MTL - Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 37

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It didn't take long for Ananda's depressed mood to set aside. She is not a person who will seek out her own troubles. Instead, she can easily look away. Since things are a foregone conclusion, it is better to look forward. It is also this optimistic personality that has made her fit into this era of bound women so quickly.

After dinner, Ananda ate the agreeable cake that her father-in-law and father always praised. Looking at the food that came from the stove, Ananda had only one idea in his heart: it ’s too bad. This is not a hawthorn slice. What ’s the matter? Amazing? After eating a piece of agreeable cake that Chu Baning personally gave her, sweet and sour, all of a sudden dilute the greasy accumulated in the stomach, and the whole person refreshed.

Ananda suddenly realized that it was delicious to let important people personally eat for themselves ~

After the meal, the sun had moved west. Chu Baning and Ananda sat in front of the window on the second floor of Yunshangju to admire the scenery downstairs. The atmosphere was very relaxed and warm.

Until Chu Baning suddenly asked, "Why would you go to the White Horse Temple today?"

An Nan was startled, thinking that he wanted to turn over the account, and quickly and carefully said: "Oh, rare sisters came to Beijing. They wanted to visit the capital to meet them, so they went to our house to find ministers. I often go to the house and rarely go out. I ’m not familiar with it. Later, when I came to the White Horse Temple, the sisters wanted to go to the White Horse Temple to pray for incense and went together. There was a prince at that time, or Chen Ye really didn't know how to be good ... "At the end, Ananda laughed wryly, his face sullen.

Chu Ba-ning nodded, and touching her head was comforting, and then there was no more words, making Ananda depressed. In fact, she also wanted to know how he would be in the White Horse Temple, and the hero rescued the beauty in such a timely manner. This bridge was so easy to move people. Ananda estimates that Lu Feiting was absolutely devoted to her grandfather, goodbye, San Jian Fei Jun is no longer married, and Lu Feian and Lu Feiya seem to have a good opinion of her family's grandfather ... Ananda sighed, her man was uncomfortable by a group of women who were interested in being Primary Three!

——This girl seems to have forgotten the life of her prince and the queen wife, so she does n’t have to worry about so much ~~

Seeing that it was almost over, the two men left the restaurant and slowly took the carriage back to Su Wang's Mansion.

Back at the palace, Chu Ba-ning just got out of the car, and saw the housekeeper Qin anxiously come over, and said in a ceremony: "Prince, princess, the palace is here, it is the father-in-law of Chonghua Palace, said the empress You enter the palace. Father Luo has been waiting for an afternoon ... "

Chu Baning's face remained unchanged, as if not surprised at all. Only Ananda was a little nervous, suspecting that the reason for the arrival in the palace was related to her injury to Wang Anzi, an anxiety at the moment. And because of her background, the queen mother has disliked her enough, and she hurt Anyang Wang Shizi. I wonder if the queen mother will hold her back?

"What's so hurried?" Chu Baning asked An Nan as he entered the house, his voice was very light.

Ananda worshipped, Wang Ye, you were also a master of acting ~~ Knowing why ~~

At this time, Luo Gong, who came to convey the queen mother ’s will to Zhonghuagong Palace, came over. After kneeling, he smiled with a smile on his face: "Master Wang, Princess Anyang entered the palace this afternoon, saying that she was looking for her. Something, the queen mother-in-law specifically asked the miscellaneous family to come to the palace with the princess. "Grandpa Luo said cleverly. Originally, the princess Anyang only asked the princess to enter the palace alone, but he was privately invited by the queen mother to invite the king palace.

Chu Baning did not hesitate to listen to it, and returned to the room with Ananda and changed into a formal suit before he got into the carriage of the palace. The impatient appearance finally reassured Ananda.

As the carriage approached the gate of the palace, Chu Baning held Ananda's hand and said Shen Sheng: "Don't worry, everything is mine."

In such a simple and plain word, Ananda's heart was turned into a soft spring water, and she answered softly. At this moment, her whole heart is this man.

It is already the setting sun, and the splendid sunset afterglow envelops the entire imperial city in a ray of light, so that this solemn and solemn imperial city is plated with a layer of dreamy colors.

