MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 220 New Century Forum

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In addition to admiring Xu Yiyang, students from China Overseas also admire Xu Yiyang's roommate.

What a blessing is this in order to share it with a great **** like Xu Yiyang in a bedroom?

Was it a great feeling to be made a **** by making money?

Many people just think about it, they feel envious and jealous.

In addition to envy, the boys were also attracted by the huge prize money of this CS team game.

First of all, this matter is very interesting.

It is a game competition, and this game is still very popular among the college students.

Secondly, sign up for this game without a penny.

In other words, just find a few classmates and form a team to participate in the competition. Not only can you experience it for free, even the feeling of playing the game many times, the cost of a penny does not need to be spent, but also the chance to win a prize. This kind of good thing, who does not want to Give it a try?

Not to mention, even if it is eliminated, at least you can play a game with other teams for free.

So, tonight, the boys and girls of China Overseas started to find people to form a team. They just wanted to put the team together and give them a name. Then, as soon as the registration starts at noon tomorrow, register as soon as possible.

Because only one day of class is the weekend, Gu Sijia and Tong Yuewei both went home after class in the afternoon. Tong Yuewei received a text message from the girl in bed, only to realize that his dream lover Xu Yiyang, even opened an Internet cafe, and also engaged in CS teams.

Immediately after knowing this matter, he immediately called Gu Sijia and said that he would go to see it together and said that he needed to charge a membership card to support Xu Yiyang's business.

Gu Sijia just stopped her and said, "Don't get mad, you can go online at your own home, why do you go to an internet cafe to get a card."

"Because it is Xu Yiyang's Internet cafe!" Tong Yuewei said seriously: "I not only have to go there to get a card, I also have to form a CS team to participate in the Xu Yiyang Internet cafe game!"

Gu Sijia felt like her head was fighting like this: "Are you crazy, still going to participate in the game competition? Didn't you say you want to be a lady?"

"Ladies can play games too!" Tong Yuewei said: "I play CS very well. If you have a teammate with similar ability, you can still get a place!"

Gu Sijia asked helplessly: "Where are you going to find your teammates?"

Tong Yuewei said: "It's okay, I'll wait for them to sign up first. If there are teams in our school, I'll go find them and join them. Anyway, every team has a substitute. I can make a substitute first, so they can see my strength. , If you do n’t, you can make me the main force. "

"Okay ..." Gu Sijia said: "If you want to join the team, wait until someone signs up tomorrow, but you can't go to the Internet cafe tonight, it's too late." [… * 爱 奇 文学 ¥ @ free reading]

Tong Yuewei asked: "Do you have time tomorrow during the day? Let's go and see? If you don't have time, I will go by myself."

Gu Sijia had no choice but to agree: "All right, call me tomorrow."

On the following day, dozens of Chinese and overseas students, both male and female, went to different colleges early in the morning with a lot of leaflets.

Universities in this year generally have less control, as long as they are directly mixed in like students, the problem is not big.

So in the morning, the posters of the CS team competitions of the New Century Internet Cafe have been spread all over the campus of Zhonghai University.

This unprecedented CS game exploded in the entire group of students at Zhonghai University.

There is no registration fee, no venue fee, and generous bonus, which attracts a large number of college students who like CS at once.

Now that CS is in the stage of explosion, there are people playing CS everywhere, but the serious CS game has never been heard of, so this time mobilized everyone's enthusiasm.

When I think of teaming up, not only do I have the opportunity to make money, but I also have the opportunity to earn honors on behalf of the school, and even make my classmates and girls want to see, the adrenaline of these boys immediately jumped up.

As a result, a large number of temporary teams were formed on the same day, and all registered through QQ.

Zhao Xin and Chen Meng landed on QQ at noon on time, and there has been a lot of news about adding friends.

They added and counted the team information one by one, and the two exchanged each other. If they found that a school was full, they would no longer accept the school registration.

In half an hour, there are dozens of colleges and universities full, and the remaining places are running out.

After all, although each school only accepts a maximum of three teams, the entire game has a maximum of 64 teams. If the teams are fully registered, then this university has only one team and can no longer register.

Xu Yiyang also remembered several Tongji students he met before the Internet cafe opened.

The young man named Guo Peng was the first to decide to form a team to participate in this game.

So, Xu Yiyang contacted him specifically and reserved a place for him.

Guo Peng, who just wanted to sign up after seeing the promotion in the school, was very excited to receive a call from Xu Yiyang. After thanking him, he told him the name of his team: "Tongji All-Star Team"

Sixty-four teams were full in less than an hour.

These 64 teams come from 26 different universities.

