MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-Chapter 100 I am optimistic about you

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At this moment, the sad listen to the rain sent a confession.

Xiaoxue, these days I find that we two are quite able to talk, and we even match up the net names, otherwise, would you be my girlfriend?

Horse and rattan for a while.

He discovered a rule. Whenever he pretended to be a woman and chat with a male netizen for two or three days, the other party would confess to himself and make himself his "girlfriend."

Are these male netizens so lacking in love?

Alas, from the data point of view, this should indeed be the case.

At this stage, there are already hundreds of thousands of registered OICQ users. The backstage shows that 70% of the users are male, which is the absolute big head.

大概 About 10,000 daily active users, 78% are male!

At the same time when the highest online was about 3,000 people, men accounted for 75%!

The only thing these male users do after going online is to chat with female netizens.

This way, female netizens are stretched.

After all, the ratio of women to men is 1: 3, that is to say, a female netizen must talk to at least three male netizens to prevent male netizens from finding someone to chat with.

Some male users couldn't find the female netizens, and soon abandoned the product and never logged in again, which made Ma Huateng very depressed.

In desperation, he can only mobilize everyone to use all available time to pretend to be a female user to accompany the chat, not to ask for anything else, but to prevent the user from losing quickly.

This is the bitterness of entrepreneurship.

Alas, this is just one of countless bitters.

Greater bitterness is no money.

Because there is no money, the current OICQ is technically like an overrun and broken bus.

The car is too broken, so it ca n’t pull too many people, and it ca n’t load too much, and it is often overloaded, almost to its limit, and it needs to stop cooking.

At present, the maximum load capacity of OICQ server is that 6000 people are online at the same time.

For more than 6000 people, the server's carrying capacity must be cool.

Also, these 6,000 people are online at the same time, and the chat is not so intensive. If the chat information is too dense, the server bandwidth is not enough.

一旦 Once the server is not loaded or the bandwidth is full, all users will be affected.

For example, information is delayed, stalled, or even unable to send and receive information. In severe cases, many users may be dropped.

These conditions greatly affect the user experience.

It is logical to say that this is the most taboo thing to do, but Ma Huateng has no way.

On the one hand, he hopes that OICQ's users will continue to grow, but on the other hand, he is worried that if he grows a thousand days, he will have to buy a new server.

But now he can't afford the new server.

Because OICQ does not have any profit model at present, from the establishment of the company to the present, Fujitsu's books are only inaccessible.

Employee wages, office space rents, office computer and other equipment purchases, server purchases, bandwidth usage fees, each expense is constantly consuming his only deposit.

Not to mention the family environment of the well-off family. This year, the family has a well-off family with tens of thousands of deposits, and more than 100,000 belong to the wealthy. come out.

Since the start of the business, Ma Mahuateng has been throwing money and money, and the foundation of the well-off family has basically been almost defeated by himself.

Scrutinizing a company, a product, and hundreds of thousands of users, it's uncomfortable that you can't earn a penny.

This feeling is like opening a bus company.

越来越 More and more passengers are taking the car, and more and more vehicles, drivers, conductors and dispatchers are needed.

In addition, a large amount of fuel costs, maintenance costs are also invested every day. The larger the scale, the higher these costs.

The most important point is that passengers do not spend money on the car ...

In this way, the entire company has become a bottomless pit that is constantly burning money.

No one knows when it will burn.

However, Internet companies are not yet bus companies.

People have the habit of buying tickets by bus, but they do not have the habit of buying tickets while chatting online.

Even if you want to sell tickets on OICQ, you can't find the entry point. If you sell tickets forcibly, users will definitely run out.

At the beginning, he also tried to sell some advertisements, but the advertisers had no interest in OICQ at all.

This is mainly because OICQ has too few daily activities and is too fragmented. Local advertisers have voted for it. It may be that there are not even a hundred people playing OICQ locally every day, and large national companies ca n’t even look at him. This amount.

Seeing OICQ turned into a gold swallowing beast, Ma Huateng's mentality has long been a little unstable.

He has been trying to raise money, but after talking a lot, his mouth has been worn several times, no one wants to invest in him.

Because everyone thinks, what's the use of your online chat?

ICOICQ is in their eyes, but it's just a piece of gossip on the Internet, I didn't feel much meaning, I didn't think there was any future, and the most important thing was that there was no business model.

Text messages from other operators cost at least a dime.

You're good. You don't need to collect money from users, you have to set up various costs yourself. Who dares to invest in this stupid business?

后来 Later, Ma Huateng thought, just sell this OICQ.

