MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 296

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A Yue’s eyes were red and almost fell into tears.

Before he was alone, there was no concern.

He was a family at home, and staying there is the same for him.

Now he came to Beiping alone and stayed alone for a long time. He felt that it was difficult to be a day, and a heart could not be realized.

It turned out that he had already taken his sister's place as a home.

However, because of this, he is even less able to go back.

If he can truly become a person who can help his sister, he is the only one.

Then the guilt in his heart may be less.

When Qin Hao saw the look of A Yue, he guessed his mind.

Qin Lan still wants to persuade, but Xunzi did not give him a chance.

When the voice of Qin Yu sounded, the blind man recognized it.

Because his eyes are invisible, his hearing is more acute.

Moreover, Qin Lan really gave him a deep impression, he could not remember it.

Last time, my grandfather hired him to test the depth of Qin.

At that time, he did not put Qin Xiao in his eyes, but did not want to completely lose his Qin Yi.

Now, Qin Lan appears in front of him, how can he let go of Qin.

The scorpion glared at the Qin dynasty and confronted him. He argued with the man and decided to squat.

He is not a Qin dynasty, he insists on morality and does not take personal life.

Today, he only wants to defeat Qin Hao, and the others are not in his consideration.

The scorpion's walking stick was made by Qin Hao, and a knife slid out from the other side of his sleeve.

The blade was cold and pressed against his palm.

The scorpion felt the cool touch and he immediately held the handle.

The blind man looked up at the direction of the Qin dynasty, only the black that could not be opened, and nothingness.

And he can instantly judge the key to Qin Qin.

In the next second, he held a knife, and the sharp tip of the knife was inserted into Qin’s neck without any mistakes.

Ah Yue stood in front of the Qin dynasty and naturally saw the situation behind him clearly.

He was shocked and immediately said: "Be careful."

Qin Yu only felt that behind the killings, he was forced to let go of A Yue’s hand.

Qin Hao quickly turned around and grasped the wrist of the blind man.

The tip of the knife is only one inch away from Qin’s neck.

If you go forward, you will cut his skin.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on the face of the man behind him.

Qin Lan discovered that this person was in the martial arts hall to test his nephew.

However, he does not know why the blind man will be related to Ah Yue.

Xunzi knows the ability of Qin Yu, and naturally he will not be easily defeated by him.

The scorpion sneered, holding the hand of the crutches up.

The crutches slipped out of Qin's hands and returned to the hands of the blind man.

The executioner held a cane and slammed it into Qin's hand.

When Qin's hand retracted, the scorpion immediately stepped back and opened the distance from Qin.

The eyes of the scorpion are dark and have no focal length.

He listened and listened to the movement of Qin Qin in a noisy.

The scorpion determined the location of the Qin dynasty and immediately launched an attack.

The machine is no longer lost, and now Qin Xiao is tired and tired.

As long as he makes good use of this, he may be able to give Qin Qin a heavy blow.

The cane came out of the air and was extremely fierce.

Qin Lan avoided sideways and did not want to fight with the scorpion again.

The blind man guessed the reaction of Qin Yu, and his crutches immediately changed direction.

The crutches in his hand were like a sword that was unsheathed and stabbed in the direction of Ah Yue.

Ah Yue, who was originally on the side, was watching anxiously.

He couldn't help but regret it, because of his fault, let Qin Hao provoke such a powerful role.

From the actions between the two, they seem to have had a previous hatred.

In the next second, the scorpion attacked the Qin dynasty, but he called him.

A Yue knows his mind, he wants to use his own to hold Qin Qin.

However, Ah Yue did not experience such a thing, and he was in the same place.

Qin Hao’s anger rose and his steps turned. He immediately stepped forward and tried to grab the shoulders of the scorpion.

The nephew deliberately attacked A Yue, just to draw the attention of Qin Yu.

According to the temperament of Qin Yu, it will definitely protect A Yue.

On the occasion of Qin Qin's distraction, the blind man will take the opportunity to take his life.