Among them, China Overseas University, Tongji University, Jiaotong University, Fudan and East China Normal University, East China Institute of Technology are all three teams.

In fact, the number of teams registered by these schools far exceeds this number.

For example, East China Institute of Technology, which has the highest percentage of boys, has more than sixty teams to sign up in their schools alone.

Of course, these 60-odd teams are estimated to be a temporary patchwork of prize money, but this can also be seen as the influence of this game in the college student community.

Everyone used QQ to consult the New Century Internet Cafe about the competition. There were even many enthusiastic students who went to the New Century Internet Cafe to find out.

When I heard that the registration was quickly full, many people were extremely disappointed. They did not expect that this thing would spread so fast, and the enthusiasm for everyone ’s response would be so high, but it was a little slower, and it was already full .

So everyone hurriedly asked when exactly the next match would start.

By the end of the day on Saturday, there were more than 500 teams that wanted to register.

Xu Yiyang realized that this CS team game has become popular among the college students in Zhonghai and has become a super explosion.

It has attracted a lot of attention in college circles, and attention is tantamount to traffic.

Su Yiyang suddenly felt that he needed a website.

Moreover, a website with a forum function is needed.

On the one hand, on the homepage of the website, you can display the publicity materials of the entire game, as well as the registration situation and the battle arrangement;

On the other hand, the forum of the website can also attract CS players from all the colleges and universities in China to make it an interesting forum for university students to exchange.

In this way, in future activities, there is no need to hire people to distribute leaflets in the school, just post on the official website and forum.

So, Xu Yiyang immediately decided to ask Liu Mingchao for help.

He went to the registered domain name, and then registered the domain name, and then called Liu Mingchao and asked if he had a ready-made website and forum code.

Liu Mingchao started playing BBS when he was still in school, so he had several sets of templates for BBS forums. When they were in school, they had engaged in campus forums. Later, when they started their business, in addition to developing software, A forum dedicated to technical staff to discuss issues and share code was also organized.

But because they didn't understand the operation, neither of these two forums did it.

However, the code is readily available.

Xu Yiyang hurriedly asked them to create a simple website and a BBS forum for himself, and then resolved to the two domain names he bought.

In the column of the forum, Xu Yiyang was divided into several sections:

CS team game exchange area; CS technology sharing area; CS team recruitment area; chatting irrigation area, cheerleading area, and friendship area.

The first three are naturally closely related to the game, and the latter three are not limited to the CS game. You can chat and irrigate in the chat area. You can also express support for your favorite team in the cheerleading area.

In addition to the nickname, the user has a "title". Xu Yiyang asked Liu Mingchao to customize it, and then leave everyone here to enter their own school.

In this way, this is not only a forum for the exchange of CS teams, but also a good place for making friends with students of China Shipping.

The forum is quickly built, just deploy the code here, and then change the column slightly, and then change the name, you can basically go online.

And because it is mature code, there are no bugs, it can be put into use immediately after deployment, and it does not take a day in total.

As for the website, it is even simpler, but the problem is that the content to be displayed on the website has to be done by Xu Yiyang himself.

So Xu Yiyang hung up the introduction of the Internet cafe, and hung up the poster materials, competition rules, competition rewards and other contents of the CS competition.

Then, according to the order in which the 64 teams registered, Xu Yiyang worked out the first round of the battle list according to the combination of head and tail.

After finishing, he made a chart of the first round of the match and the specific time of each game on the website.

Zhao Xin and Chen Meng hurriedly used QQ to notify those teams that have already registered successfully, let them always pay attention to the official website, find their matches, time, and go to the Internet cafe on time. .

At the same time, they also informed the hundreds of teams that failed to register, so that they always pay attention to the New Century Forum, because it is possible to start the registration of the second competition at any time.

After this operation, as soon as the forum went online, it had its first wave of users.

When people come and traffic comes, the forum will naturally chat.

Not only are everyone here discussing matters related to the consultation game, UU Reading also has some successful registration teams, recruiting players in the recruitment area.

such as:

The Jiaotong University Whirlwind Boys team recruited a sniper and demanded the use of B46's technology;

The cool team of China Ocean University recruits a player who is good at shooting with AK;

Just half a day after the forum went online, the number of registered members exceeded 10,000.

There are hundreds of thousands of college students at Zhonghai who all say that the university is an ivory tower. In fact, this analogy is quite appropriate.

The university is a relatively closed circle. The outside news is not too concerned about inside, so it is not easy to get in; the inside news is not too concerned about outside, so it is not easy to come out.

At present, although each school has its own BBS, there is really no BBS that spans all college students across China.

The New Century Forum became the first.

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