Sell ​​to mature Internet platforms, such as Sohu or something, or sell them to state-owned enterprises, such as Telecom, let them be an online tool?

结果 But the result is that other big companies are not interested.

The mentality of big companies feels that you dare to speak up to millions if you break a program? Really when I'm stupid enough money?

Don't say that you don't see any great things in this stuff, even if there are really great things, I let my programmers develop one based on the gourd painting, why buy you? The point is that I don't even bother to copy you.

Now, OICQ is in the hands of Ma Huateng. It cannot be sold, and investment cannot be taken in. It is almost exhausted.

He and his team have started to borrow money everywhere to keep the company running, but the money they can borrow is limited after all. For the entire company, it is a sloppy salary.

In this case, I still have to take the time to chat with male netizens posing as female netizens every day. I can feel irritable.

Seeing that he didn't reply to himself, the "sad listening man" sent another sentence: "Xiaoxue, you don't have too much pressure, I just want you to be my online girlfriend, if we have a chance in the future, we can meet "If you think I'm inappropriate at that time, we can separate at any time. What do you say?"

The steed horse and rattan felt as sick as eating flies.

But I can only reply directly to the other person according to the Taiwanese example I ’m accompanying: "Sorry to listen to the rain, although I have a good impression on you, but I am not ready to fall in love yet, please give me some time to consider, okay? ? "

Although I feel disgusting, I ca n’t refuse, because once I refuse, I may lose one daily user.

好的 "Okay, I'll wait for you to consider!"

The other party did not lose heart immediately. After all, it seems that the female netizens have a good impression of themselves and are willing to consider that they still have a chance!

At this time, several more messages were sent over, and the sounds in the ears continued to make Ma Huateng a little overwhelmed.

He rubbed his temples, thinking, otherwise, he would be here tonight, it is impossible to talk.

I talk like this again, I am afraid that I will be schizophrenic.

At this time, he heard a coughing sound from the headphones.

He can't help but have a big head.

I have another male netizen adding myself, it's really annoying!

Generally, new netizens add themselves, and they have to pass everything as soon as possible, and talk to others first, because this kind of people who come up and add people are likely to be new users.

If a new user comes up and finds that if people fail to pass, and the other party does not speak, Bacheng will lose interest in this software.

So, he immediately turned on the flashing little horn, thought he would see verification applications such as "Hello beau!"

"Hello, I'm an angel investor and I'm interested in OICQ."

"Angel Investor ?!"

Seeing these five words, Ma Mahuateng was so excited to attach.

During this time, I have found many so-called angel investors, but they are not angels at all, not to mention investing, there is no good face, and some even ridicule themselves.

Now, there are angel investors who come to the door to take the initiative. Is this going to work?

After I calmed down, he suddenly hesitated. Could it be a prank?

He took a look at the other party's information, JeremyXu, and left a mailbox, which seemed to be the case.

Then, he secretly thought that whether it was true or false, there was no loss in chatting.

He then clicked through.

At this time, Xu Yiyang was in front of the computer, looking forward with his hands folded.

He hopes that this pony can apply through his friends as soon as possible. Let's hurry up and talk about investment ~ ~ If you can, take your time to sign the contract, pay the money, and then the business The changes were made, and the rest waited for the Fujinun rocket to ignite.

Wait for a few minutes, the computer suddenly pops up a prompt: pony has applied through your friends!

Xu Yiyang was excited, and his heart was almost jumping to his throat.

He immediately opened the dialog box and sent a sentence: "Hello, may I ask you to be in charge of OICQ?"

After receiving the message, Ma Mahuateng replied, "Yes, I am. May I ask you?"

"My surname is Xu. I am currently working in the education industry and am interested in investing in some Internet companies."

Ma Huateng replied in a hurry and excitement: "Hello President Xu! My name is Ma, my name is Ma Huateng. You can call me a pony."

逸 Xu Yiyang: "Hello President Ma, I am very optimistic about you, and I am very optimistic about your OICQ. I have an investment idea, so I want to know if your OICQ has invested now?"

"Not yet." Ma Huateng said truthfully, "We are currently looking for the first round of financing."

Xu Yiyang asked, "Is there a financing plan? If it is convenient, please send me a copy of the email, I want to see it first."

"Yes, no problem, you give me an email address, I will send it to you now."

Although the business plan can be regarded as the confidential information of the enterprise, because it is made for investors, Ma Huateng knows that he cannot hide it from investors.

Alas, he was also a little worried.

找不到 I can't find investors everywhere, why do I suddenly emerge from the Internet?

As soon as I came up, I said I wanted to invest in myself, and I also wanted a business plan. What if this person is a liar? What if it's a competitor?