MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2312 Dead money

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Chapter 2312 Dead People Money

At this time, what are you going to the brigade?

Everyone is wondering.

But they did not hesitate, and the villagers rushed to the brigade.

"Hey, this is to dry up, who is dead? This dead person can't go to the brigade department to do it, what's going on."

"Yeah, let everyone come to see the suffocating."

"Don't talk about it, hang it."

"Deeply mourn the martyr Tang Jianqing..."

"It turned out to be a memorial service for the Tang family's third child. Doesn't the Tang family's third child drive a public car to roll over? Isn't the third family responsible for the Tang family's responsibility, and give him a memorial service?"

"You listened to it. The Tang family is sacrificed to protect the collective property. It was also a martyr. Last night, the Tang family's third wife, the beautiful educated youth from that city, was yesterday. Running for this, I just ran for her."

"Really, is it so easy to seal down the martyrs?"

"So it is said that the wife of the Tang dynasty has the ability, and the Tang smoky bag does not care. It is called a wife who runs to run. Hey, Tang Laosan used to drive to earn money in the past. Now people are gone, so the mother is smashed. It."

Tang Liberation day and night to hold a cigarette bag, where to take where to take, people to send the foreign number Tang tobacco bag.

"The educated girl gave Tang Jiazhen a loss..."

"When the same thing happened in the past, the girl was beautiful and cultural, and she might marry a young boy in the Tang family."

In the midst of the discussions among the villagers, almost all the people in a big team arrived.

Of course, the Tang Liberation Family has arrived.

Seeing such a big growth on the team, the Tang family couldn't stop blinking, but looking at the eulogy written on the couplet, such as learning from the Tang Jianqing martyrs, the Tang family felt very glorious.

Don't be dead at home, that is, if a family digs a hole and bury it, even if you can't shoot it, you can't burn paper money. Don't mention public mourning like this.

Now, the public has given Tang Jianqing such a big mourning ceremony, which is absolutely very glorious.

Mrs. Tang’s heart feels very beautiful and very glorious, but her face is indeed two lines of tears.

"My family built a bitterness. I didn't enjoy a few days of blessing. I worked hard all day long for the country to be a home for the people. Now I have died without even the dead capital. He died badly..." Tang Laotai was too crying.

"I built a good baby, and I was diligent and filial. I missed a star. Since I married her, Jianqing has been a disaster. Now I have sent my life, and my poor Jianqing..."

A family quickly rushed to accompany the cry, and some were persuading.

Cloud painting went to the liberation of Tang Dynasty and said faintly: "Hey, this is to open a memorial service for the construction of the Qing Dynasty. The leaders who will build the Qing will come over and will issue a certificate of martyrs to Jianqing. The purpose of the establishment is to protect the collective property. His death is worthwhile, his sacrifice is valuable, it is glorious, and the mother is crying like it is like building a dead cockroach. What makes the leader of the family feel what he wants? Is the martial arts card issued or not? It’s a small matter, then Jian Jianqing is not a martyr, not a martyr’s words, is that what? Is it damn? Is it a sinner? After this, the Tang family is still alive in the village?”

The liberation of Tang is a good person who has been an accountant for many years. The little ninety-nine in my heart can be a little bit.

He is very clear that the cloud painting is not alarmist. This thing is going to make the wife cry so much. It is absolutely necessary to make a big joke, and it will completely ruin the reputation of Jianqing and ruin the reputation of the Tang family.

Tang Liberation quickly said with the cloud painting: "You are a cultural person in the old three, don't have a general knowledge of your mother, and build a clean martyr, we are all good."

Cloud painting nodded, "I understand."

When Tang Jiefang nodded, he quickly walked over to the old lady and said with a cold face: "Don't say something messy here. Let's build it to protect the collective property and sacrifice it. It is a martyr worth learning. This is Jianqing consciously high, and has a relationship with the old three? Let me hear the words of the mourning, I can't take you!"

On weekdays, Mrs. Tang’s wife was the highest, but the head of the family was the head of the family. When the face was really angry, Mrs. Tang did not dare to say more.

"I am pitiful and Jianqing..." The old lady cried, she was already weak.

Tang Liberation snorted: "Poor, Yu Jianqing can protect the sacrifice of collective property, it is glorious!"

The cloud painting was listening on one side, and her eyes were faint. Her two hands were on the two children around me, and they said nothing.

Going up and looking up at the cloud quietly: "Mom, daddy sacrifice is glorious, then can we not cry? Can't be sad?"

Dudu also looked at the cloud painting, and all the questions were in the eyes.

Cloud painting touches the head of the pocket. "No. Dad's sacrifice is glorious, but he is also very poor. Glory and sadness are not contradictory."

"But Grandpa doesn't let his grandmother feel sad."

