MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-Chapter 102 Another ambush

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This night, Xu Yiyang lost sleep.

Ma Huateng, who was far away in Shenzhen, did not sleep overnight.

Both of them are in a state of extreme excitement, unable to extricate themselves.

Xu Yiyang felt that as long as he flew to Guangcheng and signed the contract, he would be stable in the second half of his life, even for several lifetimes.

Ma Mahuateng feels that he has finally passed the death barrier. If 4.8 million in cash is injected, it can help Tengxun get out of the situation immediately. Most importantly, it can also let Tengxun develop rapidly.

In short, everyone is happy!

Now, investing in Tengxun is already a matter of course. Xu Yiyang believes that no one will intercept his own humor during this time.

This great victory at this stage also gave Xu Yiyang a huge encouragement. It seems that investment is indeed a good way.

As a result, he could not help thinking of another domestic Internet giant, Ali.

Xie Tengxun has bought shares, can you think of a way to participate in Ali shares?

In Zhao Quanbin's words, he simply went to support Boss Ma.

At this point, he immediately got up, recalled some details of Ali's early days, and used a pen to draw a set of mind maps in a blank exercise book.

Later, he recalled Duncan Clark's Ali, which he had read, and wrote the important nodes that can be thought of on the mind map.

In fact, Boss Ma is a person who thinks deeply and moves afterwards.

As early as October 1998, he has already begun to plan to create Ali.

At that time, he even thought about it, and the company's name was Ali.

的 In November and December 1998, Mr. Ma registered two domain names, the first one is alibaba- and the second one is.

Why does the horse owner register such two online domain names?

The reason is because the domain name has already been registered by a Canadian early.

The boss of the horse was reluctant and did not dare to spend thousands of dollars to buy this domain name. There was no way to register two domain names with online as the next best option.

In 1998, I figured out what the company's name should be, and registered the domain name in advance. It was not until September 1999 that the company was formally established.

In the meantime, it took more than a year to prepare.

What did the owner of Naama prepare for this year?

In addition to the domain name, more is the development direction and team.

The Boss boss has assembled in Ali's core team in February 1999.

At that time, boss Ma was telling his team about the Internet, Silicon Valley, and e-commerce every day.

At the same time, Mr. Ma has also started his own website, but he still hasn't registered a company. He just started a small trial.

5In May 1999, he met Cai Chongxin, a high-end talent on Wall Street.

Who is Cai Chongxin?

出生 Born in Taiwan Province, raised in the United States, attended high school in the United States, attended college, and then worked on Wall Street. At that time, annual salary was already hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Then, with the eloquence that his eight trains couldn't pull, Boss Ma dug Cai Chongxin to his Majesty.

Cai Chongxin is best at Wall Street's capital route, so the first thing he did when he joined Ali was to register an offshore company and plan a dollar financing route for Ali.

For domestic Internet companies, there have always been two currency units for financing.

Some companies announced financing. In the financing disclosure, the amount was in RMB, but some companies used US dollars.

For enterprises that integrate RMB, just like Xu Yiyang is now investing in Tengxun. Tengxun is registered in Shenzhen, an unregistered offshore company, and a standard domestic private enterprise. In the past, he could invest directly in RMB.

The specific operation method is very simple. Make a payment to Tengxun, and Tengxun changes the shares to himself.

However, companies that raise US dollar capital are another mode of operation.

They will first set up an offshore company in an offshore jurisdiction such as the Cayman Islands, then register a branch company in China, and then use the main body of the offshore company to raise US dollar capital in the hands of multinational capital.

The U.S. dollar is placed in the main body of offshore companies and is not controlled by domestic foreign exchange policies.

For example, a total of 10 million U.S. dollars, if domestic branch development needs 1 million U.S. dollars, remittance of 1 million U.S. dollars into RMB, leaving the remaining 9 million in offshore companies, where to go where .

之后 After growing in the future, the capitalist gap of offshore companies can largely avoid tax.

Moreover, this structure has another advantage: it is more convenient to expand overseas markets.

If it is a RMB-structured company, the first difficulty in developing overseas is the lack of US dollars. After all, the foreign exchange control policy is to allow strict entry and strict exit.

Moreover, it will be difficult for companies with a RMB structure to go public overseas in the future.

So even a company, when it was started, had a RMB structure, but in the later period, in order to follow the overseas route, it would also set up offshore companies and introduce overseas capital at a certain period.

Later generations of BTA and most Internet companies listed in the United States have adopted this line.

Cai Chongxin registered an offshore company as soon as he came up. It also proves that from the beginning, Ali was prepared to take the US dollar capital route and take investment from overseas capital.

蔡 Cai Chongxin also lived up to expectations. After Ali was officially established in September, he helped Ali secure Goldman's $ 5 million financing.

