MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 234 Encounter the king's peak creature

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Restart Wolf Life: I Can See the Evolution Route Chapter 234 Encountering the King's Peak Creatures

Leading the entire team and stepping on the magma surface, Su Mingyao looked at the gorgeous flowers ahead.

According to the plan he made earlier, the wolves should get as close as possible to the inside of the flowers without attracting the attention of the king creatures, and let Su Hui swallow the lava polygonum.

In this way, it can be ensured that the team will have the means to deal with the unknown king creature at the same time as the new king's combat power.

Although it is not clear, the pressure range of the king creature on the opposite side will definitely cover the entire flower bush, so the next action of the wolves is equivalent to walking on a high-altitude tightrope. the opponent's attention.

After all, this is a very valuable resource. Su Ming does not think that the other party will let down his guard and let foreign creatures enter at will.

Thinking like this, he raised the vigilance in his heart again, and opened a small coercive range to detect the other party's perception range.

After everything was ready, Su Ming looked around solemnly, and led the three partners behind him to the periphery of the flowers.

The strong fragrance of flowers gradually drifted from the front, making all the wolves walking here feel refreshed and dispelling the tiredness in their hearts.

Stopping, out of a cautious character, Su Ming looked at the red flower in front of him. Before he could figure out its specific effect, it would be dangerous to enter rashly.

Generally speaking, plants can emit aroma, and most of them have two kinds of benefits. One is toxicity, which can make the organism fall into a state of ignorance, and in the worst case, it can cut off the vitality of the organism until it dies.

The second is restorative, which has many functions, some can help the creature refresh, some can make the creature soothe the creature's mentality, and even more can heal the creature's injury.

From the short-term contact, it seems that the effect of the floral fragrance that the wolves are exposed to is the latter. There is no toxicity, but we cannot relax our vigilance. Su Ming suspects that there are many fragrances that can fake a beneficial feeling. of toxins.

This kind of unique poisonous aroma can make creatures fall into a state of poisoning unconsciously, so that they are not aware of it until the moment of coma.

About two or three seconds later, the technology panel was displayed, and the effect of the alienated plant was analyzed in text.

[Alienated peony flower]: Rare seven stars, derived from the mutation of peony flower. Due to the special terrain of the magma, its appearance is also transformed into red red. It relies on the absorption of magma to turn it into nutrients for growth. If it is separated from the volcanic area, it will be difficult to survive. go down.

The flower buds contain a strong aroma, which can refresh the mind, and has the effect of soothing the mind of living beings, and has a lot of medicinal value.

After reading the analysis, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not the effect he had predicted before, but a simple restorative aroma.

The alienated peony flower in front of him has two major effects of restoring the spirit of life, so it is no wonder that it can reach the level of rare seven stars.

It is worth noting that the information above mentioned that the alienated peony flower has medicinal value.

Although it has little effect for the wolves, it may be of unimaginable value for humans with technological means.

Su Ming smiled and nodded, this is a rare alienated plant that can be traded with humans.

Recovering his thoughts, he turned around and motioned for the little sister to put down the shadow cloth above her head, and then took a few wolves to collect all the alienated peony flowers nearby and put them in the shadow cloth.

Although, along the way, the wolves have collected a lot of items, but with the scalability of the shadow cloth, they can still load a lot of items, but the little sister Su Yi is suffering, and it is necessary to control this shadow at all times. cloth.

Watching the shadow cloth slowly shrink and climb up until it reaches the sky above the heads of the wolves, Su Ming showed a satisfied look.

After this trip, the wolves collected a total of thirty-two alienated peony flowers. This amount of alienated plants is enough for humans to spend a lot of money to exchange them.

After all, at present, only they can go deep into the magma zone and collect such rare plants.

After calming down his excitement, Su Ming adjusted his state, got ready to go, exchanged glances with a few partners, and went deep into the center of the flower bush.

The area of ​​the entire flower bush is not very large, only 20 square meters, and even the wolf den in the reserve is bigger than this.

It is quite easy to get close to the location of the lava polygonum, and it doesn't take much time.

