MTL - Rebirth of the Entrepreneurship Era-v2 Chapter 233 Advertisement is popular

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E-sports seems to have no profit model in the early days, but Xu Yiyang knew that when e-sports was hot in his last life, he has grown into a very mature industry chain.

For example, League of Legends, not only are all kinds of games very popular, but also a lot of game anchors.

Many professional players make real money on the live broadcast platform, and the signing money of tens of millions every year proves the influence and market space of the e-sports industry.

In later generations, the e-sports competition is so hot that it is even possible to put the final into the bird's nest.

Can not only accommodate hundreds of thousands of viewers to watch live, but also broadcast live through the Internet, allowing tens of millions of people across the country to watch at the same time.

Although e-sports hasn't developed much in China in 1999, this CS team competition allowed Xu Yiyang to see the attention and enthusiasm of e-sports among college students.

Since there are so many people supporting it, if you really put the semi-finals of the next competition in a venue like a gymnasium, which can accommodate thousands of people, it might really be very popular.

If the second CS competition can be put into the gymnasium and become larger in scale, then the influence will be even higher.

Moreover, tickets can be sold on the spot.

Four rounds of total play four rounds, first play two rounds to determine the two teams to participate in the finals, and two teams to compete for the third place.

Then play the third place competition and the championship competition. These four games are at least more than three hours, plus the hosting session and the intermediate rest session, at least more than four hours, selling a fare of about one hundred yuan, it should be very Cost-effective.

A ticket of one hundred yuan per ticket, if it is in a gym of three to five thousand people, may not be enough cost, but Xu Yiyang thinks it is worth it. After all, hosting the event, for the organizer, the greater the influence, the benefit will be The bigger, the better one can sell one hundred and two hundred thousand.

Everyone listened to Xu Yiyang's plan, and they all looked forward to it one by one.

After reaching a consensus, Xu Yiyang immediately published a post at the New Century Forum: "The second" New Century Internet Cafe Cup "CSCS CS Team Competition will be held in December!"

In the post, Xu Yiyang wrote: The perfect conclusion of the first college student CS team competition, not only to thank the 64 teams for their full participation, but also to thank all the audience and supporters for their silent contribution, so in order to return everyone's enthusiasm, new Century Internet Cafe decided to start the second CS team competition in late December!

The second CS team competition will also be held among the students of CSCL. The organizer will give 256 registration places. 256 teams will play the knockout all the way to the finals and then play the championship.

Xu Yiyang also said that the championship game will be placed on the New Year's Day that spans the millennium.

So, this time it can be said to be a cross-century battle!

At the same time, Xu Yiyang promised that the bonus of the second CS team competition will be raised again on the basis of the first.

Among them, the champion team can get cash reward of 10,000 yuan!

The content of the post is not much, but many explosions make everyone excited.

First of all, the second term will come soon. I thought I might have to wait another year, but I didn't expect it to be only two months!

Secondly, it is the second edition of a cross-millennial competition, which is of great significance!

Again, the second team bonus has been greatly improved!

Once the news of the second CS competition was released, a large number of teams wanted to register immediately.

Xu Yiyang did not take the original method of QQ registration this time, but let Liu Mingchao open a registration channel on the website.

When the time comes, the team that wants to participate in the game can directly click to register, fill in the registration information, and then wait for the review.

However, the registration channel was not opened immediately. Xu Yiyang planned to start the registration in November and the competition in December. From now on until the competition in December, the middle of this period is reserved for sponsorship and advertising.

Xu Yiyang is going to write a set of investment invitation manual, list the influence and popularity of the competition, and then go to the merchant to discuss the specific rules.

What he thinks is that first of all, in addition to the New Century Internet Cafe, the naming rights can also sell a joint naming, and the merchants with the joint naming can be put in front.

For example, "The XX brand New Century Internet Cafe Cup, the second college student CS team competition."

This joint title will be highly exposed, so the price must be the highest;

Second, you can also pull some co-sponsorship, the appearance rate of these brands may be lower, but it does not matter, the price will be reduced accordingly;

In addition to the title and sponsor, you can also invite some designated products.

For example, designated water for competition, designated computer for competition, designated mouse, keyboard, and even clothing.

However, if you want to sell all of these resources to make money, the premise is to first stir up the heat of the game.

The heat of the competition is slowly fermented among the group of college students. I believe it will not take long to cover hundreds of thousands of people or more.


This weekend, Liu Changqing's old John cafeteria, business continued to explode.

Because of the weekend, college students went out to eat and go shopping, so these two days started from more than 10:00 in the morning until twelve in the evening, and his cafeteria has not been idle.

After two days, the daily turnover of his cafeteria was around 20,000 yuan, which greatly exceeded his best expectations before doing business.

Although Zhonghai City is very big, the restaurant circle is not really big.

