MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2321 Asking for money is still terrible

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Chapter 2321 asks for money or is terrible

The age of liberation in Tang Dynasty is big, but they are all farmers, and their strength is not small.

Mrs. Tang was so suffocated by his foot, but he did not dare to swear.

"Old Tang, how do you say that you can start!" Chen Fushan frowned.

Tang Liberation has never been so shameful, and wants to play Mrs. Tang, but was stopped by people.

He can only glance at the old lady of Tang, "the defeated mothers!"

Chen Fushan was cold-faced. "You said, how to solve this problem. They are all in a village. They don’t look up and see, and no one wants to make things so ugly. If you sue, you know the consequences yourself! ”

Tang liberated and swallowed. "This ruined old lady doesn't understand, and the net provokes things. When I turn back, I close the door and definitely slap her. I am optimistic about the third child, and I grew up eating her milk." , this thing..."

Tang Liberation said that his heart was mad, and it was a long-lost face that was lost.

Chen Fushan looks at the cloud painting: "Lin Zhiqing, you said this thing... After all, I also raised a Qing Dynasty, telling her that if she asked her to go to labor reform, it would not be appropriate..."

In the eyes of the cloud painting, it is all red blood: "Have she ever read that mother and child love! When Jian Qing died, he would not rush to draw a relationship, and drive our mother to drive out, not to mention it. So heavy hands, let alone be a family, even if you are just in the same village, you will not have such a heavy hand on a doll!"

The people outside have nodded.

No, there is no fight between children and children. There are several fights in rural areas.

You are an adult, even if you want to mediate the children fighting, or to help your own baby, do not dare to make such a heavy hand, it is not a murder!

An adult, it’s really awkward to have such a heavy hand under a doll.

What's more, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the child of Dudu is definitely not a loverable thing, but Tang Jinwu, Manchu knows that it is a jerk, it must be that Tang Jinwu first bullied, and Dudu will fight back, and the result will also hit Tang. The old lady was so confused that she snorted indiscriminately and vomited blood.

Tang’s liberation is very uncomfortable. “There has been a problem. I am killing her now, and the baby’s injury will not be good. The third family, you can’t do this. We’re going to pay for the sickness.”

"I will beat you up, I will not be able to travel if I see a doctor!" The eyes of the cloud painting almost drip blood.

Tang liberated to catch the dry cigarette bag, "That's what you said!"

The cloud painting took a deep breath and looked at Mrs. Tang, who was in the corner: "killing people, breaking the prison!"

Tang’s liberation changed.

Chen Fushan also said quickly, "Lin Zhiqing, our village is hard to be too flat, if this is to cause trouble again, then I am afraid that there will be hurricane evils only, you should be a face to the uncle, don't take things Nothing is wrong?"

Cloud painting lips.

Chen Fushan quickly said, "Old Tang, who in the future will dare to move Lin Zhiqing's two brothers with a finger, believe it or not, I will light your work!"

"No." Tang Liberation.

Chen Fushan snorted: "The dolls are seriously injured. This is all the fault of your Tang family. You have lost 300 yuan for the baby. This includes the treatment fee and the nutrition fee for the baby. Do you agree to disagree?"

"three hundred!"

Mrs. Tang, who had shrunk into a tortoise in the corner, immediately screamed before she heard it. "If you want to see a doctor, you can have three hundred. You won’t grab it!"

"Three hundred, still let you go, you choose." Chen Fushan's tone is very strong.

Mrs. Tang’s face was blue and white, and looking at the people around her, she was not willing to sit on the ground and sprinkled and cried. “I’m not alive—”

Cried like a singer.

Chen Fushan, regardless of her, directly said with the liberation of Tang: "Old Tang, what do you say?"

Tang liberated his head and smoked, "OK, give."

Mrs. Tang’s wife had to mourn aloud and was stunned by Tang’s liberation and forced to go back. “Go and give me money!”

Mrs. Tang’s daring and daring to speak.

Three hundred pieces are not a small number, but the Tang family can really come out.

A big unity came out and looked straightforward. Mrs. Tang is more distressed and shivering. It is more painful to ask her for money than to have her life! Can't give it, no...

Cloud painting does not pick up the money.

Chen Fushan took the money and handed it to the cloud painting. "Give, hold it, where you need money, and buy some fine food for the baby."

Cloud painting shook his head. "I don't want this money. I will earn money if my child spends money. I don't rely on this. This money is left to the team and replaced with food. The village is really a person who can't open the pot. You can go to the team to borrow food. When the food comes down next year, it will be returned. It will be a life-saving food."

Chen Fushan stunned.

Everyone else was surprised.

Or Chen Fushan first reacted: "Lin Zhiqing, do you really want to do this?"

Cloud nodded.