As to why Cai Chongxin was able to get Goldman Sachs' investment, Xu Yiyang also heard about it.

Cai Chongxin, while working at Morgan Stanley in 1999, once met a Chinese senior executive of Goldman Sachs Capital, Lin Xiaru, on a plane from Taipei to New York, and established a friendship.

Because of such a relationship, Cai Chongxin found Lin Xiaru's operation and investment at the beginning of his business in Ali.

9In September 1999, under the matchmaking of Cai Chongxin, Lin Xiaru went to Hangzhou to meet with Boss Ma.

Subsequently, she decided to invest five million US dollars in Ali.

In return, she asked Ali for 500,000 shares, or 50% of the shares.

In other words, Ali's valuation at this time was 10 million US dollars.

Angel round gives 50% of the shares, which sounds exaggerated and will make many people scream impossible, absolutely impossible.

But unfortunately, this is all true, and this is the real operation of Mr. Ma.

So compared to Fuji Xun's angel sale, 40%, Ma boss is even better.

Later, Lin Xiaru's company took the initiative to reduce its shares to 33% for better operation. The remaining 17% was jointly invested by several other companies, but the valuation was still $ 10 million.

Finally, in the fall of 1999, Goldman Sachs Lin Xiaru led several investment institutions, and for a total of five million US dollars, divided up 50% of Ali's shares.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Yiyang concluded that even if he found the owner of Ma with the equivalent of RMB and begged to invest in him, it was impossible for Boss Ma.

Because RMB capital has run counter to his company structure and development philosophy, he is no longer on the road.

After the five million US dollars arrived, immediately after that, in the first quarter of next year, Ali raised another 20 million US dollars given by Sun Zhengyi.

Moreover, Ali is not Ma's first entrepreneurial project.

He has already run two projects before, and one of them has a yellow page, which can be said to be the old artillery of the Huaxia Internet industry.

Therefore, the starting point of boss Ma is very high in all aspects.

Even if Xu Yiyang already has more than 40 million net worth, even if he is richer than him, it is still difficult to find.

I can't touch it, let alone invest in him.

I analyzed so much. Xu Yiyang thought about giving up this unrealistic idea. The 40% of Tengxun was enough to lie down and win after ten years.

However, after changing his mindset to consider this problem, he suddenly had a different kind of inspiration.

The horse horse boss's starting point is really high, and he really can't catch up.

But if he can't catch up, can he pull his starting point down a bit?

For common sense, you have to buy a Maxima horse. You ca n’t afford it without so much money. You can only go home and save money, or you can buy a common horse or even a donkey.

However, from another perspective, you can still find a way to make this batch of Maxima worthless!

不起 Can't afford Maxima, you can also find ways to discount Maxima's legs.

If the horse's leg is broken, it may not be more expensive than a healthy mule.

If you can buy a horse with a broken leg for the price of a mule, and then cure its leg, will it not be a horse?

Of course, you must master the strength of the discount.

The thump was light, it got up and down and ran again;

Heavy weight, it may not get up in this life.

Therefore, you can let yourself take advantage of it only if the person you just hit loses confidence in it, and it will not be able to rise again.

Hitting tools, hitting methods, and hitting strength ~ ~ are all important and need to be handled carefully.

As a result, a wave of strategic planning by a squatting boss took shape in Xu Yiyang's mind.

的 The first step in planning is to buy the domain name of alibaba first.

Alas, he didn't buy this domain name to sell it to Boss Ma, but to make him feel bad in the future.

Alibaba's domain name has always been in the hands of a Canadian, and Ma has never been willing to start.

Xu Yiyang found the contact information left by the other party, and sent an email to the other party saying that he was interested in buying the domain name alibaba.

Due to jet lag, the other party happened to be in the daytime, so he quickly returned a message telling him that the domain name was priced at $ 6,000, and it was not a counter-offer.

After another two or three months, Mr. Ma will bite his teeth and lame to buy this domain name.

Xu Yiyang didn't even think about it. He directly asked the other party how to trade in RMB if he did not have US dollars.

The other party gave him the contact information of the intermediary. This intermediary can accept the remittance of the RMB account of Huaxia Mainland and settle the payment to the seller in US dollars. However, the requirement of the intermediary is an additional 20% service fee.

For 10,000 US dollars, it is about 82,800 yuan, plus 20% service fee.

However, Xu Yiyang didn't even think about it. He directly communicated with the intermediary via email. After confirming the transaction details, he planned to go to the bank to send money directly the next day, and first take down the domain name alibaba.

Winning the domain name is just the first step of the Long March.

How to discount Maxima's legs? It takes a lot of effort!

In fact, the real breakthrough point is not the domain name, but a key person, Lin Xiaru.