MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2308 new world

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Chapter 2308 New World

Cloud painting has a headache.

She struggled to sit up.

Dudu has already rushed to the end of a bowl of water and sent it to the mouth of the cloud: "Mom drinks."

That bowl...

The thick porcelain bowl has a lot of impurities, looks very dirty, and there are some white precipitates in the water. When the water is too hard, it will have scale.

Cloud painting is a bit stunned, give her this water?

"Mom, this water is boiling, not raw water."

Dudu sees the cloud painting and does not drink, and quickly said.

Cloud painting is even more speechless.

Of course, she knows that this water is boiled and has scale, but why should she emphasize it?

"Mom, my brother is not lazy, the water is really boiled, not dirty." The pocket is also on the side.

Cloud painting stretched out his eyes and shook his head: "Take me, you, what is this? Dad?"

Dudu's eyes are red.

I wowed out and cried: "Dad is dead."


The blood of the cloud painting suddenly cools and trembles: "What are you talking about! How can Dad die!"


It took a long time for the cloud painting to accept the reality.

She is not a cloud painting or a painting, but a Lin Yun painting born in 1953. In 1969, she went to the countryside to join the team and became informed. She married in 1970. On the occasion of her birth in 1971, she took a trip and gave birth in a few days. The son Dudu said that he was born twins.

And now, it is 1976.

Cloud painting really collapsed.

How did she come to 1976?

What’s more, the doodles and the pockets are coming.

This is a dream.

After she gave birth to twins, she suddenly bleeds. She can feel that her life is dying. What she is most worried about is the twins that have just been born. Even if the name has not been taken, she may never see them. .

But how can she struggle and useless, the passage of life will not stop because you want to live more.

When the consciousness was vague, she seemed to hear the voice of Bo Siqing, as if she heard that Bo Siqing wanted the doctor to pump his blood to save her...

Then, I don’t know anything.

Now, when she woke up, she actually came to 1976 and became a Lin Yun painting.

Lin Yun's paintings are the educated youths of the countryside. The place where the team is called is Xiaheshu Village. There are two surnames in the village. Tang and Chen, Lin Yunhuan is the second son of a Tang family.

Tang Jianqing drove and graduated from high school. After a chance to rescue the leader of the county transportation company, he was arranged to go in and worked for three years as a temporary worker.

Temporary workers earn 28 wages a month, and 39 yuan a month after the turnaround.

In 1976, this is a very eye-popping income. If calculated according to purchasing power, 39 in 1976 is about 6500 in 2018!

The Tang family is also because of Tang Jianqing, and the days are one of the best in the village.

But just a few days ago, the bad news came.

In a transportation mission, Tang Jianqing sacrificed to protect the collective property!

The Tang family suddenly turned over.

Lin Yunhua is even more heartbroken.

At this time, Lin Yunhuan wrote a letter to her, saying that she was trying to find a way to return to the city, and that she had a way to arrange work for her.

When the husband died, the Tang family did not want to see Lin Yun's paintings and the two children. Lin Yun's paintings thought of going back to the city to see if they could arrange the work. Then they took the two sons.

But when I bought the train ticket, I wanted to introduce the letter. When Lin Yun painted to open the introduction letter, I missed the news. Mrs. Tang rushed over and pointed at the nose of Lin Yun’s painting and said that she was dying of her husband’s body. She is about to rush to remarriage.

Lin Yun painted an anger and attacked the heart, but his character was soft. He was pushed by the old lady and slammed into the threshold and fainted.

The old lady also dropped Lin Yun's paintings to leave two children, and the things that were urgently remarried were preached throughout the village.

The two children, who are going around and tooting, are also scared. I think my mother really wants to go back to the city and not want them!

After figuring it all, the cloud painting can only sigh except sigh.

Already on this one, what can I do if I don’t accept it?

After all, the reincarnation of this kind of thing can make her run into it. Now it is a crossover, and it is not so difficult to understand. She is still a novelist and accepts it faster.

It's just……

Some complicated!

She and Dudu are coming, what about the thin board? What about dragon and phoenix?

"Mom, hungry."

Looking at her poorly.

Dumming his lips and squinting, "Mom I am not hungry, he is not hungry."

When I succumbed to the committee, I said, "Mom, I am not hungry, don't go."

The cloud painting mind will explode.

She has been in this long time, and I am afraid that the two little guys will think she is stupid.

"I am going to cook for you." Cloud painting stood up and found the kitchen following the memory.

However, except for the sweet potatoes and potatoes in the kitchen, nothing else.