However, even at such a distance of more than ten steps, the wolves walked quite slowly, all kinds of vigilance, and unusual caution, for fear of attracting the attention of the top creatures of the king in the distance.

Facts have proved that Su Ming's conjecture is not wrong, and the other party's perception scope is indeed spread inside the flowers.

To be clear, it extended from the inside of the magma in the distance to the flowers.

Although Su Ming still couldn't find out the specific range of the other party's perception, he was able to use his own perception to avoid it, so as to approach the depths of the flowers at a relatively slow speed.

Out of trust in the leader Su Ming, the other three members did not ask questions, but followed the other side obediently.

They believe that Su Ming must have his reasons for doing so, and there is always nothing wrong with following his actions.

After some previous contact, Su Ming's mind has been able to depict the perception edge of the opposite king creature.

This is not as smooth and wide as imagined, but it is bumpy. For example, the range on the right side is short, and when it goes deeper into the center, it will extend further, but if it continues to the left, the range will become shorter again. Like a wave, it maintains a state of ups and downs.

Relying on this feature, Su Ming took the group companions behind him and gradually went deeper into the position of the lava polygonum.

Until the distance of two or three meters in front of them, the wolves team stopped, and Su Ming looked embarrassed, because they could no longer move forward, and there were all the perception fields of the other party around, as long as the team took a step forward, the distant King creatures can detect it.

Su Hui in the back is still a little unreasonable, why the big brother no longer walks forward, looking at the lava polygonum near Chi Chi, he can hardly suppress the desire in his heart, with a puzzled look, he leans close to Su. In front of Ming, waiting for the reply from the elder brother.

Su Yi, who was standing in the back, saw the problem early, and tightened her body to keep it ready to fight at any time.

As for Ling, who stayed in the center of the team, he still maintained the attitude of trusting his spouse, without too many questions, just quietly waiting for the other party's actions.

Facing his younger brother's inquiring look, Su Ming slowly shook his head, signaling it not to act rashly.

Right now, there is a big problem in front of the wolves, whether to pick the lava polygonum in the center at the risk of exposure.

Therefore, there are two choices in front of them, either act rashly, trigger the perception range, attract the attention of the other party, and let Su Hui swallow the lava polygonum before it arrives.

Either find another way, call another direction, get close to the lava polygonum again, and try to pick it off.

Looking up, Su Ming sighed in a low voice. As he felt, there will never be any extra gaps around the lava polygonum. The king creature takes this very seriously and will definitely not allow other creatures to approach. .

In this way, the wolves have only one choice, to approach the lava Polygonum under pressure.

Thinking of this, Su Ming turned around, came to the front of the three members, looked at each other with their eyes, and slowly explained the current situation and the next plan through a low wolf roar.

Hearing Su Ming's remarks, the reactions of the wolves were also different.

Su Hui was shocked and couldn't believe that such a powerful creature existed here, Su Yi put on a thoughtful look, as if not surprised by this. Although Ling was also surprised, but out of concern for Su Ming of complete confidence, it quickly calmed down.

In any case, the three wolves understand that they will face a last-ditch situation next, and if they are a little careless, the entire team will fall into a dangerous situation.

Su Ming's plan is very simple, but also quite decisive.

First of all, he acts as a bait, stepping into the other party's perception circle and attracting their attention.

With the speed of his own like a thunder, he quickly took off the lava polygonum in front. At the same time, Su Hui in the back had to follow the action and walk into the circle to ensure that Su Ming could quickly hand over the items in his mouth. Give it to Su Hui's side, so that it can be swallowed into the abdominal cavity faster.

Taking this opportunity, Su Ming continued to attract the attention of the other party and kept dealing with this creature.

Let Su Hui, who is swallowing behind him, have enough time to digest, so as to be promoted to the rank of king, and fight against the king creature with him.

As for the responsibilities of the other two wolves in the team, considering their physical consumption, Su Ming temporarily asked them to be responsible for the security of the rear, and he could also go forward to support Su Hui or Su Ming's battle when necessary.