The scorpion looked at the Qin dynasty and immediately turned around and smashed it to the Qin dynasty with a knife.

In order to be able to win the Qin dynasty, Xunzi has nothing to do with it.

He made a sinister move, no worries.

The blind man pressed hard and blocked Qin.

Qin Yu could not take away A Yue, and his heart was bored.

Previously, Qin Yu and his nephew had played against each other, naturally remembering the weakness of the blind man.

The scorpion will only attack the opponent in the defensive range, but can't get too close.

Qin Lan strode forward and there was no fear.

He shortened the distance from the scorpion, and the advantage of the scorpion instantly weakened.

Qin Hao shot quickly and quickly got the upper hand.

A Yue saw the appearance of Qin Lan, knowing that he would immediately subdue the blind.

When A Yue saw the complete suppression of Qin Yu, he stunned and took the opportunity to leave.

Qin Lan was shackled by the blind man and did not notice the movement of Ah Yue.

When Qin Yu was subdued, A Yue had no trace.

At this time, A sooner arrived at the site of Shi Wuye.

Ah Yue gave Shi Wuye what he had stolen from his nephew.

A Yue still remembers the appearance of Qin Qin, and his look is dignified.

A Yue voice is dull: "The man found me, but I don't know that things have been taken away by me."

"I took the opportunity to escape."

Shi Wuye’s eyes fell on A Yue.

Although he did not know the purpose of A Yue, he knew that A Yue is a material that can be made.

After a moment of silence, Shi Wuye broke the silence.

"If you are not in Beiping..."

After a pause, Shi Wuye continued: "You can follow me."

Ah Yue immediately looked up and looked at Shi Wuye.

A Yue has wanted to continue to investigate the Hongmen, he can stay with Shi Wuye, naturally it is best.

A Yue should be down: "Thank you for the stone five."


The mayor of Shanghai received a message from Beiping.

There have been many incidents on the beach and the people are not stable. The Peking government will soon have a special commissioner to settle in Shanghai to monitor law and order.

The mayor sat at the table with a secret document sent from Peking.

He opened the file bag and took out a document.

The lights fell quietly, and the mayor looked at it with light.

When he saw the name of the commissioner, he bowed.

That special commissioner turned out to be...

His hand holding the file was slightly tight.

Ji Manqing.

The mayor knows Ji Manqing.

Ji Manqing was the fifth lady of Ji Jia, and later contacted Ji Jia.

In the past, Ji Manqing and Lu Zongxi also heard about it.

Lu Zongxi’s young daughter was injured and was also carried out by Ji Manqing. Lu Zongxi was furious and expelled Ji Manqing from Shanghai, so that she could not step into Shanghai half a step.

If Lu Zongxi knows that Ji Manqing came to Shanghai as a special official, how should the matter end?

The more the mayor thought, the tighter the brow wrinkled.

He thought for a while, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

He has an acquaintance in the Peking government, and he wants to ask this question in detail.

The telephone was picked up and the mayor asked: "The Beiping government has a special commissioner to be stationed in Shanghai. Do you know about this?"

The man paused for a few seconds: "I don't know."

The mayor stunned, and the man asked, "What happened?"

The mayor gathered his emotions: "Nothing."

Then he did not ask again and put down the phone.

The mayor thought, it seems that there must be someone behind Ji Manqing.

This time she came to take office as a confidential incident, and others could not find any wind.

The mayor looked at the documents and his heart sank.

He can't offend Lu Zongtang, nor can he offend the people behind Ji Manqing.

This document is like a hot potato. I don't know how to be good.

It was a fact that Ji Manqing took office and was ordered by Beiping. He could not stop it.

When Lu Zongxi knows this, he will be furious.

No matter how it is disposed, he will be in a dilemma.

The mayor closed his eyes and made a decision.

He called the secretary in and said: "Before the special commissioner takes office, he will completely block all news and not disclose half of the points."

The secretary said: "Yes."

The mayor was so dark that he could only leave this thing for the time being.