Cloud painting: "Do not know what is really sad, do not have a purposeful sadness, not worthy of respect."

In fact, cloud painting has always avoided thinking about Tang Jianqing. When accepting Lin Yun’s memory, she subconsciously shielded Tang Jianqing.

At this moment, when asked to ask this question, there is no way to escape from cloud painting.

Although she said that Tang Jianqing was sacrificed to protect the collective property, it is glorious and worth learning. But this kind of grandiose words is not her intention.

It is because she is not concerned with Tang Jianqing that she can say such words.

Once she really accepted that Tang Jianqing was her husband and the father of the child, she could not say such a thing.

She didn't want to accept this, but she had to accept the dead Tang Jianqing, the father of two children. And she must accept that the two children are her toot and go, so she can't get away with Tang Jianqing...

Cloud painting tried hard to think that she could recall the life before and after Lin Yunhua and Tang Jianqing got married, but she couldn’t remember Tang Jianqing.

Just like dreaming, in a dream, you and someone, you can't see his face, but know who he is, the cloud painting assassin is like this, she can't even think of what Tang Jianqing looks like, but she does I know that person is Tang Jianqing and knows what happened between the two.

Those stories that seem to be others are not related to her.

"Everyone is quiet, Director Liu of the county transportation team, and Director Zhang of our commune have come together to participate in the memorial service of Tang Jianqing martyrs!"

"Tang Jianqing martyrs, in order to protect the collective property sacrifice, this fearless spirit is worth learning for all of us..."

"Please ask Director Liu to say a few words below."

"Hello everyone, I am the leader of Tang Jianqing. Comrade Tang Jianqing worked tirelessly during his work. When he was in danger, he rescued the collective property for the first time and made great contributions to the country's property security for the people... The spirit of self-denial is worth learning for all of us. He is our glory!"

Applause thunder.

"Today, all of us here are to open memorial service for Tang Jianqing martyr, to commend and publicize the advanced deeds of Tang Jianqing's martyrs. I hope that everyone can learn from the Tang Jianqing martyr, learn this dauntless spirit, and this self-denial spirit. ......"

The cadres of this year, the ideological consciousness is mad, especially able to mobilize emotions.

"In recognition of the Tang Jianqing martyrs, the transport team applied for the highest level of pension for Tang Jianqing martyrs, 600 yuan."

“The Nanlin Commune also issued a condolence 300 yuan to the Tang Jianqing martyrs.”

"The Xiaheshu Village Brigade decided to issue a condolence payment of 100 yuan to the survivors of Tang Jianqing."

"Below, please ask the survivor of Tang Jianqing to take it on stage!"

The liberation of Tang and the old lady of Tang will soon come to power.

The smile of Mrs. Tang’s mouth is almost unstoppable: “Thank you for the leadership, we’ve got the value of the death. The old man, hurry up, help me up.”

That is a thousand pieces. Last year, the former Bay Commune’s martyr, the pension was only given to 300, and 300. They were all psychologically prepared, but they did not expect to open a memorial service. Into a thousand pieces!

There is a thousand more white, this is a huge sum of money, how can Mrs. Tang be unhappy?

The only thing that is a little dissatisfied is that this pension has to be sent to her hand quietly. Why is it so well known here? In this way, if Qian Gang gets his hand, someone must borrow money.

If you have a long relationship, you will not say it. If you have a close relationship, you can’t borrow it at all. If you borrow it, it is not good to give this to you. She can calculate it carefully.

"It's awkward, you don't talk to Fukuyama, even if you send it to your home, it will make everyone know that you are squatting, and someone will come over to borrow money at night!" Mrs. Tang is still blaming the liberation of Tang. .

Tang liberated his face. "You give me a stop, the leaders are there, you dare to make out what moths, my accountant is not a bad thing, the family has to be implicated."

Mrs. Tang shut up.

But before she climbed up, Chen Fushan, the village party secretary, shouted on the trumpet: "Tang Jianqing's daughter-in-law, take the children to the stage to receive a pension!"

The face of Mrs. Tang’s face changed immediately. “Let her lead with her! That’s my son! The essentials are my collar!”

The cloud painting took the two dolls and walked over.

Mrs. Tang stopped and gave them no, "I have to be my collar. My son who has been raised for decades has not been used. No one will give me endowment for the elderly. This money is the money of my son's filial parents in his later years!"

Chen Fushan’s face was immediately dark.

Director Liu of the transportation team, watching the cloud painting with two skinny sons standing on the side, his body was thin and sad, he coughed: "The elderly are supposed to be, but the parents of Tang Jianqing's martyrs It’s only in its early fifties. It’s completely capable of working. Our great people say that they should start their own work, promote labor, and work gloriously. Anyone who has the ability to work should support himself through labor...”

(End of this chapter)