MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2367 You can't control her

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Chapter 2367 You Can't Control Her

If you dare to make such a decision, you will take advantage of this era and do nothing.

Cloud painting wants to be truly practiced as soon as possible.

However, the premise of all this is that her theoretical knowledge has passed, and the rotation between departments has to meet the requirements. In fact, it is equivalent to compressing all of her university courses and completing them in a very short period of time.

One month, one department, cloud painting needs a lot of energy. She wants to study all the theoretical knowledge of the university for 4 to 5 years, and all the knowledge of the anatomy that needs practical hands. Not only that, but she also needs to go directly to the department, actually Get started...

Of course, the one that can actually make her hand, at most, is to suture small wounds. For example, she has done a lot of wound sutures in the emergency room.

Cloud painting knows that it will be very, very busy.

But when she is busy, she can't let her work occupy all of her life.

For her, family talent is the most important.

Cloud painting now must go home before 8 o'clock every night, accompany the children to 9:30, then start their own study, and learn to get up at 1 o'clock in the morning, get up at 5:30 in the morning, continue to study, and at 7 o'clock I rushed to the hospital before and started a busy day.

In the department, there are many things that want to be mixed up, but the cloud paintings are really real. In addition to drinking the water toilet, every minute and every second is not distracted, and they are concentrating on practice and learning.

The people in the department also felt that it was a student to let the cloud draw a half-year class. It is a fantasy to rotate with the medical students who are about to graduate. But after one month, when the cloud painting ends with an optimal result, After the rotation of the department, everyone had to look at her!

Where is the strength is the last word.

Ending the rotation of a department, Zhou Shengbeiqian called the cloud painting to the office.

“Professor Zhou Sheng.” Yun said, “Is the department scored down?”

Zhou Shengbei Qian nodded, "very good."

The cloud painting finally showed a smile, her efforts were not in vain, to be honest, very fulfilling. In the past life, she originally wanted to study medicine at the university, but it was wrong...

Now it’s a pity to make up for it. Although it’s a high-pressure method, she feels more fulfilling. The only thing that’s embarrassing is that although she’s already trying to get more time with her children, the rhythm is too tight. It was also a little tired. The children saw that she was tired and tried not to bother her. The family was accommodating her.

"Thank you, Dean Zhou Sheng, my next rotation department should be obstetrics and gynaecology." Cloud painting said.

Zhou Shengbeiqian nodded and turned over the file in his hand: "You only took a half-semester class. How much does your professional knowledge make up?"

"Before the end of this year, I can finish all the knowledge of the undergraduate medical school." Yun said, "At the end of the year, I should be able to rotate all the departments of our hospital."

In fact, she has now recited all the contents of the undergraduate course. Professor Ouyang also provided her with many teachers' teaching plans, and there are some actual cases, she is still digesting.

Her memory and her ability to learn are enough to give her enough confidence.

Zhou Sheng Beiqian has drawn a few questions, and the cloud paintings are correct.

He was silent and looked up at the cloud: "Do you want to go abroad?"


"Going abroad." Zhou Sheng Bei Qian said, "The near can go to the Sakura country, the far can go to the M country, the technology there is better, the level of knowledge is higher. If you want to be a world-class doctor, go abroad is the only select."

Cloud painting did not speak.

Zhou Shengbei Qian said: "Your learning ability is very strong, and you are also very self-disciplined. You can adapt to study abroad. You can become the best doctor there. If you need, I can write a recommendation letter for you. ""

"Dr. Zhou Sheng, why are you going back to China?" asked Yun.

Zhou Shengbei Qian’s eyes are very light: “Do what I can do, try to save even one person. I know what you want to say, but you have to know that I am returning from study, can talk about serving the motherland, and you are everything. No, your effectiveness will not be very useful. On the contrary, if you go abroad, it will take two or three years to achieve first-class achievements. At that time, it will be more useful if you return to China."

"you are right."

Cloud painted and laughed. "But what about it? I don't need to go abroad to achieve my goals. Of course, the most important thing is that I have the family I care about the most, and I can't leave them alone."

"Do you know how many people want to go abroad?"

"I am not them." The cloud painting answered almost without hesitation.

Zhou Shengbei Qian looked at her for a while and left her file: "Before the end of this year, you can change your mind to find me at any time. Go out."

Cloud painting chuckled and turned and left.

She just left, the cabinet door of the filing cabinet opened, and a person was drilled inside.

"Xiao Yan." Zong Pingchuan actually drilled in the file cabinet to eavesdrop.

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian did not take a good look at Zong Pingchuan: "Is it heard?"