Chen Fushan took a deep breath. "That line, Lin Zhiqing is enlightened, let's do it! I will take it first, and then I will go back to the account! Now, let's go to the pig, Lin Zhiqing's big wild boar!"

When the cloud paintings passed, Dudu had already woke up and was drinking rice soup.

"Dudu, what do you think?" Cloud painting is anxious and worried.

Dudu looked at the cloud painting: "Mom, I am fine."

"You scared my mother." Yun painting couldn't help but shed tears. "You are a silly child, she doesn't know how to run."

Blinking, "Mom doesn't cry, it doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt yet. If you really wake up, your mother must cry!"

Dudu took the hand of the cloud painting, "Mom, don't cry."

The cloud painting wiped the tears. "Well, don't cry. Hey, hurry up, my mother will make meat for you every day!"

"Okay." Dudu eyes are black.

I also said on the side: "You don't know what to do, my mother is very powerful. She hunted a wild boar. I just went to see it. It's especially fat, the meat is delicious!"

This pocket, you know to eat.

Dr. Qin, who gave Dudu to see a doctor, looked at a family of three. "Okay, don't just move around for two days. The medicine insists on eating. It will be better in a few days."

"You want to go?" Cloud painting quickly asked.

Dr. Qin said, "I have already finished reading the disease, and I am not doing it."

"Grandpa Qin, my stomach still hurts." Duo whispered.

Dr. Qin frowned, and carefully checked the toot, but he couldn’t say where it hurts.

"Dr. Qin, you still have two more days to stay." Cloud painting said.

Dr. Qin can only nod.

When Dr. Qin went out into the yard, the cloud painting whispered to him: "You don't want Qin to go?"

Dudu hesitated, nodded, "Well. Mom, Grandpa Qin is often bullied, I don't want him to be bullied."

"Then you are fine? Does your stomach hurt?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt, I lied to Qin Grandpa." Dudu said.

Cloud painting sighed with relief. "You're fine. Qin's grandfather's business, I'm going to find a way, let him be here first."

"thanks Mom."

Dudu is very happy.

At this time, Chen Ying came in with a knife, "Three younger sisters, this is your meat. The captain said, the pig is your hunting, it is also appropriate to give you two more meat, plus doodles and pockets. There are so many children, there are some pigs in the water and pig bone trotters, the captain asks if you want."


Cloud painting quickly said.

"Those things are not easy to handle, I thought you should not be embarrassed." Chen Ying said, "If you want, I will go and talk to the captain."

"Thank you for your second visit."


Chen Ying went to help Yunqiao errands, and excitedly followed the past, saying that he would help with things.

With this wild boar, it is better than starting a meal.

The villagers who helped build the houses, all of them are very excited and full of energy.

It is also now farming, and the people in the village almost come to help, bricks and tiles are also enough. In a week, the three halls are up, leaving only the tiles.

These Tianyun paintings still enter the mountain every day, but they have never met wild boars. The pheasant wild duck hares have played a lot, but all who come to help the workers eat their mouths full of oil. When they go, they can bring a little to the family’s children. Even if it is leftovers, it is delicious that most people can't eat.

The villagers who come to work have oil and water in their stomachs, and they can work harder.

After two more days, the tiles were all paved.

Not only that, but the remaining bricks also covered her with a stove and toilet according to the requirements of the cloud painting.

"Your brother went to chop the bamboo, there is no brick, and the bamboo is used to surround the yard." Chen Ying said.

"Working hard with you and your second brother." Cloud painting said.

Chen Ying smiled. "You are so polite, you are not easy."

The house was finally completed, but there was no furniture in the house, which fully explained what was called the family wall.

No hurry, don't worry about it for the time being.

Everything will be slowly.

Once again, I thanked the folks. After that, the cloud paintings moved into the home with the two children.

This is covered with bricks, the airy dispatched lobby house, the whole village people who are envious of it, a woman, it is too difficult to cover up such three houses.

Although there is nothing in the house, it is very exciting toot and go.

"We have our own home!"

The two children ran around in the empty room.

"Mom, where are we sleeping?" asked, "We don't have a bed, we can't do it ourselves."

"it is good."

Going around to solve the problem of bed, cloud painting does not matter, children, what is the idea to practice it is also very good.

Dudu is much better.

Everything is normal, but the injury to the internal organs is probably not so easy to heal, or you have to be careful.

The Qin doctor was also taken back to labor reform.

"Mom, what do we have to eat tonight?" asked Dudu.

Cloud painting smiled a little, "the leek fried wild duck eggs."

The wild duck egg was retrieved when she entered the mountain. There were also ducks and pheasants.

The chicken is alive, cut the wings, circle them for a few days, and the ducks will kill them directly.

Cloud paintings have made dried ducks, put potatoes in, and soon the fragrance will float everywhere, but fortunately their home is in the most remote part of the village, even if it is fragrant, the village can not smell .

(End of this chapter)