: "At the close of NASDAQ today, I accepted an interview with the American media and expressed my personal opinion that Google ’s current performance and size are still Not worth the current stock price, and call on investors to treat it rationally, but after looking around, I found that the media only reported what I said before the opening, but none of the media reported what I said after the closing. I do n’t know the United States Why do my media friends treat what I say so differently, but I still need to lend twitter to my friends in the United States and other countries to give a tip: the stock market is risky, you need to be cautious when entering the market, and the Internet industry ’s current volume and technology There has been no breakthrough in terms of cost and cost. In a short time, it will not be possible to usher in a booming spring! "

After writing, he decisively clicked on the release, and called Li Ziwei over again, and asked her to notify the head of operations of Makino Technology North America, and immediately use yy to pop up the user across the United States, and at the same time manually post his new tweets. Intervene to the top of the topic list.

Li Ziwei did it immediately, and soon, the news spread throughout the Internet through yy and twitter.

Li Mu's tweets flooded into a large number of users instantly. By ten minutes, the number of comments had exceeded 10,000, and reposted more than 30,000.

And the top of the topic list, a new topic also appeared: # 李牧 believes ~ ~ The spring of the Internet will not come early! #

As soon as this topic emerged, the entire network exploded.

Prior to Li Mu's remarks, the entire American media was whitewashing the Internet. Spring was in sight.

They even took Li Mu's words out of context as their own plaques and rendered the public an illusion: "You see, even Li Mu said so, this thing can't be wrong!"

However, they never expected that Li Mu would end up in person, tearing the American media alone.

At this moment, in the eyes of Li Mu, the American media is a dirty and turbid lake on the African plain. Its turbid sewage provides an excellent hiding place for the giant crocodiles that are entangled in it, and the migratory herbivores, When I saw this lake, I couldn't wait to drink here, but I didn't know there was a deadly threat hidden inside.

If you want to stir up the water, then I will directly come to a flood, which will completely destroy the original dirty lake and the giant crocodile in it.

At least, one day in the Internet industry, you can't allow this group of capital crocodiles to devour the future of the Internet industry.

The United States is advocating for the Internet Spring. Li Mu said that the Internet Spring will not come early. It seems that Li Mu ’s power is particularly weak, but in fact, Li Mu ’s twitter is like a huge nuclear bomb that detonated online!

At this stage, in the Internet industry, no one will be more authoritative than Li Mu. Internet users' recognition and trust of him far surpasses those rumors in the United States.

When Li Mu personally stated that the spring of the Internet had not yet come, all the people had no doubt chosen to trust him, rather than those media and so-called experts.

In their opinion, Li Mu is the spokesperson for the Internet industry. Only he can truly represent the global Internet industry!