After waiting for everything to be ready, Su Ming and Su Hui came to the edge of perception, looked at each other tacitly, and then focused their eyes on Lava Polygonum.

This action, there is only one chance, only success, not failure.

Tensioning the muscles all over his body, Su Ming condensed the thunder potential energy in his body, acting on his limbs to speed up his actions.

At the same time, the battle lines on both sides of his body lit up slightly with a burst of blue light, wrapping him in them.

With the loud noise of "Peng", a large piece of magma exploded on the spot, and Su Ming's figure also turned into a blue streamer, and quickly drove towards the lava polygonum ahead.

It was too late to sigh more about the speed of Big Brother, Su Hui followed closely behind, igniting the blazing flames on his body, and strode forward.

Only a few meters away, it didn't take Su Ming much time at all. In just a blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the lava polygonum.

Just when he was about to lift the wolf claw, swiped at the lava polygonum rhizome, and picked it down, a huge coercion slammed into this area.

As if it was an invisible mountain, squeezed on the two wolves, Su Ming and Su Hui both paused and stopped.

Compared with Su Hui, who was completely stunned, Su Ming, who had the rank of king, was not so careless and fell into a state of complete loss of resistance.

In less than a moment, he regained his sanity, and quickly released his own coercion, forcing the strong coercion squeezed on top of his head to retreat.

Although Su Ming's strength is only at the level of the first-level king, in terms of the intensity of coercion, he is not inferior to the middle-level creature of the king, so he can barely compete with the opponent's coercion.

Thanks to the help of his eldest brother, Su Hui, who was still stunned, has also recovered his senses. He has a profound understanding of his own responsibilities, and hastily accelerated his pace and ran forward.

The same is true for Su Hui's side. Before the powerful creature approached, he slammed down his wolf claws and took the lava polygonum in his mouth.

At the same moment, Su Hui also came to the big brother, waiting for his action.

Without hesitating for a moment, Su Ming handed the lava polygonum in his mouth to his younger brother, gave him a wink, and asked him to step back first. His keen ears had already heard a loud noise, probably from the king creature. pace, the other party is gradually approaching.

With the tacit understanding of many battles, Su Hui immediately understood the big brother's intentions, and stepped back with kindness. At the same time, he also smashed the lava polygonum in his mouth, along with its rhizomes, into mud and swallowed it into the abdominal cavity.

In all fairness, there is only one taste that this alienated plant gives Su Hui, and that is quite spicy, so spicy that Su Hui needs to swallow saliva constantly to relieve the situation inside the mouth.

After swallowing his throat, it didn't take long for Su Hui's abdominal cavity to feel a fiery burning sensation. This feeling was like a flame, and UU reading was continuously roasting his internal organs.

The constant pain made Su Hui's brows not wrinkle, his eyes were a little blurry, and Mo Hu appeared in his consciousness.

It forcibly cheered up, because it knew that in such a crisis, it could not let itself enter a state of stupor.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind, making him shudder.


! "

Su Hui turned around and saw that it was his eldest brother, Su Ming, who had already made initial contact with the king creatures living here.

Looking at the opponent's figure that is not inferior to Menghu, and the strong breath, Su Ming still stood on the spot, without retreating.

He understands that behind him is the position of his younger brother Su Hui. If he retreats, the enemy will turn his attention to the other side, and he is also a king creature, so Su Ming is not inferior in momentum.

The appearance of the other party is similar to the giant python they met earlier, with black scales like a rock, four strong limbs on both sides, supporting it to crawl on the ground, and behind it, there is a rather sturdy giant tail. It seems that it contains a powerful force, and Su Ming is almost certain that ordinary creatures cannot withstand the slap of the tail.

Instead of looking at each other, you can see the pair of indifferent vertical child holes, and there seems to be no emotion in them.

The alienated monitor lizard looked at Su Ming silently, spitting out slender letters from time to time.

A great sense of pressure hit Su Ming, and he could clearly perceive that the superior strength of the other party is far from being able to compete with him now.

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