MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 253 1 own goal

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Restarting the wolf life: I can see an oolong in the two hundred and fifty-third chapter of the evolutionary route

After regaining his footing, the team leader couldn't help feeling a little fortunate.

It is very risky that the other party is a cooperative ally of human beings. Otherwise, from the perspective of the wolf king's heart, it will never be a problem. Even if all the human beings stationed here are solved, it will be an easy matter for the wolf king.

After calming down his heart rate and adjusting his breathing, the team leader's face gradually returned to rosy, and his hands no longer trembled.

Just when he wanted to say something to the wolf king, a lot of hurried footsteps came from behind.

"Tread, step, step."

Accompanied by the sound of firearms being set up.



The well-trained soldiers dispersed quickly, appearing in a state of siege, trapping the wolves in it, and they would shoot only when the leader gave an order.

Obviously, the sound of the previous patrol team frantically pouring bullets attracted the attention of the troops stationed in the village.

Taking advantage of the stage when the misunderstanding between the wolves and the patrol team was resolved, they were also ready to go and came to reinforce the battle here.

The leader was a young man in a black combat uniform. He held a spear, and his whole body had a metallic complexion, facing the wolf king.

Next to the young man, there is also a power user. Different from the other party, this person has a firearm in one hand and a fireball in the other, which is obviously a power user with long-range ability.

Facing the huge giant wolf, both of them showed nervous expressions. Even if the other party didn't open their breath, they could feel the pressure from their bodies.

All of them who participated in the Shanghai City Guard battle have experienced a similar coercion, which is a sense of oppression that belongs to C-level creatures.

What made them puzzled was why such a powerful creature would come to such a remote area.

The metal capable person did not immediately let his soldiers shoot, but turned to look at the position of the squad leader in the distance, and asked, "Old Xu, are there any casualties?"

At the same time, the fire attribute power user beside him also seemed to have noticed the abnormality, and looking at the silhouette of the wolves always felt a little familiar.

"It's okay, Captain Lin."

Freed from the support of his subordinates, the team leader named Lao Xu responded loudly and cleared him of this unnecessary misunderstanding.

"Captain, this is a misunderstanding. Would you please let the soldiers lay down their weapons? Don't provoke Lord Wolf King any more."


Captain Lin was a little stunned. He widened his eyes, thinking about whether his subordinates might be turned against by the enemy, or why would he persuade himself and others to surrender.

"I remembered, Captain Lin, this might really be Your Lord Wolf King. I watched the video of the fierce battle with the mermaid only a few days ago."

Before waiting for Captain Lin to react, the fire control power user beside him took the lead and said that the captain's previous words made him completely recall the identity of the wolf king.

"Huh!? Really your Lord Wolf King?"

Lieutenant Lin is not someone who is uninformed. He still knows a thing or two about the cooperation between humans and wolves.

"Yes, Captain, this is Your Excellency the Wolf King. You should know the strength of C-level creatures. If it wasn't for your mercy, we probably wouldn't be able to support the moment you came."

The distant squad leader, Lao Xu's words, reminded this Captain Lin again.

The other party was right. As long as these powerful creatures are determined to deal with several ordinary humans, it will not take more than a minute at all, and even the company including themselves will not take too long for the other party.

Putting down his guard, Lieutenant Lin raised his hand and asked the surrounding soldiers to put down their aiming guns.

He looked at the wolves in the distance with some confusion, especially the leading white wolf, who could see the look of wisdom from the other boy's hole.

Regardless of whether the identity of the other party is true or not, at least one thing can be confirmed, this group of giant wolves has no malicious intentions towards humans.

At such an anxious moment, there was another sound in the village behind.

An officer in camouflage trotted over, raised his right hand, and kept shaking, as if trying to express something

When the distance was close, everyone could hear clearly what the other party was saying.

"Don't attack the wolves, they are allies!"

When Captain Lin heard the words, he hurriedly stopped, looked at the officer who came running, and asked, "Second Lieutenant An, what's going on?"