After Ji Manqing took office, things have been fixed. Even if Lu Zongqi is angry, it will not help.



The sky was completely dark, and the stars fell on the dark sky, shining with a dark glow.

Gu Renshan sat in the room, dark and dull.

Previously, he was ordered by Ji Manqing and had to issue an order to make Ji Manqing a special commissioner and settle in Shanghai.

At the other end, he made people go to Chaigan.

Gu Renshan’s eyes were cold, and Ji Manqing’s means of poisoning, but his hands were evidence of corruption.

He has to be subject to her.

At this time, the black phone rang and broke the silence.

Gu Renshan quickly went to the phone and picked up the phone.

There was a voice on the phone: "I found out about Ji Manqing."

Gu Renshan immediately said: "What did you find?"

The man said: "Ji Manqing seems to have some grudges with Lu."

Gu Renshan frowned, Lu Jia? Could it be Lu Zongtang?

Gu Renshan said: "Specific."

The man said: "Ji Manqing is Miss Ji Jia. Later, she announced that she would not marry for life."

"Ji Jia originally had a good relationship with Lu Jia. Later, somehow, Lu Jia and Ji Jia completely broke contact."

Gu Renshan a trip.

The man continued: "After that, I don't know why, Ji Jia has withdrawn from the business and political circles, and Ji Manqing was expelled from Shanghai."

Putting a phone call, Gu Renshan’s hands and feet were cold.

Although I don't know why, Ji Manqing will be driven out of Shanghai.

However, one thing he can be sure.

Lu Zongxi never wants to see, Ji Manqing came to Shanghai.

Just as he was thinking about it, at this time, the door knocked outside the door and interrupted Gu Renshan’s thoughts.

The dull voice fell on the silent night, revealing a trace of surprise.

Gu Renshan’s heart: "Who is it?"

There was a sound outside the door.

Clearly passed through the gate.

"Ji Manqing."

Gu Renshan was silent and his eyes were cold.

He gathered his emotions and opened the door.

Ji Manqing came in, and his mouth flashed a sneer: "Don't welcome me?"

She is slowly seating.

Gu Renshan looked at her with vigilance: "What are you doing here?"

Ji Manqing said without hesitation: "We are now a shipman, I naturally want to see, what do you think?"

Although Gu Renshan has already fulfilled her request, there are some things that she still has to come to remind Gu Renshan.

Gu Renshan remembered what he had just discovered, and the twilight was dark.

He looked at Ji Manqing, and there was a faint anger between the words: "You never told me that you and Lu family have grudges."

When I heard Lu Jia, Ji Manqing clenched his hand and felt hatred in his heart.

Ji Manqing glanced at Gu Renshan and sneered: "Why, are you worried about offending the Lu family and regretting helping me to do this?"

Gu Renshan did not answer.

Ji Manqing implicitly warned: "Don't forget, I have your evidence of corruption in my hand."

The curtains swayed and were picked up. The cool wind and the silent night, the faintness came in.

The coldness in the room was getting thicker and a cold pressure came over.

Gu Renshan tried his best to anger: "I have done what you told you, and you destroyed those things."

Ji Manqing slowly opened his mouth and ignored his words.

Ji Manqing rubbed the teacup and looked at Gu Renshan without looking at it: "Some things, I still feel comfortable in my hand."

She said one word at a time: "Prevent some people from moving their minds."

Her voice is not heavy, but with a strong threat.

Gu Renshan is extremely angry: "Ji Manqing!"

In the next second, Ji Manqing threw the teacup: "I angered me, and your officials don't want to be stable."

The teacup fell heavily and fell into a silent room, which was particularly harsh.

Her cold voice rang, accompanied by Sen cold.

The night is getting darker and darker, and it seems that there is a thick yin and a heavy pressure that hangs over the air.

Gu Renshan looked at Ji Manqing, and his eyes flashed a hint of killing.

This thing is in the hands of Ji Manqing, he is always sleepy.

Ji Manqing used this to pinch him, not killing her, it is difficult to eliminate his hatred.