"Let her think about it again!" Zong Pingchuan said, "I don't believe that there are people who don't want to go abroad. Of course, she may be worried about the tuition fees going abroad. I can tell her to take it!"

Zhou Sheng Beiqian's eyes are getting colder: "Zong Pingchuan, have you got your brain in? You have checked, she is married, her husband has children, what are you doing now?"

"..." Zong Pingchuan was crying and sullen. "Oh, I have been working hard for more than a month, but no matter how hard I try, I can't forget her! I just made a crazy, I just want her. Small Oh..."

Zhou Shengbei Qian gave him a look and was too lazy to take care of him.

"Small, that man can't match her!" Zong Pingchuan put away the joke on his face, a serious saying.

"You went to find someone?" Zhou Shengbei Qian's face became serious.

Zong Pingchuan is not at all guilty. "I will see who she is married to. After reading it, I am too disappointed. The man is really not worthy of her at all!"

This is true and false, only he knows it, but he must be hard in his own house.

Zhou Shengbei Qian’s eyes are cold and cold: “Pingchuan, someone like her, you can’t control it.”

"Who said, for a long time, we have more contact, naturally..."

"I will say it again, stay away from her." Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is very serious. "The foreign school has already contacted you. I will tell the older sister, I will send you out early."


Zong Pingchuan is too angry.

Zhou Sheng Bei Qian is directly ordered to drop off.

The next department to be rotated is the obstetrics and gynaecology department. The cloud painting is not in a hurry. Today, she plans to give herself a vacation and make a meal. The whole family will have a good meal together and go to the family together tomorrow.

The cloud made fried chicken chops and fried chicken legs, fried potato chips, made ketchup, and she made special cakes.

I have been to Beicheng for so long, too busy, she has never made any cakes.

It’s summer vacation, and I’m not busy with my doodles and my pockets. I’m going out to send a newspaper. The real purpose of Bo Siqing is to let the two little guys walk around in Beicheng and touch more people.

As for whether the two little guys will be turned away, he still has confidence in the IQ of his sons.

Cloud painting just finished the cake and someone knocked on the door.

It should not be Bo Siqing and two children. If they come back, they will not knock on the door, especially the two children. When they enter the door, they must yell.

She went out to open the door.

"Zong Pingchuan? What are you doing?" Cloud painting frowned, saying that she was about to close, but Zong Pingchuan had already squeezed in.

"Of, of course, I will see you." Zong Pingchuan entered the yard, looked around, looked at the furnishings in the house, and then looked at the yard. "What I said to you today, how to think about it."

In the eyes of the cloud, I was smeared with a thin anger: "Zong Pingchuan, don't force me to throw you out."

"You go abroad with me, I will pay for the tuition and living expenses!" Zong Pingchuan ignored her threat and said directly, "You are so strong in learning ability, you can definitely get a green card, you can even stay in M ​​country, this How many people can't think about it!"

Yun painting was really laughed at by this person. "You are a doctor, you hurry to the hospital to hang a number, preferably a psychiatric department, take a good look at your brain."

"You don't have to bend me to slap me." Zong Pingchuan said while visiting the yard, "I will tell you, I just like you, I don't care if you are married, anyway, you can divorce. Lin Yun painting How do you find a man you are looking for in the countryside? You don't think you are very aware of it now? You can choose better."

Cloud painting reached out and frowned.

This Zong Pingchuan, is there a pit in the brain?

"Where did you come to the cake?" Zong Pingchuan saw the cake in the kitchen. He was very surprised. "You bought it? Impossible, the cake of Beichen Hotel will not be sold casually..."

Zong Pingchuan is not stupid. He took a closer look at the things on the table. He was quite surprised. "What did you do? I tasted it!"

Said, he is going to dig the cake.

The color of the cloud painting changed, too lazy to talk to him more, and pushed him forward directly. "The madness is enough to roll! The cake is for my son, and your dirty hands dare to touch."

Zong Pingchuan was pushed open, very unhappy. "Not a cake, I will send you a bigger one! I really want to marry you, you still don't know my family situation, I will tell you..."


The sound of Bo Siqing sounded.

The whole picture of the cloud painting suddenly became stiff and slowly turned around. Sure enough, Bo Siqing was already standing in the yard.

When Zong Pingchuan saw Bo Siqing, his heart was also awkward.

When he came to inquire a few days ago, it was obviously not this man. It seems that he made a mistake, or he just looked at it!

Zong Pingchuan thought about it carefully. Sure enough, when Auntie pointed out to him that Lin Yun painted her husband, there were two people. He subconsciously ignored the young and handsome man. He decided that the middle-aged man who was fat and fat was Lin Yun's husband...

Actually, I got it wrong!

(End of this chapter)