Half squatting on the ground, after taking a breath, the officer who ran desperately quickly explained: "Company commander, I just received the news from the capital base. Your Excellency Wolf King and his party have left the base and headed west. They told the patrolling troops on the road not to attack rashly, and to confirm their identity before taking action."

After listening carefully to the other party's words, Captain Lin felt quite helpless.

The news didn't come sooner or later, but it came at this time, which made them miss the best contact time, and had already had a misunderstanding with the wolves.

Recalling the scene where he led his troops and raised their guns to face the wolves, Captain Lin sincerely regretted it.

Fortunately, they haven't let things get to the point of no return, and there's still a chance for remedy.

Thinking like this, Captain Lin quickly raised his right hand and ordered the soldiers to cancel their alert status and return to their previous formation.

At the same time, he and the fire attribute power user beside him also released their own abilities and retracted the potential energy into the body.

Carrying the spear behind him, Captain Lin hurried to the wolf king's position, followed by the fire attribute power user beside him.

The two came to the front of the wolves, and they solemnly apologized to the wolves in a low voice, just like Captain Xu apologized earlier.

He took all the mistakes on himself, and did not shirk at all. At least from the perspective of words, both of them are good leaders. They have the courage to take mistakes, do not shirk responsibility, and have not yet blamed the problem on others.

Having endured two Oolong incidents in a row, in addition to the initial anger, Su Ming's heart was filled with a deep sense of helplessness.

He silently accepted the apology from the two power users to ease the emotions in his heart.

On the ground, a strong coercion swept over, causing the two who were still bowing their heads to apologize.

Sweat left above their foreheads and dripped straight into the ground, but neither dared to move a single point.

After the pressure dissipated, they slowly got up and could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

The two looked at each other for a while, and each saw a look of horror in their eyes. The feeling of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe did not make them feel fortunate, but the cold sweat kept lingering.

They didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction with the wolf king's behavior. This was because they were at fault first, and even this was considered light.

"Thank you for your understanding."

After getting up, Captain Lin and his deputy hurriedly thanked the wolf king.

The other party can release coercion as a warning, which just proves that he has forgiven the rude behavior of human beings.

Su Ming raised his head slightly in response to Captain Lin's words.

After apologizing to the wolf king, the two also communicated with the leader of the team who first came into contact with the wolves, Captain Xu.

Through the words of the other party, Captain Lin and his adjutant learned that they did not have an oolong phenomenon.

In fact, Lao Xu's team mistakenly treated the wolf king as a strange alienated creature, and even carried out firearms.

The two of them were taken aback, and hurriedly apologized to the wolf king again, deeply feeling that their actions were wrong, which brought such an unpleasant experience to the wolves.

It is impossible to say that Su Ming doesn't care, but he has already taught mankind a little lesson, so naturally he can't continue to be angry.

Moreover, the most important thing is that they need to rush to the west, and there is not much time to entangle with the border team.


After some conversation, under the leadership of Captain Lin, the top leader of the garrisoned force, the wolves quickly walked into the village, preparing to cross this area and officially arrive at the outskirts of the capital.

With the idea of ​​making up for the previous Oolong incident, Captain Lin did his best to entertain the wolves, and even planned to take out the treasured D-level meat for the other party to eat.

But who knows that the wolf king actually declined his invitation and continued to walk forward with the team, without any intention of stopping.

Listening to the subordinates who received the message earlier, the wolf king seems to want to straddle the distance between the capital and Zhuzhou, and return to his original habitat by walking.

Captain Lin couldn't believe how he could walk the thousands of kilometers with his feet alone, not to mention the current era of alienated creatures rampant. If he wants to reach it smoothly, it will inevitably increase a lot of risks.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Wolf King and his party are in such a hurry.

Looking at the silhouette of the wolves leaving, the person in charge of the garrison couldn't help but secretly guess in his heart.


Located in the border area of ​​the capital, the situation in Changzhuang Village is quite complicated. There are a number of well-equipped tanks arranged in it to act as a defensive front, and there are dilapidated civilian houses located around.