After they walked to the Zhonghua Palace, they found that not only was the Queen Mother, Princess Anyang in the Zhonghua Palace at this time, but also Emperor Chongde was also there. Whatever the three men's postures look like, it means a little three trials, which makes Ananda a little nervous.

Ananda sneaked a glance, knowing that the middle-aged woman sitting in the lower part of the queen's emperor's body, wearing heavy gorgeous clothes and full of gold and bling, was Princess Anyang.

Ananda followed Chu Baning to salute the people present, and angrily shouted "Mother-in-law" to Princess Anyang as well as Chu Baning. When the emperor was in office, Anyang Tai Fei was one of the four concubines, and until today the princes saw her, they called her a "virtual concubine".

After everyone yelled, the queen mother immediately held Zhang Cixian's smiling face to let Ananda come forward, holding her hand to hug her warmth, and let Ananda be flattered for a while, and was somewhat inexplicable. It seems that since the five court ladies given by the queen mother were returned to the palace by Chu Ba Ning, the queen mother never gave her such a kind smile, and every time I saw her, it was mostly the lukewarm faintness. His expression seemed to be very dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law here (really dissatisfied).

If things are abnormal, there must be a demon!

Ananda was a little stunned in his heart, but a shy look on his face. She also answered the words of the queen mother, and the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law were harmonious for a while.

And Anyang Anyang came to see Chu Baning, and knew that she had left for her trip today. I couldn't help annoying the queen mother, not only invited the emperor, but also Su King, we didn't mean to make her trip unsuccessful, specifically to deal with her!

The queen mother pulled Ananda with a smile and said to Concubine Anyang: "Sister, you do n’t know, the daughter-in-law of Ai Family, filial piety and caring. When I asked Anshi the other day, I knew that Ai ’s family had a bad appetite and would rather hungry myself Be gentle and coax the Mourning Family to eat more. The Mourning Family is so happy to have such a concubine, "she said."

Ananda: = __ =! Does this really mean her? Obviously the queen and a few concubines coaxed her to eat more, she was standing outside just like a soy sauce ...

Emperor Chu Baning and Chongde did not squint and express their opinions.

Anyang's concubine was energetic, and Pi Xiaorou replied without a smile: "Oh, the princess Su Zhuzhuyuyu, Jinshengyuyun, blessed at first sight."

Anyang's concubine is now full of anger, and she said that the two juniors had such a big shelf that she waited here for an afternoon, obviously it was intentional! !! But now Emperor Chongde was called by the ruthless woman, the queen mother, to make her angry and not to send it directly. She did not want to bring trouble to his son, King Anyang. The queen queen was so furious that she was angry with her.

Ananda doubts again: → _ → Is this really what she said?

Not to mention Ananda's doubts, even Emperor Chongde felt that his mother-in-law and Princess Anyang had said too much, only Chu Baning was calm and calm.

The two talked with each other for a while, and when Ananda suspected that the person they were talking about was definitely not her, they finally ended the non-nutritive compliment. The queen mother coughed and said kindly and kindly, "Prince Su, let me come here today There are some things to ask you, do n’t worry, if it ’s not your fault, Ai ’s family will make you the master. ”After the queen mother said something touching, Fang asked:“ I heard that you went to Baima Temple today Anyang Wang Shizi, right? "

Ananda nodded docilely, and finally said she was here, and found a sharp look on her, making her goosebumps come out. Ananda looked terrified, blinked his eyes timidly, and twisted his hands in his hands.

"What happened at that time, can you talk to the family of Ai? Or let Princess Anyang understand the truth of the matter so as not to misunderstand you." The queen mother patted and smiled and appeased.

Ananda gave the queen mother a glance, and then looked back at Chu Baning. When she saw him nodded, she began to whisper.

After Ananda explained the incident, Princess Anyang suddenly asked in confusion: "Why is King Su Jin'er at Baima Temple?" Did she go to her grandson? Concubine Anyang conspiracy theory.

"The son-in-law will travel long distances, naturally he will resign with Master Kong." Chu Ba-ning replied meticulously.

