MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 9 I saw my face is my person.

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Chapter 9 saw my face is my person

Han Jundong’s tone is very serious.

The students present were all stunned.

"Director Han, but..."

What a classmate wanted to say, but was dragged by another classmate, and the two exchanged a look, and finally did not say anything.

"Today's inspection is here, everyone goes back to the classroom and is ready to go to school." Han Jundong said, "All members of the inspection team tonight will come to my office tomorrow morning, one is not allowed to be less, if there is no one..."

Needless to say the rest.

The disciplinary team first left.

Han Jundong stared at He Yuxiang and Han Lulu, and asked me, "You two, what the **** is going on!"

"Director Han, she sent me a text message about me..."

"I don't have it, I..."


Han Lulu’s words have not been finished yet, and he was slap in the face of Han Jundong.

Han Lulu was stunned and looked at Han Jundong completely unbelievably.

This is her father, hit her for the first time!

Han Lulu wants to die.


The Taolin monument was finally quiet, and the clouds were relieved, but they did not dare to go out immediately. Who knows if they have gone far.

If it is discovered, it will be abandoned.

At this moment, the man who has been close to her behind her has also moved. The cloud painting only feels that she is sweating all over her body.

She clenched her fist but still dared not move.

She still doesn't know what this person is doing, why she is hiding here. Now that everyone else is gone, she will be left, in case... What if he wants to do something to her?

Cloud painting bite his teeth!

No, no, she will never let herself repeat the fate of her life!

If the man really dared to do something to her, she would rather have a broken net and not let him succeed!

"People are gone, can't they go out?" The man's voice was low and hoarse with banter.

The cloud draws a bite on the lips, and the cat walks and tries to take a step forward.

The people behind the feeling didn't have any movements, and the cloud painting quickly ran forward a few steps.

Then she immediately turned back and wanted to see who the other party was!

But the other party's action is too fast, the cloud painting only sees a figure flashing, the other party has already reached the side of the rock.

She couldn't see his face at all, but he could see him wearing a black tight-fitting dress with a slight side and a sharp side face, so that the cloud painting could not restrain his heartbeat!

"Who are you?" asked the cloud painting.

The man smiled softly. He couldn't see his facial features in the shadows, but the cold temperament of his whole body could not be ignored.

His voice is no longer as low as it was when the two were very close together in the crack, like an elegant cello.

"Little girl, don't be so curious. My face is not something anyone can see." The man's voice was filled with a light smile. "If you look at my face, then you are my person." How? Still can't see?"

"dont see!"

The cloud painting almost did not hesitate to say that she turned directly and showed that she did not look at his face with practical actions!

Just kidding, the cloud painting that has died once is clearer than anyone else, curiosity kills the cat!

She has not been a really innocent second-year girl. Compared with curiosity, she cares more about her life, and she doesn't want to be involved in any trouble!

(End of this chapter)