The various sandbag bunkers here are telling Su Ming about the several battles that have broken out.

Obviously, the damage to the residential buildings and the wear and tear on the surface of the tanks are the result of battles after battle.

The situation here is not as calm as it looks on the surface. As the area that is most directly in contact with the alienated creatures, it is obvious that undercurrents are surging, and battles often occur.

It is not difficult to explain why the appearance of Su Ming and other wolves will make the soldiers stationed here have such a big reaction.

Walking in the village, it is difficult to see the figures of the original villagers. Only a large number of soldiers are constantly patrolling everywhere, and the long-term preparation for war has made them tense, and it is difficult for them to relax.

In fact, it is quite easy to understand. After all, in the area where the war is spreading, normal people will try their best to move away as long as they are able to prevent them from being affected by the battle.

Beijing will also try its best to assist these people to evacuate and arrange temporary housing for them.

As for the remaining population, most of them are the elderly who are too old. Their bodies cannot withstand too many twists and turns, and they have no relatives alive, so they choose to stay in this hometown where they grew up and wait for death to come. .

Of course, the garrison will obviously not allow such a situation to happen. They will try their best to ensure the safety of this group of elderly people and move their residences to the rear to avoid the spread of the front line.

In contrast, this group of elderly people often provide food to the soldiers stationed there in return for keeping them safe.

This kind of strange mutual aid relationship has been maintained until now. What makes the garrison proud is that during this period of time, although there were many casualties of soldiers, the death of elderly villagers was basically zero.

Facing the awe and curiosity of the surrounding soldiers, the four wolves quickly walked forward.

Since discovering that these giant wolves are allies of mankind, the guarded look of the soldiers has gradually disappeared, replaced by a brand-new scrutiny, curiosity.

For the relatively expensive garrison location, there are C-rank powerhouses appearing, why not make these ordinary soldiers feel novel.

Although Company Commander Lin repeatedly suggested not to watch too much and cause unnecessary disgust to the Wolf King, all the soldiers gathered together unconsciously, watching this legendary ally with curiosity.

"Is that your Lord Wolf King?"

"What a powerful aura, worthy of being a high-ranking powerhouse."

"You said, compared with Lord Wolf King and Lei Shan Chen Tian, ​​who is more powerful?"

Some people couldn't help comparing Chen Tian, ​​the strongest human being, with the majestic and mighty Wolf King in front of him.

"It goes without saying that it's naturally Chen Tian. He is known as an invincible defender. It is said that the white dragon in Hucheng can't hurt him at all."

"I think it's the Wolf King. After all, he has the title of Thunder Wolf King. It was a matter of hand to solve the mermaid who was also a C-rank."

gene era

Naturally, there is no definite answer to this question.

As the target of official propaganda, Chen Tian, ​​the most powerful human being, naturally has countless admirers, who firmly believe in the opponent's strength and undefeated record.

On the other hand, Su Ming, who is in the limelight, is also not inferior at all, not to mention his record of killing enemies of the same rank in seconds, which has made him gain many loyal admirers, who trust the strength of the wolf king.

The wolves that have gone away may not be known yet, but human beings will have a heated and fruitless discussion because of their arrival.

After crossing the sandbags on the side and the iron barbed fence used to block the creatures, the wolves finally left the last line of defense in the capital area and arrived at the outer area.

Although human beings will dispose of the corpses after each battle to keep the plague free, but there is still a **** smell here, which constantly attracts predators from the outside.

Until now, Su Ming had clearly sensed that there was hostility in at least four directions, and kept watching, repeatedly checking the strength of the wolves to confirm whether they were going to attack them.

This shows that this village is really being watched by alienated creatures all the time. I don’t know if it is because of the scarcity of food or the loss of territorial competition, which leads to many creatures aiming at the human area and wanting to expand.

Among the team, Su Hui, who has a more impulsive personality, was the first to endure this kind of tentative gaze.

It burst into flames, spreading the aura of the king and driving away these obstructive guys.