MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 4 The last straw that crushes the camel

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Chapter 4 The last straw that crushes the camel

The beam of many flashlights dangled.

At that time, the cloud paintings could only hold themselves in the air, and they couldn’t open their eyes.

She struggled to retreat and retreat, and she has shrunk into the grass.

There are so many eyes, so many eyes, like the searchlights, open all her disguise, so that everything is exposed to the public.

Literary and shameful, shy and self-respecting, all trampled on the foot and trampled.

At that moment, the cloud painting was really dead.

"What are the names of the two of you, and which class is really shameless."

Han Jundong’s voice is like a knife. “Lonely man and woman, three nights in this place, how old are you? Your aunt taught you this way? The school banned early love, stressed that you haven’t listened to it hundreds of times. I have never seen you so cheeky! And you, the girl, what do you like, do not know what is self-respect, love yourself, then scorn yourself?"

"Quite Miss." Someone taunted on the side.

At that time, the blood of the whole body of the cloud painting was cold, and the teeth were shaking.

"And this boy, falling in love, is talking about this kind of place. What kind of good things can you meet with girls who come to this place in the middle of the night? You don't know your face at all." Han Jundong's mouth is poisonous. To die.

He Yuxiang’s face changed and immediately said, “Director Han, you can marry me. She asked me to come. I don’t believe you, the text message is still here. She used to stalk me, I’m rooted. I didn’t care about her, it’s because she said...”

"She said what you are coming?" Han Jundong sneered.

He Yuxiang put his hands in his trouser pockets: "She said that if I don't come, she will commit suicide. Do you say that I can't come? Besides, Director Han, what identity do I have, her identity, a rural girl, I can Look at her?"

Han Jundong suspiciously had a lot of He Yuxiang. "She wants to commit suicide. You won't come to tell the teacher? You have to come by yourself? Anyway, you can't run two of them today!"

Being caught current.

Called the parents, they were brought to the stage at the school conference, and the whole school was criticized in public.

At that time, Yun Zong, who was called to the school, felt shameful. He gave the cloud painting a few big ear scrapers. The cloud painting was not ashamed and grew up. It was also the material of the young lady, and then she was in front of the school’s teachers and students, glaring at her. The hair dragged her all the way out of school...

Cloud painting is completely famous.

No one knows at Nanxi Middle School, no matter where she goes, there are people pointing.

Among the students, there is a rumor that she will be arrogant when she is young, and she will lead the man, saying that she has not been clean and so on.

Among them is Han Jundong’s daughter Han Lulu’s credit.

The reason is very simple. Han Lulu is pursuing He Yuxiang. After this incident, Han Lulu insisted that it was a cloud painting hook. He congratulated Yu Xiang, which led to He Yuxiang being arrested and had to be reviewed in public and lost face in front of the teachers and students.

In short, everything is the fault of cloud painting!

Han Lulu’s classmates have generously prepared a lot of rumors for cloud paintings, and they are the same as true!

These are enough to crush the young cloud paintings, but the most painful thing for her is Qi Ziheng.

These things happened, and the cloud paintings were indisputable.

Qi Ziheng looked at her eyes and was full of disappointment...

Qi family even sent people to inform, saying that they should cancel the marriage contract of the year!

It’s just a blue sky.

(End of this chapter)