MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 71

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"Are you so full from eating too much dinner, or did you become sulky after eating the fishy mutton?"

Xu He patted the dust off his thick jacket with a feather duster, and if he didn't guard in front of the pork stall, he could wear his clothes for a few more days. Cotton clothes after winter are not suitable for frequent washing. If they are washed too much, they tend to get knotted and not warm. He can also stay lazy and don't have to scrub and wash clothes every day.

If it is contaminated with the fishy smell of pork, if you wear it for a day without washing it and smell the smell the next day, you really don't want to wear it on your body. Nothing is good in winter, but this is the only thing that can take advantage of it.

He slapped Zhang Fangyuan's coat to remove the dust and hung it by the side. He glanced at the man lying on the bed writhing like a cabbage worm, and shook his head helplessly. They are all people who want to be fathers. Yes, it's still the same.

Zhang Fangyuan looked at Xu He while lying on his back with his face propped up, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Is this something that can be said on the bright side? No matter how saucy the mutton is, if you marinate it with **** juice, it won't be so saucy. "

"How about you treat me too?"

"Ginger juice can cure mutton, but it can't cure you." Xu He covered the lampshade he bought home, so that the wind would blow out the candle in the night, and the tips of his ears became hot: "I'm talking to you seriously." Don't talk nonsense, I don't bother to talk to you."

"Don't." Zhang Fangyuan got up from the bed: "Aren't you coming to sleep?"

"It gets dark early in winter, and I go to bed early before dawn before I get enough sleep. I toss and turn on the bed and can't fall asleep. I don't go to the city now. It's hard to lie in bed all the time with nothing to do."

Xu He took out the sewing basket from the drawer. He was not good at sewing, as if his fingers were too long to be flexible. Those embroidered clothes and shoes were not as beautiful as those made by his second sister.

Even so, he still wanted to make some close-fitting clothes for his cub himself. There were not many shops selling children's clothes in the city, and most of the children's clothes were made by the family themselves.

Thinking that Zhang Fangyuan didn't dislike his rough hands and feet, he rushed to wear the clothes made for him after they were washed. It was obviously made later than the clothes he married before, and in the end, the more times he wore them, the longer it took. clothes are worn out first. Since the child is young, he certainly has no chance to think that the clothes made by his little dad are not beautiful.

"I'll do some sewing before going to bed."

"Lighting a lamp to do needlework at night is easy to burn your eyes, and you're not afraid that I won't be able to sleep with the lamp on."

Xu He said: "You have the temperament that you can sleep when you touch the bed, you can sleep even if you are on fire, but you can't sleep without a lamp."

Zhang Fangyuan pulled a stool and sat beside Xu He: "I don't sleep, I'll watch you sewing here."

Xu He looked down and could see a large group of people huddling aside, blocking most of the candlelight in front of him, and a shadow fell on the fabric.

"Are you sincerely here to make trouble?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't move the tiger's body when he heard the sound, just coiled like that. Seeing the stickiness of the man, Xu He knew what was going on in his mind. On weekdays, when I didn't have any wrong ideas, I would have fallen into bed and slept, how could it be like this or that.

He put down the work in his hand and looked at him with slightly raised eyebrows. Zhang Fangyuan smiled immediately, tapped the tip of his nose with his fingers, and hugged him shortly.

"I'm still a little worried."

"It's okay, I'm not a brat anymore, I know the seriousness."

Xu He suspiciously looked at the man who had taken off his clothes and had clear muscles, his appearance didn't have much to do with what he said, and he wanted to ask if you're sure, but when he found that the room was bright, he asked instead, "Aren't you blowing on the lights?"

"Light it up, some bright light will do nothing." The most important thing is that he will be more excited when the lamp is blown out.

Xu He pulls the quilt, there is no mosquito net in winter, but there is a net hanging on the bed to keep warm, even if the bed is put down on the bed, you can still see each other's faces clearly, warm and soft, giving birth to a little charming: "But I'm not used to this. "

It's hard to have both.

"Well, I'll blow it after a while."

Take a step back.

"OK then."

The next day, the wind outside was blowing against the closed windows, and when Xu He woke up, it was already daylight.

Zhang Fangyuan drove the carriage to the city early in the morning, and he didn't know when he left. Anyway, he heard the rustling of dressing and opening the door while he was asleep.

He went and opened the window, and light came in with a bit of fog and rain.

Winter is always gray, and even when it is almost noon, there is not much light. Such seasons and weather make it difficult to distinguish between morning and afternoon.

He propped up the window, looked at the burnt wax oil flowing on the wooden board beside him, and sighed helplessly.


"Boss, I want a bowl of wontons, add more hot soup, and send it to the Linglong Toothbrush shop in front."

It was already late when Zhang Fangyuan set off to the city, and many shops on Tianjie Street had already opened, but he was not in a hurry, their business was no longer in time for the morning market, so it didn't matter if they opened later.

Passing by the side of the road where Xu He used to set up a stall, he rode on a horse and ordered some breakfast food.


He is already a regular customer, even if he doesn't give money first, the vendor owner will also bring noodles.

When he was free at noon today, he went to buy a carriage and put it on. When he came here, he didn’t even have a cart. I feel cold, and I just think it's interesting to ride a tall horse to open a shop in the city.

But the fun was only for a moment, the couple were used to opening a business together, it was strange that he was not used to opening the door alone today, even the proprietress of the cloth shop next to him asked Xu He.

The shop opened, and the steaming wontons just happened to be delivered to the shop. Zhang Fangyuan took out ten cents from his pocket and gave it to the hawker, and ate his breakfast like a jujube.