Ji Manqing saw the look of Gu Renshan, and the mouth was ironic.

Oh, want to kill her?

Ji Manqing sneered aloud: "Do you want to be clear, is it important to kill me, or is your future important?"

"If I don't get out of this door, my people will immediately announce your evidence of corruption."

Gu Renshan has a heart.

Ji Manqing seems to laugh and laugh: "You said, they saw your corruption record, how will you deal with you?"

At her feet is the abyss, not seeing the end.

There is no trace of light, black lacquer. The cold wind whispers and invades the bone marrow.

She had already stepped into the mud and was smashed into the darkness.

Of course she has no fear and nothing can be lost.

Ji Manqing’s heart was so cold that he couldn’t help but pull this group of people together to die.

The air is quiet and abnormal, revealing silence.

The cold moonlight shone, as if a snowy blade and a deep chill.

Gu Renshan stared at Ji Manqing coldly, and his heart was filled with extreme anger.

This woman is so crazy that she has previously threatened to go with him.

She doesn't even care about her own life. If she talks to her again, she doesn't know what she will do.

The coldness of Gu Renshan’s eyes was darkened by an inch, until it was hidden deep.

For a long while, he opened his mouth and looked a little slower: "Everyone is a cooperative relationship, why bother to have trouble."

He lowered his voice and stopped mentioning things.

Ji Manqing slowly said: "You know this is the best."

Ji Manqing turned and walked out the door.

The air was quiet and dull.

Gu Renshan looked at the door and his eyes were extremely dark.


Central capture house.

After the discussion between Shao Inspector and Lu Huai, it was not easy to think that Liu Tai’an’s daughter was hanging in the shack.

Shao Inspector called Liu Taian to the central catching house and carefully questioned the passing of his affairs.

He wants to see if there are any small clues that they have ignored.

At this point, the office was quiet.

Shao Inspector was afraid that the news leaked and no extra people were present.

There are only Shao Inspector and Liu Taian in the room.

Since her daughter’s death, Liu Tai’an’s entire soul has been unsettled and looks extremely embarrassing.

Liu Taian firmly believes that his daughter was killed by the people of Hongmen.

He hates peace and hopes that the patrol room can quickly arrest the murderer.

Shao Inspector took a look at Liu Tai'an opening: "You will tell the specifics of the matter."

Liu Taian bit his teeth: "The person who is the door is taking my daughter."

Liu Taian’s mouth is full of anger.

Shao Inspector frowned and took a table.

The dull sound fell in the room and instantly cut off Liu Tai'an's words.

The sound of Shao Inspector was extremely deterrent, and Liu Taian did not dare to continue complaining.

Inspector Shao: "Don't you say that a group of men have taken Liu Wei?"

"Have you seen the faces of those people?"

Liu Taian quickly nodded: "I certainly remember clearly."

That night, although Liu Taian was under coercion, she was afraid.

But he will never forget the faces of the murderers.

Shao Inspector called his men in. He asked Liu Taian to describe the faces of those people.

The inspector of Shao Inspected the general appearance of the prisoner according to the description of Liu Taian.

Liu Taian is very careful and many details are very accurate.

The portrait soon came out, and Shao Inspector asked his men to go out and look for it immediately.

If the portraits match, they are extremely easy to find those prisoners.

The silence was restored again in the office.

Shao Inspector looked at Liu Taian and said: "Who are you in contact with these people?"

"You still remember the look of others."

Liu Taian quickly shook his head. He determined that the murderer was the one who took his daughter.

After an hour, Shao’s inspectors found the people on the portrait.

The door of the office was slammed and the sound fell into the room.

"Come in." Shao Inspector said.

The man immediately pushed the door in.

Liu Taian thought that the murderer had been caught and immediately looked over.

He was attached to the ear of Shao Inspector and reported softly.

Liu Taian was anxious and waiting for the result.

Speaking to Shao, the result of the incident was the same as he expected.

After the withdrawal, Shao Inspector looked at Liu Taian.