"Where is the egg left?" asked the cloud painting.

The toot that came in with her pointed to a broken cabinet in the kitchen: "Inside, Grandma is locked."

The cloud painting looked at the past, and sure enough, the cabinet was locked.

The memories in my head are also coming out together.

Now the policy has been slightly loosened. Every household has raised some chickens. Generally, as long as there are no more than 10, the brigade will not manage it.

Chickens don't lay eggs every day, but 10 chickens, two or three eggs a day.

Eggs are in the cabinet of Mrs. Tang, only two people in the family can eat eggs, one is the son of the big house, the Tang family's long-term Tang Jinwen, and the other is Tang Jiaxuan Tang Yuhong.

The Tang family is a big family.

Father Tang and Mrs. Tang gave birth to three sons and one daughter, the founder of Tang Jianguo, who has two sons and one daughter; the second child, Tang Jianbing, has two sons; the third is Lin Yunqing’s husband, Tang Jianqing. The youngest is Xiaogu Tang Yuhong, who is now in the county high school.

The old lady at home is the big house, the most painful long-term house chief, Sun Tang Jinwen, and then the prostitute Tang Yuhong.

After that, the old lady still likes the third son Tang Jianqing, because Tang Jianqing has a good future, and the end is the iron rice bowl, which can earn wages!

But the old lady’s love for the third son, Tang Jianqing, is only seen in the salary. As for the three children’s paintings, the old lady can’t be anywhere!

It looks beautiful and has culture. What is the use?

Married to the countryside for a few years, the baby was born with a pair of white and tender. The tender demon **** looks like her son has no soul, the son said before going out to divide, they are all Sao fox is a hook!

Mrs. Tang hated this beautiful and gentle daughter-in-law.

Now it is even more blaming the death of his son Tang Wenqing on Lin Yun's paintings.

"Mom, I don't eat." I don't know when to come over and whisper, "Grandma will be jealous."

Cloud painting looked back at two children.

The family has a large population, and the son and grandson are worthless.

The old lady's favorite is the long-term grandson Tang Jinwen, and the rest are all grass.

Tang Jianqing is also a filial piety. Now there is no separation. The salary is paid to the old mother, but the old lady is holding money. One minute and one cent is reluctant to use it on the grandson of the three rooms.

Dudu and his pockets are all sallow, and they are too thin to look like.

The cloud painting was only shocked before, and after seeing it clearly, it hurts.

"What about your milk?" asked the cloud painting.

Going around and saying, "In the house."

Dudu quickly said, "Mom, the milk won't agree with us to eat eggs, don't ask, she wants to marry you again."

Cloud painting touched the head of Dudu. "You two are waiting here, don't worry."

How could Dudu not worry, and hurry to chase the clouds to paint the past.

"The key to the stove." Cloud asked, "The two are hungry, I will give them something to eat."

She tried to imitate the accent of Lin Yun's painting.

Mrs. Tang’s height is only one meter five, the decree is very deep, and her eyes are even more scary. As long as she glances at Lin Yun’s paintings like this, Lin Yun’s paintings will be scared to look up.

But now the cloud painting is not a timid and weak Lin Yun painting.

"What to eat! A family debt collector, killing me to build a clear, and face to eat! I have only been dead for a few days after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. If you have a cold bone, you will have to rush to remarriage. Can you afford to build it? You Don't die!" Mrs. Tang was dragging her throat.

Dudu licked the corner of the painting.

The cloud painting looks like a cautious look, and it hurts a lot.

She sneered, screaming and turning around, went to the yard to find the axe to cut wood, and squatted to the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Dudu was shocked.

The cloud painting has already entered the kitchen with an axe.


She cut off the lock on the cupboard with an axe and opened the cupboard.

White noodles, rice, noodles, eggs, sugar, oil, are in the cupboard.

Cloud paintings took out 8 eggs, smashed them in a bowl, put salt, and cut a little chopped green onion to spread it.

"Beep and burn."

In the memory, both the pockets and the toots will burn, and the children in the countryside will have to do everything from childhood.

Dudu hesitated, or sat down and burned.

"Mom, Grandma will definitely be angry." He said on the side, drooling while talking.

The cloud paintings were all laughed at by him.

"Love is born, no matter her." Cloud painting said.

The pot has been hot.

Cloud painting took a spoonful of oil into the pan and put the egg mixture into the pan.

The golden egg liquid swelled up quickly and was very beautiful.

The fragrance also spreads quickly.