Therefore, the news that the old John's cafeteria was brought back to life within a day was quickly spread in the dining circle of Zhonghai.

Everyone is very concerned about these newly opened and innovative restaurants in the restaurant circle, because many people in the restaurant circle are watching.

For example, there is a restaurant owner who has tens of millions of funds in his hand and wants to continue to find breakthroughs in the catering industry, so he pays special attention to those emerging catering industries. Once he discovers that an emerging model is more popular, he will Will immediately invest money to quickly create a shop of the same nature.

Bold and innovative young entrepreneurs like Liu Changqing are generally the vane and mine detector of currency watchers. When a new thing is smashed by others, they will be more alert to this emerging thing and be a new one. When something is tried out by others, they will get funds to pick peaches.

The buffet has always been their main concern, but since this time, most of the buffet restaurants in China Shipping have been very ordinary, and even closed a batch, so everyone has reached a conclusion, it may not be suitable for the time being This model of making a buffet.

But what they did not expect was that the old John, who they had decided to collapse within a month, was brought back to life overnight, and the business was so good that everyone envied.

Even someone has long been staring at Liu Changqing's facade, wanting to wait for him to close down and make a cheap version of KFC, just because the kitchen equipment is universal, you can directly take over the plate at a low price.

Did not expect that people would get up at once.

However, the speed of the old John cafeteria is too fast, which is not in line with the logic of the normal development of the catering industry.

So everyone wanted to find out how he did the business all at once.

Some interested merchants, specially sent people to the queue of the old John cafeteria to consult, asked these queued guests, where is this cafeteria heard.

Almost everyone told them five words: New Century Forum.

This year, the Internet has just started to sprout. It is something that some young people have nothing to play in Internet cafes. For middle-aged entity entrepreneurs, most of them have no entry into the Internet.

They did not expect that the publicity and promotion ability on the Internet would be so strong.

This time, the reputation of the New Century Forum was struck out, allowing more merchants to see the huge promotion potential of the New Century Forum.

So, starting from Monday, Xu Yiyang received calls from different people one after another, and the purpose of the call was only one: hope to put ads on the website.

Xu Yiyang made a statistics with a small book. The service industries that want to advertise include restaurants, tea houses, coffee shops, and even express hotels;

In the sales industry, there are computer cities, mobile phone stores, bicycle stores, etc., as well as some operator agents.

Xu Yiyang's quotation to everyone is 8,000 a day for the banner of the forum, and 8,000 for the page text scrolling, not bargaining.

Most people were frightened by the price, saying that they should consider it. Only a small number of people agreed, but Xu Yiyang did not take the order immediately. Instead, they asked them to introduce their respective operating conditions and then let him decide whether to accept the order. Insertion order.

The reason why the posture is so high is that Xu Yiyang does n’t want to receive too many advertisements. If the price is very low, not only will there be many advertisers, but also it will be more troublesome to screen yourself, so I simply set a relatively high threshold. Those small advertisers who don't have the strength are stuck.

Moreover, Xu Yiyang did not want to lower the price of the New Century Forum. The users of the forum are more and more, so it is reasonable to use the forum to increase the advertising costs.

If like a US second-tier luxury car brand, it is often 400,000 new car listings, the official will be reduced to 300,000 in half a year, and then to the landing price of 250,000 in half a year. Such a brutal self-reduction in price makes consumers dare to buy your car. ?

Banner ads are now eight thousand a day ~ ~ The ads are mainly expensive, he hesitated to come back a few days, the price may reach nine thousand.

If he hesitates for a week, the price may become 10,000.

Website advertisements sell resources. There is a kind of personal webmaster who will sell website advertisements cheaper and cheaper, but there are more and more advertisements on the website. Finally, he makes his website like a pole, which is covered with A variety of dog skin plasters, in this case, his advertising resources will only become cheaper and less and less market value.

But there is also a kind of personal webmaster who will sell the website advertisements more and more expensive, and the website advertisements are not much refined, and will never let a large number of advertisements affect the user experience.

The former has been developed for a maximum of three to five years, and it is possible to turn a website from hot to unattended.

The latter, however, can gradually develop and grow, and eventually become a giant in a certain field. When you become a giant and then desperately cram advertisements, no one can treat yourself.

For example, video sites such as Youku, Tencent, and iQiyi have grown from the original full-site without advertisements, and have gradually developed into 5-second advertisements, 15-second advertisements, 30-second advertisements, 45-second advertisements, 60-second advertisements, and even horrifying Seconds and 120 seconds of advertising.

Then, they began to sell members, a major selling point of members is that they can avoid advertisements.

Then, they started to play the member's "exclusive" advertisement for 5, 10, and 15 seconds to the members ...

This intensified behavior is shameless, but it does conform to the laws of the market.

As a reborn, Xu Yiyang is naturally more willing to choose the latter's development model.