After dinner, imitating Xu He's way of opening the shop in the past, he brushed the teeth in the shop neatly, wiped the cabinets spotless, and took the broom to clean the front of the door. It's a great way to kill time, and it will soon be time.

"If you want to order something, you can read it yourself. If there is something unclear, just call me."

"Is it the owner of Linglong Shop?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fangyuan raised his head and glanced at the visitor, a man with a felt hat and a beard, he didn't look like a local.

"Exactly." Zhang Fangyuan asked again: "Your Excellency is a merchant?"

"My boss has good eyesight."

Seeing this, Zhang Fangyuan was more polite. He came out from the counter, gave the man a stool, and made another cup of tea. Since he is a merchant who takes goods, he goes to the shop to inquire, and he knows that he wants to negotiate without even mentioning the goods.

Such a businessman Zhang Fangyuan is very eager to see. When he was not in the shop before, the merchant who came to sell Luo Qi in their county town in autumn came to the shop to buy some goods to take to sell, but the order was not big. , I remember it seemed like I made four or five taels.

At that time, there were a lot of businesses with orders bigger than this in the city, and the couple didn't pay much attention to them.

"To tell the truth to my master, a small merchant came here to order some goods in the autumn, and it was very easy to sell when I went back. This morning, I returned to Siyang to send Luo Qi to the door of the distinguished guests in the city, so I came here again to order some goods for my master."

Zhang Fangyuan didn't know who ordered it before. After all, there were many merchants from other places, big and small, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he asked, "I don't know how much goods you want to buy?"

"After finishing this order, I won't go out this year. I want to order as much as possible, but I don't have a lot of money, so it depends on whether the owner can make it convenient."

"These are all easy to say, you set a lot, and I can make the price as affordable as possible." Zhang Fangyuan smiled and added tea to the man: "The most important thing is to have a good talk, make friends, and come here often in the future. To be."

The merchant also laughed when he heard the words: "This is the best."

He had ordered goods before, so he was considered a regular customer, but there were no customers in the shop at the moment, so Zhang Fangyuan took people around and introduced the things in the shop with the merchant.

To be on the safe side, the merchants bought the cheapest bristle toothbrushes and saponin toothpowder. The more expensive toothbrushes and toothpowder were rarely bought, but when I took them to other counties, I found that they were surprisingly good. This morning he was much bolder.

I ordered fifty toothbrushes of various styles at one go, and selected each type of tooth powder. For convenience, I never took the tooth powder that had been divided into porcelain bottles, but directly took it by the catty. Take it away and pack it yourself.

Zhang Fangyuan wanted a lot of goods, so Zhang Fangyuan reduced the price of toothbrushes by fifteen cents in the shop, and the market price of tooth powder by twenty cents. The price can be said to be quite affordable.

Even so, Zhang Fangyuan can still earn forty taels of silver from this batch of goods at one time, which is the advantage of sending more goods.

"After two days, the goods will be packed and ready, and then you can come and take some goods away."

The joy of being a merchant is evident, and I am very happy to meet such a bold shop owner as Zhang Fangyuan. After traveling a lot, and meeting many cunning merchants, I cherish such merchants even more. He bowed his hands politely: "I'm Song Yong, I'm lucky to be able to get close with my boss."

Zhang Fangyuan also reported his name, and when he went to the merchant, he proudly paid half of the deposit, drank a cup of tea in the shop, and left when he saw a customer coming.

Zhang Fangyuan carefully put away the bank note for fifty taels of money. This batch of goods is quite a lot, and it would be impossible to drive them out two days ago, but Zhang Fangyuan had already made up his mind to do business with the merchant when he was the first merchant to enter the shop. For a while, I always ran around without guarding the shop just to be able to stock up on more goods so that I could take big orders.

He rubbed his hands, the merchant took so much and sold it back, he thought he could make a fortune and have a good New Year.

In fact, his price is low. If you sell it slowly in a shop, you can at least double the money. When the merchants learned from others, he lowered the price in one breath, and the merchants did not negotiate with him anymore.

I think it should be much lower than the price I got last time.

"Boss Zhang, great business. Going into business is another big business!"

Zhang Fangyuan sent Song Yong out after hearing the sound, and turned back when he was far away. Hearing the voice, he raised his head and saw that it was the owner of the spice shop on the street. What kind of big business is nothing compared to Boss Xue's big business."

"What's the matter? Song Yong is a well-known merchant. Luo Qi's silk and satin are sent from Suzhou every year. Many big households in the city rely on him to select goods from him. Cloth shops are all looking at his new materials. Do business. With such a character, merchants in the city are eager to do business with him, but Boss Song has always been a vicious eye. Since he came to the door, how can it be a small business."

Zhang Fangyuan raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and said the truth: "I am a small businessman, but I didn't know Boss Du Song was such a character just now. It is really disrespectful. If Boss Xue reminded me earlier, I would definitely keep him in the restaurant next door. Let him go after drinking."

As he said that, he sighed, and his appearance did not seem to be fake. The boss surnamed Xue smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say much, thinking that Zhang Fangyuan, a man of five big and three rough, really doesn't look like a veteran in the business field. Now Bai missed an opportunity to curry favor with the businessman. He went back to the shop.

"The smell of this sauerkraut chicken can be smelled across the street. Boss Zhang, have you ever smelled it?"

Zhang Fangyuan tilted his head and saw that it was the proprietress of the cloth village next door.

He couldn't help laughing: "Lao Tanqi's stewed chicken with sauerkraut is naturally delicious."