After the egg liquid is in a block, shove it out, re-discharge the oil in the pan, cut a bit of onion **** and garlic into the scent, then add water to boil, below.

After cooking the noodles for a while, the cloud painting put the two eggs that have already been fried into the mouth of the toot and the pocket.

"It's hot and hot!"

"Good fragrance!"

The two little guys were too hot, but they were all reluctant to spit out and burned.

"Mom is so sweet!"

I am very happy.

A piece of egg is gone.

The cloud painting took the chopsticks directly to the pocket and toot. "Eat."

I took a piece of food and shared it, and I also clipped it to the cloud: "Mom, you also eat."

Dudu held the chopsticks, hesitated, and also clipped a piece.

Scrambled eggs are really too fragrant and delicious.

The eggs fried in the cloud painting were originally prepared to be cooked in the noodles, but look at the two children so sloppy, eat and eat.

Now the soil eggs are very small, and there are not many things in the ten eggs.

The two children were almost gorging, and while they were eating, they painted the clouds and let her eat.

In three or two minutes, the scrambled eggs will be light, and only the oil will be left in the bowl.

The water in the pot was also opened. The cloud painting poured the egg foam and oil from the bowl into the noodle pot. He simply took five eggs and hit the poached egg in the pot!

Just then, Mrs. Tang ran over.

"The murderous, dead, shameless thing, you dare to blame my oil and eggs!"

Obviously, Mrs. Tang smelled the smell.

The taste of scrambled eggs and fried onion **** and garlic is too fragrant. Even if the stove is far from the house, it can't be far less. Don't you smell it!

When I came in, the lock of the cabinet was cut open, and there were so many open eggshells on the chopping board. Then the two grandsons of the three children and the three rooms were full of mouthfuls of oil. The heart of Mrs. Tang was bleeding.

"You have lost a few stars, this is to rebel! See if I don't kill you, kill you!"

Mrs. Tang was anxious, grabbed the long broom made of fine bamboo at the door, and licked her head and looked at the cloud painting and the two children.

I was so cold that I was pumped a bit, and it really hurts.

Cloud painting sneered, keeping the two children behind and picking up the axe that had just smashed the box. "Is it not alive? Everyone is going to die!"

"You, you, you scare me here, I will stand here, I see you dare!"

Mrs. Tang’s old man does not believe in evil. In this weekday, the three sticks can’t make a fart. When I meet the things, I only know that the three children who are crying will become so powerful!

"You have to kill our mother several, you can't dare to see it! If you have the ability, don't move, stand up and see if I dare to swear!"

The cloud painting said, squatting directly on the head of Mrs. Tang with an axe.


"The first three homes!"

"Three younger brothers stop!"

The fastest response was Tang’s second-year Tang Jianbing, and he gave away the old lady.

Almost in the same second, the axe of the cloud painting fell heavily, and the old lady’s clothes were cut, and the axe was shackled and slammed into the land.

It’s not raining for a month, and the ground is not dry. The soil in this yard is sturdy, hard, but the axe is going straight down, even with the old lady’s clothes, old. The wife was nailed to the ground.

The old Tang Tang Jiang quickly rushed to pull out the axe, and it took a lot of effort to make it clear that the axe of the cloud painting was cut down. It is absolutely dead!

"You want to kill the old three! You want to kill!"

The old Tang dynasty rushed to the forest to paint.

Cloud painting laughs: "Yes, just want to kill! She won't let our mother live a few, then everyone will die together!"

"This is to do it!"

The dry tobacco rod in the hand of Father Tang slammed on the ground and slammed his face. "I will give me a stop. This is what I want to do!"

Mrs. Tang’s wife was really scared. The axe was cut down at her head. Mrs. Tang said that she was not afraid. But when the axe was really cut down, her whole person was soft and could not move. If it wasn't for the second son to open her, she would really have to be picked up!

Mrs. Tang’s legs were still soft at this moment, and finally I reacted. Mrs. Tang began to cry.

"I am not alive! My daughter-in-law wants my life! I don't want to filial things. I shouldn't have promised to call my family to build up your sorrowful star. Killing me is going to kill me, I don't. Live!"

The part of the Tang painting I wrote before was very, very dissatisfied, and I changed it again.

The little cute people who have seen don't have to look ahead. From the first chapter in this chapter, you can.

Also responsible for the story, that is not good to write, it is really looking at the spicy eyes.

This new story is a copy of the chronology. It’s all outside, don’t entangle so much, the text is over, let’s take a look at it! ~


(End of this chapter)