Liu Taian immediately asked: "Shao Inspector, have you already found the murderer?"

Fang Shao’s inspector found the group in the alley and took them back to the trap.

But they are not the people of Hongmen.

Inspector Shao said: "The people who took Liu Wei are just ordinary hooligans."

Liu Taian is unbelievable: "Impossible, how could they not be the people of Hongmen?"

Shao Inspector bent his fingers and buckled the table.

Inspector Shao: "You have to think about it. Who did you contact with that night?"

The results of the investigation were different from what Liu Taian expected.

Liu Taian frowned and tried to recall every detail of the night.

Liu Taian suddenly said: "There is another man who spoke to me."

Inspector Shao immediately asked: "Who is it?"

Liu Taian: "He told me to see my daughter in the museum."

Inspector Shao asked: "Do you remember his appearance?"

Liu Taian was flustered at the time and was anxious to find Liu Wei. He did not remember.

Liu Taian knew that this matter was related to the death of Liu Wei, and he tried to find out the clues of the person.

That night, the rain was great and the thunder roared.

He was immersed in the fear of his daughter being taken away, and the man was like a life-saving straw, pointing out the way for him.

He vaguely remembered the flash of the sleeve that the man had been brought by the wind. The man had some marks on his wrist.

Liu Taian immediately told Shao Inspector about the incident.

He described the imprint of the man at the time in detail.

The more inspected by Shao Inspector, the more dignified the look.

He immediately took a pen and paper on the side and drew a pattern on the paper.

Shao Inspector pushed the paper to Liu Tai'an.

Inspector Shao: "Look, is this pattern?"

After Liu Taian carefully identified it, he nodded immediately: "This is this."

Shao Inspector was shocked and his face was not shown.

This mark is a sign of the members of the Old Brotherhood.

Shao Inspector retracted the note.

He said to Liu Taian: "Now you can leave, we will inform you if there is news."

When Liu Taian walked out of the office, Shao Inspector immediately told Lu Huai.


The phone call of Shao Inspector confirmed that the event at the Hongmen Casino was exactly what the old club did.

The man arranged many accidents and took great pains. He just wanted to plant it for Joe Six.

Lu Huai frowned, faintly felt a little pain in the eyebrows.

Previously, Joe’s private home was destroyed; Joe Six was stabbed and escaped; plus this Hongmen casino accident...

There are indications that someone is targeting Joe Six and even Hongmen.

At that time, Ye Chu discovered the old newspaper in Pei’an, which was related to the death of the old man many years ago.

The Peace Hotel has been holding down the major gangs since that time.

The important people have all died in the accident of the year, and I think Pei’an is related to those people.

I did not expect that Pei'an tried every means to become the leader of the Golden Knife Club, in order to report the revenge of the old man who was killed by the door.

Hongmen was wicked, and Joe Six was revenged, and it was also expected.

So grandfather?

When the grandfather left Hanyang Prison, the first thing he did was to change his identity and come to Shanghai.

He and Pei Anan all had bad thoughts, but they maintained a superficial peace in the Golden Knife.

Lu Huai is clear that only the secrets of darkness can connect two unrelated people together.

What is the secret of Grandpa?

Thinking about this, Lu Huai picked up the phone on the table.

Lu Huai dialed a number: "Jiang Yan."

Jiang Yan opened his mouth: "My work in Jinzhou has been processed."

Jiang Yan went to the stronghold of the dark house a while ago and just returned a few days ago.

During this time, he knew about the changes that occurred on the beach.

Lu Huai’s voice is heavy: “Let your people check it out.”

"The person who was named after Joe Six in the past."

Jiang Yan: "Yeah."

Lu Huai’s gaze fell into the dark night outside the window.

The sky is deep and deep, as always.

In Shanghai, everyone hides their secrets.

No matter what kind of changes will happen in the future, you can't shake Shanghai.

In the chilly autumn wind, there is an endless night.

But his beliefs are as hard as iron.

Never changed half a point.