MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 194 Arrive at the base

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Above the blue and white sky, a large helicopter was heading into the distance at high speed. There were many damages on the outside of the body, but under the operation of the driver, the overall movement speed was not affected at all.

About two hours have passed since Su Ming and the others were attacked by the alienated vultures.

After that, the team did not encounter the offensive from the rest of the alienated creatures, and completed two-thirds of the trip quite smoothly.

Now, the distance to the capital is also getting closer, and the task of the team is about to be completed.

During this period, Chen Yutian contacted Xu Lin, the person in charge, through the radio, to inform the other party that they were about to arrive, and to contact the teammates who were far away in Yongcheng. They must avoid the sphere of influence of [White Dragon], otherwise they will fall into the same situation as them. However, the remaining helicopters without the support of the wolf king are very likely to suffer personnel losses.

Su Ming in the cabin is also still recalling the scene when he encountered the alienated vulture earlier.

Through that short battle, Su Ming became more proficient in the use of breath.

At the same time, he also noticed that when he released his breath, he seemed to be targeted by a distant existence.

The opponent's strength did not exceed Su Ming by much, at least it was still in the same rank as him, but it was definitely at the peak.

In terms of Su Ming's existing combat power, it is difficult to gain an advantage in a head-to-head battle, and it is even more difficult to be evenly matched.

Not surprisingly, this powerful creature should be the "white dragon" in the mouth of humans. It has already touched the extraordinary level. It is no wonder that humans are helpless and let it expand its territory.

[White Dragon] It is indeed the creature at the peak of the king. Its overall aura perception is quite keen. Su Ming only released the breath of the king a little, and it can quickly detect it and pay attention to it.

It can be said that in the future, as long as Su Ming appears in his territory, [White Dragon] can quickly identify his identity, which is very unfavorable for Su Ming.

Fortunately, there is no profound contradiction between the two at present, and Su Ming will not enter their territory without authorization.


"Om, hum, hum."

With the reduction in the speed of the helicopter, after several hours of running around, the team finally arrived in the capital.

Through the windows on both sides, Su Ming saw the scenery of the human capital. What caught his eyes were all kinds of high-rise buildings. Under the sunlight, they exuded a unique brilliance. As a pre-mutation economic zone , Beijing is the most prosperous city in China.

At the same time, above the high altitude, there are still several teams of helicopters doing patrol work. From this point of view, the capital is not a safe place, and there are still cases of being attacked by alienated creatures, but still in a controllable range.

"Gene Era"

Soon, a middle-aged male voice came from Chen Yutian's audio.

"This is Feiying No. 1. You have entered the airspace of the capital. Please tell us your identity and purpose."

The patrol helicopter must have recognized Su Ming and their identities, but they still maintained their duty to do the work of inquiring.

Chen Yutian raised his right hand, tapped the microphone, and replied.

"The Capital Corps, Chen Yutian, was ordered to carry out the task of rescuing Lingtai City, and has now returned the personnel safely."

"Received, welcome back to Sergeant Chen, Director Xu is waiting for your return."

At the moment of receiving Chen Yutian's answer, the helicopter team that had stopped in front immediately dispersed and continued to perform the patrol mission, while Su Ming and his party continued to move forward and flew towards the center of the capital.

After crossing the famous Bauhinia City all the way, and even leaving the urban area, walking into the deep mountain, the team arrived at the final destination, the Beijing Research Base.

As soon as Chen Yutian touched the button above the dial, the towering mountain shook.

Immediately, the top of the mountain slowly separated from the inside to the outside, and a circular apron rose out, which was enough for the helicopter to park stably.

Holding the joystick tightly, Chen Yutian, with his rich driving experience, stably landed in the center of the apron.

Press the button on the surface again, and the mountain on the outside slowly retracts until the whole is closed, covering the helicopter.

Without the light of the sky, the environment became dim, and it was difficult to see the surrounding situation.

However, in the eyes of the giant wolf with night vision, another scene appeared.

Different from the lush mountain on the outside, the inside of the mountain is full of various mechanical devices, like a precise instrument.

In about two or three seconds, the darkness completely subsided, and the surrounding equipment walls lit up with lights, illuminating the entire area.

A sense of whereabouts filled the hearts of all creatures, and Su Ming could perceive that the environment near the body was constantly changing, and they seemed to be moving to the lower level.

Is this human technology? This can be done in just one month.

While looking at the changes in the scene, Su Ming sighed in his heart the development of human technology.


It didn't take too long, there was a sound from the apron, the whereabouts disappeared, and the movement stopped immediately, which proved that they had reached the center of the We have arrived, please get off the plane, I will lead the four Your Excellency Giant Wolf went to Director Xu's place, Sergeant Lin, you can go to the living area to rest. "

Chen Yutian's voice came from the broadcast, further affirming Su Ming's thoughts.


He immediately got up and let out a wolf howl, signaling the three companions who could not understand human language to follow him.


The cabin door opened slowly, revealing Chen Yutian's figure. He stepped out of the fuselage quickly, came to the rear, and opened the cabin door for the four wolves alone.

"Your Excellency Wolf King, please follow my footsteps, Director Xu is waiting for your arrival."

Chen Yutian spoke to Su Ming respectfully.

After waiting for Su Ming to nod his head, he turned to Lin Zeming who was beside him and said, "Fortunately, Sergeant Lin."

Although he was a little tired physically and mentally, Lin Zeming still forcibly cheered up and said with a smile, "If there is nothing, Lord Wolf King will ask Captain Chen."

"Well, don't worry."

"You guys go this way."

The place where the helicopter finally landed was in the apron area, so the first thing that caught Su Ming's eyes were the various types of planes, the maintenance engineers shuttled through them, and the pilots in camouflage uniforms.

Based on the sight in front of him, Su Ming could judge the extent of the lack of manpower inside the base, the helicopters taking off constantly, the busy maintenance staff, and the sweaty pilots.

Even at such a busy stage, the appearance of the four wolves of Su Ming still made the people present stunned.

There are even one or two young warriors who want to pull out the pistols around their waists and shoot at these strange alienated creatures.

It was not until they were stopped by the old soldier beside him and reminded him a little in their ears that they suddenly realized their eyes.

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