Princess Anyang snorted and said to the queen mother: "It seems that the sister-in-law is not only blessed, but also very tight. Princess Su, you know, Xiao Tian almost made you unable to take care of yourself, but there is something wrong ? "

Ananda shook her head, looked at her with a timid expression, and whispered, "Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law was terrified at that time, thinking that she was a disciple. For a time, she only felt that strength came up ... But daughter-in-law was really I don't know that Deng Tuzi is the son of King Anyang. "

You can be so cruel if you are frightened? !! !! Anyang Roar roared in her heart, listening to what it was saying? Concubine Anyang found that the daughter-in-law here was really humiliating and unpleasant.

Seeing this, the queen mother immediately said, "Sister Xian, you scared her. And Princess Su was also a legitimate defender, and she didn't know the identity of Shizi at that time."

"Scared? Honmiya saw her daring, so she dared to hurt Xiaomiya." Concubine Anyang glanced at the queen mother and said ironically.

The queen mother saw her with a strong attitude, knowing that she would definitely give them an explanation. Although she was also very depressed, Ananda looked small and ingenious, and even dared to directly hurt a man. Did she usually look so cute and cute? Outfitted? But no matter how unsatisfactory the daughter-in-law is here, there are enemies present, and she must be protected in any way. It is also a beautiful thing to suffocate Anyang Anfei.

"Mother-in-law, please be angry! This is not the fault of Princess Su." The Emperor Chongde continued, "You also know Xiao Tian's character ..."

"Even if Xiao Er is rude, she shouldn't give up such a heavy hand. If it is passed on, what about Xiao Er's reputation? Does the royal reputation need to be sneered?" However, Princess Anyang sneered: "However, Princess Su It ’s true that our grandson was injured in your hands, and our palace didn't want to punish you. Would you like to apologize to your grandson? "

The queen queen heard her eyebrows almost upright! Ask her daughter-in-law to apologize to a junior? And still apologize to a mischief who bullied the male and female? Dreaming!

When Ananda heard it, she was a bit surprised. It was that simple? However, Ananda seems to underestimate the meaning of the word "apology", and how a serious princess can apologize to a son, especially the son who is still a junior to her generation.

At this time, Chu Baning said, "Mother-in-law, this is not right!"

Chu Baning looked at Anyang Anfei, and those deep-eyed eyes could see Anyang Anhui's heart stunned, did Su Wang not even give her face?

When the queen mother saw the solemn look of the younger son, she knew that he was going to poke a human lung tube, and she was very happy. At this time, only her various kinds of helplessness and helplessness, now I feel that as long as it is not poking her, but also her deadly opponent, it will make her excited ~~ Emperor Chongde also has an impulse to cover his face I hope that my younger brother will not talk so plainly, and give his elders some face. Only Ananda looked stupidly at his own father-in-law, with a stern look.

"Mother-in-law, don't say that Shao is the elder of the son, even if it is not, according to today, the son dares to speak well to her and wants to be frivolous, that is, he has committed such serious crimes as disrespecting the elders, humiliating the elders, *, and so on. Chu Ba Ning's face became more and more serious, and said coldly, "The virtuous mother and concubine, Xiao Tian is the son of King Anyang, not a wealthy idler. The title of King Anyang will be passed on to him in the future. Xiao Tian is twenty. Or is this pair of virtuous dogs, bullies, bullies and deeds virtuous in the future? It is natural for a virtuous mother and granddaughter to favor her grandchildren, but it should also be considered for the reputation of the royal family and for Tian Xiao himself, lest our Chu family The dynasty's face was completely lost by him! Let future generations poke the backbone of King Anyang and said that he taught his sons no way. "


Anyang's face turned abrupt and she was speechless.

She lived for most of her life, when was she instructed by pointing her nose like this? And what is the virtue of her grandson? However, Chu Baning's personality is like this. Even Xiandi was so pierced by his heart so badly that he couldn't attack. In the end, he could only have a ridiculous will. Say: As long as the seventeenth emperor speaks reasonably, no one can be embarrassed. To him. This purpose is still circulating in the concubine until now, and it is considered to be one of the absurd proofs that witnessed the emperor's later reign. However, even if Xiandi had died for ten years, she did not dare to violate this purpose.

The Empress Dowager and Emperor Chongde looked down at the cup in their hands, grinning in their hearts, and said in their hearts that you were just stabbing directly into the lungs of Anyang's concubine. It was too bad. !!

Ananda also looked down at her toes, looking like she was penitent.

"Mother-in-law, please forgive me, Xiao Tian's character should be restrained. My son believes that you should also hope that after one hundred years, Xiao Tian can successfully inherit the Anyang Royal Palace instead of letting the Anyang Royal Palace decline. Let him look at you in a hundred years. "

Chu Baning's remarks were sincere and honest, so that Anyang Anyang's anger was halved, and she sighed softly: Sure enough, she knew that today would be the result. The queen mother is stupid. How did she give birth to these two sons with different personalities? Is it good bamboo shoots? And where she failed, probably did not teach a son who was good enough to take on the emperor's heavy duties.

Of course Anyang Anyang knows what her grandson is doing, but this is the only grandson. She doesn't spoil who he can spoil? Maybe people are old and their hearts are not as hard as before, so they will spoil grandsons.

Stop it! Eat this sullen day today and find it later.

"The King's advice is in my heart." Anyang returned to her indifferent and calm look, and glanced at the proud queen's queen, and there was a haze in her heart, hum, let's walk and see! Although Chu Baning's words stopped her from letting Su Su princess' apology, it did not mean that she would let go of those who hurt her grandchildren.

Concubine Anyang took a deep look at Ananda, who was lowering her head, and smiled kindly on her face, saying, "Okay, it's getting late, and this palace should also go back. Emperor, it has been cold recently. , We must also pay attention to the health of the dragon body. "

Emperor Chongde replied respectfully, "Thank you for your care."

After speaking for a while, Princess Anyang got up and left, leaving Chonghua Palace.

As soon as Princess Anyang left, the queen mother immediately froze and blamed Ananda: "Prince Su, how can you, as a woman, do that kind of ... wicked thing?"

The queen mother's words were really too heavy, and she even described Ananda's behavior as wickedness, which was a serious blame for a woman.

Ananda grabbed her, twisted her hands with her hands, and said aggrievedly, "Mother, did you just say that Chen Ye is a proper defense?"

The queen mother's heart was awkward, and she was so suffocated in her chest that she felt very uncomfortable. She only said that because of An Fei Anyang. How could she be in front of her enemies? Is the daughter-in-law married here to anger her?

Chu Baning frowned slightly, apparently disapproving of the Queen Mother's questioning of Ananda.

Emperor Chongde frowned when he saw his brother, who was as serious as Lao Tzu, said, "Oh, mother, it's getting late. Isn't it time for Ba Ning to leave the house first? Ba Ning will have to travel two days later. "Let them leave first, lest the queen mother get chest pain from the younger son.

Upon hearing this, the queen mother once again had reasons to blame people, "The emperor, why did King Su and other wild places like Su Cheng let King Su go there? And he had to stay there until he returned a year ago. Is n’t this worrying and worrying the family, when they go out Anyway, how can Ai's family be good ... "

Complaining to the queen mother, Emperor Chongde calmed and appeased, and after finally comforting the queen mother, Chu Baning and Ananda both stepped forward to kneel, and the queen mother waved her hands weakly. Now she no longer wants to see this. It's her daughter-in-law who has a chest pain.

The author has something to say: Today's interview with people about Ananda:

Lu Yanxiang: A good and intimate daughter, a small cotton jacket in the father's heart!

Mrs. Prime Minister: An obedient and obedient little niece, but she is more worried about Mao than my daughters? Troubling to plan for her?

Ru Lan: I hope that the princess will not always do something foolish from time to time, it is really good to cover her up.

Ru Cui: The lady is not good-looking, she has no talent, and she is bet on when she will die ... But she is always the first lady in Ru Cui's heart. Who dares to bully the lady, Ru Cui fights with him.

Queen Mother: Ouch, the sad family has a heartache. Is this daughter-in-law really, or is it true, or true ...

Queen: Well, the yellow-faced woman who may be fragrant and jade may be removed at any time, but recently she found that her face is very good, it is estimated that it is back in time!

Chu Xiaotian: Evil Girl! Jealous woman! It hurts to see her, and this life's sexual blessing almost ruined in her hands! God, she has n’t been killed by Uncle Seventeen for Wei. !!

Sister Lu's Family: Why is the princess her? !!

Everyone: Oh, what you said was the legendary short-lived jealous woman!

Chu Baning: Well ...

Everyone: Collective cries!


Continue to thank sjun for the mines thrown, what a ~~ 2k novel reading network